Agency Roster-Bachelor`s Field Placements

Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities
The Polsky Building, 411 Akron, Ohio 44325
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
This roster of agencies is approved by the University of Akron School of Social Work to represent the
signature pedagogy of the social work profession. All Field Instructors for our baccalaureate level
students are expected to hold a baccalaureate or master’s degree in social work from a CSWEaccredited program.
This roster is divided according to the 15 practice areas outlined by the Council on Social Work
Education (CSWE) - the accrediting body for social work education. Agencies are also cross-listed
when services address more than one practice area.
Practice areas include:
 Aging/Gerontology
 Alcohol, Drug, or Substance Abuse
 Child Welfare
 Community Planning
 Criminal/Juvenile Justice and Corrections
 Developmental Disabilities
 Domestic Violence/Crisis Intervention
 Family Services
 Group Services
 Health/Community Health & Hospice
 Housing Services
 International*
 Mental Health/Community Health
 Occupational*
 Rehabilitation*
 School Social Work*
*currently no placements in these areas
*Interested in your agency’s addition to this roster? See website & complete Agency Roster
Application Form & submit to Naomi White @
**Interested in being a Field Instructor and/or Task Supervisor? See website & complete Field
Instructor Application Form and submit to Naomi White @
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Table of Contents for Undergraduate Field Placements
Akron Metropolitan Housing Authority (Akron)………………………………………………
Akron Urban Minority Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Outreach Program (Akron)…
All Caring Hospice (Canfield)……………………………………………………………………………
Alternative Paths (Medina)……………………………………………………………………………….
Altercare of Millersburg- Majora Lane Care Center (Millersburg)……………………..
Altercare of Nobles Pond (Canton)……………………………………………………………………
American Friends Service Committee, Northeast Ohio (Cuyahoga Falls)………….
Appleseed Community Mental Health Center (Ashland)………………………………….
Area Agency on Aging (Uniontown)………………………………………………………………….
Ashtabula County Children Services Board(Ashtabula)……………………………………
Asian Services in Action, Inc. (Akron)…………………………………………………………………
Aultman Hospital (Canton)……………………………………………………………………………….
Aultman Rehab and Skilled Nursing (Canton)…………………………………………………..
Bath-Copley Youth Diversion Program (Copley)……………………………………………….
Battered Women’s Shelter of Summit and Medina Counties (Akron)………………
Briarwood (Stow)……………………………………………………………………………………………..
Brenn-Field Nursing Center (Orrville)……………………………………………………………….
Bridgeway Homes (Norton)……………………………………………………………………………..
Caring for Kids (Cuyahoga Falls)……………………………………………………………………….
Carroll Co. Department of Job and Family Services (Carrollton)………………………
Catholic Charities Community Services/Summit County (Akron)…………………….
Catholic Charities of Geauga County (Chardon)………………………………………………
Catholic Charities of Lake County (Painesville)………………………………………………..
Catholic Charities of Parmadale (Parma)…………………………………………………………
Chapel Hill Retirement Community (Canal Fulton)………………………………………….
Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health (Canton)…………………………………………..
Child Guidance Centers/Family Solutions (Akron)…………………………………………..
Christian Children’s Home (Wooster)………………………………………………………………
Coleman Behavior Health (Canton)………………………………………………………………….
Coleman Outreach Services (Canton)………………………………………………………………
Coleman Professional Services (Kent)……………………………………………………………..
Common Ground Family Services (Tallmadge)…………………………………………………
Community Action Wayne/Medina (Wooster)………………………………………………..
Community AIDS Network (Akron)………………………………………………………………….
Community Clubhouse for Brain Injury (Akron)……………………………………………….
Community Health Center (Akron)………………………………………………………………….
Community Pride (Akron)……………………………………………………………………………….
Community Services of Stark County (Canton)……………………………………………….
Community Support Services/Summit County Behavioral Health Unit (Akron)…
Copley Health Center (Copley)……………………………………………………………………….
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
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Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Cornerstone of Hope(Cleveland)…………………………………………………………………………
Cornerstone Wellness Center (Medina)………………………………………………………..
Counseling Center of Wayne and Holmes Counties (Wooster)………………………
Court of Common Pleas, Cuyahoga County, Juvenile Division (Cleveland)……
Crestmont North Healthcare (Lakewood)…………………………………………………….
Crisis Intervention Center (Canton)……………………………………………………………..
Crossroads Hospice of Cleveland (Cleveland)………………………………………………
Crossroads Hospice of Green (Green)………………………………………………………….
Cuyahoga County Witness/Victim Service Center (Cleveland)……………………
Domestic Violence Project- RENEW (Canton)………………………………………………
Domestic Violence and Child Advocacy Center (Cleveland)…………………………
Doylestown Health Care Center (Doylestown)…………………………………………….
Edwin Shaw Rehabilitation Institute (Cuyahoga Falls)………………………………….
Every Woman’s House (Wooster)………………………………………………………………..
Family & Community Services of Portage County (Kent)……………………………..
Family Visitation and Mediation Services (Tallmadge)…………………………………
FMC-Akron East Kidney Center (Akron)……………………………………………………..
Forum Health (Youngstown)………………………………………………………………………..
Girl Scouts of the Western Reserve (Akron)………………………………………………..
Good Shepherd Nursing Home (Ashland)……………………………………………………
Goodwill Industries and Rehabilitation Center (Canton)……………………………..
Guardian ad Litem Program of Summit County (Akron)………………………………
Guidestone Ohio (Berea)……………………………………………………………………………….
Greenleaf Family Center (Akron)………………………………………………………………..
Happy Trials Farm Animal Sanctuary (Ravenna)…………………………………………
Harbor Light Hospice (Munroe Falls)…………………………………………………………..
Hartville Meadows (Hartville)……………………………………………………………………..
Hattie Larlham Center for Children with Disabilities (Mantua)……………………
Hattie Larlham Community Services (Mantua)…………………………………………..
Haven of Rest Ministries/Harvest Home (Akron)……………………………………….
Heather Hill Hospital Care Communities…………………………………………………….
Heather Knoll Nursing Care Facility (Tallmadge)…………………………………………
H.M. Life Opportunity Services (Akron)……………………………………………………..
Holmes County Department of Job and Family Services (Millersburg)………..
Holmes County Prevention Coalition (Millersburg)……………………………………
Hospice of Medina (Medina)……………………………………………………………………..
Hospice of The Western Reserve (Cleveland)…………………………………………….
ICAN (Canton)……………………………………………………………………………………………
Indian River Juvenile Correction Facility/Department of Youth Services (Massillon)
Interfaith Hospitality Network of Summit County/Family Promise of
Summit County (Akron) …..………………………………………………………………………..
International Institute of Akron (Akron)…………………………………………………….
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
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pages 22,32
page 13,66,78
page 13,67,78
pages 81,87
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pages 48,81
page 82
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Jennings Hall (Garfield Heights)…………………………………………………………………
Jewish Family Services (Akron)……………………………………………………………………
Koinonia Homes (Independence)……………………………………………………………..
Legal Aid Society of Cleveland (Cleveland)……………………………………………….
Lodi Community Hospital (Lodi)………………………………………………………………..
Lovelight , Inc (Kent)…………………………………………………………………………………
Manor Care Health Services, Belden Village (Canton)………………………………
Manor Care Health Services, Barberton (Barberton)……………………………….
Mature Services (Akron)………………………………………………………………………….
Meals on Wheels of Stark and Wayne Counties (Massillon)…………………….
Med Central (Mansfield)……………………………………………………………………….....
Medina County MRDD (Medina)……………………………………………………………..
Medina County Achievement Center (Medina)……………………………………….
Medina County Job and Family Services (Medina)…………………………………..
Medina County Office for Older Adults (Medina)…………………………………….
Medina Meadows (Medina)…………………………………………………………………….
Murtis H. Taylor Human Services System (Cleveland) ……………………………..
NAMI-Summit County(Akron)……………………………………………………………………
National Multiple Sclerosis Society Ohio Buckeye Chapter (Independence)…
Neil Kennedy Recovery Clinic (Austintown)………………………………………………
New Beginning (Wooster)…………………………………………………………………………
Northeast Ohio Adoption Services (Cleveland)…………………………………………
Ohio Department of Youth Services (Akron)…………………………………………….
Opportunity Parish Ecumenical Neighborhood Ministry (Akron)……………..
Oriana House (Akron)……………………………………………………………………………….
Outreach Community Living (Wooster)…………………………………………………….
P.A.L. Mission (Canton)…………………………………………………………………………….
Parkside Villa Nursing Facility (Middleburg Heights)………………………………..
Pastoral Counseling (Akron)…………………………………………………………………….
Pathway Caring for Children (North Canton)……………………………………………
Pebble Creek Senior Care Residence (Akron)…………………………………………..
Personal and Family Counseling Service (New Philadelphia)……………………
Portage Area Transitional Housing (Ravenna)………………………………………….
Portage Children’s Center/Children’s Advantage (Ravenna)…………………..
Portage County Department of Job and Family Services (Ravenna)………..
Portage Industries (Ravenna)………………………………………………………………….
Portage Trail Village (Cuyahoga Falls)………………………………………………………
Pregnancy Care of Summit County (Akron)…………………………………………….
Project GRAD (Akron)……………………………………………………………………………..
Project R.I.S.E. (Akron)……………………………………………………………………………
Quest Prevention and Recovery Services (Canton)………………………………..
Rape Crisis Center (Akron)……………………………………………………………………..
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
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page 14,67,81
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pages 30,52
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pages 16,70
pages 42,52
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pages 42,58,70
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Regina Health Center (Richfield)…………………………………………………………….
Richland County Children Services Board (Mansfield)……………………………
Robinson Memorial Hospital (Ravenna)…………………………………………………
Rockynol Retirement Community (Akron)…………………………………………….
Safe Landing (Akron)……………………………………………………………………………...
SAFY-Specialized Alternatives for Families and Youth (North Canton)…..
Saint Luke Lutheran Home (North Canton)…………………………………………….
Saint Vincent Charity Hospital (Cleveland)…………………………………………….
Salvation Army (Akron)………………………………………………………………………….
Salvation Army (Canton)………………………………………………………………………..
Scenic Point and Sycamore Run Nursing/Rehabilitation Center (Millersburg)…
Solutions Behavioral Healthcare (Medina)…………………………………………….
South Street Ministries (Akron)……………………………………………………………..
South West General Health Center (Middleburg)………………………………….
Stark County Board of Mental Retardation/Developmental Disabilities (Canton)
Stark County Children Services (Canton)……………………………………………….
Stark Metropolitan Housing Authority (Canton)……………………………………
Stow Glenn Nursing Home (Stow)…………………………………………………………
Stow Police Department (Stow)……………………………………………………………
Stow Youth Division Services (Stow)…………………………………………………….
Summa Family Medicine Center (Akron)………………………………………………
Summa Center for Senior Health (Akron)…………………………………………….
Summa Health System—Internal Medicine Center (Akron)………………..
Summer’s Trace (Canton)……………………………………………………………………
Summit County Adult Probation Department (Akron)…………………………
Summit County Board of MR/DD (Tallmadge)………………………………………
Summit County Children Services (Akron)……………………………………………
Summit County Common Pleas Court, Domestic Relations (Akron)…….
Summit County Prosecutor’s Office Victim Services Division (Akron)….
Tarry House/Jewish Family Service (Akron)…………………………………………
The LEAP Program (Kent) …………………………………………………………………….
The National Youth Advocate Program (Tallmadge)……………………………
The Ohio State University Extension Expanded Food & Nutrition
Education Program (Massillon)…. ………………………………………………………
Tri County Independent Living Center (Akron)……………………………………
Trillium Family Solutions (Canton)……………………………………………………..
Trumbull County Department of Job and Family Services (Warren)…..
Union Hospital (Dover)……………………………………………………………………….
United Disability Services (Akron)………………………………………………………
University Park Nursing and Rehabilitation (Akron)……………………………
Urban Ounce Prevention Services, Inc. (Akron) ………………………………...
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
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Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Victim Assistance Program (Akron)…………………………………………………….
VITAS Innovative Hospice Care(Cleveland)………………………………………
Wadsworth Pointe (Wadsworth)……………………………………………………….
Wadsworth-Rittman Hospital (Wadsworth)……………………………………….
Wayne County Adult Protective Services (Wooster)………………………….
Wayne County Board of Mental Retardation/Developmental Disabilities (Wooster)…
Wayne County Children Services (Wooster)………………………………………
Wayne County Department of Job and Family Services (Wooster)……
Western Stark Medical Clinic (Massillon)…………………………………………..
West View Manor (Wooster)…………………………………………………………….
Your Human Resource Center (Wooster)………………………………………….
pages 35,43
page 19,72,79
page 20,73
page 73
pages 20,74
pages 39,56
pages 32,57
page 57
page 74
pages 20,74
pages 24,57
Social Work students- you are allowed to identify agencies not identified on this list as long as the
following criteria is met:
 There is a person at this agency willing to provide you with weekly supervision and
develop your skill set who has a minimum of a baccalaureate degree from a CSWE*accredited school. [Council on Social Work Education]
 This same person is required to have graduated from their undergraduate program at
least two years and have been working at this same agency for a minimum of one year.
Note: The above requirements are the same requirements for any field instructor interested in
developing undergraduate social work students.
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Aging/Gerontological Social Work
Akron Metropolitan Housing Authority [See Also Family Services and Housing]
Resident Support Services
100 West Cedar Street
Akron, Ohio 44307
Jeanne Shea 330-762-9631
The Akron Metropolitan Housing Authority is committed to building stronger neighborhoods by
providing attractive, safe and affordable housing options and professional services for all eligible
Summit County families, elderly and individuals with special needs in partnership with the greater
All Caring Hospice [See also Health/Hospice]
6715 Tippecanoe Road
Canfield, Ohio 44406
Katie Fekey
Volunteer Coordinator
The mission of All Caring Hospice is to understand and help guide our patients' quest for a rewarding
quality of life in their final days and to help their circle of family and friends support them in life and
grieve for them in death. All Caring pledges to provide expert hospice care for the comfort and dignity
of the terminally ill by addressing their physical, emotional and spiritual needs. We strive to provide
individuals facing death and grief expert care that provides a sense of personal worth.
All Caring Hospice serves as a resource to the community for end-of-life care and related issues and
seeks to provide care for all appropriate patients and families who need hospice services regardless
of their ability to pay.
Coverage area includes: Ashtabula, Carroll, Columbiana, Jefferson, Mahoning, Portage, Stark, and
Trumbull counties.
Altercare of Millersburg – Majora Lane Care Center
105 Majora Lane
Millersburg, OH 44654
Tracey Ropp 330-674-4444 x 4617
This agency provides quality care and services to persons over 65 years of age who are in need of short or long
term placement. A student may participate in the Adult Day Care Programs, attend conferences and work as
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
part of the interdisciplinary team.
Area Agency on Aging
1550 Corporate Woods Parkway
Suite 100
Uniontown, OH 44685
Francine Chuchanis 330-899-5250
Elizabeth Pfeiffer 330-899-5261
The Area Agency on Aging provides older adults and their caregivers long-term care choices, consumer
protection, and education so that they can achieve the highest possible quality of life. Agency activities include
Gerontology and Protective Elder Services. There is also a Wooster office.
Services include Access Services, which are programs designed to help older persons become aware of and
gain access to existing services (client finding, information and referral, transportation); In Home Services,
which are designed to help older persons maintain independence in their own homes, friendly visiting, hospice
visiting, respite, safety monitoring); and Community Services, which are designed to help older persons remain
active members of
their community (counseling / social, gatekeeper, housing assistance). Other Services include the Ombudsman
Program and screening / assessment for referral to Passport.
The Area Agency on Aging offers a unique and rewarding experience for social work students hoping to acquire
pragmatic, hands on experience. Student activities may include assignments in nursing homes, which the
student visits in order to observe living conditions, advocate for residents in complaint handling, and inform
residents of their rights.
The Senior Friends Program is a visitation and companionship service for homebound or isolated older adults.
Through the provision of visitation, the Program alleviates the detrimental impact of isolation. Visitation
occurs within the homes of consumers or in the form of community outings. Students placed in this program
are assigned a caseload of four seniors (after completion of a training module.) Students spend one hour a
week in case conference with the Senior Friends Coordinator. Schedules are adjusted accordingly for the
summer sessions to ensure adequate visitation and supervision.
Aultman Rehab and Skilled Nursing [See also Rehabilitation and Health]
2821 Woodlawn N.W.
Canton, Ohio 44708
Marcella Copeland 330-479-4800
This is a licensed, 60 beds Transitional Unit and 30 beds Rehabilitation Unit which prepares patients (children
and adults) to return home following surgery, such as hip, or knee replacement, or stroke. Using a team
approach, the unit treats patients from several angles, including social work. Patients are mostly elderly. An
average stay is 2 weeks, and about 95% of patients return to the community. Students provide services which
include assessment, education, support, and discharge planning as part of a multi-disciplinary team working
directly with patients and families. Students will also have exposure to social work services provided in home
care and hospice.
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Briarwood [See Also Health]
3700 Englewood Drive
Stow, OH 44224
Melissa VonGunten 330-688-1828
This facility provides positive opportunities for those needing both assistance with activities of daily living and
medical care. Briarwood provides a continuum of living arrangements including
This facility provides positive opportunities for those needing both assistance with activities of daily living and
medical care. Briarwood provides a continuum of living arrangements including assisted living; interim
assisted living and nursing care. Student opportunities include cognitive assessments of residents,
participation in care conferences, and supportive visits to residents. Students will be taught medical
terminology, Medicare, Medicaid and Area Agency on Aging Screenings and services.
Brenn-Field Nursing Center [See Also Community Mental Health and Hospice]
1980 Linn Dr.
Orrville, Ohio 44667
Wendy Bowman 330-683-4075 x 2032
The nursing center offers the highest standard for the delivery of mental health care services in a home-like
atmosphere. Students work in areas of hospice, assessment, discharge planning, and gerontology.
Chapel Hill Retirement Community [See Also Health]
12200 Strausser St. NW
Canal Fulton, Ohio 44614
Brenda Zahn 330- 854-4177 x 334
Chapel Hill Retirement Community is a continuing care retirement community founded on a mission to provide
older adults with Christian caring and quality services to enhance their wellness. As part of the United Church
Homes family, our vision is to provide an environment of respect in which lives are enriched, independence is
honored, and changing needs are met. At Chapel Hill Retirement Community, you will find the time and
freedom to realize your full potential as you engage in life and explore everything we have to offer.
Student activities will include patient assessments.
Note: Please ask for the receptionist to page Brenda Zahn rather than leaving a message on her voice mail.
Copley Health Center [See also Health & Rehabilitation]
155 Heritage Woods Drive
Copley, OH 44321
Lori Endsley 330-666-0980
Copley Health Center is a licensed nursing facility with 150 beds providing skilled continuous care,
rehabilitation services, and intermediate and assisted care. Copley is committed to offering the highest quality
of residential and health care services to older adults whose needs cannot be met in the community.
Student learning opportunities in the Social Work department include: providing residents and families with
emotional support; learning community resources; conducting history and assessment interviews; advocating
aphasia, hearing deficits and dementia;
mediating and enabling resolution to conflicts; using the problem solving model; working as an
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
interdisciplinary team player; addressing residents ‘ psychosocial, emotional, communicative needs and
behavioral problems.
Crestmont North Healthcare [See also Health ]
13330 Detroit Avenue
Lakewood, OH 44107
Andrea Freis 216-228-9550
Since 1992, Crestmont has provided quality health care delivered through a dedicated team of
professionals. We have strived to meet the evolving health care needs of the communities we serve.
It is our commitment to deliver the highest quality of care in an environment that supports and
nurtures the individual. Areas that would be covered include Psychosocial Assessments, including the
Mini Mental Status Exam and the Geriatric Depression Scale; Care Planning; Discharge Planning,
including making referrals to outside agencies; Counseling; completing the MDS Assessment; working
with other disciplines, especially in Interdisciplinary Team Conferences; and completing forms needed
in Nursing Homes, such as Level of Care (LOC) and Pasarr Screens. Discharge Planning and
Gerontology are also included.
Crossroads Hospice of Cleveland
9775 Rockside Rd Suite 270
Valley View, OH 44125
Kristen Kitzmiller
The hospice social worker provides initial and ongoing psychosocial assessments of the patient and
establishes a psychosocial plan of care. The social worker normally sees the patient once or twice a
month to provide emotional support and ensure patient and family psychosocial needs are being
met. The patient/family or any member of the hospice team can request additional psychosocial visits
as needed. The social worker can provide assistance to the patient and family such as helping the
patient with a Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) order, assisting with finding community resources, and
making arrangements for nursing home placement or transfer to inpatient care facility. The hospice
social worker can also provide counseling to the patient or family.
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Crossroads Hospice- Green [See also Health/Hospice]
3743 Boettler Oaks Drive, Suite E
Green, Ohio 44685
Ron Davis
Emotional Support Team Director
330.899.9972 – Fax
About Hospice
Hospice is a philosophy of care. It treats the person rather than the disease and focuses on quality of
life. It surrounds the patient and family with a team consisting of professionals who not only address
physical distress, but emotional and spiritual issues as well. Hospice care is patient-centered because
the needs of the patient and family drive the activities of the hospice team.
Roles and responsibilities of a hospice team.
Physician: The physician is responsible for identifying the patient’s need for hospice and making the
referral for hospice services. They are encouraged to remain involved as a member of the patient
care team, and to actively participate in the hospice plan of care.
Hospice Medical Director: The hospice medical director provides an oversight of patient care and
support to the hospice team. The hospice medical director attends a team conference to discuss the
plan of care by assisting in establishing goals, and participating in decisions regarding patient care.
Registered Nurse Case Manager: The registered nurse case manager coordinates the plan of care with
the physician and hospice medical director through initial and ongoing nursing assessments. The
nurse visits the patient two or three times a week, or as needed, to ensure all distressing symptoms
are effectively managed and that patient and family needs are being met. The RN supervises all care
provided by the licensed practical nurse and home health aide, and coordinates care with the other
members of the hospice team to ensure patient and family spiritual and psychosocial needs are met.
Social Worker: The hospice social worker provides initial and ongoing psychosocial assessments of
the patient and establishes a psychosocial plan of care. The social worker normally sees the patient
once or twice a month to provide emotional support and ensure patient and family psychosocial
needs are being met. The patient/family or any member of the hospice team can request additional
psychosocial visits as needed. The social worker can provide assistance to the patient and family
such as helping the patient with a Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) order, assisting with finding
community resources, and making arrangements for nursing home placement or transfer to
inpatient care facility. The hospice social worker can also provide counseling to the patient or
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
family in times of crisis.
Chaplain: The hospice chaplain provides spiritual support to the patient and family as needed. The
chaplain visits once or twice per month or more often if requested. The care provided by the hospice
chaplain can address religious issues, however the focus of care is more spiritual, in nature, than
religious. Care by the hospice chaplain is non-denominational.
Bereavement Counselor: The bereavement counselor not only supports and guides the family
through the bereavement period after the loss of a loved one, but can also help the patient deal with
the grief associated with declining health. The bereavement counselor can provide bereavement
services to the family up to a year, or longer, after a loved passes.
