View the sample observation notes

Sample Observation Notes
Virginia Adult Education Research Network, 1999-2000
Focusing Question: How are status and hierarchies manifested in the situation observed?
Sample One
MaryAnn Cunningham Florez, St. Anthony’s Catholic Church ESL Program
I was observing the people in a food court at a mall. There were about eight fast food
restaurants ringing tables of 4 and 2. Lots of ones and groups of two. We sat sort of in the
middle. There was one group of 2, a single, an empty table, and a group of four – around
us. A group of four African Americans were sitting next to us: A man about 30, a woman
approximately the same age, a boy of about eight, a girl of about 4. Woman was sitting
on end of table closest to us with the girl across from her. Man sat beside girl; boy beside
Little girl was coloring in coloring book. Kept talking to the man who was talking to the
woman. He would stop and answer or comment to her. “Daddy, Daddy.” “That’s a very
pretty lemon.” The little boy didn’t talk. Woman talked to man. Man sat with arm around
back of little girl’s chair. Woman sat in her coat, holding her purse. Man and little girl
held several mini conversations. Boy and girl and man had coats off. Man and woman
were talking about a person they knew. Father had the kids’ coats on bench next to him.
When they left, the man took the girl’s coloring book. Little girl went to man to help tie
her shoe. He helped her with coat. The boy put his coat on himself. Mother took handful
of napkins with her. Mother throws away girl’s cup. Little girl walked out with man.
Sample Two
Patricia McLaurin, Arlington Education and Employment Program
A family of four was sitting in the food park at Regency Mall. The area was not crowded
but several tables were occupied. The family was sitting at a corner booth. All were
wearing casual clothes – jeans and sweaters or sweatshirts. Dad appeared to be in his mid
to late 30’s. Mom seemed to be a bit younger. The children, two boys appeared to be
around ages 7 and 4. During the meal mom did most of the talking. The action I observed
is as follows.
First, Mom was talking to the kids who had finished eating and were fidgeting. Dad
continued to eat in silence. Mom and kids got up. Kids followed mom to a nearby Baskin
Robbins. Mom picks up the 4 yr old while they are deciding. Dad is still at the table
facing away from the family eating in silence.
The 7 yr. old child returns to table first. Dad greets him and the two continue eating in
silence. Mom returns to the table -- with the 4 yr old boy running behind. Dad talks to
mom who listens silently. Dad then twists around in his chair and watched the food park.
Next he stands up and faces mom who is still seated. He puts his palms down on the table
and says something to her. Kids asked Dad for something. Dad sat back, looked away.
Mom crossed her arms. Dad gave mom some money. Mom smiled.
Mom put the money away and started talking. Mom and the older boy get up. Dad and
the 4 yr. old stay seated. Mom and the 7 yr. old sat back down. The 7 yr old says
something. No one responds. Everyone is watching the 4 yr old who seems to be
finishing his ice cream. Mom started talking again. Everyone listened. Dad talked to the
4 yr old. And Mom talked to the 7 yr old. Dad wiped the younger boy’s mouth and
turned to say something to older boy.
Four yr old stands up and then sat back down. Dad stood up first, then the 7 year old, and
then the 4 yr old. Mom remained seated, collects trays, cleaning. Mom gives the 7 yr old
something from the table. Dad picks up the trays and throws them away. Dad walks off.
Seven yr old follows him and then the 4 yr old. And then Mom gets up.