الاسم: الدكتور سامر حيدر المنصب الوظيفي: استاذ مساعد المؤهلات العلمية

‫االسم‪ :‬الدكتور سامر حيدر‬
‫المنصب الوظيفي‪ :‬استاذ مساعد‬
‫المؤهالت العلمية‬
‫المؤهـل العـــلمي‬
‫‪ :‬دكتوراه‬
‫االختصاص العـــام‬
‫‪ :‬الصيدله‬
‫االختصاص الدقيق‬
‫الجامعة المانحة‬
‫البلد التي تخرج منها‬
‫تار خ الحصول‬
‫على الشهادة‬
‫المرتبة العلمية‬
‫‪ :‬الكيمياء الصيدليه‬
‫‪:‬جامعه السارالند‬
‫‪ :‬المانيا‬
‫‪ :‬استاذ مساعد‬
‫المقررات التدريسية‬
‫الكيمياء الصيدليه ‪2+ 1‬‬
‫الكيمياء العضويه ‪2+1‬‬
‫تصميم الدواء‬
‫المناصب العلمية و اإلدارية‪:‬‬
‫نائب عميد كليه الصيدله – جامعه دمشق ‪2013-2010‬‬
‫الكتب المؤلفة و األبحاث المنشورة‬
‫‪1. Synthesis And Evaluation of Novel Steroidal Oxime Inhibitors of P450 17 (17‬‬
‫‪-Hydroxylase/C17-20-Lyase) and 5-Reductase Type 1 and 2. Hartmann RW,‬‬
Hector M, Haidar S, Ehmer PB, Reichert W, Jose J., J. Med. Chem, 2000, 43, 42664277.
2. Synthesis and Evaluation of Steroidal Hydroxamic Acids As Inhibitors of
P450 17 (17 -Hydroxylase/C17-20-Lyase) Haidar S, Klein CD, Hartmann RW.,
Arch. Pharm. Pharm. Med Chem., 2001, 334, 138-140.
3. Novel Steroidal Pyrimidyl inhibitors of P 450 17 (17 -Hydroxylase/C17-20Lyase) Haidar S, Ehmer PB, Hartmann RW., Arch. Pharm. Pharm. Med. Chem.,
2001, 334, 373-374.
4. Inhibition of CYP 17 a New Therapeutic Strategy for the Treatment of
Prostate Cancer Hartmann RW, Ehmer PB, Haidar S, Hector M, Jose J, Klein CD,
Seidel SB, Sergejew TF, Wachall BG, Wächter GA, Zhuang Y., Arch. Pharm.
Pharm. Med. Chem., 2001, 334, 373-374.
5. C16 and C17 Substituted Derivatives of Pregnenolone and Progesterone as
Inhibitors of 17-Hydroxylase-C17, 20-lyase: Synthesis and Biological
Evaluation Haidar S, Hartmann RW., Arch. Pharm. Pharm. Med. Chem., 2002. 335,
6. Effects of Novel Inhibitors of CYP 17 in vitro and in vivo and Their Potential
Role in the Treatment of Prostate Cancer Haidar S, Ehmer PB, Barassin S, BatzlHartmann C, Hartmann RW., J. Steroid Biochem. Mol. Biol. 2003, 84, 555-562.
7. CYP17 Inhibitor: Effective treatment for prostate cancer, Haidar S, Hartmann
RW., ARAB Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Journal of the Association of
Arab Universities Volume 2, Number 8, June 2004.
8. Development and validation of RP-HPLC method for determination of
Ezetimib in raw material and tablets, Haidar, S., Journal Of Pharmaceutical
Sciences, Journal of the Association of Arab Universities. 2010.
9. Stability indicating method for determination of ezetimibe, Haidar, S., Journal
of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Journal of the Association of Arab Universities. 2011.
10. Determination Of Levocetirizine Configurational Stability In Tablets Using
Chiral HPLC Method, Raghad Hommoss , Hind Elzein, Samer Haidar,
International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol 3, Suppl 2,
2011, 103-107.
11. Separation and assay of Metronidazole and Diloxanide Furoate in Tablets
by RP-HPLC, Zayan Alhalabi, Mohamad Ammar Al-khayat, Samer Haidar,
Arabian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science, Journal of the Association of Arab
Universities, 2012.
12. Separation and assay of Antiprotozoal imidazole derivatives
(Metronidazole, Tinidazole and Secnidazole) by RP-HPLC, Zayan Alhalabi,
Mohamad Ammar Al-khayat, Samer Haidar, International Journal of Pharmaceutical
sciences Review and Research 2012, 13-18.