Home Health Aide: The home health aide assists the patient and family with personal care needs and
light housekeeping. They also teach family members the correct and safe method for providing
personal care to the patient. The home health aide supplements the care provided by the nurse case
Hospice Volunteer: The hospice volunteer provides companionship and support to the patient and
family. All hospice volunteers are required to attend volunteer training at the hospice. The volunteers
frequently perform needed errands and light housekeeping for the patient and family.
Doylestown Health Care Center [See also Health & Rehabilitation]
95 Black Drive
Doylestown, OH 44230
Amy Royse 330-658-2061
This is a nursing home facility serving primarily older adults with the mission founded on Christian principles to
provide the best possible quality of life in long-term care . . . We promote independence and preserve dignity.
Services include supportive living and long-term care; hospice; wound management; rehabilitative therapies;
respite care; therapeutic activities, etc. Student activities might include information and referral, social service
histories and assessments, attending weekly care plan meetings, documentation.
Good Shepherd Nursing Home [See also Health]
622 Center Street
Ashland, OH 44805
Lorie White 419- 289-3523
Good Shepherd Nursing Home is a 130-bed skilled nursing home. This agency works with clients with
Alzheimer’s, residential and family adjustment, documentation, and counseling residents and family members.
Their mission is “Creating a better world by serving people in need.” Students may experience Adult Care,
Assessment, Discharge Planning, Case Management, Intake and Ongoing Care.
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Heather Knoll Nursing Care Facility [See also Health & Occupational]
1134 North Avenue
Tallmadge, OH 44278-1097
Frankie Twymon 330-688-8600
This is a 120-bed facility providing nursing care, physical, speech and occupational therapy, rehabilitation
services, restorative and long term care. There are 30 skilled beds and 90 intermediate. Student opportunity
may include working with the family of the residents, educational activities, support groups, interdisciplinary
goal setting, and assisting residents in returning to their home.
Hospice of Medina County [See also Hospice/Health]
5075 Windfall Road
Medina, OH 44256
Kim Ventresca 330-725-1900
With HMC Hospice of Medina County, you’ll discover an encompassing Circle of Care that includes
expertise from a variety of agencies all working together in a single, unified organization. No one else
in the region offers more experience in the combined specialties of home health and palliative care,
hospice care and bereavement support. All delivered with compassionate hearts intent on providing
the exact services to meet each family’s needs and wishes. The agencies within our Circle of Care
enable us to be responsive to your needs throughout Medina and Summit counties and portions of
Wayne, Lorain and Cuyahoga counties. Click on any agency from the menu to learn more about how
they can provide the support you’re looking for.
Hospice of The Western Reserve [See also Health/Hospice]
17876 St. Clair Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44110
Karen Vrtunski 216-486-6196
Hospice of the Western Reserve has provided hospice and palliative care to patients and families
throughout Northern Ohio since 1978. Our programs and services are more comprehensive than any
other provider in the region. We help physicians and other healthcare providers achieve improved
outcomes for patients facing a serious illness. Our holistic approach to care offers patients, caregivers
and families opportunities to have their needs met at a variety of levels. In collaboration with
doctors, Hospice of the Western Reserve’s transdisciplinary teams provide spiritual and psychosocial
support, personal care and bereavement services to those in their care. We offer specialized
programs for those not yet ready for hospice, patients with dementia, Veterans, children and women
who learn of a serious illness while pregnant.
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
For patients who many not have a caregiver, whose loved ones are unable to care for them at home
or are in need of intensive symptom management, one of our care settings might be available. Our
Hospice Institute is the only one in Ohio that is dedicated to improving quality of life for people facing
serious illness through research, knowledge and education of healthcare professionals, students and
the general public.
Jennings Hall, Inc.
10204 Granger Road
Garfield Hts., OH 44125
Tammy Arastaris 216-581-2900 x 2253
Jennings Hall, inspired by the Sisters of the Holy Spirit, and the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland, continues the
loving ministry of Jesus by providing health care and supportive services to older adults, with special concern
for those with limited means.
Jewish Family Service- Aging/Gerontology/Community Planning/Housing
750 White Pond Drive
Akron, Ohio 44320
Gizelle Jones, LISW-S 330-867-3388
Jewish Family Service is a nonprofit agency that provides counseling, case management, and
community education to seniors and their families, beginning at age 45. This agency serves both the
Jewish and non-Jewish community in Summit County and is funded in part by United Way. This
organization has a grant funded program for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered Seniors. This
program is growing fast and an intern is needed to work with these seniors. A second project is in
collaboration with Akron Metropolitan Housing to work with seniors in of their apartment buildings.
An intern is needed to work with this project
Manor Care Health Services, Belden Village [See also Health & Hospice]
5005 Higbee Avenue
Canton, OH 44718
Keith Patterson 330-492-7835
This agency is dedicated to providing the highest quality in health care services. By ensuring that patients live
with the greatest dignity and comfort possible, we will establish HCR Manor Care as the pre-eminent care
provider, committed to standards of performance, which serve as the hallmark of the industry. Student’s
duties may include admissions discharge, quarterly resident reviews, Medicare and Medicaid regulations,
hospice, outside referrals and taking care of resident concerns.
Manor Care Health Services, Barberton [See also Health & Occupational]
85 3rd St., S. E.
Barberton, OH 44203
Jennifer S. Leeper 330-753-5005 x 5935
This agency is dedicated to providing the highest quality in health care services. By ensuring that residents,
patients and clients live with the greatest dignity and comfort possible, we will establish HCR Manor Care as
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
the pre-eminent care provider, committed to standards of performance, which serve as the hallmark of the
industry. Services include skilled nursing, physical, occupational and speech therapies; hospice care; social
services; pastoral care; rehabilitative and restorative programs; and respite care.
Mature Services, Inc. [See Also Community Health & Substance Abuse]
The D. Bruce Mansfield Center is now Avenues to Recovery and with the new name comes broader services like
Mental Health Counseling as well as alcohol and substance abuse treatment and prevention programs. *We
provide all our services directly at Avenues and not by referral to another organization (except for crisis
415 S. Portage Path
Akron, OH 44320
Laura Kidd, 330-253-4597x 115
Mature Services, Inc. promotes successful aging by providing the highest quality programs and services to
support, strengthen, and empower adults as they age. Founded in Akron, Ohio as a senior citizen program, it
has since become an independent, nationally respected organization with offices throughout the state. This
agency provides services to older adults, including support, chemical dependency services, homecare and
senior employment services. The goal is to provide independence of individuals through community-based
assistance, to help older adults avoid premature or inappropriate institutionalization and to help alleviate the
problems of poverty among older adults. Student opportunities include assessment and reassessment;
problem-solving around issues of daily living, including emergency food and utility assistance; information and
referral; and mediation.
Meals on Wheels of Stark and Wayne Counties (fall)
2363 Nave SE
Massillon, OH 44646
Laurel Seimetz 330-832-7220 or 800-466-8010
This is a community service providing meals in a social or home setting. The purpose of Meals on Wheels is to
assist seniors in remaining active, healthy and independent of extended care facilities for as long as possible.
They serve over 1,500 meals per day to seniors. It is a non- profit organization. Student activities may include
home assessment and reassessment, taking phone calls to answer questions about the program, follow up
with clients, networking with other community agencies, and attending Adult Protective Service meetings for
case reviews.
Medina County Office for Older Adults
246 Northland Drive
Medina, OH 44256
Laura Toth 330-723-9514 x 9518
This agency’s mission is to help the senior population of Medina County remain as independent as possible by
providing services as well as information and referral available throughout the county.
Medina Meadows [See Also Hospice & Rehabilitation]
550 Miner Drive
Medina, OH 44256
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Wendy Thornhill 330- 725-1550 x 114
This agency provides short and long-term nursing home care, outpatient rehabilitation services and hospice
Outreach Community Living [See Also Developmental Disabilities & Community Mental Health]
337 W. North Street
Wooster, OH 44691
Mary Lloyd 330-263-0862
This agency is a non-profit corporation established to provide a continuum of residential and support services
to persons with mental disabilities. Field activities include Psychiatric, Elders, MRDD, Adult, Case Management,
and Intake.
Parkside Villa Nursing Facility [See Also Rehabilitation and Health]
7040 Hepburn Road
Middleburg Hts., Ohio 44130
Rena Close 440-260-7626 x 4472
Parkside Villa is a skilled nursing facility with both long-term and short-term rehab stay residents. There are
143 beds on four separate units. The Redwood unit is specified as the dementia unit. Students would
experience a wide variety of experiences while at Parkside Villa. Students would participate in the following
activities: MDS assessments, care planning, and RAP assessments. Students would also participate in
admission psychological assessments, quarterly and annual reviews, family and individual counseling, resident
council, and possibly additional group work. Students would learn the Medicare and Medicaid processes as
well as gain practical knowledge in the field of medical social work.
Pebble Creek
Senior Care Residence
670 Jarvis Road
Akron, OH 44319
Mike Casto 330-645-0200 (x2345)
Pebble Creek is a nursing home. A student may be involved in documentation, behavior management
activities, and discharge planning and community referrals.
Portage Trail Village [See Also Health]
45 Cathedral Lane
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223
Diane Sauers 330- 945-5637
Portage Trail Village is an Independent Living environment where student placement would consist of working
with seniors and individuals with disabilities in a H.U.D. housing setting. The primary role of the student would
be in the service coordination area. The student experience would be to assist the residents to remain as
independent as possible. The student would assist the resident with providing emotional support, medical
assistance, advocacy and coordination of financial assistance. Students observe and assist service coordinators
in informing residents about service availability, coordination from hospitals, physicians, prescriptions,
transportation, and other relevant issues in the residents’ own homes.
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Regina Health Center
5232 Broadview Road
Richfield, OH 44286
Sean Mickle 330-659-4161 x 5134
Regina Health Center is a care facility of the Sisters of Charity of St. Augustine. The Center provides
cooperative care in an 81-bed nursing home unit and 74 bed assisted care bed unit. The goal and mission is to
provide compassionate and holistic care to all who reside there. Student activities may include participation
in surveys, reports, staff meetings, in-services, assessments, and community agency referral.
Rockynol Retirement Community [See Also Community Health and Family Services]
1150 West Market Street
Akron, OH 44313-7178
Kelly Yeager 330-867-2150 x 315
Rockynol is a continuing care retirement community. Their mission is to provide older adults with caring and
quality services towards the enhancement of physical, mental, and spiritual well being. The levels of care
offered include skilled nursing care, independent living apartments, assisted living, and a special car unit for
those with dementia. They also have day care and home care programs. This agency offers two internship
experiences: one is with Independent and assisted living residents and their families. This involves significant
work around level of care changes and moves, and support services. The second is in the Nursing Home area,
which is highly regulated by Medicare and Medicaid. This job includes assisting residents to adjust to their
situation and establish a life with satisfaction and quality. Assessment, documentation, and case management
are inherent in both positions. The student will be a team member with all departments.
Saint Luke Lutheran Home
220 Applegrove St., N. E.
North Canton, OH 44720
Laura Theiss 330-966-5628
In the response to a call from God, the mission of St. Luke’s Lutheran Community, a not-for-profit ministry, is
to provide a quality continuum of care and service to older adults in affordable an caring environment where
residents can live in comfort and dignity in a loving Christian community.
Scenic Point and Sycamore Run Nursing/Rehabilitation Center [See Also Mental Health &
6180 State Route 83
PO Box 501
Millersburg, OH 44654
Kirk Hartline 330-674-0015, ext. 2506
Provides 24-hour residential nursing care in its skilled and sub-acute units. Services offered are physical,
speech and occupational therapy, social and psychological services. Students participate in staff meetings,
care conferences, client admission, assessment, and discharge planning, and patient transport for
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
South West General Health Center [See Also Community Health]
Geriatric Program
18697 Bagley Road
Middleburg Heights, Ohio 44130
Donna Barrett 440-816-4036
Community-based case management for high risk older adults. Assessments, outreach, grant writing and
program planning.
Stow-Glen Nursing Home
4285 Kent Road
Stow, OH 44224
Donald Morris 330-686-7288
100-bed, intermediate level of care nursing home. Total number of people served is over 350. This includes
nursing home, assisted and independent living.
Summa Center for Senior Health [See Also Community Health and Crisis Intervention]
*Note: This organization is not taking students after Spring 2012 until further notice
75 Arch Street Suite G2
Akron, Ohio 44304
Traci Kalpac 330-375-4100
The mission is to improve the health quality of life, and the well-being of older adults through a consultative
process focused on coordinating every aspect of an older adult’s care. Agency field activities include Nursing
Home, Elders, Substance Use, Hospice, Assessment, Case Management, Intake, Protective, Ongoing, and Crisis
Intervention, among others.
Summer’s Trace (formerly Altercare of Canton) [See Also Health]
820 34th St NW
Canton, OH 44709
Anne Halm 330-492-7131 x 329
This is a 150-bed, multi-level care facility; skilled and ICF nursing care, assisted living, and retirement home.
University Park Nursing and Rehabilitation (formerly Little Forest Med. Ctr.) [See Also Developmental
797 East Market Street
Akron, OH 44305
Chris Leib 330-434-4514 x 120
Care First is a nursing home serving the MR/DD and geriatric population. Student interns may participate in
care planning, community resource referral, and meeting participation.
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Volunteer and Bereavement Services Manager
VITAS Innovative Hospice Care [See also Health/Hospice]
600 East Granger Road, Suite 100
Cleveland, Ohio 44131
Roberta Baioni, MSW
Hospice Care and Services
VITAS (pronounced VEE-tahss) Innovative Hospice Care® is the nation’s oldest and largest hospice provider,
providing end-of-life care for patients with life-limiting illnesses. We work with patients and families to
provide comfort and preserve dignity in the face of terminal illness. We provide comprehensive hospice
services, including pain and symptom management, emotional and spiritual support for patients and
bereavement support for families. These services are delivered by an interdisciplinary team comprised of
physicians, nurses, social workers, chaplains, nursing assistants, and volunteers. We are lea by our VITAS
Values: Patients and families come first, We take care of each other, I’ll do my best today and do even better
tomorrow, and I am proud to make a difference.
The Cleveland program opened in 2007 and serves patients in 9 counties including Cuyahoga, Lake, Portage,
Geauga, Lorain, Summit, Stark, Medina, and Wayne.
VITAS Mission
We are a growing family of hospices providing the highest quality human services, products and case
management to terminally ill and other appropriate patients and their families with measurable advantages
for the patient, the family, the medical community, the employee, and the stockholder.
VITAS Vision
For over 30 years, VITAS has advocated for the rights of terminally ill patients and their families. We believe
that patients should be apprised of their clinical prognosis and be involved in the decision-making process that
determines how their end-of-life care is provided.
Social Work Student Practicum
Social Work students have an opportunity to participate in both clinical and administrative activities including:
 Completing initial and ongoing psychosocial assessments with patients and their families
 Making referrals to community resources
 Providing emotional support to patients, families, and other caregivers
 Working with patients with a variety of terminal diagnoses, ie. Alzheimer’s Disease, cancers, cardiac,
 Assisting with Medicaid applications
 Coordinating Respite stays
 Attending team meeting and collaborating with the interdisciplinary team
 Completing post death bereavement assessments with families
 Assisting with planning and facilitation of bereavement activities
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Assisting with volunteer recruitment, training, and supervision
Attending interoffice trainings on issues related to end of life care
Wadsworth Pointe
540 Great Oaks Trail
Wadsworth, Ohio 44281
Angela Alonso MSW, LSW (330) 336-1141
Wadsworth Pointe is a licensed nursing home and assisted living facility. This facility has 64 dual certified
skilled nursing beds and 7 assisted living beds. The facility provides rehabilitation and custodial care to its
residents. Our mission is to provide the highest quality of care possible to all those we are privileged to serve.
This entails a continued commitment to always maintain the highest standards of care. Facility services
include: skilled nursing care; physical, occupational and speech therapies; and a secure dementia unit.
Student learning opportunities in the social work department include a range of activities. Students may
participate in the following activities as appropriate: conduct psychosocial assessments; provide emotional
support; learn behavior management skills; learn communication skills; become a patient and family advocate;
gain information in community resources; participate in an interdisciplinary team; and assist residents and
families with discharge planning.
Wayne County Adult Protective Services [See Also Community Health]
356 W. North Street
PO Box 76
Wooster, OH 44691
Susan Sigmon 800-421-7277 ext. 3342
CPS is a division of Wayne County DHS and provides protective services for the elderly. The agency strives to
empower, support, educate, and advocate for clients, and to act as a resource for other community agencies
by offering services to those in need. Programs and services offered include: Adult Protective Services, day
care, transportation services, Health Check, Healthy Start, and prenatal care programs. Student field
opportunities may include: Adult Protective Services home visits and client benefit application assistance.
West View Manor [See Also Community Health]
1715 Mechanicsburg Road
Wooster, OH 44691
Jenny Whitman 330-264-8640 x 230
West View Manor is a non-profit organization affiliated with the Northern Ohio District Church of the Brethren
whose main mission is to foster, maintain and operate a Christian Retirement Community that provides older
adults with caring and quality services toward the enhancement of their physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing consistent with the Christian Gospel. Services provided include a continuum of care—assisted living,
skilled nursing, assessment, and discharge planning.
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Alcohol, Drug, or Substance Abuse
Akron Urban Minority Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Outreach Program, Inc. [See Also Community
665 West Market Street
Akron, OH 44303
Jennifer Moree-Brown 330-379-3467 x126
Akron UMADAOP provides substance abuse and HIV / AIDS prevention services which incorporate a wide
variety of activities targeted to minority populations in Summit County. The philosophy is that substance
abuse education, prevention and treatment efforts must be culturally specific if the needs of the minority
community are to be addressed. Its mission is to increase awareness regarding the damaging effects of
substance abuse and provide information to reduce the spread of HIV / AIDS. Student field opportunities may
include facilitation of a women’s group, early intervention with children, planning of children’s activities,
interaction with other community prevention / treatment agencies, client intake and referral.
Community Health Center [See Also Community Health]
725 E. Market Street
Akron, OH 44305
Bonnie Sharp (330) 424-4141
The Community Health Center is committed to enhancing quality of life by providing a diverse, holistic
continuum of care. Services include chemical dependency, health care and wellness programs that are
responsive to the needs of the community.
Domestic Violence Project- RENEW [See Also Domestic Violence]
PO Box 9459
Canton, OH 44711
Stacey Giammarco 330-453-7233 x 248
RENEW provides counseling, case management, and support services for females with alcohol/substance
abuse and for victims of domestic violence.
Edwin Shaw Rehabilitation Institute
405 Tallmadge Road
Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221
Patty Slevey 330-436-0957
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Edwin Shaw Rehabilitation Institute is an accredited rehabilitation services hospital, dedicated to
helping patients who have experienced strokes, brain or head traumas, spinal cord injuries, multiple
traumas, amputations, orthopaedic, neuromuscular and related conditions, or those in need of drug
or alcohol addiction rehab. We are the Akron/Canton area's most experienced and most accredited
inpatient rehabilitation facility. Rehab care is all we do each and every day. Our goal is to reduce the
extent of disability through physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy, while we
strive to restore the independence of patients with disabling diseases, injuries and addictions.
The expertise of our highly accredited rehabilitation professionals and support staff is unmatched in
the state. Their skill, caring and dedication make Edwin Shaw a leading rehabilitation service facility.
Whether you're in need of physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, or rehabilitation
for drug addiction or alcohol addiction, we have a program to help you recover and find your new
beginning. Our specialized programs, together with the community's support, have continually
helped renew our commitment to provide the highest quality, most comprehensive and costeffective rehabilitation services available in Ohio.
Holmes County Prevention Coalition [See Also Community Planning]
2587 Back Orville Road
Wooster, OH 44691
Ralph Huhn 330-264-9597 x 221
The Holmes County Prevention Coalition is constantly working to engage its members and the entire
community in our vision to achieve A Substance Abuse Free Holmes County. The bottom line is that the work
of the Holmes County Prevention Coalition is a common sense, smart spending, sound investment in the future
of our youth and community.
The Coalition: Changing the conditions that allow youth to have easy access to alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs
changing family and community norms tolerant of youth using alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs. Helping youth
make healthy choices regarding the use of alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs; Empowering youth and adults to
seek help for breaking their addictions to alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs; Seeking adequate funding and
community resources to sustain efforts into the future. Mobilizing community partnerships to identify and
solve substance-abuse related problems; Assuring the availability of local alcohol, tobacco, and drug treatment
services; Promoting health, safety and economic opportunity of all who live and work in Holmes County.
Mature Services, Inc. [See Also Aging & Community Health]
The D. Bruce Mansfield Center is now Avenues to Recovery and with the new name comes broader services like
Mental Health Counseling as well as alcohol and substance abuse treatment and prevention programs. *We
provide all our services directly at Avenues and not by referral to another organization (except for crisis
415 S. Portage Path
Akron, OH 44320
Laura Kidd, 330-253-4597x 115
Mature Services, Inc. promotes successful aging by providing the highest quality programs and services to
support, strengthen, and empower adults as they age. Founded in Akron, Ohio as a senior citizen program, it
has since become an independent, nationally respected organization with offices throughout the state. This
agency provides services to older adults, including support, chemical dependency services, homecare and
senior employment services. The goal is to provide independence of individuals through community-based
assistance, to help older adults avoid premature or inappropriate institutionalization and to help alleviate the
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
problems of poverty among older adults. Student opportunities include assessment and reassessment;
problem-solving around issues of daily living, including emergency food and utility assistance; information and
referral; and mediation.
Neil Kennedy Recovery Clinic [See Also Family Services]
5211 Mahoning Avenue Suite 370
Austintown, OH 44515
500 Gypsy Lane
Youngstown, OH 44501
Ilonna Roth-Cohn 330-884-3923
Mike Flatley 330-792-4724 or 330-509-3649 (X7102)
Our mission is to provide compassionate, professional services of the highest quality for alcohol and/or drug
dependent people, their families and our community. Services include in-patient and out-patient services;
individual and group counseling; assessment; drug court involvement and case management.
Oriana House Inc.
49 East Glenwood Avenue
Akron, Ohio 44304
Sally Longstreth Fluck 330-996-2222 ext. 2616
This agency provides cost effective and humane point of entry to comprehensive services for chemically
dependent Summit County residents. Services include intake, screening, and assessment to determine
eligibility. Recommendations for level of care and treatment options are discussed, and referral is offered for
recommended. Target population is adult Summit County residents.
Quest Prevention & Recovery Services
1341 Market Avenue, N.
Canton, Ohio 44714
Wendy Hunter 330- 453-8252 x 314
The mission of this agency is to reduce the incidence and prevalence of chemical abuse and dependency and
their related effects in the community through the provision of cost-effective, culturally sensitive services in
the least restrictive environment of care regardless of ability to pay.
Solutions Behavioral Healthcare (formerly Alcohol and Drug Dependency Services) [See Also Community
Mental Health]
246 Northland Drive
Medina, OH 44256
Dawn Rist, Clinical Director 330-723-9600
This agency provides alcohol and drug dependency as well as mental health outpatient services for clients and
their families. Residents of Medina County may receive services based on a sliding scale fee.
