‘A’ School The governing body and its committees are responsible for the strategic leadership of the school in partnership with the headteacher and Senior Leadership Team (SLT). The full Governing Body and its committees should also focus specifically on the progress the school is making on each of its priorities and those identified by Ofsted. These are highlighted in this document. Responsibilities shared by all committees. 1) To make such decisions as are delegated to the committee by the full governing body; 2) To monitor the school’s progress in the relevant Ofsted priority; 3) To report (via minutes) to the full governing body on those areas within their remit; 4) To participate in the strategic leadership of the school; 5) To ensure that strategies to improve the areas of responsibility of the committee or to address any issues are detailed in the School Development Plan; 6) To contribute to the School Development Plan; 7) To monitor the relevant areas of the SDP; 8) To contribute to the development of school policies; 9) Members to disclose any declarations of interests at the beginning of each meeting (standard agenda item to be minuted); 10) To ensure that the committee and its members do not involve themselves in the day to day management of the school, which is the responsibility of the SLT; 11) The information needed for the committee to carry its work is specified in the attached schedule and committee members should normally not require the school to produce extra documentation; 12) To abide by the governor protocols concerning conduct and visits to the school 05/02/2016 Page 1 of 16 Standards, Teaching and Learning Committee Overall Responsibility: To take a strategic role in ensuring that the school provides high quality teaching and learning which leads to the highest possible levels of attainment and progress for all pupils. SDP and Ofsted Priorities 1. … … 2. … … Terms Of Reference/Responsibilities Standards 1. To ensure that strategies are in place to raise achievement for all pupils How To Perform This Function Information To Be Presented Information Supplied/Presented By Headteacher/SLT When a) Agree targets (statutory and nonstatutory) for attainment & progress in consultation with the headteacher. Target setting estimates (FFTD and ROL) and school’s estimates; Termly summary of school’s progress and attainment Headteacher/SLT Termly Annotated action plan Single plan Headteacher/SLT Termly Summary of analysis and SEF Sections A2.2 and A2.4 Headteacher/SLT/School Lead Annually in October e) Monitor the progress of; SEN pupils Ethnic Minority pupils EAL pupils FSM pupils LAC Boy/girls Any other vulnerable or previously underperforming group As above plus SEF section A2.3 Headteacher//SLT/SENCO EAL Co-ordinator/ Annually in October f) Explore differences in outcomes between different subjects; Subject Leader reports Subject Leader Annually in October g) Agree further strategies for improvement in consultation with the Headteacher to incorporate in the SDP Draft subject plans or amendments to SDP Subject Leader Annually in Autumn term b) Monitor progress towards these targets especially any under performing groups; c) Monitor actions in school action plan; d) Consider the school’s analysis of all pupils achievement during the year; 05/02/2016 Autumn Designated Teacher for Looked After Children School Lead Page 2 of 16 Terms Of Reference/Responsibilities Teaching & Learning 2a. To ensure there is high quality teaching & learning across all year groups. How To Perform This Function Information To Be Presented a) Consider termly monitoring report on teaching & learning. 2b. To ensure there is reliable assessment and high quality tracking information for all learners Curriculum 3. To ensure the school has a curriculum that satisfies statutory requirements and meets the pupils’ needs including extension and enrichment activities. When Termly report Information Supplied/Presented By School Lead in this area b) Consider SEF section on the quality of teaching & learning. SEF Section A3.1 School Lead in this area Annually in the spring term c) Consider termly tracking for all year groups and monitor against targets. School report or information SEF Section A3.2 School lead in this area Termly d) Consider SEF section The use of assessment to support learning. SEF Section A3.2 School lead in this area Annually a) Review curriculum policy (including policies on sex and relationships education, RE and collective worship) and revise in line with any new legislation or guidance; Curriculum policy and SEF Section A3.3 Curriculum lead Annually in the summer term Headteacher/School lead in this area Annually/Biannually ) To review the timings for the school day and lunchtime arrangements to ensure that they are appropriate and meet statutory requirements 05/02/2016 Breakdown of timings and Heads report Termly b) Devise a schedule for subject leaders to give short presentations on aspects of the curriculum with the opportunity for discussion; Subject Leader presentation Annual Schedule Subject Leader Termly c) Ask Headteacher to demonstrate that the school is meeting statutory requirements on curriculum, including sex and drugs education, RE and collective worship, equalities and community cohesion; Statement in HT report or SEF Section A2.11 Headteacher Annually in the spring term d) Review the curriculum and intervention programme for SEN; EAL; G&T and any other under performing group. Report by School lead School lead in this area Annually in spring term Page 3 of 16 Terms Of Reference/Responsibilities Curriculum 3. 