BY-LAWS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY Adopted November 7, 1975 Amended April 30, 1999 Last Amended May 6, 2011 Preamble It is desirable that all members of the faculty participate in the policy decisions affecting academic standards, research facilities, and personnel matters. The principles of election to committees and the rotation of committee assignments will enable virtually every faculty member to weigh policy, which will result in informed recommendations, an increase in the range of alternatives, and widened perspectives on policy. These principles will also encourage innovation while maintaining continuity of policy -- a condition that tends to minimize conflict and to discourage apathy. Each member of the faculty deserves the opportunity to serve on departmental committees, as this service is regarded by the university as a mark of merit, power, and influence. Although the Department and university are committed to the principle of elections without regard to distinctions of rank, seniority, and tenure, some concessions to these will have to be made in the cases of promotion and tenure. Members of the faculty have the right to appeal or request reconsideration of any personnel decisions on promotion, tenure, and annual merit evaluations. Procedures governing such appeals and/or requests are described later in these bylaws or in the Evaluation of Professional Performance (EOPP) document governing annual merit. Article I: THE FACULTY The faculty is the policy making body within the Department of Sociology, interpreting policy as well as formulating it. With the exception of the Promotion and Tenure Committee, it elects the standing committees of the Department and the Director of Graduate Studies, elects the ad hoc committees as the need arises, and has the right to issue procedural regulations for any of its committees. If the faculty should issue such a procedural rule, it will go into effect at the end of the semester during which it was adopted and will take precedence over any regulation previously adopted by the committee. Faculty meetings will ordinarily occur once a month. As used in these Bylaws, Faculty are those with tenure or on tenure-track appointments; “voting members of the department" include the following: (l) all persons holding faculty rank in sociology, (2) internship coordinator, and (3) a representative of other instructional staff, including visiting professors and temporary instructors. The representative of instructional staff must be on at least ¾ time for the second or subsequent year. Faculty meetings may take one of three formats: 1) Open to all voting members of the department plus one non-voting undergraduate representative and one non-voting graduate student representative, which will be called an Open session and is expected to be the typical meeting format; 2) Open only to voting members of the department, known as an Executive session, or 3) A mixed format involving a combination of Open and Executive sessions. Executive sessions may be scheduled in advance as a part of the faculty meeting agenda, or may result from a successful motion in Open session. Voting members of the department and both student representatives should be notified of faculty meetings, and a meeting agenda should be circulated at least one day in advance of a meeting. For purposes of voting, a quorum shall consist of a majority of the voting members of the department. Voting may occur in either open or executive session meeting formats. Proxy voting will be permitted only when the proxy voter does so in writing and states the motion on which the proxy vote is being cast. The voter also must be present for at least a portion of the meeting and for the specific issue on which proxy voting is being done. The vote is left with the departmental Chairperson. If a departmental committee acts unfavorably on a proposal brought before it by a faculty member, the faculty member may present it at the next regular faculty meeting, when the committee will also report its recommendations. This provision specifically excludes personnel matters. Article II: THE CHAIRPERSON OF THE DEPARTMENT The Chairperson is responsible to the faculty for carrying out policy; calling regular and special faculty meetings; setting agenda of regular faculty meetings upon consultation with committee chairpersons; calling meetings of the Council; acting as faculty liaison with the Dean and other administrative branches of the university; and in general, for the smooth running of the Department. The Chairperson is an ex officio member of every departmental committee except the Appeals Board, lacking the right to vote on deliberations but furnishing information. In case of disagreement with a committee, the Chairperson has the right to take the case to the entire faculty. When the need arises for immediate policy decisions occasioned by non-recurring and nonforseeable events, the Chairperson may consult with the Council either individually or collectively. Such decisions, however, must be referred to the entire faculty at its next regular meeting for its concurrence or nonconcurrence with the principles involved in the decision. The departmental Chairperson is officially invested with the authority to schedule classes offered by the Department, in consultation with the Director of Undergraduate Studies and the Director of Graduate Studies. 