Checklist #1: Site Orientation Student: School site: Students are responsible for checking competencies when completed. teacher’s signature confirms completion of required competencies. The community classroom _____ 1. I am acquainted with the school building, facilities, library, restrooms, cafeteria, offices, parking regulations, faculty lounge, location of instructional resources and the classroom(s) in which I am teaching. _____ 2. I know the names of the students I am teaching and their correct pronunciation. _____ 3. I understand the school’s procedures for taking attendance, opening exercises, and general information related to classroom management. _____ 4. I have become acquainted with the school’s policies and classroom rules, procedures and norms, e.g., discipline, attendance, permits, roll checks, seating charts, cheating, tardiness and use of support facilities such as library, audio-visual, pupil counseling. I have read and understand the school policy manual and faculty handbook. _____ 5. I am familiar with the school’s safety and security policies, and the plan for fires, earthquakes, and all other emergencies. _____ 6. I understand my community classroom teacher’s expectations in terms of meeting required conferences for planning lessons and type of lesson plans required. _____ 7. I have knowledge of the grading/evaluation procedures used at the school. _____ 8. I understand the rules of conduct established by the administration of the school. _____ 9. I understand how students are to be grouped for instruction, i.e., by ability level, grade level, and/or subject matters. _____ 10. If applicable, I have received information that will enhance my ability to relate with students who have special problems. _____ 11. I have spent time informally interacting with students. Student Community Classroom Teacher Checklist #2: On-Site Observations Student: School Site: On-Site Observation #1 Teacher: Subject: Teacher’s Signature: Date: Grade Level: Describe lesson briefly: What were the teacher’s strengths? On-Site Observation #2 Teacher: Subject: Teacher’s Signature: Describe lesson briefly: What were the teacher’s strengths? Date: Grade Level: Checklist #3: Interviews Student Teacher: _____________________________ School Site: ________________ The student teacher is responsible for interviewing a minimum of 5 of the following personnel, and collecting the appropriate signatures after the interviews are conducted. All interviews are to be conducted with personnel assigned at your community classroom site. In lieu of the signatures of interviewed personnel, I will accept verification via the community classroom teacher’s initials. Title Interview Date Signature of Person Interviewed Principal _____________ _________________________ Assistant Principal _____________ _________________________ Department Chair _____________ _________________________ Secretary _____________ _________________________ Receptionist _____________ _________________________ Custodian/Plant Manager _____________ _________________________ Attendance Recorder/Clerk _____________ _________________________ School Nurse _____________ _________________________ School Counselor _____________ _________________________ Security/Safety Personnel _____________ _________________________ Library Media Teacher _____________ _________________________ Activities Coordinator _____________ _________________________ Athletic Director _____________ _________________________ Resource Personnel _____________ _________________________ Other _____________ _________________________ Checklist Information Checklist #1 / Site Orientation The purpose of checklist #1 is to familiarize oneself with various aspects of your community classroom school. All eleven competencies need to be fulfilled. Your community classroom teacher will sign each competency when you have completed and/or gathered the reading, study, or information. This checklist should be completed within the first six-week grading period. The listed competencies are part of an important foundation to ensure future success in your community classroom experience. Be prepared to share your findings with your classmates. Checklist #2 / On-Site Observations The purpose of checklist #2 is to familiarize oneself with two other teachers at your community classroom school site. The observation needs to be approximately thirty minutes in length. You may conduct your observations during your scheduled community classroom time as long as you are given permission from your community classroom teacher. You will need to fill out the paperwork as you conduct your observation. You will need to get the teacher’s signature when you have completed the observation; you may need to go back to the classroom at a more convenient time. In other words, if the teacher is in the middle of a lesson, working with a student, etc… do not interrupt him/her as you exit the classroom. Find a convenient time to revisit the teacher and ask for his/her signature at that time. Checklist #3 / Interviews Running a school is no small feat. To ensure the academic success of each student, all school personnel must work collaboratively. The purpose of interviewing various school personnel is to discover his/her role in the scope of running a school. There is not a set list of questions to ask, but please communicate the purpose of your interview. Possible questions to include are: How long have you been in your role and what process did you take to get here? What type of education / credential is needed for your role? Can you share a memorable experience / student interaction? Does he/she have any “pearls of wisdom” to share? You are not required to take notes during the interview/conversation. Please ask him/her to sign your checklist as verification of your interaction. Be prepared to share your interviews with classmates.