Appointment arrangements for audit sub committees of the DH Audit & Risk Committee Background Audit committees have played a pivotal role in reviewing PCT and SHA annual reports and accounts and governance statements. They provide an essential assurance mechanism to boards on the rigour of the processes and the quality of the data that lie behind these documents. When SHAs and PCTs cease to be statutory bodies on 1 April 2013, the statutory status of this scrutiny function is no longer present. This role must be maintained for the 2012/13 accounts, not only to support robust processes at a local level, but also to support the consolidation process into the Department’s own resource accounts. The Chief Executive of the NHS, as Accounting Officer for the NHS relies on the quality of both the annual accounts and governance statements to inform disclosures in the resource accounts and the scrutiny provided by audit committees provides additional assurance on these matters. It is for this reason the Department will facilitate establishment of audit committees to support the final accounts process for 2012/13. The approach set out below is designed to draw on the expertise of current audit committee members to form audit sub committees of the Department’s own Audit and Risk Committee. It provides a mechanism with the appropriate status to discharge the function effectively. Nature of appointment Existing non executive directors (NEDs) will be appointed as non-executive members of audit sub committees of the Department’s Audit and Risk Committee. They will not be employees but will receive an attendance fee equivalent to daily rates received for their current NED roles. Appointments will be for a fixed period of three months. They will run 1 April 2013 to 30 June 2013. Attached at Appendix 1 is the appointment letter the Department will use for these roles. It provides further detail on expenses, conduct, management of conflicts of interest and personal liability. Scope The scope of the audit sub committees will be to review the annual report, financial statements and governance statement prior to signing by the Accountable Officer and Director of Finance. Appendix 2 contains model terms of reference applicable to sub committees that reflect this scope. Where in the course of an audit sub committee meeting, members identify issues that, in their view, is not addressed adequately by the accountable officer this should be recorded in the minutes and also summarised in a return (to be supplied by the Department of Health) addressed to the chair of the Audit and Risk Committee. Both the minutes of audit sub committee meetings and these returns must be sent to by 21 June 2013. 2 Eligibility The scope and the nature of the appointment (in being a member of a sub-committee of the Department of Health) will mean that there is no legal barrier to individuals who have accepted NED appointments in other NHS organisations, being able to accept positions on these sub committees. This extends to individuals that have accepted roles as lay members of clinical commissioning groups. However, individuals that do hold other non-executive or lay roles within the NHS should have particular regard to the conflict of interest section within letters of appointment. Membership The composition of these sub committees must satisfy the following criteria: The cluster for the audit committee should be based on existing PCT and SHA clusters structures. Each cluster audit sub committee should have a minimum of three members (with two being quorate). Each cluster audit sub committee should have knowledge and experience of the cluster in which the PCT or SHA was located. To achieve this the Department expects membership to be drawn from existing cluster audit committee NEDs with at least one member having knowledge of the relevant cluster. Membership includes, where possible, the existing chair of the cluster. Local flexibility is permitted on the maximum size of these sub groups. This is to acknowledge the fact that in some clusters there are local arrangements that support audit committees to discharge their functions, for example local audit groups, will also no longer exist from 1 April 2013. The number of audit sub committee members should be driven by the number and knowledge required to provide adequate scrutiny of the accounts within the published timetable. Where membership exceeds three for any one audit sub committee, an explanation should be returned along with nomination documents. Nomination process Each member must be nominated by the cluster Accountable Officer. The nomination form to be used is attached at Appendix 3. This must be completed for each individual and returned to by 28 February 2013. Once received nominations will be approved by a DH official on behalf of the Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee. Notification will then be provided to Directors of Finance and to NHS Business Services Authority (BSA) and personal information for payment will be collected. Further information Appendix 4 sets out key dates for this process. Any queries relating to non-executive member appointments should be referred to Alistair Morgan ( 3 Appendix 1 NON-EXECUTIVE MEMBER LETTER OF APPOINTMENT [NED Name & Address] 1. Commencement of appointment Your appointment is effective from 1 April 2013. 2. Duration 2.1. Subject to earlier termination your appointment will be for a fixed period of three months. It will run from 1 April 2013 to 30 June 2013. 3. Roles and responsibilities of non-executive member 3.1. You are appointed, as a Non-Executive Member of the [insert cluster name] audit sub committee (the sub committee) of the Department of Health’s Audit and Risk Committee. 