Classroom Policies - Mentor Public Schools

MHS Art Department and Classroom Organization
and Safety Document (updated August 27, 2010):
These are standard guidelines throughout the Art Department. The Art Department consists of
rooms D-102, D-104, I-100, I-102 and I-105. The Art Department prides itself on being
consistent and being safe! These guidelines are for your benefit and the benefit of others working
in this space.
1. Any student in the art room must be currently enrolled in that scheduled class.
Do not “visit” other classes and do not bring guests to class.
2. Please arrive to class on time and be ready to learn. Get out your supplies and
immediately be seated. Please give your teacher the first five minutes of class to
take proper attendance and to provide the day’s instruction. No questions, no
passes at this time.
3. Attendance: a second tardy to class in one nine week period warrants a Student
Action Plan. A third tardy warrants a detention at the discretion of the teacher.
Your attendance accounts for your ability to participate in class and to receive
the necessary time to interact with the teacher. One class “cut” (unexcused
absence from classroom for an extended period of time) will result in an
immediate office referral. For excused absences: all projects that were due while
you were absent are due upon your return. You will be given the same number
of days of your absence to complete any IN-CLASS projects not completed due to
4. Food is strictly prohibited in the art room (Ohio Department of Health). For
clarification: candy is considered food. For the protection of your art work, you
should always keep all food and drink (including water) away from your work
and the work of others.
5. Cell phones are strictly prohibited in the classroom. Cell phones that are seen
and/or heard in class will result an immediate office referral for the student.
This is school policy. Our studio time together is short, so focus on your job as a
student and as an artist.
6. Individual iPods and MP3 players with ear buds/head phones for one person
only may be used during independent work times in the art rooms only, and at
the discretion of your art teacher.
7. Courtesy and mutual respect will be expected at all times. The art classroom is a
safe place, free from ridicule, threats, humiliation and harassment. During
teacher instruction and class critiques, please be an active participant and an
attentive listener. During independent work time, please watch the language
and topic of conversation; “art words” only. “I can’t” is also considered foul
language in this department.
8. Classroom computers are for the use of the teacher and for the use of students
currently enrolled in that scheduled class who are working on art related
classroom assignments only. When using school computers/internet students
must adhere to Board Policy 6.48.
9. School clothing/dress guidelines must be followed throughout class and
throughout your day at Mentor High School. Violations will result in an
immediate office referral. For your safety, “flip flops” and loose clothing are
discouraged in the art room, especially in the Jewelry and Printmaking areas.
10. Proper safety equipment and/or personal protective equipment must be worn in
certain areas of the art room and throughout certain art procedures. Your
teacher will instruct you on wearing the proper equipment; you are expected to
follow proper procedures when using all tools and equipment in the studio.
11. Keep your hands away from your face, eyes and mouth while using art supplies,
especially chemicals. Never pour chemical waste into sinks or wastebaskets.
12. Inspect all equipment for damage prior to use; tell your teacher if you find
damaged equipment. Properly dispose of sharp objects in designated containers,
NOT wastebaskets.
13. Your teacher will review emergency procedures for fire, tornado and code red
drills; fire and tornado instructions are posted above the exit door of your
classroom and you must know these procedures. Please stay seated and away
from the exit door until the dismissal bell rings at the end of each class period; it
is a fire hazard to block access to exits.
14. Never leave the room without teacher permission and a pass; this includes
passes to the Bookstore and restrooms. You must use your “Hallway Passport”
located in your planner; passes will be written at the discretion of the teacher.
No passes will be written to the Student Center.
15. Learn what work area is defined as your space and BE RESPONSIBLE for that
area. Clean-up will take place the last 5-10 minutes of class. Your table area
should be cleaned, your floor area should be swept, your sink area and any other
housekeeping should be taken care of PROPERLY out of respect for the studio
space and for each other. This should happen on a daily basis. You are
responsible for managing your projects, your mess and your clean-up time;
“late” passes will not be written to your next class.
16. Respect the studio and equipment. Please return all materials and tools to their
appropriate areas. Teachers will secure sharp tools, as they are not to leave the
classroom. All chemicals must be in their proper locked cabinets. Chemicals and
aerosol sprays must be used under local exhaust systems in I-100 or I-105. Do
NOT take supplies that do not belong to you. You are also responsible for your
own supplies. It is highly recommended that you label all of your supplies.
Supplies will be kept in the proper storage areas and will be locked at the end of
each class.
17. For your protection: utilize proper hand washing methods at the end of this class
and throughout your day at Mentor High School.
18. Do not apply cosmetics, perfumes, body sprays, etc. while in the art room.
19. The art rooms will be locked when the rooms are not occupied. Extra time in the
art room must be scheduled with your teacher. Students may not work in the art
room after school hours unless there is a teacher present and you have scheduled
time with that teacher.
We hope you enjoy your studio time, here, in the Art Department.
If you have a question or concern about safety in the art room,
please do not hesitate to ask your teacher.