3. To ensure the school has a curriculum that satisfies statutory requirements and meets the pupils’ needs including extension and enrichment activities. How To Perform This Function Information To Be Presented d) Consider report on pupils participation in extension and enrichment activities in SEF section SEF Section A3.3 e) Review extended schools actions and provision in relation to the core offer and receive a termly analysis of provision 2. 4. To deal with complaints about GB actions in the National Curriculum and in accordance with the school’s complaints procedure 5. To monitor and advise the governing body on the implementation of the school’s policy on school visits and learning outside the classroom. 05/02/2016 Information Supplied/Presented By School lead in this area When Termly analysis of extended school provision School Lead in this area Annually Consider and respond to complaint Information from Headteacher/School Lead Headteacher As required Review the school’s policy on school visits and learning outside the classroom on a yearly basis, Policy with any updates and legal requirements/curriculum advice Headteacher/School Visits Coordinator/Curriculum Co-ordinator Annually Page 4 of 16 Annually in spring term Pupils, Personnel and Community Committee Priorities: … Terms Of Reference/Responsibilities Personnel 1. To ensure the school has an effective and high quality staff; How To Perform This Function Information To Be Presented When Staff structure chart and SDP Information Supplied/Presented By Headteacher a) Review staffing structure annually in relation to SDP b) Consider termly updates on staffing Section in headteachers report Headteacher Termly c) Appoint a Governor to support the HT with appointments below SLT Committee terms of reference and membership Committee Autumn term e) To annually review the school’s performance management policy and pay policy and to confirm that the school has undertaken Performance Management of teaching staff in line with Performance Management policy by 31st October. Performance Management Policy Pay Policy Performance Management Report Headteacher or Performance Management Lead Autumn term f) To check that the performance management governors carry out the performance management of the Head teacher, supported by the SIP by 31 December. Date of HT Performance management review Head teacher/Performance management governors Autumn f) To monitor the school’s CPD policy and confirm that the school’s CPD plan supports the SDP and training needs of staff , governors and succession planning. CPD Policy, CPD Plan and Performance Management Report Headteacher or /CPD Lead Termly Annually in the spring term d) To delegate to the headteacher the appointment of supply, part time and temporary teaching posts and support staff 05/02/2016 Page 5 of 16 Terms Of Reference/Responsibilities 2. To ensure that the school has all statutory and appropriate policies in place regarding personnel issues and that these are reviewed regularly. 3. To ensure effective procedures are in place to deal with issues concerning personnel 05/02/2016 How To Perform This Function Information To Be Presented Information Supplied/Presented By School Lead When a) Review policies and procedures on personnel issues: Secondment, Supply, Leave of absence Staff discipline, Grievance Capability Performance management Pay policy Redundancy and Early Retirement Policies as listed Most recent guidance b) To hear disciplinary and grievance cases as and when required using a separate committee structure Case evidence Latest guidance Committee members (excluding Headteacher) As required b) Hear grievance cases at first stage hearing, where appropriate e.g. if the Headteacher has been too closely involved to be hearing officer; Case evidence Relevant guidance Headteacher As required c) Select a panel to hear appeals from members of staff against dismissal (or other) decisions made by the headteacher; Case evidence Relevant Guidance Staff and professional representation As required d) Draft and review, in consultation with staff and professional associations, criteria for redundancy if required. Draft document Relevant school, national and local guidance Headteacher As required Annually a) Delegate responsibility for grievance and disciplinary hearings to the Headteacher; Page 6 of 16 Terms Of Reference/Responsibilities Safeguarding How To Perform This Function Information To Be Presented Information Supplied/Presented By When 1. To ensure the school is fulfilling a) Check that the school has audited its safeguarding procedures using the latest LA audit and Oftsed Single Record checklist LA Safeguarding checklist Ofsted Single record checklist Safeguarding lead Annually b) Check that Safeguarding policies and procedures are in place and statutory training has taken place including school visit policy/CP Safeguarding Policy LA guidance / audit Safeguarding Lead Termly c ) Appoint Link Governor to monitor safeguarding practices Safeguarding Policy LA guidance / audit d) Monitor the impact of the Safeguarding policy Safeguarding lead annual report Safeguarding Lead Termly e) Check that applicants/volunteers are vetted following appropriate procedures Details in the annual report / audit Safeguarding Lead Termly f) Check that the single list is accurate and updated regularly Confirmation in annual report / audit Safeguarding Lead Termly g) Confirm that a member of SMT is designated to take the lead on Safeguarding and work with other agencies Confirmation in annual report / audit Safeguarding Lead Annually h) A member of the committee and headteacher complete the national accredited training course on safer recruitment Certification Safeguarding Lead As required i) Consider the SEF SEF Section A4.7 and A2.5 Safeguarding Lead Annually in Spring term its responsibilities regarding Child Protection and current requirements on safeguarding Termly 05/02/2016 Page 7 of 16 Terms Of Reference/Responsibilities Behaviour 1. How To Perform This Function Information To Be Presented Information Supplied/Presented By When Copy of policy School Lead Annually Progress report School Lead Every meeting c) Commission a school survey of pupils’ and parental attitudes Survey findings School Lead Termly d) Review survey findings and agree actions SEF sections A2.6 and any supporting report School Lead Annually e) Consider school’s report on behaviour and attitudes School Council Report on issues of concern to pupils Chair of School Council Termly f) Consult with the school council termly Case evidence School, LA and National guidance Headteacher As required When appropriate, act as Pupil Discipline Panel (excluding Headteacher) Case evidence Relevant guidance 1. 