3.2. Your appointment shall not be construed as, or taken to create, a contract of employment or any employment relationship between you and the Department of Health (the Department). 3.3. You are appointed to attend meetings of the sub committee. This will involve an estimated time commitment of up to three days (one day preparation and one day meeting for the scrutiny of the accounts and one day contingency to provide for local circumstances). 3.4. As a Non-Executive Member your function is not to take executive decisions but to influence, advise and support as well as provide external scrutiny and expertise in association with independence of thought which informs the accounts and annual report process. You will add value by offering independent constructive challenge to the preparation of these and any associated closure documents. 4. Remuneration 4.1. You will receive an attendance fee of £[insert daily rate – this must equal rate currently received by member in their cluster NED role] per day. 4.2. Remuneration is taxable under Schedule E and subject to Class I National Insurance contributions. Any queries on these arrangements should be taken up with HMRC. Remuneration is not pensionable. 4 4.3. Sub committee members will also be eligible to claim allowances, at rates set centrally, for travel and subsistence costs necessarily incurred on sub committee business. 4.4. The fee of Non-Executive Board Members will be disclosed in the annual departmental accounts, in accordance with the HM Treasury Resource Accounting Manual. In entering into this agreement and accepting this appointment you thereby consent to this disclosure. 5. Expenses and Subsistence 5.1. You should claim your fee and travel expenses retrospectively after each meeting and payment will then be made by credit transfer to your bank or building society. Given the short term nature of this appointment any claim for expenses must be submitted by 30 June 2013. A copy of the Department’s expenses guide is attached for your information. 5.2. Both fees and expenses are subject to deduction of income tax and earnings related National Insurance (ERNIC) at source under the PAYE scheme. 6. Termination of appointment 6.1. Either party may terminate this contract for any reason before the expiry of the fixed period by giving one week’s notice in writing. 6.2. The Department may terminate your appointment immediately in writing, if you have: been guilty of any conduct that in the opinion of the Department brings or is likely to bring you or the Department into disrepute or is materially adverse to the interests of the Department; committed a material breach of your obligations as set out in this letter; failed to attend a meeting of the [insert cluster name] audit sub committee unless the Department is satisfied that the absence was due to a reasonable cause; and that you will be able to attend meetings of the [insert cluster name] audit sub committee within such a period as the Department considers reasonable; been guilty of any fraud or dishonesty; or subsequent to your appointment, you become disqualified for appointment. 7. Suspension 7.1. The Department may suspend you from any or all of your duties if it appears to the Department that any of the conditions set out in paragraph 6.2 of these terms may be satisfied 7.2. You will receive no notice if this appointment is terminated early by the agreement of both parties. 5 8. Conduct 8.1. It is essential that you are, and are seen to be honest and impartial in the exercise of your duties. You must not allow your judgement or integrity to be compromised or permit there to arise any reasonable grounds for suspicion as to the compromise of your judgement and integrity. The Seven Principles of Public Life, attached for your information , are considered to provide good guidance in the standards expected of Non-Executive Members. 8.2. If you believe you are being required to act in a way which: is illegal, improper, or unethical; is in breach of constitutional convention or a professional code; may involve possible maladministration; or is otherwise inconsistent with the Seven Principles of Public Life; 8.3. You should report the matter in writing to the Chair of the Department’s Audit and Risk Committee. 9. Conflicts of interest 8.4. You must declare to the Chair of the Department’s Audit and Risk Committee any personal or business interest which may, or may be perceived (by a reasonable member of the public) to influence your judgement in performing your functions and obligations under this agreement. These interests include (without limitation), personal direct and indirect pecuniary interests, and, any such interests of your close family members and/or of people living in the same household as you or as your close family members. 8.5. must inform the Chair of the Department’s Audit and Risk Committee in advance of any new appointments that may impinge on your performance of your functions and obligations under this Agreement. 8.6. You must not occupy any paid post in any national political party or hold any politically sensitive or high level post in a political party (whether paid or unpaid). 8.7. You must inform the Chair of the Department’s Audit and Risk Committee if it is your intention to take up a position in any political party. 8.8. It will be your responsibility to withdraw from any discussions where you have any interests that may, or may be perceived to, influence your judgement. 8.9. All information on potential conflicts of interest will be held by the Permanent Secretary’s Office and could be disclosed to the public under the Freedom of Information Act. In entering in to this agreement and accepting this appointment you thereby consent to this disclosure. 