13. Development and validation of RP-HPLC method for determination of
Clopidogrel in tablets Mohamad Ammar Al‐Khayat, Samer Haidar, Huda Mando,
Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 14(2), 2012, 1‐5.
14. Purity Of Five Generic Bulk Montelukast Sodium Using Liquid
Chromatography /Mass Spectrometry, Samer Haidar Stefan Boettcher M. Amer
AL Mardini Rolf W. Hartmann, International Journal of Pharmacy and
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol. 4, Issue 3, 2012, 686-690.
15. Development and Validation of RP-HPLC Method for analysis of four UV
filters in sunscreen products Yousef Agha N, Haidar S , Al‐Khayat M.A, Int. J.
Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 23(2), 2013, 254-258.
16. RP-HPLC Method for Quantification and In-Vitro Studies of Low Dose
Oral Hypoglycemic Tablets” Yasmin Alnukkary, Samer Haidar Int. J. Pharm. Sci.
Rev. Res 25(1); Article No. 55, 2014, 319-325.
17. Pharmaceutical Quality of generic Sitagliptin Tablets compared with
Januvia® , N. Betari, S. Haidar, J App Pharm. Vol. 6; Issue 2, 2014, 195 -201.
1. Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Practical Part) Teaching Book (In Arabic), Fisal
AlJundi, Samer Haidar, Damascus University press, 2009.
2. Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Theoretical Part) Teaching Book (In Arabic), Fisal
AlJundi, Samer Haidar, Damascus University press, 2010.
3. Development of in vivo active steroidal inhibitors of CYP 17: synthesis and
biological evaluation Ph. D thesis 2003.
4. Enzyme inhibitor examples for the treatment of prostate tumor. Haidar, S.,
Hartmann, R.W., In: Smith, H.J., Simons, C. (Hrsg.) Enzymes and their inhibition:
drug development, CRC Press, 2005, 241-253.
‫المشاركات في المؤتمرات‬
Attending the CCG MOE (Chemical Computing Group)
Workshop, 21, August, in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Participating in CLIB GC Symposium on Emerging concepts of
pharmaceutical research funding for a more sustainable society,
Bielefeled University, Germany
Participating in Symposium on Biocatalysis at Max-PlanckInstitut für Kohlenforschung, Mülheim an der Ruhr, 5th of
Participating in the 10th Muenster conference on single cell and
molecule analysis, IZKF- Münster, 12-13 November.
Participating in 3rd HIPS Symposium on pharmaceutical sciences
devoted to infection research, Saarbrücken, Germany 18 July.
Participating in DPhG Congress Frontiers in medicinal chemistry,
Saarbrücken, Germany 15- 18- March. And presenting Poster.
DAAD fellowship (two months) as visiting Professor to
Saarland University.
Participating in DPhG Congress Frontiers in medicinal chemistry
– 15- 18- March, Heidelberg, Germany.
Participating in the 1st pharmaceutical congress concerning
pharm. D, faculty of pharmacy, Damascus, Syria.
Participating in workshop: bioequivalence and bioavailability,
faculty of pharmacy, Damascus, Syria.
Participating in SAMS (Arab American Medical Congress)
Damascus, Syria.
Reviwere for several scintific journals such as: Journal of
Pharmaceutical Analysis, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Enrollment for the Distance Learning General Course on
Intellectual Property (DL-101). http://academy.wipo.int.
Participating (member of the scientific committee) in workshop:
Synthesis of chemical and pharmaceutical raw materials, ASST,
Damascus Syria.
Participating in workshop: Quality of laboratory analyses in
pharmaceutical industries (ISO170025), faculty of pharmacy,
Damascus University and Antwerp University, Belgium.
Attending Short course: Principles of Molecular Recognition. In
Universite Catholiq de Louvain, Belgium.
Attending Accelrys Seminar: Key challenges in drug Discovery,
Frankfurt, Germany.
Participating In the GDCh-Tagung: Moderne Aspekte der
Medizinischen Chemie Travemünde, Germany. And presenting
Participating In the XVIth International Symposium On
Medicinal Chemistry, Bologna, Italy. And presenting poster.
Participation in workshop in medicinal chemistry, UdS,
Thallichtenberg, Germany.
‫الجوائز العلمية و األكاديمية‬
DAAD fellowship as visiting Professor to Saarland University.