Population folder Game Questions

Human Geography Review: Population and Migration QUESTIONS
1. What is the world’s population? (estimate)
2. What century has seen the largest population growth?
3. Which of the following has higher population growth rates? LDCs or MDCs
4. Define demography.
5. Describe the difference between distribution and density.
6. Where are the world’s population clusters?
7. Name three similarities between the populated regions.
8. What is the largest cluster of inhabitants? Bonus point: What countries does this cluster include?
9. Where do the people of Korea and Japan mainly live? How do they make a living?
10. What is the 2nd largest cluster of population? Bonus point: What countries does this include?
11. What is the world’s second most populous country?
12. How do most of the people in South Asia make a living?
13. Where is the largest concentration of population in Southeast Asia?
14. How do people in Southeast Asia make a living?
15. Where is the largest population concentration in the Western Hemisphere?
16. Define ecumene.
17. What has happened to the ecumene over time?
18. What four types of regions do people usually not inhabit?
19. What is arithmetic density?
20. What is land suited for agriculture called?
21. What is physiological density?
22. What is agricultural density?
23. How do geographers most frequently measure population change in a country or the world as a whole?
24. What is the crude birth rate?
25. What is the crude death rate?
26. What is the natural increase rate?
27. What is doubling time?
28. What is the total fertility rate?
29. What is the difference between the information provided by the total fertility rate and the crude birth rate?
30. What is the average total fertility rate for the world?
31. What is infant mortality rate?
32. Describe the United States IMR in comparison to Canada and/or western Europe.
33. Compare average life expectancy in Africa to the USA.
34. What is the demographic transition?
35. What was the agricultural revolution?
36. What was the industrial revolution?
37. What is zero population growth?
38. What is a population pyramid?
39. What is the shape of a pyramid primarily determined by?
40. What is the dependency ratio?
41. What age groups are a part of the dependents?
42. What is the sex ratio?
43. In poorer countries what partly explains the lower percentage of women?
44. What will high rate of immigration due to the sex ratio?
45. Name a in stage 3 of the demographic transition.
46. What country is in stage 4 of the demographic transition?
47. Where are most of the countries in the world on the demographic transition model?
48. What characterizes the four stage demographic transition?
49. Describe Malthus’ views.
50. Describe the Neo-Malthusian platform.
51. How can natural increase be reduced?
52. Name two major ways that the CBR can be reduced.
53. Define migration.
54. Define emigration.
55. Define immigration.
56. What is net in-migration?
57. Net out-migration?
58. Why do people still migrate despite globalization?
59. What are three reasons for migrating?
60. What is the main reason people migrate?
61. What is a push factor? Give an example.
62. What is a pull factor? Give an example.
63. What are refugees?
64. Describe two main points about the distance that migrants travel to their home?
65. What is international migration?
66. What is internal migration?
67. What is interregional migration?
68. What is intraregional migration?
69. What has been the main type of intraregional migration?
70. What is voluntary migration?
71. What is forced migration?
72. What kind of push and pull factors usually induce voluntary migration?
73. What kind of push and pull factors normally induce forced migration?
74. International migration primarily comes from what stage of the DTM?
75. What type of internal migration is most likely in stage 2 countries?
76. What type of internal migration is most likely in stage 3 and 4 countries?
77. What are two distinctive gender and family status patterns in migration?
78. What does the increased female migration to the US partially reflect?
79. What was the second era in United States immigration wave AND what group made up immigrantss?
80. What was the third era in United States immigration wave AND what group made up immigrantss?
81. Describe the first peak of European immigration to the US-give years and groups of immigrants.
82. How did Europe’s demographic transition affect its migration patterns?
83. When did immigration in the United States drop sharply?
84. What two countries have yielded the largest number of Asian immigrants?
85. What was slightly different in the 1980’s and 1990’s regarding Asian immigration? Name one of three leading
immigration sources.
86. How has the pattern of immigration the United States changed since 1800?
87. Where are immigrants distributed in the United States?
88. What is chain migration?
89. What are the estimates for undocumented immigrants?
90. What is a quota?
91. What were quota laws designed to do?
92. What is a brain drain?
93. What are guest workers?
94. What are the pros and cons of guest workers?
95. Describe problems with guest workers.
96. What are the two main times of internal migration?
97. How did the center of population change over time the U.S.?
98. Describe the recent growth of the south
99. What regions are Americans currently emigrating to the most?
100. Describe internal migration in Russia.
101. Describe internal migration in Brazil.
102. Describe internal migration in Indonesia.
103. Describe internal migration in Europe.
104. Describe the when, where, and what of the migration from rural to urban areas.
105. Describe the when, where, and what of the migration from urban to suburban areas.
106. Describe the when, where, and what of the migration from metro to non-metro areas.
107. What is counter-urbanization?
Human Geography Review: Population and Migration ANSWERS
over 6 billion
20th century
the scientific study of population characteristics; how people are distributed spatially, age, gender, occupation, fertility, health, etc.