2 In consultation with the Director of Graduate Studies, the Chairperson allocates the graduate assistantships on the recommendations of the Graduate Committee. This committee should specify the criteria and procedures utilized in granting the awards. In addition to being consulted by the Faculty Recruitment Committee in its decisions to issue invitations to candidates to visit the campus and to make offers of positions, the departmental Chairperson may vote as a member of the faculty on prospective candidates. When a new Chairperson is to be appointed, the departmental Chairperson will announce the open position to the Department Council, and Council, in writing, will call for candidates and will set a deadline no sooner than two weeks after such announcement when nominations of candidates will be closed. One week and again two days prior to the close of nominations, Council will circulate a list of candidates to the faculty. Subsequently, Council (excluding any candidates) will convene a meeting in which the candidates can be queried by members of the Department, conduct an election of nominees to the Dean, count the ballots, and report the vote totals to the Department and to the College. The process for selecting a Chairperson to a second consecutive term is identical to the initial appointment. The electorate will consist of all faculty of the Department. Voting will be by written, secret ballot sent to the residence of each member of the faculty no less than ten calendar days prior to the advertised deadline for voting. The Chairperson’s initial term shall be from three to five years, as mutually agreed by the Chairperson-select and the Dean. A second term, if elected by the faculty and authorized by the Dean, shall be for three years. A Chairperson may not serve more than two successive terms. The Chairperson will be evaluated annually by the members of the Council, including the Director of Undergraduate Studies and the Director of Graduate Studies. Article III: DIRECTOR OF UNDERGRADUATE STUDIES The Director of Undergraduate Studies is responsible to the faculty for implementing its policies regarding the undergraduate program. In this capacity the Director will oversee the undergraduate advising program and the process for admitting undergraduate students to major or minor in sociology. The Director will advise the departmental Chairperson on the scheduling of undergraduate courses. The Director is a nonvoting member of the departmental Council and nonvoting, ex officio member of Curriculum Committee, as it deals with undergraduate curriculum matters. The Director will serve as the advisor or designate a full-time member of the department who, in consultation with the Director, will be the advisor of the Sociology SAC, and carry out the responsibilities mandated to that position. 3 The Director of Undergraduate Studies will be nominated by the departmental Chairperson and confirmed by majority vote of the faculty, normally for a maximum of two consecutive two-year terms. If nominated for a final third consecutive term, the Director must be confirmed by a two-thirds majority of the faculty. If the Chairperson's nominee is not confirmed, the Director of Undergraduate Studies will be elected by the faculty. Article IV: DIRECTOR OF GRADUATE STUDIES The Director of Graduate Studies is responsible to the faculty for implementing its policies regarding the graduate program. In this capacity the Director of Graduate Studies will check on the progress and work of the graduate assistants and deal with the graduate students' problems. The Director of Graduate Studies will advise the departmental Chairperson on the scheduling of graduate courses. The Director is a nonvoting member of the departmental Council and a nonvoting, ex officio member of the Curriculum Committee, as it deals with graduate curriculum matters. The Director will consult with the Graduate Committee and will advise the departmental Chairperson on the allocation of graduate assistantships. The Director of Graduate Studies will be elected for a twoyear term by the faculty for a maximum of two consecutive two-year terms and must belong to the graduate faculty. Article V: REPRESENTATIVE TO THE LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES COLLEGE COUNCIL The College Council consists of one tenured faculty member from each Department. The representative from Sociology will be elected by the faculty by ballot from a list of those eligible and willing to serve. The elected representative will serve for a two-year term. Article VI: DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEES Section A: COMMITTEES AND SELECTION PROCEDURES The following shall constitute the standing committees of the Department: Assessment Awards Curriculum Development Faculty Recruitment Graduate Promotion and Tenure The election of voting members of the department Council and the chairpersons of standing committees of the department will be by ballot of the faculty, with