2. Ensure policies are in place to 3. a) Review regularly school behaviour and anti-bullying and improve behaviour ensuring all exclusion policies pupils feel safe in the school community. b) Monitor the impact of the above (including exclusion data) and agree any further actions 2. To ensure effective procedures are in place to deal with issues concerning pupil behaviour 05/02/2016 Page 8 of 16 As required Terms Of Reference/Responsibilities Well Being 1. To ensure the school provides a supportive environment, which supports healthy lifestyles. 2. To ensure the school provides a supportive environment for all learner through care, guidance and support. How To Perform This Function Information To Be Presented Information Supplied/Presented By When a) Consider school’s report on nutritional standards (to include school meals, snacks, and food available during wrap around provision) and agree any further actions. Annual report on nutritional standards SEF Section A2.7 Healthy schools lead Annually b) Check that pupils entitled to FSM have access to this provision Evidenced in headteachers report Headteacher Annually c) Review the school’s policy on healthy lifestyles. Report in SEF Section A2.7 and reports on /Health and Well Being Policies/Reports School Lead Policy Annually Report Termly a) Check that effective arrangements are in place for the identification and support of vulnerable pupils (including LAC and young carers) and strong partnerships with relevant agencies. Details of policies and strategies Annual report School Lead Annually a) Check termly attendance reports including reports on persistent offenders Termly reports SEF Section A2.9 School Lead in this area Attendance 1. To ensure that the school has good mechanisms in place to support good attendance. 05/02/2016 Page 9 of 16 Termly Equalities 1. To ensure that the school promotes equal opportunity and tackles discrimination. a) Consider how equality of opportunity is promoted across the range of school policies School Policies School lead in this area Annually SEN policies DDA Equalities (include race ,gender, sexual orientation,age,religion) School Leads Annually Equalities report School Lead School complaint procedure Headteacher/SENCO b) Appoint a link governor for Equalities c) Review the school’s Single Equality Policy to sure that it they complies with codes of practice and equalities legislation. d) Review procedures under the above policies ensuring consistent and equitable application; e) Respond to complaints regarding SEN and equalities issues in accordance with schools complaints procedure. 05/02/2016 Annually Annually Case evidence As required Page 10 of 16 Terms Of Reference/Responsibilities Engagement with Parents To ensure the school engages efficiently with gives parents and gives them relevant information How To Perform This Function Information To Be Presented Information Supplied/Presented By School lead in this area When a) Check the schools policy on engagement with patents and carers Policy, report SEF Section 4.4 b) Check that every child receives a report of their achievement; Report Headteacher Summer Term c) Approve an appropriate prospectus which fulfils all statutory requirements; Prospectus Guidance SLT Summer Term Annually d) Prepare school profile which fulfils all statutory requirements; Profile Guidance SLT Summer Term Annually e) Review school’s procedures for communicating and engaging parents Action plan and report School Lead Termly f) Review communication channels for parents including home school planners; newsletters, curriculum and home learning information including information on transitions. Examples of home school communication from appropriate staff leads Headteacher/School Lead Termly a) Consider school’s report and its action plan on community cohesion School plan SEF section A4.8 School Lead Annually School Lead Annually Annually Community Cohesion To ensure that the school promotes Community Cohesion b) Review the school’s strategies for promoting interaction with the local / national and global community 05/02/2016 School plan Page 11 of 16 ‘A’ School Business Committee Overall responsibility to take a strategic role in the financial management of the school and in ensuring that the buildings and premises of the school provide a safe and high quality learning environment. Finance Terms Of Reference/Responsibilities To monitor the budget How To Perform This Function Information To Be Presented a) Monitor budget reports Budget monitoring reports as agreed. SEF Section 4.9 Budget monitoring reports as agreed. i.e. Actual Expenditure and Income against budget for the following; Revenue Budget (including Standards Fund) Capital Budget (including Standards Fund) School Fund Any other funds under the control of the governing body. These reports should include committed income and expenditure and a forecast out-turn for the end of the