5. distribution: where the population is locates, how spread out or clustered it is
density: how many people are concentrated in a certain area
Must name at least four: East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Western Europe, and Eastern North America
7. a. Most people live near an ocean, or near a river w/ easy access to an ocean
b. Occupy generally low-lying areas
c. fertile soil and
d. temperate climate
e. All located in the Northern Hemisphere between 10 degrees and 55 degrees north latitude with the exception of part of the SE Asia concentration
East Asia; China, Japan, Korea, and the island of Taiwan
75% live in urban areas and work at industrial/service jobs
10. South Asia; India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh
11. India
12. Most are farmers
13. Java, Indonesia; 100 million people
14. High percentage of farmers
15. Northeastern US and southeastern Canada; extends along the Atlantic Coast from Boston to Newport News, Virginia, and westward along the Great
lakes to Chicago
16. The portion of Earth’s surface occupied by permanent human settlement
17. Areas of Earth considered too harsh for occupancy have diminished while ecumene has increased
18. Dry, wet, highlands, and cold
19. total number of people divided by the total number of land
20. arable land
21. the number of people supported divided by a unit area of arable land
22. the ratio of the number of farmers to the amount of arable land
23. measures of crude birth rate, crude death rate, and natural increase rate
24. the total number of live births in a year for every 1000 people alive in the society
25. the total number of deaths in a year for every 1000 people alive in the society
26. the percentage by which a population grows in a year CBR-CDR
27. the number of years needed to double a population assuming a constant rate of natural increase
28. the average number of children a woman will have throughout her childbearing years
29. Crude birth rate provides a picture of a society as a whole in a given year whereas the total fertility rate attempts to predict the future behavior of
individual women in a world of rapid cultural change.
30. 3 (except within 0.5)
31. the annual number of deaths of infants under one year of age compared with total live births
32. U.S. has a higher IMR than Canada and most of Europe. Many minorities in the US have IMR that are twice as high as the national average because
they cannot afford good health care for their infants.
33. Africa=40’s; US=late 70’s;
34. The process of change in a society’s population from a condition of high crude birth and death rates and low rate of natural increase to a condition of
low crude birth and death rates, low rate of natural increase, and a higher total population
35. the time when human beings first domesticated plants and animals and no longer relied entirely on hunting and gathering
36. a series of improvements in industrial technology that transformed the process of manufacturing goods
37. a decline of the total fertility rate to the point where the natural increase rate equals zero
38. a bar graph representing the distribution of population by age and sex
39. the crude birth rate in the community
40. the number of people who are too young or too old to work compared to the number of people in their productive years
41. 0-14; 65-plus
42. the number of males per hundred females
43. high mortality rates during childbirth, poorer countries have a larger percentage of young people, where males generally outnumber females and a
lower percentage of older people, where females are more numerous
44. More males because males are more likely to undertake long-distance migration
45. United States, Mexico, China, Eastern Europe or Latin America countries
46. Japan, Western Europe countries=Germany, France, Denmark, Sweden, etc
47. Stage 2 or 3
48. Stage 1: high birth and death rates Stage 2: sudden drop in the death rate that comes from technological innovation, which has been accomplished
everywhere; Stage 3: the sudden drop in the birth rate that comes from changing social customs, urbanization, Stage 4: low birth and death rates
49. Everyone would die of starvation because population was growing much more rapidly than Earth’s food supply.
50. Contemporary geologists have found validity in Malthus’ theory because of the unprecedented rate of natural increase in LDCs. Malthus failed to
anticipate that relatively poor countries would have the most rapid population growth, because of transfer of medical technology w/o wealth from MDCs.
51. By returning to stage 1 by raising the crude death rate up to the level of the crude birth rate or by moving to stages 3 and 4 by lowering the crude
birth rate to the level of the crude death rate.
52. Contraceptives, women’s rights, more education, economic growth
53. A permanent move to a new location
54. migration from a location
55. migration to a location
56. If the number of immigrants exceeds the emigrants, the net migration is positive, and the region has net in-migration.
57. If the number of emigrants exceeds the immigrants, the net migration is negative, and the region has net out-migration.