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Urban Ounce of Prevention Services Inc.
1735 S.Hawkins Ave. Suite B
Akron, Ohio 44320-4055
Mr. Gerald Unison (330) 867-5400
Urban Ounce of Prevention Services' mission is to address health-related problems and social ills of innercity families. It is our philosophy that to be effective, community-based organizations must consider the
cultural lifestyles, attitudes, feelings and beliefs of the population that they serve. Urban Ounce of Prevention
Services, Inc. is a non-profit community-based organization that has served the Summit County community
since 1990. Our agency specializes in quality health and wellness services that focus on promoting the wellbeing of inner-city families .The agency is certified for Prevention and Treatment Services by the Ohio
Department of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services (ODADAS).
Your Human Resource Center [See Also Family Services]
2587 Back Orrville Road
Wooster, OH 44691
Beth McCready 330-264-9597
The mission of this agency is to help clients find successful solutions to individual and family problems.
Services include mental health and chemical dependency programs, drug testing, group counseling,
psychological testing, and case management.
Your Human Resource Center is a private, non-profit organization that provides treatment, intervention and
prevention services to residents of Wayne and Holmes Counties with mental health or chemical dependency
problems. Our treatment services include assessment, individual, group, marital and family counseling.
Our intervention services include a wide variety of outreach programs for individuals who are: incarcerated
due to criminal behavior, in other protective environments due to behavior problems, in unstable families or in
need of assistance to find employment. Our prevention services work with the schools, community groups and
organizations to prevent problems with chemical dependency or mental illness.
Our staff includes psychologists, mental health counselors, chemical dependency counselors, social workers,
prevention specialists, vocational specialists and case managers. Your Human Resource Center is certified by
the State of Ohio and by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) as both a mental
health facility and substance abuse treatment center.
Your Human Resource Center's mission is to decrease substance abuse and improve mental health by
providing professional and affordable prevention, intervention and treatment services to people in our
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Child Welfare
Ashtabula County Children Services Board
3914 C Court
Ashtabula, Ohio 44004
Phone: (440)998-1811
Beverly Defazio
Ashtabula County Children Services Board is the county’s public child protective agency. We offer services to
prevent child abuse and neglect and investigate allegations of abuse and neglect. When necessary, we provide
substitute care for children through the use of kinship care, foster care, and group homes to ensure their
safety. We also license foster and adoptive homes and are the county’s public adoption agency.
Bridgeway Homes [See Also Crisis Intervention]
3432 Shellhart Road
Norton, OH 44203
Melinda Hitch 330-335-1556
The mission of Bridgeway is to provide a broad range of services for troubled youth ages 11-19. The agency
belief is that links to caring adults, who provide role models, academic assistance, and work related skills, will
enable teens to reach adulthood successfully. A therapeutic environment is provided to assist children in
behavioral changes and functioning. Student responsibilities may include intake, assessment, and case
management, and crisis intervention, attendance at court hearings, documentation and staff orientation
Caring for Kids, Inc.
650 Graham Road Suite 101
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44221
Ashley Berdine, MSSA, LSW Foster Care Supervisor 330-928-0044
Sarah Widmer, LISW Birth Parent Counselor 330-928-0044
Erin King, MSW, LSW Wendy’s Wonderful Kids Recruiter 330-928-0044
Linda Chasteen, LISW-S Wendy’s Wonderful Kids Recruiter 330-928-0044
Jill Davies, Executive Director 330- 928-0044 x 303
Caring for kids is a full service foster care and adoption agency serving foster children and foster families as
well as offering services in domestic and international adoptions. A student intern can anticipate working with
adoptive and foster families and children in a variety of capacities. Responsibilities may include providing
supportive services, assisting in searching and locating a possible adoptive match, learning to do home study
assessments and training, billing, grant writing, fundraising, recruitment, and community outreach.
Christian Children’s Home [See Also Family Services]
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
2685 Armstrong Road
Wooster, Ohio 44691
Stephanie Cooper 330-345-7949 x 2375 (contact using email only)
The mission of this organization is to bring healing to hurting families. Services include foster care,
adoption, residential treatment, and counseling with abused and/or neglected children ages 6-18
years old. Field Placement activities include: group work, therapeutic activities, and a client
The Domestic Violence and Child Advocacy Center (DVAC) [See Also Domestic Violence]
Shaker Boulevard Site
11811 Shaker Blvd. Suite 220
Cleveland, OH 44120-1965
Cheryl Groner 216-229-2420
Laura Ross 216-688-7295
The Mission of Domestic Violence & Child Advocacy Center is to empower individuals, educate the community
and advocate for justice to end domestic violence and child abuse.
Domestic Violence & Child Advocacy Center provides services for adults, teens, children and families for
domestic violence and child abuse related trauma. DVCAC offers these services by providing trauma-informed
Family Visitation and Mediation Services, Inc. [See Also Family Services]
12 Southwest Avenue
Tallmadge, Ohio 44278
Chris Berry 330-630-1868
This agency provides supervised visitation and family mediation services. Other services such as home
evaluations, groups and seminars, individual, family and group counseling, conflict resolution, educational
programs for single parenting, parenting as a non-residential parent and parenting and divorce. A Field
placement includes the above along with documentation/reports to court. (Evening & weekend placements
Guardian ad Litem Program of Summit County (CASA/GAL ) [See Also Crisis Intervention]
650 Dan Street
Akron, OH 44310
Julie Wagman 330-643-2928
This agency’s mission is to recruit, train and support volunteer child advocates to advocate in juvenile
court for abused and neglected children.
Guidestone Ohio [See Also Mental Health]
303 East Bagley Road
Berea, OH 44017
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Fax: 440-260-8389
Melody Oakes
Coordinator for Interns and Volunteers
We’re OhioGuidestone – built on a solid foundation of experience and expertise, rooted in faith and a
legacy of serving children and families. Our range of flexible, customized programs build upon one
another so they address every aspect of a person’s needs. We’re a solutions-focused organization
with passionate people committed to providing direction and inspiration to children, families and
communities to help them become stronger.
Though we’ve changed our name from Berea Children’s Home and Family Services to
OhioGuidestone, the most important things about our organization remain the same: our high quality
programs and services and our passionate people. We’re still a private, not-for-profit, charitable
organization governed by a board of directors in covenant relationship with the East Ohio Conference
of the United Methodist Church.
Our Legacy
We’re proud of our legacy of serving children and families in need for almost 150 years. We were
founded in 1864 as the German Methodist Orphan Asylum, which was dedicated to providing shelter
for Civil War orphans and care for neglected, dependent or abandoned children. In 1960, the agency
shifted its focus to serving children and youth needing specialized therapeutic programs. Today, we
serve over 15,000 children and families annually throughout the State of Ohio. Our experience and
expertise in finding comprehensive solutions for families have helped us evolve into the leading
organization dedicated to preserving family relationships and helping make children, families and
communities stronger.
At OhioGuidestone, we believe that every individual and community is unique and that their needs
are different. Because of this, we’ve created flexible, customized programs designed to help children,
families and communities, especially those in need. Our innovative, comprehensive programs
preserve family relationships, help make children and families more self-sufficient and reduce clients’
need for future social service or court interventions. They are focused on making a positive, lasting,
measurable difference in the lives and communities we serve. At OhioGuidestone, we strive to
provide a 360o support network. Learn more about our programs or services here:
Our Programs and Services
Residential Treatment
Community-Based Services
Parenting & Family Services
Workforce Development
Home-Based Services
Foster Care Services
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Locations include: Berea, Cleveland, Brookpark, Euclid, Garfield Heights, Lakewood, Columbus,
Painesville, Lorain, Canton, and Fairlawn.
Hattie Larlham Center for Children with Disabilities [See Also Developmental Disabilities &
9772 Digonal Road
PO Box 1200
Mantua, OH 44255-1200
Dianna Bluso 330-274-2272 x 3063
Sara Roth 330-274-2272 x 3042
The Foundation’s mission is to make life meaningful and to normalize life for children with profound mental
retardation and physical disability. This is a residential home for children with MR/DD. Services offered
include medical, physical and occupational therapy, dietary, educational, recreational and social services.
Respite, foster care and in home respite care are also provided. Student activities may include management
of own caseload, referral services, documentation, advocacy, and attendance at IHP and staff meetings.
Hattie Larlham Community Services
9772 Dagonal Road
P. O. Box 1200
Mantua, OH 44255-1200
Juanita Greenwood 330-274-2272, ext. 3063 or
Tami Setlock
330-274-2272, ext. 3030
This agency facilitates the educational home study process prior to interstate, international, or domestic
adoptions. The agency provides pre-finalization supervision and post-finalization adoption services. (Primarily
evening hours, some Saturdays.)
Holmes County Department of
Job and Family Services
85 N. Grant Street
Millersburg, OH 44654
Stephanie Geib 330-674-1111
The department provides government mandated services for financial assistance, food stamps, health
care, employment training, and adult and children‘s services. Social services include transportation
for medical services and day care. Children‘s services include adoption, abuse and neglect, and
investigation and protective services. The OWF, Medicaid, Healthy Start/Healthy Families, Disability
Assistance, Food Stamp program, and PRC are all administered out of this office. Also provides
Workforce Development Services including: Employment and training services to eligible
underemployed workers; displaced workers; homemakers; and youth.
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Lovelight, Inc.
154 N. water Street
Kent, OH 44240
Lisabeth Justice 330-673-5839
LoveLight, Inc. is a private, nonprofit (501C3) organization incorporated in November 1995 for the purpose of
1) assisting persons, especially those considered disadvantaged, in moving toward reaching their potential; and
2) promoting positive, healthful lifestyles. Our major focus has been on children and youth, within the context
of family, neighborhood and community. The perspective of our agency is an interdisciplinary, pro-active one.
Thus, we work to bring together the fields/sectors of education, health, social service, recreation, criminal
justice, government, and communities of worship in a cooperative effort to optimize the development of
young people. Lovelight, Inc. models child development and learning center for children birth through age 14
years of age. Golden Treasures program in which senior citizens share their time and talents with youth for
their mutual benefit. Bio-Integrative educational services for learners who are struggling. HUGS (Healing,
Uplifting Guidance and Support), a youth empowerment and an entrepreneurial program for teens.
opportunities for Kent State students to engage in community service and experiential learning. Conduct of
research to advance knowledge in the areas of learning and human development, and sharing of research
results. Meetings, classes, and training sessions for parents, college students, and professionals.
New Beginning
2685 Armstrong Road
Wooster, OH 44641
Stephanie Cooper 330-345-7949 ext. 2375
New Beginnings is an agency that provides foster care and adoption services. This agency also provides a
children's residential treatment center where they provide group and individual counseling.
Northeast Ohio Adoption Services
5000 East Market Street Suite 26
Warren, OH 44484
Kim Stewart 330-856-5582, ext. 107
Adoption agency works with adopting families; special needs adoptions; parent training; home studies.
P.A.L. Mission
1634 Market Ave. South
Canton, OH 44707
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Jill Miller 330-453-9199
This agency’s mission is to provide a stable, secure environment to meet physical, emotional and spiritual
needs of young adult women as they prepare for emancipation. Agency Field activities include Child Welfare,
Adolescent, Assessment, Case Management, and Foster Care.
Pathway Caring for Children [See Also Family Services]
4895 Dressler Road N.W. Suite A
N. Canton, OH 44718
Deborah Garrott 330-493-0083 (x3441)
Pathway is a private, non profit agency providing quality, community-based and treatment-oriented residential
care for boys and girls who are unable to live with their own families. Its purpose is to care for neglected,
abused and abandoned youth age’s infancy to 19, by providing loving, stable environments. Services offered
are foster care, group home, and foster parent services. Student opportunities include participation in respite
program, providing support for parents, adoption, conducting research, and involvement with other
community social service agencies.
Portage County Department of Job and Family Services [See Also Family Services]
449 S. Meridian St.
Ravenna, OH 44266
Kathy Guckelberger 330-298-4207
The Portage County Department of Job and Family Services is an agency that is a combined agency with Child
Protective Services and Adult Protective Services. Services provided are childcare programs, child health care
programs, adult abuse cases and child support fraud.
Richland County Children Services Board
731 Scholl Rd.
Mansfield, OH 44906
Elayna Rizor 419- 774-4100
This agency’s mission is to strengthen or to provide family life for all children who are subject to abuse and
neglect. Student intern activities may include: case management intake and assessment, advocacy, referrals,
and community networking.
Safe Landing [See Also Family Services]
39 W. Cuyahoga Falls Avenue
Akron, OH 44310
Hollie Ashworth 330-715-9217
To meet the needs of the community by empowering youth and families through community mental
health services that include residential and non-residential treatment for youth between the ages of
6 and 21 years who manifest emotional, behavioral or social adjustment problems. Youth may be
referred for treatment as a self-referral or by the family; child welfare, juvenile justice or mental
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
health systems. Services provided include housing; clothing; food; mental health assessments;
individual, family and group counseling; community psychiatric supportive treatment; education and
employment opportunities; recreation; transportation; medical and psychological care; and full time
SAFY- Specialized Alternatives for Families & Youth [See Also Family Services]
SAFY of Ohio, Inc. - Canton/Akron
6465 Frank Avenue, NW
North Canton, Ohio 44720
Felicia L. Phelps, MSSA, LISW-S 330-305-1668
800- 787- 7239 - Toll Free
330- 305-1696 - Fax
Founded in 1984, Specialized Alternatives for Families and Youth believes that every child is entitled to a caring
and stable living environment. Many children in our nation are abused, neglected and victimized and left
without loving parents to care for them. SAFY focuses on these difficult-to-place children, by helping to provide
stable homes in order that they may grow into healthy and happy adults. SAFY’s primary focus is therapeutic
or treatment foster care. Annually, SAFY helps more than 2,000 children find stable and loving homes. This
program is designed for children who are unable to remain with their primary families. These children receive
individualized services from a team of professionally-trained foster families and social workers. SAFY’s foster
care program is intended as a short-term solution with the goal of reunifying the primary family, whenever
Stark County Children Services [See Also Family Services]
221 3rd Street S.E.
Canton, OH 44702
Angi Duck 330- 451-8927
SCCS provides child protective services, foster care, adoption, WIN, adult services, residential treatment, day
care, services to unwed parents, and administrative support services to assist in the delivery of
aforementioned programs.
The types of learning experiences that a student would be exposed to may include: working with the county
welfare system, case management, interviewing, interfacing with other community agencies such as courts,
schools, mental health agencies, private human service agencies, and MR/DD, interacting with the line
workers, who carry caseloads, attending Stark County Task Force meeting, conducting home visits, and
supervising family visits.
Summit County Children Services [See Also Family Services]
264 S. Arlington Street
Akron, Ohio 44306-1399
Helen-Jean Cardina 330-39-1921 or Colleen Harris 330-996-7038
(University Partnership Program (UPP) Only) or
It is the mission of Children Services to promote the safety, permanency, and well-being of all children served,
in partnership with families and the community. Offered services can result in improved family functioning
through reduction of stress, improved parent-child interaction, elimination of abuse/neglect, and increased
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
ability to cope with difficulties. Student field experiences can occur in a variety of departments including
Intake, Protective, Independent Living, Foster Care, Kinship, and Adoptions. Possible activities may include the
opportunity to shadow workers in various departments, to interact with other community agencies, to
participate in intake assessments, to supervise family interactions, to assist with the provision of ongoing
services to a family, to conduct a Life Skills Assessment with youth and to attend court hearings. Students
must complete a criminal background check as well as a check of points on their driver’s license.
Wayne County Children Services [See Also Family Services]
2534 Burbank Road
Wooster, OH 44691
Robin Troyer 330-345-5340
The mission of CSB is to provide supportive services that will strengthen and preserve families in the
community and to protect the abused, neglected and dependent children of Wayne County. Services offered
include: adoption services, foster care, parenting education classes, visiting nurse services, protective services,
prevention services, expectant parent counselling, and abuse/neglect investigation. Student activities may
include home visits, school visits, court hearing attendance, parenting class attendance, visit supervision, case
plan development, and documentation.
Community Planning
American Friends Service Committee, Northeast Ohio
2101 Front Street
Cuyahoga Falls, Oh 44221
Leah Davis 330-928-2301
Quaker-related social action organization that educates advocates and organizes on political, social, economic,
and justice issues—including issues related to race/racism, campaign finance reform, and the threat of
corporations of wealth to democracy and self-determination.
Holmes County Prevention Coalition [See Also Substance Abuse]
2587 Back Orville Road
Wooster, OH 44691
Ralph Huhn 330-264-9597 x 221
The Holmes County Prevention Coalition is constantly working to engage its members and the entire
community in our vision to achieve A Substance Abuse Free Holmes County. The bottom line is that the work
of the Holmes County Prevention Coalition is a common sense, smart spending, sound investment in the future
of our youth and community.
The Coalition: Changing the conditions that allow youth to have easy access to alcohol, tobacco, or other
drugs; changing family and community norms tolerant of youth using alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs. Helping
youth make healthy choices regarding the use of alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs; Empowering youth and
adults to seek help for breaking their addictions to alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs; Seeking adequate funding
and community resources to sustain efforts into the future. Mobilizing community partnerships to identify and
solve substance-abuse related problems; Assuring the availability of local alcohol, tobacco, and drug treatment
services; Promoting health, safety and economic opportunity of all who live and work in Holmes County.
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
South Street Ministries – External Social Work Supervision required
130 W. South Street
Akron, Ohio 44311
Joseph Turner 330-761-1992
Transforming impoverished urban neighborhoods into flourishing, healthy communities is the goal.
We are looking for committed friends to serve weekly with South Street in ministry, connection,
mentoring, and service. The Front Porch Cafe exists to provide the South Akron and greater Akron
communities with a place to come together, break bread, and fellowship together. We believe that
connecting people together through shared meals and shared mission can transform lives and
communities. The Front Porch Cafe is to train and connect unemployed and underemployed men and
women from the recovery and reentry communities to transition into employment in the food service
industries. South Street Ministries also participates in urban gardens, after school programs, football
camp, summer camps and open gym.
Criminal Justice/Corrections
Bath-Copley Youth Diversion Program
Bath Police Department
3864 W. Bath Road
Akron, Ohio 44333
Marcy Mason 330-666-3736 x 1334
This is a program designed to give first-time misdemeanor or status offenders a chance to avoid having their
charges sent to juvenile court. If a juvenile completes this program successfully, they will not have a juvenile
court record. As part of this field placement, you will be attending and participating in the juvenile diversion
hearings where it is determined whether or not the juvenile will be accepted in the diversion program and
consequences will be established. Students will also attend and facilitate weekly case management meetings
with the juveniles that are involved in the diversion program. In addition to these duties, a student will attend
monthly Summit County Diversion meetings and the monthly meetings with school staff to discuss the
students who are in the diversion program and their well-being. This field placement will also give a student
an opportunity for positive interaction with youth through the Healthy Communities, Healthy Youth
Hours of operation : Monday through Thursday 9 a.m. -5 p.m. , occasional evenings and Saturdays. Field
Placement not available in the summer (Fall and Spring Field Placements only)
Please download application from the Bath Township website on the police page (Go
to the link for the POLICE page, then click on the link for EMPLOYMENT, then print and complete the
application. Please return the completed application to the Bath Police Department and address it to the
attention of Marcie Mason.)
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Court of Common Pleas, Cuyahoga County, Juvenile Division (Day Treatment Program) [See Also Family
9300 Quincy
Cleveland, OH 44106
Jacqueline Brackett 216-443-3348
Day treatment program motivates youths by promoting positive social values, responsibilities and
accountability. Program serves youths on probation through academic support, parental support, behavioral
and group dynamics, conflict resolution, and most of all life choices. Field opportunities offered include: needs
assessments, proposal writing, and supervision. The program also offers students hands on learning in areas
such as ethics and documentation.
Indian River Juvenile Correction Facility/Department of Youth Services
2775 Indian River Road
Massillon, OH 44646
Nancy Rosia 330-834-2709 x 2815
The mission of this facility is to maintain a safe, secure, humane and industrious environment that promotes
real life situations that assist youths in developing skills for community living. The facility can house a
maximum of 220, 12-20 year-old male felony offenders. The primary function is to enhance public safety by
holding the youth offender accountable while providing them opportunities for rehabilitation. The agency
provides a variety of services that include educational, substance abuse, medical, psychological, vocational,
religious, legal, social services counseling, crisis intervention, and volunteer.
Legal Aid Society of Cleveland [See Also Family Services]
Social Work Department
1223 W. Sixth Street -3rd Floor
Cleveland, Ohio 44113
Denise Wember 216-861-5184
The Social Work Department provides a variety of social services to help clients resolve critical issues in order
to enhance their legal representation. The student will be participate in the Legal Aid’s Law and Social Work
Partnership Program; a collaborative approach to advocacy that enhances representation, maximizes client
participation and fosters enduring solutions.
Ohio Department of Youth Services
161 South High Street, Suite 100
Akron, OH 44308
Laura Melnick 330-643-3040
This agency interacts with juveniles that are judged delinquent, as determined by the Juvenile Court and
committed to the Ohio Department of Youth Services. Services provided include parole services, transitional
care, crime and delinquency prevention, job training, referral, and placement. Student direct practice
activities are mostly observational with limited assignments under the direction of a parole officer.
Stow Police Department [See Also Crisis Intervention & Family Services]
Stow Youth Division Services
3800 Darrow Road
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Stow, OH 44224
Teresa Ramsey, LSW
Stow Youth Services was created by the Stow Police Department as a diversionary program for youthful
offenders to avoid referral to the Summit County Juvenile Court. Programs offered
include parent and teen groups. Student activities may include interaction with youth on probation as part of
student caseload, participation in mediation education, facilitation of parent group, crisis intervention, intake,
and assessment.
Summit County Adult Probation Department
53 University Avenue
Akron, OH 44305
Rebecca Shepard 330- 643-7343
The Intensive Unit was formed as an alternative to incarceration. To that end, our mission is to supervise highrisk felony offenders in a community setting, with emphasis on programming for treatment and rehabilitation.
Our foremost responsibility is to protect the community while providing a high level of supervision for the
felony offender. If calling contact person, call Monday – Friday 7:30 a.m. -3:30 p.m.
Summit County Common Pleas Court, Domestic Relations [See Also Crisis Intervention & Family
209 South High St.
Akron, Ohio 44308
Susan Tucker 330-643-2359
The Domestic Court provides legal resolutions for family conflicts through social service evaluations,
assessment and referrals, as well as litigation, case management, crisis intervention, and mediation.
Summit County Prosecutor’s Office [See Also Crisis Intervention & Community Mental Health]
Victim Services Division
53 University Avenue
Akron, OH 44308
Claudia Sengos 330-643-8339
Prosecutor Walsh’s mission is to help victims of crime by enhancement to the Victim Services Division and
restructuring the Child Support Enforcement Agency. The mission of Victim Assistance is to prevent posttraumatic stress disorder and secondary victimization by the criminal justice system. Agency field activities
include adult/adolescent/child services, assessment, and crisis intervention.