the exception of the Personnel Committee, which is selected by lot. Only faculty are eligible to serve on Council and the standing committees. In addition to the standing committees, two ad 4 hoc committees shall be selected annually: The Personnel Committee and the Appeals Board. The elections will occur each spring and, with the exception of the Director of Undergraduate Studies, those elected will take office immediately. The Director of Undergraduate Studies will take office at the beginning of the next contract year (normally August 16th). Elections will proceed in the following order: Department Council, College Council Representative, Director of Undergraduate Studies, Director of Graduate Studies, chairpersons of the standing committees, members of the standing committees. Members, exclusive of chairpersons, will be chosen by any method the faculty deems appropriate. With the exception of the Promotion and Tenure Committee, the normal size of each committee is two or three (excluding ex officio members), although this may vary in practice. Section B: COMMITTEE STRUCTURE AND DUTIES 1. The Assessment Committee The Assessment Committee will conduct periodic assessments of the department's undergraduate, graduate, and general education programs, in accordance with departmental and university policy. 2. The Awards Committee In consultation with the departmental Chairperson, the Awards Committee shall organize an annual awards ceremony for especially meritorious students and select student recipients for those awards, including named endowed awards, student writing awards, and other awards as deemed appropriate by the Committee. 3. The Curriculum Committee The Committee's principal duties are to consider suggestions regarding the curriculum and to present curricular proposals to the faculty. The committee may appoint additional faculty for consultation on a single occasion or on a recurring basis if this is necessary to complete its work. If not otherwise elected to the Committee, the Director of Undergraduate Studies and the Director of Graduate Studies serve as nonvoting ex officio members of the Committee as it deals with undergraduate and graduate matters, respectively. 4. The Development Committee The committee's general task is to explore and develop resources to enhance the department's teaching and research missions. It will work with the library to coordinate and periodically examine library holdings in sociology. It will work with the Graduate School and the graduate student representative to invite colloquium speakers. 5. The Faculty Recruitment Committee The Chairperson of the committee must hold tenure. The committee is authorized to perform all duties necessary to the hiring of all faculty members who come under the jurisdiction of the Affirmative Action program of the University. 5 For the recruitment of faculty, the Committee will proceed as follows: It will handle the correspondence involved in exploring for new faculty. In consultation with the Chairperson of the Department of Sociology, the Committee will issue invitations to candidates to visit the campus and arrange colloquia and other events to occur during these visits. At the completion of all scheduled visits, the Committee will poll the faculty employing pairwise comparisons by faculty who judge themselves sufficiently familiar with each member of each pair to make a valid comparison and will announce both the results of this polling and the Committee's own recommendation. In the event there is a material difference between the Committee's recommendation and the result of faculty polls, the Committee will defer recommending a formal offer to the Dean and will wait for a period of three days to enable the faculty to petition for a reconsideration of the announced recommendation of the Committee. If within this period of three days at least one-third of the faculty in Sociology sign and submit a petition to the Department Chairperson asking for reconsideration of this recommendation, the Committee will convene a meeting to which all faculty will be invited. If a quorum is present at the meeting, a three-fifths vote of those present against the recommended candidate will constitute a veto of the recommendation. For the recruitment of temporary instructors, the Committee will act on behalf of the faculty, as long as appropriate Affirmative Action and other relevant university procedures are followed. 6. The Graduate Committee The Chairperson of this Committee is the Director of Graduate Studies. The Committee’s primary duties are to advise the Director on the selection of applicants for graduate study and for assistantships, and to assist the Director in the preparation and evaluation of student performance on comprehensive exams, enlisting other faculty as needed to ensure appropriate expertise. Members must be full or senior members of the graduate faculty. 