58. Location is still important to an individual’s cultural identity and economic prospects; in a global economy, an individual’s ability to earn a living
depends on location; within a global culture, people migrate to escape from domination by other cultural groups or to be reunited with others of the same
59. Economic, environmental, family, persecution, and cultural
60. Economic
61. Induces people to move out of their present location. Ex: discrimination, lack of opportunity, war, natural disasters, loss of freedoms
62. Induces people to move into a new location Ex: jobs, education, family, freedom
63. people who have been forced to migrate from their home country and cannot return for fear of persecution because of their race, religion, nationality,
membership in a social group, or political opinion
64. Most migrants relocate a short distance and remain within the same country; long-distance migrants to other countries head for major centers of
economic activity
65. Permanent movement from one country to another
66. Permanent movement within the same country
67. Movement from one region of a country to another
68. Movement within one region
69. From rural to urban areas in search of jobs; in more developed countries, migration has been from urban to environmentally attractive rural areas; the
main type of intraregional migration has been within urban areas, from older cities to newer suburbs
70. The migrant has chosen to move for economic improvement
71. The migrant has been compelled to move by cultural factors
72. Economic reasons
73. Cultural, political factors
74. Countries in stage 2 of the demographic transition
75. The natural increase rate goes up rapidly as a result of a sharp decline in the crude death rate, international migration becomes important, as well as
interregional migration from one country’s rural areas to its cities; migration patterns are a result of technological change; improvement in agricultural
practices reduces # of people needed in rural areas, whereas jobs in factories attract migrants to cities in another region of the same country or to a
different country
76. In the demographic transition model, crude birth rates begin to decline in stages 3 and 4 as a result of social changes; in the migration transition,
societies in stages 3 and 4 are the destinations of the international migrants leaving the stage 2 countries in search of economic opportunities; the principal
form of internal migration is intraregional from cities to surrounding suburbs
77. Most long-distance migrants are male; most long-distance migrants are adult individual rather than families with children
78. The changing role of women, more education, opportunity, higher social status
79. mid 1800’s- early 1900’s; 90% from Europe
80. began in the 1970’s-present; ¾ from Latin America and Asia
81. Before 1840’s: 90% of immigrants came from England; during 1840-s and 50’s:immigration surged; 90% from Northern and Western Europe 2/5
from Ireland and 1/3 from Germany; desperate economic push factors compelled the Irish and German to migrate and Germans also migrated to escape
from political unrest
82. The rapid population growth in Europe in the 1800’s fueled emigration, because there were limited opportunities for economic advancement; to
promote more efficient agriculture, some European governments forced the consolidation of small farms into larger units “enclosure movement”, which
forced millions of people to emigrate from rural areas; displaced farmers could choose between working in factories or migrating to the US or another
country where farmland was plentiful; Now that European countries have a very low NIR, migration is not necessary
83. Great Depression and WWII; during Great Depression, emigrants exceeded immigrants by 1/4
84. China and India
85. The three leading sources were the Philippines, Vietnam, and South Korea
86. Changed from predominantly European to Asian and Latin American
87. ¼ in California; ¼ in New York and New Jersey; ¼ in Florida, Texas, and Illinois; ¼ in the rest of the states; coastal states used to be the most
clustered because immigrants arrived by ship; now all arrive by motor vehicle or airplane
88. the migration of people to a specific location because relatives or members of the same nationality previously migrated there
89. from 3-20 million; of the 3 million predicted illegal immigrants, the INS estimates that 1/3 are from Mexico, 300, 000 from El Salvador; 100,000
each from Guatemala, Canada, Poland, the Philippines, and Haiti
90. Maximum limits on the number of people who could immigrate to the United States from each country during a 1-year period
91. To assure that most immigrants to the United States continued to be Europeans
92. skilled workers and exceptionally talented professionals immigrating into MDCs from LDCs
93. A large-scale emigration by talented people for a period of time to work in higher-paid jobs than are available at home
94. Raises unemployment but lowers it in the source country; Guest workers earn far more than they would at home
95. Guest workers suffer from poor social conditions and has little money; may face prejudice and feel isolated due to language and cultural barriers;
guest workers are usually permanent despite the idea that they have that they will be staying temporarily; Some Western European countries pay guest
workers to go home but they’re country of origin will not take them back; countries fear that guest workers will distort their culture
96. Interregional and intraregional
97. It gradually moved west
98. Migrate for job opportunities and environmental reasons; more leisure time=attention more to vacation and weather
99. West and South
100. Soviet officials were eager to try to develop Russia’s Far North and Siberia; Komsomol: a brigade of young volunteers sent to help construct projects;
offered incentives like higher wages, more paid holidays, and earlier retirement; didn’t work too well
101. Government moved capital from Rio de Janeiro to Brasilia 1000 km away from the coast in an effort to increase the attractiveness of the interior
102. Since ’69, government has tried to pay more than 5 million people off the island of Java; government program gives families 5 acres of land,
materials to build a house, seeds and pesticides, and food to tide them over until the crops are ready; participants have declined due to land that could not
support agriculture and disruption of indigenous people
103. European migration mostly for economy; southern to northern Italy; northern to southern in UK
104. Prevalent in 1800s for Europe and North America; ¾ of people in Europe and North America now live in urban areas; This has been very prevalent
in Africa, Asia, and Latin America; Done for economic advancements
105. Because of lifestyle offered, many more developed countries are experiencing suburbanization; expands the occupation of urban areas
106. Results from rapid expansion of suburbs; represent genuine migration from cities and suburbs to small towns and rural communities;
Communications and transportations allow us to work anywhere and still have access to an international network; Many migrants in this category are
tired; this processed has stopped since the 1980s because job opportunities have declined in rural areas and poor agricultural conditions
107. Net migration from urban to rural areas