Victim Assistance Program (VAP) [See Also Crisis Intervention]
150 Furnace Street
Akron, OH 44304
Mellissa Gant 330-376-0040
The Victim Assistance Program of Summit County is one of the oldest victim advocate programs in the United
States. The program has pioneered victim services both locally and nationally. VAP has the goal of offering
comprehensive services to all victims of violent crimes. VAP services offer information and referral services,
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
community and professional education, identification of victims and their needs, victim advocacy throughout
the criminal justice system, and supportive counselling to crime victims. Students may be involved in one or
more of the following services: crisis intervention, assistance with victim reparation, emergency food, medical
and dental assistance, in-service forms, credit card replacement, referrals to community services, and
community education. In-service training is provided. In order to benefit more fully from this experience,
students should arrange their schedules so that they can spend at least part of the practicum hours at the
agency during office hours of 8am-4pm .
Developmental Disabilities
Hartville Meadows [See Also Family Services]
844 Sunnyside SW
Hartville, OH 44632
Roxanne Korte 330-877-3694
This is an ICF / MR facility of 32 adult beds, serving the mentally retarded, who also are physically disabled.
The agency is looking for a student, who plans to continue his / her career with the MRDD population. Student
opportunities may include: budgeting, fundraising, family integration, family counseling, client advocacy,
community interaction and education.
Hattie Larlham Center for Children with Disabilities [See Also Child Welfare & Occupational]
9772 Digonal Road
PO Box 1200
Mantua, OH 44255-1200
Dianna Bluso 330-274-2272 x 3063
Sara Roth 330-274-2272 x 3042
The Foundation’s mission is to make life meaningful and to normalize life for children with profound mental
retardation and physical disability. This is a residential home for children with MR/DD. Services offered
include medical, physical and occupational therapy, dietary, educational, recreational and social services.
Respite, foster care and in home respite care are also provided. Student activities may include management
of own caseload, referral services, documentation, advocacy, and attendance at IHP and staff meetings.
Koinonia Homes, Inc.
6161 Oak Tree Blvd. Ste 400
Independence, OH 44131
Nancy Disbrow (216) 588-8777 x 107; 1-877-398-4770 ; Fax # 216-588-5670
KOINONIA is a non-profit organization that provides residential, day and vocational support services to people
with developmental disabilities throughout Cuyahoga County. Koinonia serves adults with mental
retardation/developmental disabilities, including those with dual diagnosis (MH/MR) in group homes
and supportive living arrangements.
KOINONIA MEANS COMMUNITY (coin-o-NEE-yah) is a rich, complex word of Greek origin. Community,
partnership and generous sharing are at the heart of the word. When translated into English, it means
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Medina County MRDD
4691 Windfall Road / 2737 Medina Road
Medina, OH 44256
Diana Davis 330-725-7751
The agency mission is to work in partnership with people with disabilities to assist them to
achieve full community participation through employment or independent living opportunities.
Student activities may include case management services such as service placement, coordination and
monitoring, crisis intervention and client advocacy.
Medina County Achievement Center
4691 Windfall Road
Medina, OH 44256
Debbie Ziccardi 330- 764-8988 ext. 395
The agency mission is to provide quality programs, services and supports that enable individuals with mental
retardation and/or developmental disabilities to live, learn, work and socialize as they choose. Services include
administration ancillary, center employment, community services, education services, facilities management,
service and support administration and transportation.
Outreach Community Living [See Also Aging & Community Mental Health]
337 W. North Street
Wooster, OH 44691
Mary Lloyd 330-263-0862
This agency is a non-profit corporation established to provide a continuum of residential and support services
to persons with mental disabilities. Field activities include Psychiatric, Elders, MRDD, Adult, Case Management,
and Intake.
Portage Industries
(Portage County Board of MR/DD)
7008 State Route 88
Ravenna, OH 44266
Jim Critel 330-296-2839, ext. 3124
The Portage County Board of MRDD’s mission is to provide services to citizens of Portage County who have
mental retardation/developmental disabilities. Goal of services is to help consumers become contributing
members of the community. Some services include: special education classes at Happy Day School, case
management, vocational training, nursing, and residential assistance.
Stark County Board of Mental Retardation/Developmental Disabilities
*Not currently taking students for field
2950 Whipple Avenue NW
Canton, OH 44708
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Sandra Bowers 330-479-3574
The case management department provides advocacy and community coordination and linkage for individuals
of all ages. Student opportunities include case management, coordination of services, assessments, history
updates, delivery of concrete services and advocacy.
Summit County Board of MR/DD [See Also Crisis Intervention & Rehabilitation]
89 East Howe Road
Tallmadge, OH 44278
Steve Oster 330-634-8959
The Summit County Board of MR/DD provides a comprehensive array of services through the community to
people with disabilities from birth to death. Services include mr/dd, early intervention, school-age programs,
adult rehabilitative services, residential/respite care, case management, crisis intervention, and transportation.
Tri County Independent Living Center *Not currently taking students for field
680 E. Market Street, Suite 205
Akron, OH 44304
Rose Juriga 330-762-0007
Tri County Independent Living Center is a non-profit organization dedicated to assisting people with significant
disabilities to live independently and to serve the community at large by helping to create an environment that
is accessible to all. Tri County Independent Living Center provides direct services to individuals with significant
disabilities and advocacy in the community that results in a greater awareness of disability issues, physical and
programmatic accessibility, and systems change. Students have the opportunity to work with the disabled
population, and advocacy groups.
United Disability Services
701 S. Main Street
Akron, OH 44311
Kay Shellenberger 330-379-3334 x 327
The mission of United Disabilities Services is to lead in the delivery of high quality, consumer driven services,
which support people with disabilities (MR/DD and traumatic brain injury), their families and others, in the
attainment of their goals. Programs/ services offered include Sheltered Workshop Program, Sociabilities
Program, Vocational Services Program, Community Employment Services, Toy and Resource Center, Time for
Me Program, Epilepsy Program and transportation services. Student placement activities may include: respite
matches, home visits for respite intake, assessment, inter-agency work, client advocacy, documentation, staff
meetings, and program assessment.
University Park Nursing and Rehabilitation (formerly Little Forest Med. Ctr.) [See Also Aging]
797 East Market Street
Akron, OH 44305
Chris Leib 330-434-4514 x 120
Care First is a nursing home serving the MR/DD and geriatric population. Student interns may participate in
care planning, community resource referral, and meeting participation.
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Wayne County Board of Mental Retardation/Developmental Disabilities [See Also Family Services]
1700 B Old Mansfield Road
Wooster, OH 44691
Laurie Baker 330-264-9667 x 422
The Wayne County Board of Developmental Disabilities (WCBDD) is an agency serving Wayne County residents
with disabilities. The mission of the WCBDD, in partnership with enrollees, families, staff, and the community,
is to provide choice and options based on individual and family preferences enabling a quality of life satisfying
to the individual in learning, living, working, and participation in the community. This agency serves the multihandicapped, developmentally disabled population of Wayne County through early intervention pre-school
services, respite care, residential and sheltered workshop services.
Domestic Violence or Crisis Intervention
Alternative Paths [See Also Community Mental Health]
246 Northland Dr.
Medina, Ohio 44256
Colleen Barrett 330- 725-9195
Alternative Paths is a non-profit behavioral health organization dedicated to providing an array of services to
meet the needs of Medina, County residents. Activities include Psychiatric, Adult, Assessment, Case
Management, Intake, Community Organization and Crisis Intervention.
Battered Women’s Shelter of Summit and Medina Counties *
Administrative Office
759 West Market Street
Akron, OH 44303
Brittney Paliswat 330-374-0740 ext. 127
Battered Women’s Shelter is a voluntary private, non-profit agency. The mission statement is to provide
emergency shelter and supportive services to women and their children. The agency promotes community
awareness of the problems and needs surrounding domestic violence and to break the cycle of violence
through crisis intervention. Student interns will have the opportunities to answer crisis calls, counsel
residents, and assess intakes, community referrals and advocacy. (Weekend and evening hours available).
Bridgeway Homes [See Also Child Welfare]
3432 Shellhart Road
Norton, OH 44203
Melinda Hitch 330-335-1556
The mission of Bridgeway is to provide a broad range of services for troubled youth ages 11-19. The agency
belief is that links to caring adults, who provide role models, academic assistance, and work related skills, will
enable teens to reach adulthood successfully. A therapeutic environment is provided to assist children in
behavioral changes and functioning. Student responsibilities may include intake, assessment, and case
management, and crisis intervention, attendance at court hearings, documentation and staff orientation
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Child Guidance Centers/Family Solutions- Community Mental Health [See also Family Services]
18 North Forge Street
Akron, OH 44302
Patricia Roy 330-762-0591
We are a comprehensive mental health agency effectively serving over 4,000 children and 1,000
adults annually in our community. We encourage positive change by supporting strengths, teaching
skills, and encouraging each individual's ability to find solutions that work. Prevention services are a
high priority within our comprehensive system of care woven around the individual. Our services are
designed to wrap around the collective mental health needs of child, family, and adult with
prevention and education processes-leading to treatment strategies and options for those we serve.
Crisis Intervention Center [See Also Community Mental Health]
13th, N.W.
Canton, OH 44708
Carole Vesely 330-452-9812, ext. 2135
This agency provides 24-hr/7-day per week emergency mental health services to the Stark County community,
serving people of all ages and cultures.
Cuyahoga County Witness/Victim Service Center
310 W. Lakeside Rd.
Suite #300
Cleveland, Ohio 44113
Jill Smialek 216-443-7347
Since 1974, the Cuyahoga County Witness/Victim Service Center has protected crime victims' rights
to receive advocacy, information, and access to community services.
Domestic Violence Project- RENEW [See Also Substance Abuse]
PO Box 9459
Canton, OH 44711
Allison Bachtel 330-453-7233
RENEW provides counseling, case management, and support services for females with alcohol/substance
abuse and for victims of domestic violence.
The Domestic Violence and Child Advocacy Center (DVAC) [See Also Child Welfare]
The Mission of Domestic Violence & Child Advocacy Center is to empower individuals, educate the community
and advocate for justice to end domestic violence and child abuse. Domestic Violence & Child Advocacy Center
provides services for adults, teens, children and families for domestic violence and child abuse related trauma.
DVCAC offers these services by providing trauma-informed care.
Shaker Boulevard Site
11811 Shaker Blvd. Suite 220
Cleveland, OH 44120-1965
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Cheryl Groner 216-229-2420
Laura Ross 216-688-7295
Every Woman’s House
Gault Liberty Center
104 Spink Street
Wooster, OH 44691
Gina Patterson 330-263-6021
The mission of this agency is to prevent sexual assault and domestic violence. The House offers a shelter and
related services for women and children from domestic violence situations. Field activities include Assessment,
Case Management, Crisis Intervention and School-Based Intervention.
Family & Community Services of Portage County, Inc. [See Also Family Services]
705 Oakwood Street
Ravenna, OH 44266
Laura Mann 330-678-3911 x 46
The mission of this agency is to lessen the scope of domestic violence in Portage County. Safer Futures offers
shelter and support services by providing safety, education and resources to individuals, families, and
communities seeking freedom from Domestic Violence
Girl Scouts of the Western Reserve [See Also Group Services]
1 Girl Scout Way
Macedonia, OH 44056
Beth Ramsey 330-864-9933 x 0398
The mission of this agency is to develop cooperative community relationships and innovative methods to
retain and increase Girl Scout membership, by attracting and maintaining motivated adult leadership that is
committed to the Girl Scout philosophy. Facilitates groups for females involved in the criminal justice system
and for females residing in local housing developments; collaboration with public schools, local police
departments, and local shelters for females.
This agency is dedicated to inspire girls with the highest ideals of character, conduct, and service through
emphasis on growth of the individual girl. Student opportunities may include: visits to area schools and
agencies for outreach to at risk girls; facilitation of anger management, stress management or drug and alcohol
use groups; and development of summer camp schedule.
Guardian ad Litem Program of Summit County (CASA/GAL ) [See Also Child Welfare]
650 Dan Street
Akron, OH 44310
Julie Wagman 330-643-2902
This agency’s mission is to recruit, train and support volunteer child advocates to advocate in juvenile court for
abused and neglected children.
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Pregnancy Care of Summit County [See Also Family Services]
195 E. Tallmadge Avenue
Akron, OH 44310
Jennifer Shartle 330-253-4071
Pregnancy Care of Summit County is a pro-life, non-profit, non-political agency serving families in the
community since 1971. The agency freely provides a broad range of services to women who are faced with
unexpected, untimely or crisis pregnancies. The agency assists low income parents with material goods,
prenatal care, and parenting classes. Activities include case management, intake, crisis intervention, and
pregnancy testing.
Rape Crisis Center (formerly YWCA Rape Crisis Center) [See Group Services & Community Health]
759 W. Market Street
Akron, OH 44303
Brittney Paliswat 330-374-0740 ext. 127
This agency provides a hot line service and group counselling to the community; crisis intervention; hospital
advocacy; community education and speakers bureau. (Night and weekend hours available.)
Salvation Army – Akron
190 South Maple Street
Akron, OH 44302
Terry Lutz 330 -762-8481
The Salvation Army’s mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name
without discrimination. The target population would be any individual that is seeking a need, or resource that
we offer at the agency. The services offered at the agency are; Emergency family shelter, emergency
assistance, such as; utility, rental & food pantry assistance. The Salvation Army also offers seasonal assistance
such as, holiday help and summer camp for families. Field opportunities at The Salvation Army include;
preparation, & leadership of life-skills classes for shelter clients, attend department meetings, attend outside
agency meetings, grant writing, shadowing social services staff, benefit bank training/tax prep classes.
Expected duties/assignments for field students include; answering phones, maintaining client files, using fax
and copy machines, covering front desk duties, writing case notes/ proper documentation, assisting/direct
practice with clients, calling potential booth shelter clients for pre-screening, assisting with back-pack program,
attending pantry mania day at the East Akron Salvation Army.
Stow Police Department [See Also Criminal Justice & Family Services]
3800 Darrow Road
Stow, OH 44224
Teresa Ramsey, LSW
Stow Youth Services was created by the Stow Police Department as a diversionary program for youthful
offenders to avoid referral to the Summit County Juvenile Court. Programs offered
include parent and teen groups. Student activities may include interaction with youth on probation as part of
student caseload, participation in mediation education, facilitation of parent group, crisis intervention, intake,
and assessment.
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Summa Center for Senior Health [See Also Community Health and Aging]
*Note: This organization is not taking students after Spring 2012 until further notice
75 Arch Street Suite G2
Akron, Ohio 44304
Traci Kalpac 330-375-4100
The mission is to improve the health quality of life, and the well-being of older adults through a consultative
process focused on coordinating every aspect of an older adult’s care. Agency field activities include Nursing
Home, Elders, Substance Use, Hospice, Assessment, Case Management, Intake, Protective, Ongoing, and Crisis
Intervention, among others.
Summit County Board of MR/DD [See Also Developmental Disabilities & Rehabilitation]
89 East Howe Road
Tallmadge, OH 44278
Steve Oster 330-634-8959
The Summit County Board of MR/DD provides a comprehensive array of services through the community to
people with disabilities from birth to death. Services include mr/dd, early intervention, school-age programs,
adult rehabilitative services, residential/respite care, case management, crisis intervention, and transportation.
Summit County Common Pleas Court, Domestic Relations [See Also Criminal Justice & Family
209 South High St.
Akron, Ohio 44308
Susan Tucker 330-643-2359
The Domestic Court provides legal resolutions for family conflicts through social service evaluations,
assessment and referrals, as well as litigation, case management, crisis intervention, and mediation.
Summit County Prosecutor’s Office [See Also Criminal Justice & Community Mental Health]
Victim Services Division
53 University Avenue
Akron, OH 44308
Claudia Sengos 330-643-8339
Prosecutor Walsh’s mission is to help victims of crime by enhancement to the Victim Services Division and
restructuring the Child Support Enforcement Agency. The mission of Victim Assistance is to prevent posttraumatic stress disorder and secondary victimization by the criminal justice system. Agency field activities
include adult/adolescent/child services, assessment, and crisis intervention.
Victim Assistance Program (VAP) [See Also Criminal Justice]
150 Furnace Street
Akron, OH 44304
Mellissa Gant 330-376-0040
The Victim Assistance Program of Summit County is one of the oldest victim advocate programs in the United
States. The program has pioneered victim services both locally and nationally. VAP has the goal of offering
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
comprehensive services to all victims of violent crimes. VAP services offer information and referral services,
community and professional education, identification of victims and their needs, victim advocacy throughout
the criminal justice system, and supportive counselling to crime victims. Students may be involved in one or
more of the following services: crisis intervention, assistance with victim reparation, emergency food, medical
and dental assistance, in-service forms, credit card replacement, referrals to community services, and
community education. In-service training is provided. In order to benefit more fully from this experience,
students should arrange their schedules so that they can spend at least part of the practicum hours at the
agency during office hours of 8am-4pm.
Family Services
Akron Metropolitan Housing Authority [See Also Aging and Housing]
Resident Support Services
100 West Cedar Street
Akron, Ohio 44307
Jeanne Shea 330-762-9631
The Akron Metropolitan Housing Authority is committed to building stronger neighborhoods by
providing attractive, safe and affordable housing options and professional services for all eligible
Summit County families, elderly and individuals with special needs in partnership with the greater
Aultman Hospital [See Also Health and Mental Health]
2600 Sixth Street SW
Canton, OH 44708
Lynn Gastin 330-452-9911 or 330-430-3488 pager
Leading our community to improved health is the mission. Placement areas may include: Psychiatry, Oncology,
Dialysis, Peri-natal or discharge planning. Student activities include case management for patients, family
members and care givers, with the goal of meeting their psychosocial needs. He/She will also assist Case
Manager and Utilization Management Specialist to ensure achievement of patient outcomes, through
assistance with discharge planning to the appropriate level of care.
Carroll Co. Department of Job and Family Services
PO Box 219
95 East Main Street
Carrollton, OH 44615
Kate Offenberger 330-627-7313 x 221
Cheri Miller 330-627-7313 x 252
This agency’s mission is to deliver quality effective services to those who are eligible for public assistance and
social services programs. Services include Ohio Works First, Food Stamps, Medicaid disability assistance,
childcare, homemaker services, child and adult protective services.
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Catholic Charities of Geauga County
10771 Mayfield Road
Chardon, Ohio 44024
Erin Johnson (440) 285-3537
Students work in areas of School-Based, Gerontology, Substance Use, Adult and Child, Assessment, Case
Management, Early Childhood Mental Health, Domestic Violence Group for men, and Parenting Programs.
Catholic Charities is guided by the mission of Jesus by providing vision and leadership for those who respond to
the health and human needs and the social concerns of the people in the Diocese of Cleveland.
Catholic Charities of Lake County
8 North State Street, Ste 455
Painesville, Ohio 44024
Jim Clements 440-352-6191 x 15
Students work in areas of School-Based, Gerontology, Substance Use, Adult and Child, Assessment, Case
Management, Early Childhood Mental Health, Domestic Violence Group for men, and Parenting Programs.
Catholic Charities is guided by the mission of Jesus by providing vision and leadership for those who respond to
the health and human needs and the social concerns of the people in the Diocese of Cleveland.
Catholic Charities of Parmadale
6753 State Rd.
Parma, Ohio 44134
Joan Hinkelman 440-843-5535
Catholic Charities of Parmadale offers adolescent intensive residential treatment services in a secure,
trauma-sensitive environment; Community-Based Family Services, which offer a range of mental
health services provided in the client’s home; Outpatient Mental Health Services, which offers
outpatient mental health assessment and counseling for children, adults and families; Chemical
Dependency Services, which include assessments, intensive outpatient, non-intensive outpatient, or
residential treatment programs, for adults or youth; Birth Parent, Foster Care and Adoption Services,
which includes assistance with licensing and placement, training, consultation, as well as case
Catholic Charities Community Services/ Summit County
812 Biruta St.
Akron, Oh 44307-1104
Mary Kase 330-762-2961 x 232
Catholic Charities Community Services / Summit County (formerly named CYO and Community Services and
Catholic Social Services) is a vibrant agency that addresses the societal needs of children & families, persons
with disabilities, older adults, and the poor. Our broad spectrum of services help people grow and thrive in
their youth, all the way through the late stages of life. We help keep the hungry fed and the developmentally
disabled as functioning members of society. We counsel families and individuals, and assist the growing
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Hispanic population in Summit County.
Christian Children’s Home [See Also Child Welfare]
2685 Armstrong Road
Wooster, Ohio 44691
Stephanie Cooper 330-345-7949 x 2375 (contact using email only)
The mission of this organization is to bring healing to hurting families. Services include foster care,
adoption, residential treatment, and counseling with abused and/or neglected children ages 6-18
years old. Field Placement activities include: group work, therapeutic activities, and a client
Common Ground Family Services
12 Southwest Avenue
Tallmadge, Ohio 44278
Chris Derry 330-630-1868
Serving families and children in Summit County and throughout Northeast Ohio! Working hard to meet the
needs of our customers, FVMS is in the process of making significant changes to serve you better. Common
Ground Family Services offers on-site and off-site visitation, mediation/conflict resolution, couples and family
counseling, parent coordination, custody and home evaluations, and co-parenting skills coaching/classes.
Community Action Wayne / Medina
Wooster, OH 44691
Carla Unekeser 330-264-8677
Community Action is a nonprofit organization. This agency’s services include running a head start preschool
and case management for low income clients.
Community AIDS Network (formerly Summit AIDS Housing Corporation)
667 North Main Street
Akron, OH 44310
Donald Kelly 330-375-2134
A non-profit corporation, Summit AIDS Housing assists those with HIV/AIDS to find, adapt, and retain safe and
affordable housing. Services include: supportive services, housing referrals, housing placement, landlord
education, client advocacy, and SHARE - a food budget program for clients
Community Clubhouse for Brain Injury (A program of the Community Health Center)
2799 Copley Road
Copley, OH 44321
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Debra Beckstett or Dan Bonko 330-724-4000
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is the fastest growing disability in the USA. There are more traumatic brain injuries
than breast cancer, HIV/AIDS, multiple sclerosis, and spinal cord injury COMBINED! The Clubhouse Model is a
unique opportunity to learn about and work with individuals who have sustained a brain injury.
Community Clubhouse is a program of The Community Health Center, a non-profit organization in the
community. We serve individuals with various types of brain injury. Our mission is to strengthen individuals
and families affected by brain injury by providing a community base of direct support to decrease isolation and
increase personal growth, independence and self-esteem. We accomplish this through a comprehensive day
program of work related activities, community outings, social activities and assistance with re-learning social
Undergraduate students would be supervised by a Licensed Social Worker. Responsibilities may include: Case
management of brain injury clients, intake and assessment, facilitating referrals with needed community
services, advocacy, and facilitating education and life skills groups.
Community Pride
Joy Park Homes
524 Fuller
Akron, OH 44306
Bonnie Sharp 330-434-4141 x 2657
This is a community-based program offering opportunity to do case management aid, tutoring for elementary
levels to high schools, home visits, field trips, and community organization. The
Target population is high-risk children and adults. This is a satellite agency of the Community Health Center.
Day/Evening & weekend hours are available.
Community Services of Stark County, Inc.