7. The Promotion and Tenure Committee The Promotion and Tenure Committee is vested with the responsibility for all actions that refer to the promotion, tenure, and retention of faculty. The Promotion and Tenure Committee will be composed of all tenured members of the Department of Sociology. The Chairperson, who must have tenure, will be elected by the faculty. Meetings during which personnel reviews of specific individuals are conducted will be closed to anyone not a member of this committee. Policy meetings, however, are open to all faculty. For the purpose of conducting business, a quorum shall consist of two-thirds of the membership of the committee exclusive of the departmental and members on leave who choose not to participate. The phrase "first meeting" is defined to mean the first meeting of the full Promotion and Tenure Committee. Prior to the first meeting, a committee member may submit a request, preferably in writing, to the committee Chairperson to be excused from the full committee meeting for strong, compelling reasons. At the beginning of the meeting the committee shall decide whether or not to approve the request. If approved, that individual 6 shall not be considered a part of the quorum count. Actions that do not refer to the promotion, tenure, and retention of particular individuals will be based on a majority vote of those present and voting so long as a quorum is present. Faculty who hold the rank of Professor are eligible to vote on promotions to that rank. Faculty who hold the rank of Professor or Associate Professor are eligible to vote on promotions to Associate Professor. Tenured faculty are eligible to vote on tenure. Positive recommendations for promotion and/or tenure will be made when approved by a majority of all members of the committee who are eligible to vote, not on leave, and not excused from the meeting. All meetings of the committee shall be announced through written notices placed in the office mailboxes and sent to the official email addresses of all members with tenure, including the Chairperson of the Department, at least ten working days prior to the meeting. These notices shall contain a complete and clearly worded agenda. A subcommittee consisting of two or three members of the full committee shall do the initial screening and submit a written report to the full committee. The report will be available to committee members and the candidate for at least five working days prior to the meeting to consider promotion and tenure. The subcommittee shall be elected by the members of the Promotion and Tenure Committee from a ballot listing all those eligible and willing to serve. The Chair of the Promotion and Tenure Committee is eligible for election to the subcommittee. Should a committee member wish to present opposing arguments, s/he may do so, with such comments to be read at the meeting. The candidate may also submit comments which will be read at the meeting. Once the full committee has made its recommendation, the departmental Chairperson shall announce a date for transmittal of the departmental recommendation to the College. There shall be at least five working days between the departmental decision and transmission of the recommendation to the College. Minority reports may be submitted together with the departmental recommendation if signed by one or more members of the Promotion and Tenure Committee who were present and voting at the meeting in which the departmental recommendation was adopted. The candidate may examine the departmental recommendations and minority reports, if any, and may submit a written statement which shall be transmitted to the College together with the departmental recommendations and the minority reports. 8. The Council The Council's membership will consist of five members elected annually and three nonvoting ex officio members: the departmental Chairperson, the Director of Undergraduate Studies, and the Director of Graduate Studies. The elected members of the Council will be chosen by written ballot at least one week prior to the last faculty meeting of each academic year. If necessary, ties will be broken by a runoff election; remaining 7 ties will be broken by a random process. At least one voting member of the Council should hold tenure. Prior to other departmental elections, the Council will receive nominations (including self-nominations) for College Council Representative, Director of Graduate Studies, and chairpersons of the standing committees. The Council will present an unedited list of nominees, to which others may be added, at the faculty meeting at which the remaining elections will be conducted. The Council is responsible for the overall implementation of departmental policies. Subject to the faculty's will, the Council may make broad recommendations to the committees and will make recommendations pertinent to the number and types of new faculty to be recruited in the next academic year. Should the Department Chairperson seek it, the Council will advise about any policy occasioned by events of a nonrecurring and unforeseeable nature. Furthermore, it will supply any advice requested by the Chairperson, but the final decision is the Chairperson's responsibility. The Council will make emergency policy decisions and interpretations in areas not already decided by the faculty, but such decisions and interpretations must be reported to the faculty at the earliest possible date for its consideration and ratification. Excluding the Department