9. Personal liability 9.1. The Department does not issue any indemnity, in respect of work as a Non-Executive Member of the Department’s Audit and Risk Committee and this will also apply to 6 members of the [insert cluster name] audit sub committee. However, individual NonExecutive Members who have acted honestly, reasonably, in good faith and without negligence will not have to meet out of their own personal resources any personal civil liability which is incurred in execution or purported execution of their board functions. 10. Confidentiality 10.1. You acknowledge that all information acquired in the course of carrying out your duties during your appointment is confidential to the Department of Health and should not be released, communicated or disclosed to third parties or used for any reason other than in the interests of the Department, either during your appointment or following termination (by whatever means) without prior clearance from the Department. The restriction shall cease to apply to any confidential information which may (other than by reason of your breach) become available to the public generally. Nothing in this paragraph would prevent you from disclosing information which you are entitled to disclose under the Employment Rights Act 1996, as amended by the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998, provided that the disclosure is made in accordance with the provisions of that Act. 11. Data Protection 11.1. By agreeing to these terms you consent to the Secretary of State for Health holding and processing data about you for legal, personnel, administrative and management purposes and in particular to the processing of any sensitive personal data (as defined in the Data Protection Act 1998) relating to you. Signed ______________________________ On behalf of the Department of Health Signed ______________________________ [NAME OF NE Member] _______________ (Date) _______________ (Date) 7 Appendix 2 [Template] [Insert name] Audit sub-committee of the Department of Health Audit and Risk Committee Terms of Reference 1. Introduction The audit sub committee to review the accounts and annual reports of [PCT/SHA 1]; [PCT/SHA 2]; [PCT/SHA 3]; [PCT/SHA 4]; [PCT/SHA 5]; and [PCT/SHA 6] is established in as a sub committee of the Department of Health’s Audit and Risk Committee (DH A&RC). These terms of reference set out the membership, remit, responsibilities and reporting arrangements of the committee. 2. Membership The members of the audit sub-committee shall be appointed by a Department of Health official and shall consist of [insert number of members – minimum of 3] members. The tenure of each appointment will be from 1 April 2013 to 30 June 2013 inclusive. 3. Attendance The Accountable Officer, Director of Finance and appropriate internal and external audit representatives for the above organisations shall attend meetings. [Insert individual with secretariat responsibility] shall take minutes of the meeting and provide appropriate support to the Chair and Committee members. 4. Quorum Two members must be present to achieve a quorum. 5. Frequency and notice of meetings The sub committee is expected to meet at least once between April 2013 and June 2013. 6. Remit and responsibilities of the committee Review the annual report, financial statements and governance statement prior to signing by the Accountable Officer/Director of Finance, focusing particularly on; the wording in the governance statement; 8 changes in, and compliance with, accounting policies and practices; unadjusted mis-statements in the financial statements; significant judgements in preparing the financial statements; significant adjustments resulting from audit; letter of representation; and qualitative aspects of financial reporting. 7. Relationship with the Department of Health Audit and Risk Committee Minutes of meetings should be submitted to the DH A&RC by 21 June 2013. These should be submitted along with a return (provided by DH) summarising issues, in the opinion of the sub-committee, inadequately addressed by the Accountable Officer. [Date agreed] 9 Appendix 3 [Insert cluster name] audit sub committee nomination form This form must be signed by the Accountable Officer of the PCT or SHA cluster and returned to by 28 February 2013. Before returning please insert RESTRICTED – PERSONAL DATA in the sheet header. Personal Information Name Contact email address Post Information Job Title Start Date of Fixed Term End Date of Fixed Term Daily rate Member/chair1 of [insert cluster name] audit sub committee 1 April 2013 30 June 2013 [This must equal rate currently received by member in their cluster NED role] Base with Address Notice From employer From employee One week One week Declaration of any NHS appointments held Nominated by: ______________________ Job Title : _______________________ Date : ___________________Signature : _________________________________________ Appointee Declaration: I agree that the above information is a true and accurate record. Name :____________________________ Date : __________________________________ Signature :_________________________________________________________________ 1 Delete as applicable. 10 Appendix 4 timeline Latest date/action by 28 February 2013 Data/Information required Non executive member nominations form supplied by clusters. If membership for any cluster exceeds three then the cluster should also provide a brief explanation supporting the increased membership. 15 March 2013 Non executive member appointment confirmations issued Request for personal information for payment issued. 21 June 2013 Minutes of sub-committee meetings and ‘issues’ return submitted to DH 30 June 2013 DH receives final expenses submissions. 11