625 Cleveland Avenue, N.W.
Canton, OH 44702
Michelle Chaido (330) 455-0374
We, the Community Services of Stark County, Inc., in keeping with social and moral tradition, serve all
persons with dignity and respect. Through direct service, counseling and advocacy, we are
committed to empowering individuals and families to enhance the quality of their lives. Services
include counseling; adoption; maternity programs; special needs adoption; emergency assistance,
consultation, education and prevention; community and school outreach; housing and rape crisis.
Cornerstone of Hope
5905 Brecksville Road
Independence, Ohio 44131
Megan Sprenger 216-524-4673
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Cornerstone of Hope is dedicated to providing support, education, and hope for grieving children,
teens and adults.
Court of Common Pleas, Cuyahoga County, Juvenile Division (Day Treatment Program) [See Also
Criminal Justice]
2163 E. 22nd St.
Cleveland, OH 44115
Jacqueline Bracket 216-443-3348
Day treatment program motivates youths by promoting positive social values, responsibilities and
accountability. Program serves youths on probation through academic support, parental support, behavioral
and group dynamics, conflict resolution, and most of all life choices. Field opportunities offered include: needs
assessments, proposal writing, and supervision. The program also offers students hands on learning in areas
such as ethics and documentation.
Interfaith Hospitality Network of Summit County/ Family Promise of Summit County [See Also
77 West Miller Avenue
Akron, Ohio 44301
330- 253-8081
Contact to be determined (330) 253-8081
Interfaith Hospitality Network of Summit County is a consolidation of faith congregations caring for families in
need of shelter, meals, and compassionate assistance that lead them to secure a stable home environment.
Family & Community Services of Portage County, Inc. [See Also Domestic Violence]
705 Oakwood Street
Ravenna, OH 44266
Laura Mann 330-678-3911 x 46
The mission of this agency is to lessen the scope of domestic violence in Portage County. Safer Futures offers
shelter and support services by providing safety, education and resources to individuals, families, and
communities seeking freedom from Domestic Violence
Family Visitation and Mediation Services, Inc. [See Also Child Welfare]
12 Southwest Avenue
Tallmadge, Ohio 44278
Chris Berry 330-630-1868
This agency provides supervised visitation and family mediation services. Other services such as home
evaluations, groups and seminars, individual, family and group counseling, conflict resolution, educational
programs for single parenting, parenting as a non-residential parent and parenting and divorce. A Field
placement includes the above along with documentation/reports to court. (Evening & weekend placements
Forum Health [See Also Community Health]
500 Gypsy Lane
PO Box 240
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Youngstown, Ohio 44504
Mary Missos 330-884-3521
Forum Health’s mission is to enhance the health status of the communities they serve. Activities include
Nursing Home Placement, Psychiatric, Hospice, HIV, Assessment, and Adoption. The main focus is Discharge
Planning and Case Management.
Greenleaf Family Center
Teenage Parent Program
580 Grant Street
Akron, OH 44311
April Brewer or Melissa Marshall-Allen
330-376-9494 ext. 221 or 224 or
The Teenage Parent Program is a community-based program that provides support and education to pregnant
and parenting adolescents in Summit County. Our services include individual case management in schools and
homes, school-based support groups, and a community-based educational program for the young parents and
their children.
This organization can accommodate Fall/Spring placements only.
Hartville Meadows [See Also Developmental Disabilities]
844 Sunnyside SW
Hartville, OH 44632
Roxanne Korte 330-877-3694
This is an ICF / MR facility of 32 adult beds, serving the mentally retarded, who also are physically disabled.
The agency is looking for a student, who plans to continue his / her career with the MRDD population. Student
opportunities may include: budgeting, fundraising, family integration, family counseling, client advocacy,
community interaction and education.
Haven of Rest Ministries/Harvest Home [See Also Housing]
24 N. Prospect Street
Akron, OH 44632
Myra Schneider 330-434-1149
Homeless shelter for women and children. “The purpose of Haven of Rest Ministries is to serve and glorify God
through a Christ-centered outreach of love and compassion that responds to the physical, emotional and
spiritual needs of disadvantaged men, women and children without regard to their race, color, creed or social
standing.” Harvest Home uses a social work model of case management to assist the homeless in securing
housing, a source of income, medical coverage and other supportive services. We use advocacy and agency
networking to help the client obtain resources. The majority of our clients have some mental health issues as
well as chemical dependency. A student may be involved in counseling with individuals and families, may visit
and research social service agencies and other community helpers in the area, advocate with clients,
participate in education programs; documentation.
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Holmes County Department of [See Also Child Welfare]
Job and Family Services
85 N. Grant Street
Millersburg, OH 44654
Stephanie Geib 330-674-1111
The department provides government mandated services for financial assistance, food stamps, health
care, employment training, and adult and children‘s services. Social services include transportation
for medical services and day care. Children‘s services include adoption, abuse and neglect, and
investigation and protective services. The OWF, Medicaid, Healthy Start/Healthy Families, Disability
Assistance, Food Stamp program, and PRC are all administered out of this office. Also provides
Workforce Development Services including: Employment and training services to eligible
underemployed workers; displaced workers; homemakers; and youth
Legal Aid Society of Cleveland [See Also Criminal Justice]
Social Work Department
1223 W. Sixth Street -3rd Floor
Cleveland, Ohio 44113
Denise Wember 216-861-5184
The Social Work Department provides a variety of social services to help clients resolve critical issues in order
to enhance their legal representation. The student will be participate in the Legal Aid’s Law and Social Work
Partnership Program; a collaborative approach to advocacy that enhances representation, maximizes client
participation and fosters enduring solutions.
Medina County Job and Family Services
232 Northland Drive
Medina, OH 44256
Louis Brown 330-661-0802
The Mission of Medina County Job and Family Services is to provide financial assistance, Medicaid programs,
protective and supportive services that foster independence and improve the quality of life in the community.
Murtis H. Taylor Human Services System
The mission is to support, empower and strengthen individuals, families and communities to become healthy
and productive through effective, integrated health and human services.
Murtis Taylor Human Services System has more than 5 sites in the Cleveland area and addresses a wide
variety of practice areas with a wide range client system.
Service Areas include but not limited to:
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Youth Development and Early
Childhood Education
School-Based and Community Child Behavioral Healthcare
Senior Development Services
Adult Community Mental Healthcare Services
Heather A. Brissett, MSW, LSW, MNAL
System of Care Program Coordinator
216.283.4400 X 2295
216.295.1572- fax
Neil Kennedy Recovery Clinic [See Also Substance Abuse]
5211 Mahoning Avenue Suite 370
Austintown, OH 44515
500 Gypsy Lane
Youngstown, OH 44501
Ilonna Roth-Cohn 330-884-3923
Mike Flatley 330-792-4724 or 330-509-3649 (X7102)
Our mission is to provide compassionate, professional services of the highest quality for alcohol and/or drug
dependent people, their families and our community. Services include in-patient and out-patient services;
individual and group counseling; assessment; drug court involvement and case management.
Opportunity Parish Ecumenical Neighborhood Ministry (OPEN M)
941 Princeton Street
Akron, Ohio 44311
Hannah Nitz 330-434-3250
This is a faith-based non-profit neighborhood ministry which provides help to residents of Summit County in
need. Its focus is to feed the hungry, heal the sick, nurture children, build families, and strengthen the
community. Social workers would work in our Family Development program providing assessments, obtaining
resources, and assisting in areas such as utility assistance, Bridges Out of Poverty classes, etc. Social workers
could also work in our Free Health Clinic either Tuesday or Thursday evenings providing help to clients
regarding health needs for patients and their families as well as provide direct patient/family care.
Pathway Caring for Children [See Also Child Welfare]
4895 Dressler Road N.W. Suite A
N. Canton, OH 44718
Deborah Garrot 330-493-0083 (x3441)
Pathway is a private, non profit agency providing quality, community-based and treatment-oriented residential
care for boys and girls who are unable to live with their own families. Its purpose is to care for neglected,
abused and abandoned youth age’s infancy to 19, by providing loving, stable environments. Services offered
are foster care, group home, and foster parent services. Student opportunities include participation in respite
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
program, providing support for parents, adoption, conducting research, and involvement with other
community social service agencies.
Personal and Family Counseling Service
1433 5th St NW
New Philadelphia, Ohio 44663
Pam Trimmer (330)343-8171
Personal & Family Counseling Services serves individuals, couples and families in an effort to
strengthen the overall community. Services include outpatient counseling, home-based therapy,
specialized services for children in placement, positive parenting programs, community support
services, early intervention services for ages 0-3 years and a variety of group programs. Student
activities may include working with high-intensity, at-risk families, direct therapy, leading group
sessions, supervision, and management of client records.
Portage Children’s Center /Children’s Advantage [See Also Community Mental Health]
520 N. Chestnut St.
Ravenna, OH 44266
Mary McKracken 330-296-5552, ext.217
The mission of this agency is to provide behavioral healthcare services and forge community partnerships in
order to help children and families reach their fullest potential. A student may be involved with case
Portage County Department of Job and Family Services [See Also Child Welfare]
449 S. Meridian St.
Ravenna, OH 44266
Kathy Guckelberger 330-298-4207
The Portage County Department of Job and Family Services is an agency that is a combined agency with Child
Protective Services and Adult Protective Services. Services provided are childcare programs, child health care
programs, adult abuse cases and child support fraud.
Pregnancy Care of Summit County [See Also Crisis Intervention]
195 E. Tallmadge Avneue
Akron, OH 44310
Jennifer Shartle 330-253-4071
Pregnancy Care of Summit County is a pro-life, non-profit, non-political agency serving families in the
community since 1971. The agency freely provides a broad range of services to women who are faced with
unexpected, untimely or crisis pregnancies. The agency assists low income parents with material goods,
prenatal care, and parenting classes. Activities include case management, intake, crisis intervention, and
pregnancy testing.
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Rockynol Retirement Community [See Also Aging and Community Health]
1150 West Market Street
Akron, OH 44313-7178
Kelly Yeager 330-867-2150 x 315
Rockynol is a continuing care retirement community. Their mission is to provide older adults with caring and
quality services towards the enhancement of physical, mental, and spiritual well being. The levels of care
offered include skilled nursing care, independent living apartments, assisted living, and a special car unit for
those with dementia. They also have day care and home care programs. This agency offers two internship
experiences: one is with Independent and assisted living residents and their families. This involves significant
work around level of care changes and moves, and support services. The second is in the Nursing Home area,
which is highly regulated by Medicare and Medicaid. This job includes assisting residents to adjust to their
situation and establish a life with satisfaction and quality. Assessment, documentation, and case management
are inherent in both positions. The student will be a team member with all departments.
Safe Landing [See Also Child Welfare]
39 W. Cuyahoga Falls Avenue
Akron, OH 44310
Hollie Ashworth 330-715-9217
To meet the needs of the community by empowering youth and families through community mental
health services that include residential and non-residential treatment for youth between the ages of
6 and 21 years who manifest emotional, behavioral or social adjustment problems. Youth may be
referred for treatment as a self-referral or by the family; child welfare, juvenile justice or mental
health systems. Services provided include housing; clothing; food; mental health assessments;
individual, family and group counseling; community psychiatric supportive treatment; education and
employment opportunities; recreation; transportation; medical and psychological care; and full time
SAFY- Specialized Alternatives for Families & Youth [See Also Child Welfare]
SAFY of Ohio, Inc. - Canton/Akron
6465 Frank Avenue, NW
North Canton, Ohio 44720
Felicia L. Phelps, MSSA, LISW-S 330-305-1668
800- 787- 7239 - Toll Free
330- 305-1696 - Fax
Founded in 1984, Specialized Alternatives for Families and Youth believes that every child is entitled to a caring
and stable living environment. Many children in our nation are abused, neglected and victimized and left
without loving parents to care for them. SAFY focuses on these difficult-to-place children, by helping to provide
stable homes in order that they may grow into healthy and happy adults. SAFY’s primary focus is therapeutic
or treatment foster care. Annually, SAFY helps more than 2,000 children find stable and loving homes. This
program is designed for children who are unable to remain with their primary families. These children receive
individualized services from a team of professionally-trained foster families and social workers. SAFY’s foster
care program is intended as a short-term solution with the goal of reunifying the primary family, whenever
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Stark County Children Services [See Also Child Welfare]
221 3rd Street S.E.
Canton, OH 44702
Angi Duck 330- 451-8927
SCCS provides child protective services, foster care, adoption, WIN, adult services, residential treatment, day
care, services to unwed parents, and administrative support services to assist in the delivery of
aforementioned programs.
The types of learning experiences that a student would be exposed to may include: working with the county
welfare system, case management, interviewing, interfacing with other community agencies such as courts,
schools, mental health agencies, private human service agencies, and MR/DD, interacting with the line
workers, who carry caseloads, attending Stark County Task Force meeting, conducting home visits, and
supervising family visits.
Stow Police Department [See Also Crisis Intervention & Family Services]
3800 Darrow Road
Stow, OH 44224
Teresa Ramsey, LSW
Stow Youth Services was created by the Stow Police Department as a diversionary program for youthful
offenders to avoid referral to the Summit County Juvenile Court. Programs offered
include parent and teen groups. Student activities may include interaction with youth on probation as part of
student caseload, participation in mediation education, facilitation of parent group, crisis intervention, intake,
and assessment.
Summit County Children Services [See Also Child Welfare]
264 S. Arlington Street
Akron, Ohio 44306-1399
Helen-Jean Cardina 330-39-1921 or Colleen Harris 330-996-7038
(University Partnership Program (UPP) Only) or
It is the mission of Children Services to promote the safety, permanency, and well-being of all children served,
in partnership with families and the community. Offered services can result in improved family functioning
through reduction of stress, improved parent-child interaction, elimination of abuse/neglect, and increased
ability to cope with difficulties. Student field experiences can occur in a variety of departments including
Intake, Protective, Independent Living, Foster Care, Kinship, and Adoptions. Possible activities may include the
opportunity to shadow workers in various departments, to interact with other community agencies, to
participate in intake assessments, to supervise family interactions, to assist with the provision of ongoing
services to a family, to conduct a Life Skills Assessment with youth and to attend court hearings. Students
must complete a criminal background check as well as a check of points on their driver’s license.
Summit County Common Pleas Court, Domestic Relations [See Also Criminal Justice & Crisis
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
209 South High St.
Akron, Ohio 44308
Susan Tucker 330-643-2359
The Domestic Court provides legal resolutions for family conflicts through social service evaluations,
assessment and referrals, as well as litigation, case management, crisis intervention, and mediation.
The National Youth Advocate Program
30 Northwest Avenue, Suite 120, Bldg A
Tallmadge, Ohio 44278
Andrea Banton 330-633-4187
The National Youth Advocate Program (NYAP) has provided cost effective, community based services and
support to children, youth and families since 1978. We offer flexible, creative, outcome based solutions to
meet the unique needs of the communities we serve and the individual needs of the youth and families
involved in our programs.
NYAP in Ohio has served children and families in Ohio since 1978. In keeping with our philosophy of
maintaining strong local support for our foster parents and team members, the Ohio program is administered
through seven regional office locations:
Columbus (Central Ohio); Newark (Eastern Ohio) ;Cincinnati (Southwestern Ohio);
Dayton (Western Ohio); Maumee (Northwestern Ohio); Cleveland (Greater Cleveland Area);
Tallmadge (Greater Akron/Northeast Ohio)
The Ohio State University Extension
Expanded Food & Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)
Stark, Summit, Mahoning & Portage County Extension Offices
2650 Richville Drive SE Suite 100
Massillon, Ohio 44646
Yvette L. Graham LISW-S
330-830-7700 ext. 117 Fax: 330-830-7720
Eating Smart, Being Active (ESBA) is a free program made up of eight education group from a curriculum designed to
help low to moderate income families with children make healthier choices. The groups are research-based and delivered
with an interactive and hands-on approach. Participants increase skills in decision making related to nutrition, stretching
food dollars, increasing physical activity, parenting, food safety and resource management. Each group includes a food
tasting to encourage healthy choice options and recipes. Participants receive weekly educational enhancements that
encourage skill implementation outside the classroom. Pre and post test in addition to a 24 hour food recall are utilized
to measure participant behavior changes.
The Summit County office also provides a youth program that provides educational groups targeted at low to moderate
income communities. The youth program primarily targets third to sixth grade students but includes ages five to
eighteen. Youth programming is delivered in four sessions in the Akron City Schools, community afterschool programs
and other in partnership with other local agencies in the Summit County area. Pre and post tests are utilized to measure
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
participant behavior changes.
What are the benefits?
It costs less than $210 in grant dollars to reach one EFNEP family with 3 to 6 months of intensive, practical nutrition
education classes. Preliminary results of a Cost Benefit Analysis in Virginia show that for every $1.00 spent on EFNEP,
there is a potential health care savings of $2.00 to $17.00 due to the delayed onset of nutrition-related chronic diseases
and conditions among participants. EFNEP, which in 2011 celebrates 42 years of helping families is a proven program that
clearly works for the benefit of the nation.
Trillium Family Solutions
624 Market Ave N.
Canton, OH 44702
Stephanie Duke 330-454-7066 ext 443
Trillium Family Solutions is a non-governmental, private, not-for-profit, social service agency serving all of Stark
and surrounding counties. We offer a variety of counseling and support services designed for individuals and
families of all ages and incomes. Services include, but not limited to: family counseling, chemical dependency,
community psychiatric support treatment based, HIV/AIDS case Management, and school based services,
psychiatric & pharmacological management, elder care, and services to the deaf community.
The staff at Trillium Family Solutions strives to give the gift of hope and healing to families and individuals
experiencing the despair of these life problems. Through our services offered to the community, Trillium
touched the lives of nearly 9,000 lives in our community in 2007.
Trumbull County Department of Job and Family Services
280 Northpark Avenue, Suite 1
Warren, OH 44481
Kim Barrell- 330-675-2213
Renee Robinson- 330-675-2110
This agency’s mission is to deliver quality effective services to those who are eligible for public assistance and
social services programs. Included in the services provided are: Ohio Works First, JOBS, Food Stamp programs,
Medicaid disability assistance, childcare, and homemaker services. Student placement activities include: case
management, determining eligibility requirements, Waiver and Passport programs, conducting home visits,
acting as a liaison in the community, and attending workshops.
Wayne County Board of Mental Retardation/Developmental Disabilities [See Also Developmental
1700 B Old Mansfield Road
Wooster, OH 44691
Laurie Baker 330-264-9667 x 422
The Wayne County Board of Developmental Disabilities (WCBDD) is an agency serving Wayne County residents
with disabilities. The mission of the WCBDD, in partnership with enrollees, families, staff, and the community,
is to provide choice and options based on individual and family preferences enabling a quality of life satisfying
to the individual in learning, living, working, and participation in the community. This agency serves the multihandicapped, developmentally disabled population of Wayne County through early intervention pre-school
services, respite care, residential and sheltered workshop services.
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Wayne County Children Services [See Also Child Welfare]
2534 Burbank Road
Wooster, OH 44691
Robin Troyer 330-345-5340
The mission of CSB is to provide supportive services that will strengthen and preserve families in the
community and to protect the abused, neglected and dependent children of Wayne County. Services offered
include: adoption services, foster care, parenting education classes, visiting nurse services, protective services,
prevention services, expectant parent counselling, and abuse/neglect investigation. Student activities may
include home visits, school visits, court hearing attendance, parenting class attendance, visit supervision, case
plan development, and documentation.
Wayne County Department of Job and Family Services
P.O. Box 76 North Street (356 W. North St.)
Wooster, OH 44691
Don Aukerman 330-287-5800
Our mission is to help improve and enrich the lives of those we touch by providing financial, social and
educational services; to empower, encourage and assist in every opportunity for self-sufficiency, respect and
Your Human Resource Center [See Also Substance Abuse]
2587 Back Orrville Road
Wooster, OH 44691
Beth McCready 330-264-9597
The mission of this agency is to help clients find successful solutions to individual and family problems.
Services include mental health and chemical dependency programs, drug testing, group counseling,
psychological testing, and case management.
Your Human Resource Center is a private, non-profit organization that provides treatment, intervention and
prevention services to residents of Wayne and Holmes Counties with mental health or chemical dependency
problems. Our treatment services include assessment, individual, group, marital and family counseling.
Our intervention services include a wide variety of outreach programs for individuals who are: incarcerated
due to criminal behavior, in other protective environments due to behavior problems, in unstable families or in
need of assistance to find employment. Our prevention services work with the schools, community groups and
organizations to prevent problems with chemical dependency or mental illness.
Our staff includes psychologists, mental health counselors, chemical dependency counselors, social workers,
prevention specialists, vocational specialists and case managers. Your Human Resource Center is certified by
the State of Ohio and by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) as both a mental
health facility and substance abuse treatment center.
Your Human Resource Center's mission is to decrease substance abuse and improve mental health by
providing professional and affordable prevention, intervention and treatment services to people in our
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Group Services
Girl Scouts of the Western Reserve [See Also Crisis Intervention]
1 Girl Scout Way
Macedonia, OH 44056
Beth Ramsey 330-864-9933 x 0398
The mission of this agency is to develop cooperative community relationships and innovative methods to
retain and increase Girl Scout membership, by attracting and maintaining motivated adult leadership that is
committed to the Girl Scout philosophy. Facilitates groups for females involved in the criminal justice system
and for females residing in local housing developments; collaboration with public schools, local police
departments, and local shelters for females.
This agency is dedicated to inspire girls with the highest ideals of character, conduct, and service through
emphasis on growth of the individual girl. Student opportunities may include: visits to area schools and
agencies for outreach to at risk girls; facilitation of anger management, stress management or drug and alcohol
use groups; and development of summer camp schedule.
Rape Crisis Center (formerly YWCA Rape Crisis Center) [See Crisis Intervention & Community Health]
759 W. Market Street
Akron, OH 44303
Brittney Paliswat 330-374-0740 ext. 127
This agency provides a hot line service and group counselling to the community; crisis intervention; hospital
advocacy; community education and speakers bureau. (Night and weekend hours available.)
Akron Urban Minority Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Outreach Program, Inc.-Community Health [See
Also Substance Abuse]
665 West Market Street Suite 2-D
Akron, OH 44303
Jennifer Moree-Brown 330-379-3467 x126
Akron UMADAOP provides substance abuse and HIV / AIDS prevention services which incorporate a wide
variety of activities targeted to minority populations in Summit County. The philosophy is that substance
abuse education, prevention and treatment efforts must be culturally specific if the needs of the minority
community are to be addressed. Its mission is to increase awareness regarding the damaging effects of
substance abuse and provide information to reduce the spread of HIV / AIDS. Student field opportunities may
include facilitation of a women’s group, early intervention with children, planning of children’s activities,
interaction with other community prevention / treatment agencies, client intake and referral.
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
All Caring Hospice [See also Aging/Hospice]
6715 Tippecanoe Road
Canfield, Ohio 44406
Katie Fekey
Volunteer Coordinator
The mission of All Caring Hospice is to understand and help guide our patients' quest for a rewarding quality of
life in their final days and to help their circle of family and friends support them in life and grieve for them in
death. All Caring pledges to provide expert hospice care for the comfort and dignity of the terminally ill by
addressing their physical, emotional and spiritual needs. We strive to provide individuals facing death and grief
expert care that provides a sense of personal worth.