Chairperson, the tenured members of the Council will serve as the faculty Grade Appeals Panel, provided that at least four members of the Council hold tenure; otherwise, the Department Chairperson will appoint additional faculty as needed to comprise a Grade Appeals Panel of four tenured faculty. The graduate-faculty members of the Council will serve as the Department's Credentials Review Committee for graduate faculty membership. The Council will evaluate (and rank if required) faculty proposals for leave with pay, research stipends, and similar awards. Finally, the Council will make an annual departmental budget review. The Council must be consulted and approve requests for funding that are not routine expenses and greater than an amount to be established by the Council at the beginning of each year. Such requests should take the form of a proposal to the Chair, which will be shared as necessary with the Council. All Council members, excepting the departmental Chairperson, the Director of Undergraduate Studies, and the Director of Graduate Studies, are voting members. No voting member shall serve more than three consecutive years as a voting member, with the lapse of at least one year to re-establish eligibility. Nonvoting members (Chairperson, Director of Undergraduate Studies, and Director of Graduate Studies) are subsequently eligible to serve as voting members without a break in service, and vice-versa. Voting members of the Council may serve as chairpersons of other department committees. The Director of Graduate Studies serves as chairperson of the Graduate Committee, but otherwise, the ex officio members may not serve as chairpersons of other department committees. The Council will consider outside offers to faculty for departmental recommendations to the College on making counter offers. 8 9. The Personnel Committee Consistent with the Department's Evaluation of Professional Personnel (EOPP) procedures, the Personnel Committee shall assign ratings to each faculty member for the purpose of determining increments of salary. It shall consist of three members of the regular faculty elected by secret ballot by members of the regular faculty from a list of six such faculty selected by a random procedure. A faculty member otherwise qualified may not serve on this committee during the first year of service in the Department, nor may any individual serve for more than two consecutive years. The Personnel Committee will be elected each year after the due date for EOPP service reports and shall serve until the Departmental EOPP recommendations have been forwarded to the College. 10. The Appeals Board The purpose of the Appeals Board is to hear the appeals of faculty members regarding the Personnel Committee's evaluations of their teaching, scholarship, and service. For these appeals its decisions within the Department are final. The Appeals Board in any given year shall consist of three members and one alternate selected by a random process from the faculty exclusive of the departmental Chairperson, the members of the Personnel Committee, and those who lodge appeals. Section C: COMMITTEE MEETINGS It is suggested that the committees hold their meetings somewhat in advance of the regular faculty meetings in order to report any business they may have conducted and circulate their proposals one week in advance of departmental meetings. Subject to the aforementioned restriction in the case of the Promotion and Tenure Committee, the meetings of committees are open to all members of the faculty. For this reason, committee meetings should be announced in advance. Article VII: FACULTY REQUESTS FOR RECONSIDERATION ON MATTERS OF TENURE, PROMOTION, AND RETENTION Faculty requests for reconsideration of promotion, tenure, and retention recommendations will be directed to the entire Promotion and Tenure Committee, whose decisions will be final within the Department of Sociology. The deciding vote will consist of a simple majority of all members of the Promotion and Tenure Committee eligible to enter into a quorum. A quorum shall consist of two-thirds of the membership of the committee exclusive of the departmental Chairperson and members on leave who choose not to participate. The requester has seven calendar days in which to file a written request for reconsideration with the committee and will be allowed one hour to present the case. The requester may be accompanied at the presentation by two persons, one of whom may be from outside the Department and/or university; that person is not to be a lawyer. The committee has seven calendar days in which to act and reply in writing to the requester. If the original decision is upheld, the departmental Chairperson has no responsibility to be an advocate for the requester, but simply an even-handed provider of information and reasonable duplicating assistance to the requester. 9 Article VIII: AMENDING THE BYLAWS Any change in the Bylaws must be proposed at one faculty meeting and brought up for action at the next. Such amendments must be passed by a two-thirds vote. If the faculty categorizes a proposed change as an emergency, the amendment may be adopted at the meeting during which it was proposed. 10