year , monthly cashflow reports and three year budget report. (These reports must include original system data) 05/02/2016 Page 12 of 16 Information Supplied/Presented By Head Teacher or Bursar Bursar Headteacher When Each meeting Terms Of Reference/Responsibilities To set and review the budget and recovery plan where necessary. To authorise changes to the budget where appropriate To ensure that the school’s finances comply with best value good practice How To Perform This Function Information To Be Presented Information Supplied/Presented By Head teacher/Bursar When a)Ensure that the budget is reasonable, affordable and achievable Proposed budget, including assumptions which have been used and details on how costs calculated, budget figures from LA, School development plan, asset management plan b)Approve recommendations of HT regarding staff salaries Head teachers report and recommendations Head teacher Annually and as required c) Consider requests to vire monies between budget headings a) All decisions are informed by best value guidance Virement form Bursar Each Meeting b) Authorise expenditure in line with The Scheme of Delegation guidance Alternative quotes / tenders as required by the London Borough of Merton’s Standing Orders for Contracts Bursar As required c) Participate in staffing reviews and implement according to the schools performance management and pay policy Performance Management and Pay Policy Bursar/Headteacher/Pay Committee As required d) Approve best value statement before submission to the LA Best Value Statement Bursar/Headteacher e) Oversee the preparation and implementation of contracts ensuring they meet all current regulations and guidelines and make recommendations to FGB in line with LA guidance Alternative quotes / tenders as required by the London Borough of Merton’s Standing Orders for Contracts Bursar Annually, to be submitted with the annual budget on 1st June each year Each Meeting f) Approve SLA payments for LA services (including insurance, payroll 05/02/2016 Annually in the Spring Term Page 13 of 16 Terms Of Reference/Responsibilities How To Perform This Function Information To Be Presented Information Supplied/Presented By When To ensure the school has a clear internal financial procedures document that complies with FMSiS standards a)to write and review the internal financial procedures guidance for school staff and to ensure that this is adhered to through regular audits Internal Financial Procedures Manual Bursar/Headteacher/Chair of Business Committee Bi annual review b) to ensure the school fulfils the standards required by FMSiS and that these are monitored on a regular basis FMSiS Audit and assessments Yearly LA/internal audits Bursar/Headteacher Termly Update Annual Audit report Copies of policies and statutory/best practice updates Bursar/Headteacher/School Lead Annually To prepare and review c) finance/premises based statutory policies 05/02/2016 review annually the schools policies on: Charging and remissionscurriculum Extended Schools charging Lettings Bad Debt Whistle Blowing Environmental development Page 14 of 16 PREMISES Terms Of Reference/Responsibilities How To Perform This Function Information To Be Presented Information Supplied/Presented By When To ensure procedures are in place in the school to meet all health and safety legislation a) Review schools health and safety policy to ensure it is in line with LA and national current guidance Health and Safety Policy Any relevant guidance and legislation School Lead on Health and Safety Annually b) Check that school procedures and risk assessments are in line with policy and actions from yearly H&S audit Health and Safety policy including risk assessments Annual Health and safety report School Lead on Health and Safety Annually Annual Health and Safety report School Lead on Health and Safety Annually or as required a.1) Use the LA Asset Management Plan to draw up/revise a School Asset Development Plan LA Asset Management Plan and condition surveys School Asset Development Plan LA Headteacher Annually a.2) To review strategy for spending Devolved Capital within context of the school asset development plan Devolved capital strategy plan School asset development plan Headteacher/Bursar b.1) Conduct an inspection of premises and grounds including the site manager’s residence Previous statement of priorities Site Manager Headteacher Members of Business Committee LA Premises Officer by invitation if needed At least annually b.2) Following the inspection above prepare a statement of priorities of maintenance and development Statement of priorities Chair of Committee Annually b.3) Present the statement to the full Governing Body Statement of priorities Chair of Committee Annually c) Ensure that appropriate external technical professionals are consulted where necessary To ensure that buildings and the learning environment are maintained and fit for purpose 05/02/2016 Page 15 of 16 Annually c) Ensure that the school budget contains sufficient funds to address proactive and reactive maintenance School Budget Bursar Annually Schedule of work Site Manager/ Bursar/Headteacher As required e) Ensure that appropriate liaison is made with the LA contracts and school organisation section who have responsibility for school premises Annual Health and Safety Report Headteacher As required f) Develop and review policy for school security and monitor security implementation Policy for school security Headteacher and Site Manager Annually g) Approve costs of cleaning contract and monitor effectiveness. Cleaning Contract/Monitoring Report Headteacher Annually d) Approve costs and arrangements for maintenance, repairs and redecoration within the budget allocation 05/02/2016 Page 16 of 16