All Caring Hospice serves as a resource to the community for end-of-life care and related issues and seeks to
provide care for all appropriate patients and families who need hospice services regardless of their ability to
Coverage area includes: Ashtabula, Carroll, Columbiana, Jefferson, Mahoning, Portage, Stark, and Trumbull
Altercare of Millersburg- Majora Lane Care Center [See also Aging & Rehabilitation]
105 Majora Lane
Millersburg, OH 44654
Tracey Ropp 330-674-4444 x 4617
This agency is a 100-bed skilled nursing facility. Services include skilled and intermediate nursing care,
physical, occupational and speech therapy, respite care, hospice care, social services, psychological services
and comprehensive rehabilitation.
Altercare of Nobles Pond [See Also Rehabilitation]
7006 Fulton Dr. NW
Canton, OH 44718
Charlotte M. Bates, MSSA, LSW 330- 834-4800
Altercare of Nobles Pond is an excellent resource for comprehensive rehabilitation programs and
quality post-acute medical services.
Our mission is to provide personalized care and the highest-quality services and programs. We know
what it takes to create a positive experience for each of our residents and their families, and offer a
comfortable and peaceful environment, compassionate, experienced professionals, restaurant-style
dining, and a full range of personal services.
Advanced Rehabilitation Capabilities
Experienced therapists provide customized physical, occupational and speech therapy care: Orthopedic
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Rehabilitation Multiple Trauma Care
CVA/Stroke Rehabilitation Amputee Rehabilitation
Cardiovascular Rehabilitation VitalStim® Swallowing Therapy
Pulmonary Rehabilitation Thermal-Tactile Stimulation
Neuromuscular Rehabilitation
Post-Acute Medical Care
A complete range of Medicare-certified skilled medical services are available, including:
Stroke and Surgical Post-Acute Care
Tracheostomy Management
Wound Care Management
Amputation Care
Dysphagia Management
Diabetes Management
IV Therapy/TPN
Oxygen Therapy
Aultman Hospital [See Also Mental Health and Family Services]
2600 Sixth Street SW
Canton, OH 44708
Lynn Gastin 330-452-9911 or 330-430-3488 pager
Leading our community to improved health is the mission. Placement areas may include: Psychiatry, Oncology,
Dialysis, Peri-natal or discharge planning. Student activities include case management for patients, family
members and care givers, with the goal of meeting their psychosocial needs. He/She will also assist Case
Manager and Utilization Management Specialist to ensure achievement of patient outcomes, through
assistance with discharge planning to the appropriate level of care.
Aultman Rehab and Skilled Nursing [See also Rehabilitation and Aging]
2821 Woodlawn N.W.
Canton, Ohio 44708
Marcella Copeland 330-479-4800
This is a licensed, 60 beds Transitional Unit and 30 beds Rehabilitation Unit which prepares patients (children
and adults) to return home following surgery, such as hip, or knee replacement, or stroke. Using a team
approach, the unit treats patients from several angles, including social work. Patients are mostly elderly. An
average stay is 2 weeks, and about 95% of patients return to the community. Students provide services which
include assessment, education, support, and discharge planning as part of a multi-disciplinary team working
directly with patients and families. Students will also have exposure to social work services provided in home
care and hospice.
Briarwood [See Also Aging]
3700 Englewood Drive
Stow, OH 44224
Melissa VonGunten 330-688-1828
This facility provides positive opportunities for those needing both assistance with activities of daily living and
medical care. Briarwood provides a continuum of living arrangements including
This facility provides positive opportunities for those needing both assistance with activities of daily living and
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
medical care. Briarwood provides a continuum of living arrangements including assisted living; interim
assisted living and nursing care. Student opportunities include cognitive assessments of residents,
participation in care conferences, and supportive visits to residents. Students will be taught medical
terminology, Medicare, Medicaid and Area Agency on Aging Screenings and services.
Chapel Hill Retirement Community [See Also Aging]
12200 Strausser St. NW
Canal Fulton, Ohio 44614
Brenda Zahn 330- 854-4177
Chapel Hill Retirement Community is a continuing care retirement community founded on a mission to provide
older adults with Christian caring and quality services to enhance their wellness. As part of the United Church
Homes family, our vision is to provide an environment of respect in which lives are enriched, independence is
honored, and changing needs are met. At Chapel Hill Retirement Community, you will find the time and
freedom to realize your full potential as you engage in life and explore everything we have to offer.
Student activities will include patient assessments.
Note: Please ask for the receptionist to page Brenda Zahn rather than leaving a message on her voice mail.
Community Health Center- Community Health [See Also Substance Abuse]
725 E. Market Street
Akron, OH 44305
Bonnie Sharp (330) 424-4141
The Community Health Center is committed to enhancing quality of life by providing a diverse, holistic
continuum of care. Services include chemical dependency, health care and wellness programs that are
responsive to the needs of the community.
Copley Health Center [See also Aging & Rehabilitation]
155 Heritage Woods Drive
Copley, OH 44321
Lori Endsley 330-666-0980
Copley Health Center is a licensed nursing facility with 150 beds providing skilled continuous care,
rehabilitation services, and intermediate and assisted care. Copley is committed to offering the highest quality
of residential and health care services to older adults whose needs cannot be met in the community.
Student learning opportunities in the Social Work department include: providing residents and families with
emotional support; learning community resources; conducting history and assessment interviews; advocating
mediating and enabling resolution to conflicts; using the problem solving model; working as an
interdisciplinary team player; addressing residents ‘ psychosocial, emotional, communicative needs and
behavioral problems.
Crestmont North Healthcare [See also Aging]
13330 Detroit Avenue
Lakewood, OH 44107
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Andrea Freis 216-228-9550
Since 1992, Crestmont has provided quality health care delivered through a dedicated team of professionals.
We have strived to meet the evolving health care needs of the communities we serve. It is our commitment to
deliver the highest quality of care in an environment that supports and nurtures the individual. Areas that
would be covered include Psychosocial Assessments, including the Mini Mental Status Exam and the Geriatric
Depression Scale; Care Planning; Discharge Planning, including making referrals to outside agencies;
Counseling; completing the MDS Assessment; working with other disciplines, especially in Interdisciplinary
Team Conferences; and completing forms needed in Nursing Homes, such as Level of Care (LOC) and Pasarr
Screens. Discharge Planning and Gerontology are also included.
Crossroads Hospice of Cleveland [See also Aging/ Hospice]
9775 Rock side Rd Suite 270
Valley View, OH 44125
Kristen Kitzmiller
The hospice social worker provides initial and ongoing psychosocial assessments of the patient and
establishes a psychosocial plan of care. The social worker normally sees the patient once or twice a
month to provide emotional support and ensure patient and family psychosocial needs are being
met. The patient/family or any member of the hospice team can request additional psychosocial visits
as needed. The social worker can provide assistance to the patient and family such as helping the
patient with a Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) order, assisting with finding community resources, and
making arrangements for nursing home placement or transfer to inpatient care facility. The hospice
social worker can also provide counseling to the patient or family.
Crossroads Hospice- Green [See also Aging/Hospice]
3743 Boettler Oaks Drive, Suite E
Green, Ohio 44685
Ron Davis
Emotional Support Team Director
330.899.9972 – Fax
About Hospice
Hospice is a philosophy of care. It treats the person rather than the disease and focuses on quality of life. It
surrounds the patient and family with a team consisting of professionals who not only address physical
distress, but emotional and spiritual issues as well. Hospice care is patient-centered because the needs of the
patient and family drive the activities of the hospice team.
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Roles and responsibilities of a hospice team.
Physician: The physician is responsible for identifying the patient’s need for hospice and making the referral for
hospice services. They are encouraged to remain involved as a member of the patient care team, and to
actively participate in the hospice plan of care.
Hospice Medical Director: The hospice medical director provides an oversight of patient care and support to
the hospice team. The hospice medical director attends a team conference to discuss the plan of care by
assisting in establishing goals, and participating in decisions regarding patient care.
Registered Nurse Case Manager: The registered nurse case manager coordinates the plan of care with the
physician and hospice medical director through initial and ongoing nursing assessments. The nurse visits the
patient two or three times a week, or as needed, to ensure all distressing symptoms are effectively managed
and that patient and family needs are being met. The RN supervises all care provided by the licensed practical
nurse and home health aide, and coordinates care with the other members of the hospice team to ensure
patient and family spiritual and psychosocial needs are met.
Social Worker: The hospice social worker provides initial and ongoing psychosocial assessments of the
patient and establishes a psychosocial plan of care. The social worker normally sees the patient once or
twice a month to provide emotional support and ensure patient and family psychosocial needs are being
met. The patient/family or any member of the hospice team can request additional psychosocial visits as
needed. The social worker can provide assistance to the patient and family such as helping the patient with
a Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) order, assisting with finding community resources, and making arrangements for
nursing home placement or transfer to inpatient care facility. The hospice social worker can also provide
counseling to the patient or family in times of crisis.
Chaplain: The hospice chaplain provides spiritual support to the patient and family as needed. The chaplain
visits once or twice per month or more often if requested. The care provided by the hospice chaplain can
address religious issues, however the focus of care is more spiritual, in nature, than religious. Care by the
hospice chaplain is non-denominational.
Bereavement Counselor: The bereavement counselor not only supports and guides the family through the
bereavement period after the loss of a loved one, but can also help the patient deal with the grief associated
with declining health. The bereavement counselor can provide bereavement services to the family up to a
year, or longer, after a loved passes.
Home Health Aide: The home health aide assists the patient and family with personal care needs and light
housekeeping. They also teach family members the correct and safe method for providing personal care to the
patient. The home health aide supplements the care provided by the nurse case manager.
Hospice Volunteer: The hospice volunteer provides companionship and support to the patient and family. All
hospice volunteers are required to attend volunteer training at the hospice. The volunteers frequently perform
needed errands and light housekeeping for the patient and family.
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Doylestown Health Care Center [See also Aging & Rehabilitation]
95 Black Drive
Doylestown, OH 44230
Amy Royse 330-658-2061
This is a nursing home facility serving primarily older adults with the mission founded on Christian principles . .
.to provide the best possible quality of life in long-term care . . . We promote independence and preserve
dignity. Services include supportive living and long-term care; hospice; wound management; rehabilitative
therapies; respite care; therapeutic activities, etc. Student activities might include information and referral,
social service histories and assessments, attending weekly care plan meetings, documentation.
Forum Health- Community Health [See Also Family Services]
500 Gypsy Lane
PO Box 240
Youngstown, Ohio 44504
Mary Missos 330-884-3521
Forum Health’s mission is to enhance the health status of the communities they serve. Activities include
Nursing Home Placement, Psychiatric, Hospice, HIV, Assessment, and Adoption. The main focus is Discharge
Planning and Case Management.
FMC-Akron East Kidney Center
199 Perkins Street
Akron, Ohio 44304
Timothy Stipek
Center provides In-center hemodialysis, Peritoneal Dialysis, and Home Dialysis Training. Anemia Management,
Dialysis Adequacy, Vascular Access, Hospitalizations and Deaths are ongoing facets of this center.
Good Shepherd Nursing Home [See also Aging]
622 Center Street
Ashland, OH 44805
Lorie White 419- 289-3523
Good Shepherd Nursing Home is a 130-bed skilled nursing home. This agency works with clients with
Alzheimer’s, residential and family adjustment, documentation, and counseling residents and family members.
Their mission is “Creating a better world by serving people in need.” Students may experience Adult Care,
Assessment, Discharge Planning, Case Management, Intake and Ongoing Care.
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary * REQUIRES External Social Work SUPERVISION
5623 New Milford Road
Ravenna, OH 44266
Annette Fisher 330-296-5914
Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary Inc. is a non-profit organization that rescues, rehabilitates, and
provides an adoption program for abused, abandoned, and neglected farm animals such as horses,
ponies, pot belly pigs, farm pigs, chickens, ducks, turkeys, sheep, goats, and cattle. Happy Trails
serves the entire state of Ohio, and works in cooperation with county humane societies, animal
protective leagues, and local and state law enforcement officers.
Our criteria for accepting a farm animal or horse into our rescue program is that the animal has been
removed from its current situation by a county humane officer, sheriff, or other law enforcement
Happy Trails provides the rescued farm animals and equine with medical care, proper nutrition, clean
and safe housing, and as much TLC as possible. We work in cooperation with a variety of other rescue
groups, both local and out of state, to network and help find homes for the rescued farm animals.
Our adoption program allows for the rescued farm animals to be adopted as a family pet only. Once a
farm animal is accepted by Happy Trails, they are no longer allowed to be placed back into food
production, nor are they allowed to be bred or used for exploitation in any way.
Harbor Light Hospice [See also Aging and Hospice]
25 South Main St. Suite 7
Munroe Falls, OH 44262
Alison Rose, MSW, LISW
“The mission of Harbor Light Hospice is to provide dignified end-of-life care and quality services that allow our
patients and their families/significant others to live life richly, deeply, and meaningfully for as long as it may
last and to die with dignity on the setting of their choice.” Harbor Light Hospice is a provider of hospice
services that seeks to meet the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of patients and families who are facing
a life-limiting illness. The goal is to provide comfort, company and active treatment of distressing symptoms
with the patient and family as the focus of care. A team of educated and trained professionals specialize in
providing patient care with the common focus of life and quality of living, while accepting the reality of death
as a part of life. The interdisciplinary team collaborates together on the needs of patient and family care.
Students will attend interdisciplinary group meetings where team members collaborate and consult one
another about patient care. They will learn the role of each discipline regarding patient care so they can then
identify and refer patients to appropriate disciplines based on care needs. Students will also complete agency
documentation and complete psychosocial assessments with patients and their families. These are just some
of the duties students will perform there are many other opportunities based on student skill level.
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Heather Hill Care Communities- Community Health [See Also Rehabilitation]
12340 Bass Lake Rd.
Chardon, OH 44024
Mary Lou Davis 440-285-4040
The mission of a nonprofit healing medical and health enhancement center is to give people who are well, frail,
impaired, ill or injured the opportunities, support, tools and education they need to lead healthful and fulfilling
lives. Their population includes brain injury patients, rehabilitation patients, orthopedic patients and
Alzheimer’s patients. A student may be involved in seminars, workshops, admitting, assessment and discharge
Heather Knoll Nursing Care Facility [See also Aging & Occupational]
1134 North Avenue
Tallmadge, OH 44278-1097
Frankie Twymon 330-688-8600
This is a 120-bed facility providing nursing care, physical, speech and occupational therapy, rehabilitation
services, restorative and long term care. There are 30 skilled beds and 90 intermediate. Student opportunity
may include working with the family of the residents, educational activities, support groups, interdisciplinary
goal setting, and assisting residents in returning to their home.
Hospice of Medina County [See also Aging/Hospice]
5075 Windfall Road
Medina, OH 44256
Kim Ventresca
With HMC Hospice of Medina County, you’ll discover an encompassing Circle of Care that includes
expertise from a variety of agencies all working together in a single, unified organization. No one else
in the region offers more experience in the combined specialties of home health and palliative care,
hospice care and bereavement support. All delivered with compassionate hearts intent on providing
the exact services to meet each family’s needs and wishes. The agencies within our Circle of Care
enable us to be responsive to your needs throughout Medina and Summit counties and portions of
Wayne, Lorain and Cuyahoga counties. Click on any agency from the menu to learn more about how
they can provide the support you’re looking for.
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Hospice of The Western Reserve [See also Aging/Hospice]
17876 St. Clair Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44110
Karen Vrtunski 216-486-6196
Hospice of the Western Reserve has provided hospice and palliative care to patients and families
throughout Northern Ohio since 1978. Our programs and services are more comprehensive than any
other provider in the region. We help physicians and other healthcare providers achieve improved
outcomes for patients facing a serious illness. Our holistic approach to care offers patients, caregivers
and families opportunities to have their needs met at a variety of levels. In collaboration with
doctors, Hospice of the Western Reserve’s trans disciplinary teams provide spiritual and psychosocial
support, personal care and bereavement services to those in their care. We offer specialized
programs for those not yet ready for hospice, patients with dementia, Veterans, children and women
who learn of a serious illness while pregnant.
For patients who many not have a caregiver, whose loved ones are unable to care for them at home
or are in need of intensive symptom management, one of our care settings might be available. Our
Hospice Institute is the only one in Ohio that is dedicated to improving quality of life for people facing
serious illness through research, knowledge and education of healthcare professionals, students and
the general public.
Jewish Family Service- Aging/Gerontology/Community Planning/Housing
750 White Pond Drive
Akron, Ohio 44320
Gizelle Jones, LISW-S 330-867-3388
Jewish Family Service is a nonprofit agency that provides counseling, case management, and
community education to seniors and their families, beginning at age 45. This agency serves both the
Jewish and non-Jewish community in Summit County and is funded in part by United Way. This
organization has a grant funded program for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered Seniors. This
program is growing fast and an intern is needed to work with these seniors. A second project is in
collaboration with Akron Metropolitan Housing to work with seniors in of their apartment buildings.
An intern is needed to work with this project
Lodi Community Hospital- Community Health
225 Elyria Street
Lodi, OH 44254
Brenda Johnson 330-948-1222 (X85534)
This agency’s mission is to provide caring and excellent health services that are progressive, patient-centered
and family oriented to the residents of Northeast Ohio. Services include skilled nursing care, community
support, respite care, social services, physical/occupational therapy, respiratory therapy, urgent care,
emergency care, occupational health and other specialized clinics.
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Manor Care Health Services, Barberton [See also Aging & Occupational]
85 3rd St., S. E.
Barberton, OH 44203
Jennifer S. Leeper 330-753-5005 x 5935
This agency is dedicated to providing the highest quality in health care services. By ensuring that residents,
patients and clients live with the greatest dignity and comfort possible, we will establish HCR Manor Care as
the pre-eminent care provider, committed to standards of performance, which serve as the hallmark of the
industry. Services include skilled nursing, physical, occupational and speech therapies; hospice care; social
services; pastoral care; rehabilitative and restorative programs; and respite care.
Manor Care Health Services, Belden Village [See also Aging & Hospice]
5005 Higbee Avenue
Canton, OH 44718
Keith Patterson 330-492-7835
This agency is dedicated to providing the highest quality in health care services. By ensuring that patients live
with the greatest dignity and comfort possible, we will establish HCR Manor Care as the pre-eminent care
provider, committed to standards of performance, which serve as the hallmark of the industry. Student’s
duties may include admissions discharge, quarterly resident reviews, Medicare and Medicaid regulations,
hospice, outside referrals and taking care of resident concerns.
Mature Services/D.B.M.C. - Community Health [See Also Aging & Substance Abuse
415 S. Portage Path
Akron, OH 44320
Laura Kidd, 330-253-4597x 115
Mature Services, Inc. promotes successful aging by providing the highest quality programs and services to
support, strengthen, and empower adults as they age. Founded in Akron, Ohio as a senior citizen program, it
has since become an independent, nationally respected organization with offices throughout the state. This
agency provides services to older adults, including support, chemical dependency services, homecare and
senior employment services. The goal is to provide independence of individuals through community-based
assistance, to help older adults avoid premature or inappropriate institutionalization and to help alleviate the
problems of poverty among older adults. Student opportunities include assessment and reassessment;
problem-solving around issues of daily living, including emergency food and utility assistance; information and
referral; and mediation.
The D. Bruce Mansfield Center is now Avenues to Recovery and with the new name comes broader services like
Mental Health Counseling as well as alcohol and substance abuse treatment and prevention programs. *We
provide all our services directly at Avenues and not by referral to another organization (except for crisis
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Med Central Health System
335 Glessner Ave
Mansfeild , OH 44903
Judy Allton 419-526-8961
At MedCentral Health System, our mission is to provide expert health care to the people of north central Ohio
through our core values of Quality, Customer Service, Innovation and Teamwork. As the largest medical
community between Cleveland and Columbus, we provide a comprehensive array of health care services some typically found only in large metropolitan areas. MedCentral Health System is Expert Care Close to
National Multiple Sclerosis Society- Community Health
Ohio Buckeye Chapter
6155 Rockside Rd. Suite 202
Independence, Ohio 44131
Greg Kovach, MSW, LSW
1-800-344-4867 or 1-800-Fight MS
Fax 330-434-9223
The main office is located in Independence but the majority of assignments could be located in the
Akron area. The mission of the MS Society is to end the devastating effects of MS. This organization
offers students a generalist experience including but not limited to:
Friendly visiting to MS Clients in nursing homes. Once training is completed, student would visit as schedule
permits. Home visits would be made with a staff social worker.
Possible work with the Akron Craft class depending on student’s schedule (class meets on Tuesday mornings
from 9:30 a.m. -12 noon) Provide support to self-help group in the Akron area. Group meets once a month on
Saturday mornings. Resource development for provider database (Once trained could be completed on
student’s time). Work on special client projects (holiday bags, client social events, etc.) as schedule allows.
Additional group opportunities- such as: Akron Craft Class
Parkside Villa Nursing Facility [See Also Rehabilitation and Aging]
7040 Hepburn Road
Middleburg Hts., Ohio 44130
Rena Close 440-260-7626 x 4472
Parkside Villa is a skilled nursing facility with both long-term and short-term rehab stay residents. There are
143 beds on four separate units. The Redwood unit is specified as the dementia unit. Students would
experience a wide variety of experiences while at Parkside Villa. Students would participate in the following
activities: MDS assessments, care planning, and RAP assessments. Students would also participate in
admission psychological assessments, quarterly and annual reviews, family and individual counseling, resident
council, and possibly additional group work. Students would learn the Medicare and Medicaid processes as
well as gain practical knowledge in the field of medical social work.
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Portage Trail Village [See Also Aging]
45 Cathedral Lane
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223
Diane Sauers 330- 945-5637
Portage Trail Village is an Independent Living environment where student placement would consist of working
with seniors and individuals with disabilities in a H.U.D. housing setting. The primary role of the student would
be in the service coordination area. The student experience would be to assist the residents to remain as
independent as possible. The student would assist the resident with providing emotional support, medical
assistance, advocacy and coordination of financial assistance. Students observe and assist service coordinators
in informing residents about service availability, coordination from hospitals, physicians, prescriptions,
transportation, and other relevant issues in the residents’ own homes.
Rape Crisis Center (formerly YWCA Rape Crisis Center) [Crisis Intervention & Group Services]
974 East Market Street
Akron, Ohio 44305
Brittney Paliswat 330-860-5635
This agency provides a hot line service and group counselling to the community; crisis intervention; hospital
advocacy; community education and speakers bureau. (Night and weekend hours available.)
Robinson Memorial Hospital
6847 N. Chestnut Street
Ravenna, OH 44266-1204
Susan Sammons 330-297-8074
Student activities may include case management, in-service consultation, team meetings, interdisciplinary
team meetings, discharge planning, and ECF transfers.
Rockynol Retirement Community- Community Health [See Also Aging and Family Services]
1150 West Market Street
Akron, OH 44313-7178
Kelly Yeager 330-867-2150 x 315
Rockynol is a continuing care retirement community. Their mission is to provide older adults with caring and
quality services towards the enhancement of physical, mental, and spiritual well being. The levels of care
offered include skilled nursing care, independent living apartments, assisted living, and a special car unit for
those with dementia. They also have day care and home care programs. This agency offers two internship
experiences: one is with Independent and assisted living residents and their families. This involves significant
work around level of care changes and moves, and support services. The second is in the Nursing Home area,
which is highly regulated by Medicare and Medicaid. This job includes assisting residents to adjust to their
situation and establish a life with satisfaction and quality. Assessment, documentation, and case management
are inherent in both positions. The student will be a team member with all departments.
Saint Vincent Charity Hospital
2351 East 22nd Street
Cleveland, OH 44115
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Johlin, Carol A. 216-241-5534
Rudolph, Barbara J. 216-241-5198
This agency’s mission is the healing mission of Jesus, practice of quality care, dedication to the poor,
commitment to education and value of all persons. Services offered are emergency and trauma care,
outpatient and ambulatory care, acute and long-term care skilled nursing.
South West General Health Center- Community Health [See Also Aging]
Geriatric Program
18697 Bagley Road
Middleburg Heights, Ohio 44130
Donna Barrett 440-816-4036
Community-based case management for high risk older adults. Assessments, outreach, grant writing and
program planning.
Summa Family Medicine Center- Community Health
53 Arch Street
Akron, Ohio
Beth Long 330-375-3761
The Summa Family Medicine Center provides primary care for over 4,000 patients in the Summit County area.
The center has a full-time social worker who provides supportive services to patients, resident physicians,
attending physicians and staff. A major focus for the social worker is on the underinsured and non-insured
patients. The social worker assists these patients in getting connected with patient assistance programs for
free or significantly reduced medications. Another major program for the non-insured is Access to Care. This
is a grant funded program which coordinates access to service providers who are willing to provide free care to
non-insured patients. The social worker handles enrollment for this program. Other responsibilities include
connecting patients with community resources for assistance with food, clothing, housing, utilities etc. The
social worker also provides education to residents on the role of social work in health care and assists them in
treatment planning for needy patients.
Summa Center for Senior Health- Community Health [See Also Aging and Crisis Intervention]
*Note: This organization is not taking students after Spring 2012 until further notice
75 Arch Street Suite G2
Akron, Ohio 44304
Traci Kalpac 330-375-4100
The mission is to improve the health quality of life, and the well-being of older adults through a consultative
process focused on coordinating every aspect of an older adult’s care. Agency field activities include Nursing
Home, Elders, Substance Use, Hospice, Assessment, Case Management, Intake, Protective, Ongoing, and Crisis
Intervention, among others.
Summa Health System –Internal Medicine Center- Community Health
55 Arch Street, Suite 1B
Akron, Ohio 44304
Tom Balchak, MSW, LSW 330-375-4658
Student works as part of an interdisciplinary staff focused on a study on the diabetic population. The team
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
consists of physicians, nurse practitioners, medical residents and social workers.
community-based, community health.
Community focused,
Summer’s Trace (formerly Altercare of Canton) [See Also Aging]
820 34th St NW
Canton, OH 44709
Anne Halm 330-492-7131 x 329
This is a 150-bed, multi-level care facility; skilled and ICF nursing care, assisted living, and retirement home.
Union Hospital
Inpatient Rehabilitation
659 Boulevard
Dover, OH 44622
Jessica Kinsey, MSW, LISW-S 330-364-0830
The mission of Union Hospital is to provide excellent quality health care to the community at a competitive
price through highly competent people and an integrated provider network Student placement activities
include OB clinic assessments, ICU, Step-down, charting, nursing home placements, and referrals.
Volunteer and Bereavement Services Manager
VITAS Innovative Hospice Care[See also Aging /Hospice]
600 East Granger Road, Suite 100
Cleveland, Ohio 44131
Roberta Baioni, MSW
Hospice Care and Services
VITAS (pronounced VEE-tahss) Innovative Hospice Care® is the nation’s oldest and largest hospice provider,
providing end-of-life care for patients with life-limiting illnesses. We work with patients and families to
provide comfort and preserve dignity in the face of terminal illness. We provide comprehensive hospice
services, including pain and symptom management, emotional and spiritual support for patients and
bereavement support for families. These services are delivered by an interdisciplinary team comprised of
physicians, nurses, social workers, chaplains, nursing assistants, and volunteers. We are lea by our VITAS
Values: Patients and families come first, We take care of each other, I’ll do my best today and do even better
tomorrow, and I am proud to make a difference.
The Cleveland program opened in 2007 and serves patients in 9 counties including Cuyahoga, Lake, Portage,
Geauga, Lorain, Summit, Stark, Medina, and Wayne.
VITAS Mission
We are a growing family of hospices providing the highest quality human services, products and case
management to terminally ill and other appropriate patients and their families with measurable advantages
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
for the patient, the family, the medical community, the employee, and the stockholder.
VITAS Vision
For over 30 years, VITAS has advocated for the rights of terminally ill patients and their families. We believe
that patients should be apprised of their clinical prognosis and be involved in the decision-making process that
determines how their end-of-life care is provided.
Social Work Student Practicum
Social Work students have an opportunity to participate in both clinical and administrative activities including:
 Completing initial and ongoing psychosocial assessments with patients and their families
 Making referrals to community resources
 Providing emotional support to patients, families, and other caregivers
 Working with patients with a variety of terminal diagnoses, ie. Alzheimer’s Disease, cancers, cardiac,
 Assisting with Medicaid applications
 Coordinating Respite stays
 Attending team meeting and collaborating with the interdisciplinary team
 Completing post death bereavement assessments with families
 Assisting with planning and facilitation of bereavement activities
 Assisting with volunteer recruitment, training, and supervision
 Attending interoffice trainings on issues related to end of life care
Wadsworth Pointe
540 Great Oaks Trail
Wadsworth, Ohio 44281
Angela Alonso MSW, LSW (330) 336-1141
Wadsworth Pointe is a licensed nursing home and assisted living facility. This facility has 64 dual certified
skilled nursing beds and 7 assisted living beds. The facility provides rehabilitation and custodial care to its
residents. Our mission is to provide the highest quality of care possible to all those we are privileged to serve.
This entails a continued commitment to always maintain the highest standards of care. Facility services
include: skilled nursing care; physical, occupational and speech therapies; and a secure dementia unit.
Student learning opportunities in the social work department include a range of activities. Students may
participate in the following activities as appropriate: conduct psychosocial assessments; provide emotional
support; learn behavior management skills; learn communication skills; become a patient and family advocate;
gain information in community resources; participate in an interdisciplinary team; and assist residents and
families with discharge planning.
Wadsworth-Rittman Hospital- Community Health
195 Wadsworth Road
Wadsworth, OH 44281-9505
Sharon Kephart
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Wadsworth-Rittman is a community hospital that provides quality, cost-effective health care regardless of
race, creed, or economic status. Student activities may include patient psychosocial assessment, discharge
plan development, and interdisciplinary team meeting attendance. Agency prefers contact by phone-not
accepting students until further notice
Wayne County Adult Protective Services [See Also Aging]
356 W. North Street
PO Box 76
Wooster, OH 44691
Susan Sigmon 800-421-7277 ext. 3342
CPS is a division of Wayne County DHS and provides protective services for the elderly. The agency strives to
empower, support, educate, and advocate for clients, and to act as a resource for other community agencies
by offering services to those in need. Programs and services offered include: Adult Protective Services, day
care, transportation services, Health Check, Healthy Start, and prenatal care programs. Student field
opportunities may include: Adult Protective Services home visits and client benefit application assistance.
West View Manor- Community Health [See Also Aging]
1715 Mechanicsburg Road
Wooster, OH 44691
Jenny Whitman 330-264-8640 x 230
West View Manor is a non-profit organization affiliated with the Northern Ohio District Church of the Brethren
whose main mission is to foster, maintain and operate a Christian Retirement Community that provides older
adults with caring and quality services toward the enhancement of their physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing consistent with the Christian Gospel. Services provided include a continuum of care—assisted living,
skilled nursing, assessment, and discharge planning.
Western Stark Medical Clinic- Community Health
820 Amherst Road, N.E.
Massillon, Ohio 44646
Chris Chappuis 330-834-1546 ext. 216
The agency provides medical/dental services for the homeless of Stark County. Opportunities exist for a macro
level placement for students interested in grant writing and working at the organizational level to assist in
provision of services for the homeless. Opportunities also exist for micro interventions for students wishing
some direct practice experiences including: intake, assessment, interviewing, etc.
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
All Caring Hospice [See also Aging/Health]
6715 Tippecanoe Road
Canfield, Ohio 44406
Katie Fekey
Volunteer Coordinator
The mission of All Caring Hospice is to understand and help guide our patients' quest for a rewarding quality of
life in their final days and to help their circle of family and friends support them in life and grieve for them in
death. All Caring pledges to provide expert hospice care for the comfort and dignity of the terminally ill by
addressing their physical, emotional and spiritual needs. We strive to provide individuals facing death and grief
expert care that provides a sense of personal worth.
All Caring Hospice serves as a resource to the community for end-of-life care and related issues and seeks to
provide care for all appropriate patients and families who need hospice services regardless of their ability to
Coverage area includes: Ashtabula, Carroll, Columbiana, Jefferson, Mahoning, Portage, Stark, and Trumbull
Brenn-Field Nursing Center [See Also Aging and Community Mental Health]
1980 Linn Dr.
Orrville, Ohio 44667
Wendy Bowman 330-683-4075 x 2032
The nursing center offers the highest standard for the delivery of mental health care services in a home-like
atmosphere. Students work in areas of hospice, assessment, discharge planning, and gerontology.
Crossroads Hospice of Cleveland [See also Aging and Health]
9775 Rockside Rd Suite 270
Valley View, OH 44125
Kristen Kitzmiller
The hospice social worker provides initial and ongoing psychosocial assessments of the patient and
establishes a psychosocial plan of care. The social worker normally sees the patient once or twice a
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
month to provide emotional support and ensure patient and family psychosocial needs are being
met. The patient/family or any member of the hospice team can request additional psychosocial visits
as needed. The social worker can provide assistance to the patient and family such as helping the
patient with a Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) order, assisting with finding community resources, and
making arrangements for nursing home placement or transfer to inpatient care facility. The hospice
social worker can also provide counseling to the patient or family.
Crossroads Hospice- Green [See also Aging/Health]
3743 Boettler Oaks Drive, Suite E
Green, Ohio 44685
Ron Davis
Emotional Support Team Director
330.899.9972 – Fax
About Hospice
Hospice is a philosophy of care. It treats the person rather than the disease and focuses on quality of life. It
surrounds the patient and family with a team consisting of professionals who not only address physical
distress, but emotional and spiritual issues as well. Hospice care is patient-centered because the needs of the
patient and family drive the activities of the hospice team.
Roles and responsibilities of a hospice team.
Physician: The physician is responsible for identifying the patient’s need for hospice and making the referral for
hospice services. They are encouraged to remain involved as a member of the patient care team, and to
actively participate in the hospice plan of care.
Hospice Medical Director: The hospice medical director provides an oversight of patient care and support to
the hospice team. The hospice medical director attends a team conference to discuss the plan of care by
assisting in establishing goals, and participating in decisions regarding patient care.
Registered Nurse Case Manager: The registered nurse case manager coordinates the plan of care with the
physician and hospice medical director through initial and ongoing nursing assessments. The nurse visits the
patient two or three times a week, or as needed, to ensure all distressing symptoms are effectively managed
and that patient and family needs are being met. The RN supervises all care provided by the licensed practical
nurse and home health aide, and coordinates care with the other members of the hospice team to ensure
patient and family spiritual and psychosocial needs are met.
Social Worker: The hospice social worker provides initial and ongoing psychosocial assessments of the
patient and establishes a psychosocial plan of care. The social worker normally sees the patient once or
twice a month to provide emotional support and ensure patient and family psychosocial needs are being
met. The patient/family or any member of the hospice team can request additional psychosocial visits as
needed. The social worker can provide assistance to the patient and family such as helping the patient with
a Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) order, assisting with finding community resources, and making arrangements for
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
nursing home placement or transfer to inpatient care facility. The hospice social worker can also provide
counseling to the patient or family in times of crisis.
Chaplain: The hospice chaplain provides spiritual support to the patient and family as needed. The chaplain
visits once or twice per month or more often if requested. The care provided by the hospice chaplain can
address religious issues, however the focus of care is more spiritual, in nature, than religious. Care by the
hospice chaplain is non-denominational.
Bereavement Counselor: The bereavement counselor not only supports and guides the family through the
bereavement period after the loss of a loved one, but can also help the patient deal with the grief associated
with declining health. The bereavement counselor can provide bereavement services to the family up to a
year, or longer, after a loved passes.
Home Health Aide: The home health aide assists the patient and family with personal care needs and light
housekeeping. They also teach family members the correct and safe method for providing personal care to the
patient. The home health aide supplements the care provided by the nurse case manager.
Hospice Volunteer: The hospice volunteer provides companionship and support to the patient and family. All
hospice volunteers are required to attend volunteer training at the hospice. The volunteers frequently perform
needed errands and light housekeeping for the patient and family.
Harbor Light Hospice [See also Aging and Health]
25 South Main St. Suite 7
Munroe Falls, OH 44262
Alison Rose, MSW, LISW
“The mission of Harbor Light Hospice is to provide dignified end-of-life care and quality services that allow our
patients and their families/significant others to live life richly, deeply, and meaningfully for as long as it may
last and to die with dignity on the setting of their choice.” Harbor Light Hospice is a provider of hospice
services that seeks to meet the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of patients and families who are facing
a life-limiting illness. The goal is to provide comfort, company and active treatment of distressing symptoms
with the patient and family as the focus of care. A team of educated and trained professionals specialize in
providing patient care with the common focus of life and quality of living, while accepting the reality of death
as a part of life. The interdisciplinary team collaborates together on the needs of patient and family care.
Students will attend interdisciplinary group meetings where team members collaborate and consult one
another about patient care. They will learn the role of each discipline regarding patient care so they can then
identify and refer patients to appropriate disciplines based on care needs. Students will also complete agency
documentation and complete psychosocial assessments with patients and their families. These are just some
of the duties students will perform there are many other opportunities based on student skill level.
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Hospice of Medina County [See also Aging/Health]
5075 Windfall Road
Medina, OH 44256
Kim Ventresca 330-725-1900
With HMC Hospice of Medina County, you’ll discover an encompassing Circle of Care that includes
expertise from a variety of agencies all working together in a single, unified organization.No one else
in the region offers more experience in the combined specialties of home health and palliative care,
hospice care and bereavement support. All delivered with compassionate hearts intent on providing
the exact services to meet each family’s needs and wishes.The agencies within our Circle of Care
enable us to be responsive to your needs throughout Medina and Summit counties and portions of
Wayne, Lorain and Cuyahoga counties. Click on any agency from the menu to learn more about how
they can provide the support you’re looking for.
Hospice of The Western Reserve [See also Aging/Health]
17876 St. Clair Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44110
Karen Vrtunski 216-486-6196
Hospice of the Western Reserve has provided hospice and palliative care to patients and families
throughout Northern Ohio since 1978. Our programs and services are more comprehensive than any
other provider in the region. We help physicians and other healthcare providers achieve improved
outcomes for patients facing a serious illness. Our holistic approach to care offers patients, caregivers
and families opportunities to have their needs met at a variety of levels. In collaboration with
doctors, Hospice of the Western Reserve’s transdisciplinary teams provide spiritual and psychosocial
support, personal care and bereavement services to those in their care. We offer specialized
programs for those not yet ready for hospice, patients with dementia, Veterans, children and women
who learn of a serious illness while pregnant.
For patients who many not have a caregiver, whose loved ones are unable to care for them at home
or are in need of intensive symptom management, one of our care settings might be available. Our
Hospice Institute is the only one in Ohio that is dedicated to improving quality of life for people facing
serious illness through research, knowledge and education of healthcare professionals, students and
the general public.
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Manor Care Health Services, Belden Village [See also Aging & Health]
5005 Higbee Avenue
Canton, OH 44718
Keith Patterson 330-492-7835
This agency is dedicated to providing the highest quality in health care services. By ensuring that patients live
with the greatest dignity and comfort possible, we will establish HCR Manor Care as the pre-eminent care
provider, committed to standards of performance, which serve as the hallmark of the industry. Student’s
duties may include admissions discharge, quarterly resident reviews, Medicare and Medicaid regulations,
hospice, outside referrals and taking care of resident concerns.
Medina Meadows [See Also Aging & Rehabilitation]
550 Miner Drive
Medina, OH 44256
Wendy Thornhill 330- 725-1550 x 114
This agency provides short and long-term nursing home care, outpatient rehabilitation services and hospice
Volunteer and Bereavement Services Manager
VITAS Innovative Hospice Care [See also Aging/Health]
600 East Granger Road, Suite 100
Cleveland, Ohio 44131
Roberta Baioni, MSW
Hospice Care and Services
VITAS (pronounced VEE-tahss) Innovative Hospice Care® is the nation’s oldest and largest hospice provider,
providing end-of-life care for patients with life-limiting illnesses. We work with patients and families to
provide comfort and preserve dignity in the face of terminal illness. We provide comprehensive hospice
services, including pain and symptom management, emotional and spiritual support for patients and
bereavement support for families. These services are delivered by an interdisciplinary team comprised of
physicians, nurses, social workers, chaplains, nursing assistants, and volunteers. We are lea by our VITAS
Values: Patients and families come first, we take care of each other, I’ll do my best today and do even better
tomorrow, and I am proud to make a difference.
The Cleveland program opened in 2007 and serves patients in 9 counties including Cuyahoga, Lake, Portage,
Geauga, Lorain, Summit, Stark, Medina, and Wayne.
VITAS Mission
We are a growing family of hospices providing the highest quality human services, products and case
management to terminally ill and other appropriate patients and their families with measurable advantages
for the patient, the family, the medical community, the employee, and the stockholder.
VITAS Vision
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
For over 30 years, VITAS has advocated for the rights of terminally ill patients and their families. We believe
that patients should be apprised of their clinical prognosis and be involved in the decision-making process that
determines how their end-of-life care is provided.
Social Work Student Practicum
Social Work students have an opportunity to participate in both clinical and administrative activities including:
 Completing initial and ongoing psychosocial assessments with patients and their families
 Making referrals to community resources
 Providing emotional support to patients, families, and other caregivers
 Working with patients with a variety of terminal diagnoses, ie. Alzheimer’s Disease, cancers, cardiac,
 Assisting with Medicaid applications
 Coordinating Respite stays
 Attending team meeting and collaborating with the interdisciplinary team
 Completing post death bereavement assessments with families
 Assisting with planning and facilitation of bereavement activities
 Assisting with volunteer recruitment, training, and supervision
 Attending interoffice trainings on issues related to end of life care
Housing Services
Akron Metropolitan Housing Authority [See Also Aging and Family Services]
Resident Support Services
100 West Cedar Street
Akron, Ohio 44307
Jeanne Shea 330-762-9631
The Akron Metropolitan Housing Authority is committed to building stronger neighborhoods by
providing attractive, safe and affordable housing options and professional services for all eligible
Summit County families, elderly and individuals with special needs in partnership with the greater
Haven of Rest Ministries/Harvest Home [See Also Family Services]
24 N. Prospect Street
Akron, OH 44304
Myra Schneider 330-434-1149 x 236
Homeless shelter for women and children. “The purpose of Haven of Rest Ministries is to serve and glorify God
through a Christ-centered outreach of love and compassion that responds to the physical, emotional and
spiritual needs of disadvantaged men, women and children without regard to their race, color, creed or social
standing.” Harvest Home uses a social work model of case management to assist the homeless in securing
housing, a source of income, medical coverage and other supportive services. We use advocacy and agency
networking to help the client obtain resources. The majority of our clients have some mental health issues as
well as chemical dependency. A student may be involved in counseling with individuals and families, may visit
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
and research social service agencies and other community helpers in the area, advocate with clients,
participate in education programs; documentation.
H. M. Life Opportunity Services
1815 W. Market Street, Suite 102
Akron, OH 44313
Kandice S. Lacy 330-376-5600 or
Bridget Lacy 330-376-5600 x2040
H. M. Life Opportunity Services provides low cost transitional housing and supportive services to homeless, low
income, single-parent families with a goal of economic and emotional self-sufficiency within a 2-year period.
ICAN [See Also Community Mental Health]
1214 Market Avenue, N. W.
Canton, OH 44714
Maryellen Cameron 330-455-9100
This agency provides housing, transportation, non-traditional support services for persons with severe and
persistent mental illness living independently in the community.
Interfaith Hospitality Network of Summit County/ Family Promise of Summit County [See Also
Family Services]
77 West Miller Avenue
Akron, Ohio 44301
330- 253-8081
Contact to be determined (330) 253-8081
Interfaith Hospitality Network of Summit County is a consolidation of faith congregations caring for families in
need of shelter, meals, and compassionate assistance that lead them to secure a stable home environment.
Jewish Family Service- Aging/Gerontology/Community Planning/Housing
750 White Pond Drive
Akron, Ohio 44320
Gizelle Jones, LISW-S 330-867-3388
Jewish Family Service is a nonprofit agency that provides counseling, case management, and
community education to seniors and their families, beginning at age 45. This agency serves both the
Jewish and non-Jewish community in Summit County and is funded in part by United Way. This
organization has a grant funded program for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered Seniors. This
program is growing fast and an intern is needed to work with these seniors. A second project is in
collaboration with Akron Metropolitan Housing to work with seniors in of their apartment buildings.
An intern is needed to work with this project
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Portage Area Transitional Housing
5650 S. Prospect St. #401
Ravenna, OH 44266
Marty Russo 330-296-7690
The mission of PATH is to provide an integrated, comprehensive variety of support services and case
management, in conjunction with housing, for homeless families and single adults in order to promote greater
self-sufficiency, self-determination, and permanent housing.
Salvation Army – Canton
420 Market Avenue South
Canton, OH 44702
Vicki Sparrow 330-453-0158
This agency provides emergency assistance to the needy including utility and rent assistance as funds are
available, food pantry, GED classes, temporary shelter, a clothing room, Working Women’s Closet and soup
Stark Metropolitan Housing Authority (SMHA)
400 East Tuscarawas Street
Canton, OH 44702
Robin Mingo 330-454-8051, ext. 327
SMHA provides eligible residents of Stark County with quality affordable housing in decent, safe, and nurturing
neighborhoods. By working in partnership with the public and private sectors, SMHA provides families with
housing choices and the opportunity to achieve self-sufficiency.
International Institute of Akron
207 E. Tallmadge Avenue
Akron, OH 44310
Elain Woloshyn 330-376-5106
International Institute of Akron is a non-profit agency that provides services to the foreign-born in Akron and
the Summit County, Ohio community. Our mission is to contribute to the well being of our community by
creating and implementing programs and services to assist the foreign born to integrate into our society, to
promote public awareness of the value of ethnic diversity, and to encourage international communication.
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Asian Services In Action, Inc.
730 Carrol Street
Akron, OH 44304
Kitty Leung 216-346-9968
In 1995, four immigrant women founded Asian Services In Action in response to the needs that they saw
among individuals and families in the community. Today, ASIA serves over 10,000 people annually in 30
languages, providing culturally competent programs and services to empower Asian American and Pacific
Islander (AAPI) families throughout Northeast Ohio. ASIA’s mission is to empower and advocate for Asian
Americans/Pacific Islanders (AAPIs); and to provide AAPIs access to quality, culturally, and linguistically
appropriate information and services.
Mental Health or Community Mental Health
Alternative Paths [See Also Crisis Intervention]
246 Northland Dr.
Medina, Ohio 44256
Colleen Barrett 330- 725-9195
Alternative Paths is a non-profit behavioral health organization dedicated to providing an array of services to
meet the needs of Medina, County residents. Activities include Psychiatric, Adult, Assessment, Case
Management, Intake, Community Organization and Crisis Intervention.
Appleseed Community Mental Health Center- Community Mental Health
2233 Rocky Lane
Ashland, OH 44805
Cindy Hudnut (419) 289-1776
A multi-service agency which provides high quality, affordable and accessible services to help people improve
their lives and develop necessary skills to live, learn and work successfully in the community. A student in this
agency may have the opportunity to train on the crisis line, shadowing of pre-screeners, assistance with anger
management groups, team meetings, staff meetings, individual and group supervision, preparation of
individual service plans, case management and research concerning need for service.
Aultman Hospital [See Also Health and Family Services]
2600 Sixth Street SW
Canton, OH 44708
Lynn Gastin 330-452-9911 or 330-430-3488 pager
Leading our community to improved health is the mission. Placement areas may include: Psychiatry, Oncology,
Dialysis, Peri-natal or discharge planning. Student activities include case management for patients, family
members and care givers, with the goal of meeting their psychosocial needs. He/She will also assist Case
Manager and Utilization Management Specialist to ensure achievement of patient outcomes, through
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
assistance with discharge planning to the appropriate level of care.
Brenn-Field Nursing Center- Community Mental Health [See Also Aging and Hospice]
1980 Linn Dr.
Orrville, Ohio 44667
Wendy Bowman 330-683-4075 x 2032
The nursing center offers the highest standard for the delivery of mental health care services in a home-like
atmosphere. Students work in areas of hospice, assessment, discharge planning, and gerontology.
Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health- Community Mental Health
4641 Fulton Drive NW
Canton, OH 44718
Chris Warsinskey (330) 433-6075
This agency’s mission is to provide community mental health services to assist children, families, and
communities in achieving their maximum potential. Child & Adolescent Service Centre strives to empower the
family using a strengths-based perspective. Services offered include parent/family/youth partnership, clinical
services, partial hospitalization, school-based services, mental health services, and community linkage
programs. Child & Adolescent Service Center’s vision is hope, happiness, safety and a healthy environment for
all children and families. They aspire to be the national leader in developing and providing innovative services,
training, and research in children’s mental health. Student duties may include case management assistance,
client tutoring, and participation in mentoring services, working with students and families on referral from
Canton City Schools, school and home visits for monitoring student progress, client advocacy at court or
expulsion hearings, and community service referrals. (late afternoon-early evenings available)
Child Guidance Centers/Family Solutions- Community Mental Health [See Also Crisis Intervention]
18 North Forge Street
Akron, OH 44302
Patricia Roy 330-762-0591
We are a comprehensive mental health agency effectively serving over 4,000 children and 1,000
adults annually in our community. We encourage positive change by supporting strengths, teaching
skills, and encouraging each individual's ability to find solutions that work. Prevention services are a
high priority within our comprehensive system of care woven around the individual. Our services are
designed to wrap around the collective mental health needs of child, family, and adult with
prevention and education processes-leading to treatment strategies and options for those we serve.
Coleman Behavioral Health-Community Mental Health
400 W. Tuscarawas St.
Suite 200
Canton, Ohio 44702
Amanda Zantow 330-676-6949
Coleman Behavioral Health – Stark County serves adults with severe and persistent mental illness through
award-winning services provided by our trained and licensed staff members. Through our Stark County office,
we provide psychiatric, counseling and psychotherapy, and case management services to adults with severe
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
and persistent mental illness in the Greater Canton area. Coleman Behavioral Health Stark also offers
employment services, vocational evaluation, and situational assessment, job coaching and professional
vocational placement to individuals with disabilities.
Coleman Behavioral Health is a program of Coleman Professional Services, a nationally recognized not-forprofit provider of behavioral health and rehabilitation programs that improve the lives of individuals, families
and businesses in Northeast Ohio.
Coleman Outreach Services, Inc.- Community Mental Health
1731 Grace Avenue, NE
Canton, OH 44705
Sarah Kline 330-452-1137, ext. 315
The mission of the Coleman Corporation is to facilitate and support the efforts of families in achieving and
maintaining independence, security and personal well being.
Coleman Professional Services- Community Mental Health
5982 Rhodes Road
Kent, OH 44240
Amanda Zantow 330-676-6949
Offices are located in Summit, Portage, Stark and Trumball County. Coleman Professional Services is a private,
outpatient organization where people receive the least restrictive, most effective means of treatment for
mental health, addition recovery and personal growth issues. The agency is committed to providing quality,
effective behavioral health services in the most cost-efficient way. Services include psychiatric services for
adults, adolescents and children; case management; residential services; community integration; crisis
residential services; individual and group counseling and psychotherapy, vocational counseling; Employee
Assistance Program and 24-hour crisis intervention services.
Community Support Services- Community Mental Health
150 Cross Street
Akron, OH 44311
Kimberly Meals 330-996-9141 X 392
CSS is a non-profit mental health corporation, established in 1988. Their purpose is to provide programs and
services to the citizens of Summit County who are most in need of mental health services. It is a contract
agency of the Alcohol and Drug Addictions and Mental Health Services Board. It provides comprehensive
mental health services designed to help chronically mentally disabled clients function in the community (i.e.
case management, emergency services, vocational training, residential services, psychiatric support and day
Student opportunities may include completing client social histories, maintaining a client
caseload, and attending staff meetings.
Cornerstone Wellness Center
120 W Washington St #3B,
Medina, OH 44256
Amy Thatcher-Benza 330-722-4166
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Cornerstone Wellness Center is a nonprofit organization engaging in community outreach programs and
collaborating with community organizations to fill service gaps in areas such as providing food assistance,
supporting families affected by an autism diagnosis, leading organization on community-wide anti-bullying
activities, providing prevention education to alert health care providers and adults over 60 of the unique
vulnerability older adults face with medication and alcohol related problems, and developing and
implementing programs for youth at risk.
Counseling Center of Wayne and Holmes Counties- Community Mental Health
2285 Benden Drive
Wooster, OH 44691
Diane DeRue 330-264-9029
The Center is a full service comprehensive community mental health center. Students would be
working with adults with severe mental illness.
Crisis Intervention Center- Community Mental Health [See Also Crisis Intervention]
832 McCinley Avenue NW
Canton, OH 44703
Carole Vesely 330-452-9812, ext. 2135
This agency provides 24-hr/7-day per week emergency mental health services to the Stark County
community, serving people of all ages and cultures.
Guidestone Ohio [See Also Child Welfare]
303 East Bagley Road
Berea, OH 44017
Fax: 440-260-8389
Melody Oakes
Coordinator for Interns and Volunteers
We’re OhioGuidestone – built on a solid foundation of experience and expertise, rooted in faith and a
legacy of serving children and families. Our range of flexible, customized programs build upon one
another so they address every aspect of a person’s needs. We’re a solutions-focused organization
with passionate people committed to providing direction and inspiration to children, families and
communities to help them become stronger.
Though we’ve changed our name from Berea Children’s Home and Family Services to
OhioGuidestone, the most important things about our organization remain the same: our high quality
programs and services and our passionate people. We’re still a private, not-for-profit, charitable
organization governed by a board of directors in covenant relationship with the East Ohio Conference
of the United Methodist Church.
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Our Legacy
We’re proud of our legacy of serving children and families in need for almost 150 years. We were
founded in 1864 as the German Methodist Orphan Asylum, which was dedicated to providing shelter
for Civil War orphans and care for neglected, dependent or abandoned children. In 1960, the agency
shifted its focus to serving children and youth needing specialized therapeutic programs. Today, we
serve over 15,000 children and families annually throughout the State of Ohio. Our experience and
expertise in finding comprehensive solutions for families have helped us evolve into the leading
organization dedicated to preserving family relationships and helping make children, families and
communities stronger.
At OhioGuidestone, we believe that every individual and community is unique and that their needs
are different. Because of this, we’ve created flexible, customized programs designed to help children,
families and communities, especially those in need. Our innovative, comprehensive programs
preserve family relationships, help make children and families more self-sufficient and reduce clients’
need for future social service or court interventions. They are focused on making a positive, lasting,
measurable difference in the lives and communities we serve. At OhioGuidestone, we strive to
provide a 360o support network. Learn more about our programs or services here:
Our Programs and Services
Residential Treatment
Community-Based Services
Parenting & Family Services
Workforce Development
Home-Based Services
Foster Care Services
Locations include: Berea, Cleveland, Brookpark, Euclid, Garfield Heights, Lakewood, Columbus,
Painesville, Lorain, Canton, and Fairlawn.
ICAN- Community Mental Health [See Also Housing]
1214 Market Avenue, N. W.
Canton, OH 44714
Maryellen Cameron 330-455-9100
This agency provides housing, transportation, non-traditional support services for persons with severe and
persistent mental illness living independently in the community.
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
NAMI Summit County Requires External Social Work Supervision
Site location
150 Cross Street
Akron, OH 44311
Leslie Paulette Stoyer 330-252-1188
NAMI is the National Alliance on Mental Illness, the nation’s largest grassroots mental health
organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental
illness. NAMI advocates for access to services, treatment, supports and research and is steadfast in its
commitment to raise awareness and build a community for hope for all of those in need.
NAMI is the foundation for hundreds of NAMI State Organizations, NAMI Affiliates and volunteer
leaders who work in local communities across the country to raise awareness and provide essential
and free education, advocacy and support group programs.
Outreach Community Living [See Also Developmental Disabilities & Aging]
337 W. North Street
Wooster, OH 44691
Mary Lloyd 330-263-0862
This agency is a non-profit corporation established to provide a continuum of residential and support services
to persons with mental disabilities. Field activities include Psychiatric, Elders, MRDD, Adult, Case Management,
and Intake.
Pastoral Counseling Services
282 West Bowery St
Akron, OH 44307
Sandra Oehler 330-996-4600 EXT 1234
Pastoral Counseling Service is incorporated as a private non-profit organization, and has been in
existence in the Greater Akron community since 1963. Through the years, we have been recognized
as a strong advocate of children, youth, and families, continually exploring innovative ways of making
professional therapeutic services available.
The mission is to provide mental health services, guidance and direction to persons who are trying to
understand and solve difficult issues in their lives, PCS operates under the Ohio Department of
Mental Health & Addiction Services and is an accredited COA (Council on Accreditation) mental
health agency. As a non-profit agency, we are certified to provide behavioral health counseling and
therapy, mental health assessments, pharmacologic management, and community psychiatric
supportive treatment (CPST).
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Since 1998, PCS has joined efforts with Akron Public Schools to offer School-Based Therapy to the
children in Akron, OH. Due to the success of this partnership, collaborations with Woodridge Local
Schools, Barberton City Schools, Imagine Schools, Believe to Achieve Academy, and I CAN Schools
have made School-Based Therapy our largest endeavor. We also provide Outpatient Services for
people of all ages at our Barbara M. Vassel Comprehensive Care Center at 147 Park St. in Akron.
PCS has successfully served many clients for over 40 years, and this venture continues to grow. In
1998, we provided services to approximately 175 clients with a clinical staff of seven. Today, we are
actively serving nearly 2,500 clients. Of our nearly 140 employees, over 100 serve as direct line staff,
providing therapy and community psychiatric supportive treatment.
Portage County Children’s Center /Children’s Advantage Community Mental Health [See Also Family
520 N. Chestnut St.
Ravenna, OH 44266
Mary McKracken 330-296-5552, ext.217
The mission of this agency is to provide behavioral healthcare services and forge community partnerships in
order to help children and families reach their fullest potential. A student may be involved with case
Scenic Point and Sycamore Run Nursing/Rehabilitation Center [See Also Aging & Rehabilitation]
6180 State Route 83
PO Box 501
Millersburg, OH 44654
Kirk Hartline 330-674-0015, ext. 2506
Provides 24-hour residential nursing care in its skilled and sub-acute units. Services offered are physical,
speech and occupational therapy, social and psychological services. Students participate in staff meetings,
care conferences, client admission, assessment, and discharge planning, and patient transport for
Solutions Behavioral Healthcare (formerly Alcohol and Drug Dependency Services)-Community Mental
Health [See Also Substance Abuse]
246 Northland Drive
Medina, OH 44256
Dawn Rist, Clinical Director 330-723-9600 This agency provides alcohol and drug dependency as well as
mental health outpatient services for clients and their families. Residents of Medina County may receive
services based on a sliding scale fee.
Summit County Prosecutor’s Office Community Mental Health [See Also Crisis Intervention & Criminal
Victim Services Division
53 University Avenue
Akron, OH 44308
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Claudia Sengos 330-643-8339
Prosecutor Walsh’s mission is to help victims of crime by enhancement to the Victim Services Division and
restructuring the Child Support Enforcement Agency. The mission of Victim Assistance is to prevent posttraumatic stress disorder and secondary victimization by the criminal justice system. Agency field activities
include adult/adolescent/child services, assessment, and crisis intervention.
Tarry House
564 Diagonal Road
Akron, OH 44320
Natalie Grier, MSW, LSW (330) 253-6889
Tarry House is a group home with a mission of empowering persons suffering from mental illnesses and
psychological disorders, with skills necessary to live as independently as possible. This agency provides
counseling, food, shelter, transportation and recreational activities.
Tarry House provides residential rehabilitation care for individuals affected by mental illness in a halfway
house setting in order to enable those persons to adjust to the community and avoid rehospitalization.
Student placement activities may include case management, transporting clients, intake assessments,
documentation, termination assessments, and assisting clients with coping techniques.
Goodwill Industries and Rehabilitation Center, Inc.
408 9th St., S.W.
Canton, OH 44707
Tina Morgan 330-445-1050
A vocational rehabilitation agency. Services include parenting skills classes, training classes (DHS supervised),
speech therapy and audiology services.
Hattie Larlham Center for Children with Disabilities [See Also Developmental Disabilities & Child
9772 Digonal Road
PO Box 1200
Mantua, OH 44255-1200
Dianna Bluso 330-274-2272 x 3063
Sara Roth 330-274-2272 x 3042
The Foundation’s mission is to make life meaningful and to normalize life for children with profound mental
retardation and physical disability. This is a residential home for children with MR/DD. Services offered
include medical, physical and occupational therapy, dietary, educational, recreational and social services.
Respite, foster care and in home respite care are also provided. Student activities may include management
of own caseload, referral services, documentation, advocacy, and attendance at IHP and staff meetings.
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Heather Knoll Nursing Care Facility [See also Aging & Health]
1134 North Avenue
Tallmadge, OH 44278-1097
Frankie Twymon 330-688-8600
This is a 120-bed facility providing nursing care, physical, speech and occupational therapy, rehabilitation
services, restorative and long term care. There are 30 skilled beds and 90 intermediate. Student opportunity
may include working with the family of the residents, educational activities, support groups, interdisciplinary
goal setting, and assisting residents in returning to their home.
Manor Care Health Services, Barberton [See also Aging & Health]
85 3rd St., S. E.
Barberton, OH 44203
Jennifer S. Leeper 330-753-5005 x 5935
This agency is dedicated to providing the highest quality in health care services. By ensuring that residents,
patients and clients live with the greatest dignity and comfort possible, we will establish HCR Manor Care as
the pre-eminent care provider, committed to standards of performance, which serve as the hallmark of the
industry. Services include skilled nursing, physical, occupational and speech therapies; hospice care; social
services; pastoral care; rehabilitative and restorative programs; and respite care.
Altercare of Millersburg- Majora Lane Care Center [See also Aging & Health]
105 Majora Lane
Millersburg, OH 44654
Tracey Ropp 330-674-4444 x 4617
This agency is a 100-bed skilled nursing facility. Services include skilled and intermediate nursing care,
physical, occupational and speech therapy, respite care, hospice care, social services, psychological services
and comprehensive rehabilitation.
Altercare of Nobles Pond [See Also Health]
7006 Fulton Dr. NW
Canton, OH 44718
Charlotte M. Bates, MSSA, LSW 330- 834-4800
Altercare of Nobles Pond is an excellent resource for comprehensive rehabilitation programs and
quality post-acute medical services.
Our mission is to provide personalized care and the highest-quality services and programs. We know
what it takes to create a positive experience for each of our residents and their families, and offer a
comfortable and peaceful environment, compassionate, experienced professionals, restaurant-style
dining, and a full range of personal services.
Advanced Rehabilitation Capabilities
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Experienced therapists provide customized physical, occupational and speech therapy care: Orthopedic
Rehabilitation Multiple Trauma Care
CVA/Stroke Rehabilitation Amputee Rehabilitation
Cardiovascular Rehabilitation VitalStim® Swallowing Therapy
Pulmonary Rehabilitation Thermal-Tactile Stimulation
Neuromuscular Rehabilitation
Post-Acute Medical Care
A complete range of Medicare-certified skilled medical services are available, including:
Stroke and Surgical Post-Acute Care
Tracheostomy Management
Wound Care Management
Amputation Care
Dysphagia Management
Diabetes Management
IV Therapy/TPN
Oxygen Therapy
Aultman Rehab and Skilled Nursing [See also Health and Aging]
2821 Woodlawn N.W.
Canton, Ohio 44708
Marcella Copeland 330-479-4800
This is a licensed, 60 beds Transitional Unit and 30 beds Rehabilitation Unit which prepares patients (children
and adults) to return home following surgery, such as hip, or knee replacement, or stroke. Using a team
approach, the unit treats patients from several angles, including social work. Patients are mostly elderly. An
average stay is 2 weeks, and about 95% of patients return to the community. Students provide services which
include assessment, education, support, and discharge planning as part of a multi-disciplinary team working
directly with patients and families. Students will also have exposure to social work services provided in home
care and hospice.
Copley Health Center [See also Aging & Health]
155 Heritage Woods Drive
Copley, OH 44321
Lori Endsley 330-666-0980
Copley Health Center is a licensed nursing facility with 150 beds providing skilled continuous care,
rehabilitation services, and intermediate and assisted care. Copley is committed to offering the highest quality
of residential and health care services to older adults whose needs cannot be met in the community.
Student learning opportunities in the Social Work department include: providing residents and families with
emotional support; learning community resources; conducting history and assessment interviews; advocating
mediating and enabling resolution to conflicts; using the problem solving model; working as an
interdisciplinary team player; addressing residents ‘ psychosocial, emotional, communicative needs and
behavioral problems.
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
Doylestown Health Care Center [See also Aging & Health]
95 Black Drive
Doylestown, OH 44230
Amy Royse 330-658-2061
This is a nursing home facility serving primarily older adults with the mission founded on Christian principles . .
to provide the best possible quality of life in long-term care . . . We promote independence and preserve
dignity. Services include supportive living and long-term care; hospice; wound management; rehabilitative
therapies; respite care; therapeutic activities, etc. Student activities might include information and referral,
social service histories and assessments, attending weekly care plan meetings, documentation.
Medina Meadows [See Also Aging & Hospice]
550 Miner Drive
Medina, OH 44256
Wendy Thornhill 330- 725-1550 x 114
This agency provides short and long-term nursing home care, outpatient rehabilitation services and hospice
Parkside Villa Nursing Facility [See Also Health and Aging]
7040 Hepburn Road
Middleburg Hts., Ohio 44130
Rena Close 440-260-7626 x 4472
Parkside Villa is a skilled nursing facility with both long-term and short-term rehab stay residents. There are
143 beds on four separate units. The Redwood unit is specified as the dementia unit. Students would
experience a wide variety of experiences while at Parkside Villa. Students would participate in the following
activities: MDS assessments, care planning, and RAP assessments. Students would also participate in
admission psychological assessments, quarterly and annual reviews, family and individual counseling, resident
council, and possibly additional group work. Students would learn the Medicare and Medicaid processes as
well as gain practical knowledge in the field of medical social work.
Scenic Point and Sycamore Run Nursing/Rehabilitation Center [See Also Aging & Mental Health]
6180 State Route 83
PO Box 501
Millersburg, OH 44654
Kirk Hartline 330-674-0015, ext. 2506
Provides 24-hour residential nursing care in its skilled and sub-acute units. Services offered are physical,
speech and occupational therapy, social and psychological services. Students participate in staff meetings,
care conferences, client admission, assessment, and discharge planning, and patient transport for
Summit County Board of MR/DD [See Also Crisis Intervention & Developmental Disabilities]
89 East Howe Road
Tallmadge, OH 44278
Steve Oster 330-634-8959
The Summit County Board of MR/DD provides a comprehensive array of services through the community to
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
people with disabilities from birth to death. Services include mr/dd, early intervention, school-age programs,
adult rehabilitative services, residential/respite care, case management, crisis intervention, and transportation.
School Social Work
The LEAP Program
200 N. Mantua Street
Kent, OH 44240
David Cooper 330-676-8674 We provide Special Education instruction and related
services to students from individual school districts who require a more specialized educational setting than is
available in the public school. Leading every student by modeling positive, healthy behaviors and relationships
in a clear, detailed manner with several different approaches; Empowering students to adopt adaptive,
constructive roles and coping skills, via role-playing, that will enable them to develop emotionally, socially and
academically; Affirming students with regular and frequent performance feedback that will assist them in
making appropriate decisions, academically & therapeutically, as well as in choosing directions that will benefit
them beyond LEAP; Progressives leaps and reaches across several special education spectrums to supply
students with the most effective, innovative and evidence based academic and psychoeducational services
Project GRAD Akron (Graduation Really Achieves Dreams)
1040 Copley Road
Akron, Ohio 44320
Laurie Liebelt Curfman 330- 761-7952
Project GRAD Akron is an education reform initiative in 6 schools (4 elementary, 1 middle, and 1 high school) of
the Buchtel Cluster of Akron Public Schools. The schools were identified for the Project GRAD program to
assist low income; African American students build high expectations for academic performance and remove
social conditions that impede academic success and social well-being. Student interns with the Project GRAD
program may expect to: Remove or manage delinquent behavior, address truancy and violent behavior issues,
assist in programs that improve self-esteem, mental and emotional health, and behavior of students and equip
parents in supporting the academic and social success of their children.
Project R.I.S.E. (Realizing Individual Strength through Education)
70 N. Broadway Street, Room 300
Akron, Ohio 44308
Debra Manteghi 330- 761-2969 Fax # 330-761-3226
Project RISE is a collaborative effort by Akron Public Schools, local shelters, and the community to provide
supplemental educational services to children and youth who are experiencing homelessness. The first
demonstration grant was received in 1991. Project RISE serves approximately 500-700 students annually.
Homelessness is stressful, especially for children, and can cause developmental delays, learning difficulties,
depression, and anxiety. Regardless of their living conditions, all children have the right to receive high-quality
educational and social services in a safe and caring environment. Project RISE is designed to empower students
and their families by providing opportunities to improve the quality of their lives through educational, cultural,
The University of Akron-School of Social Work
Agency Roster- Undergraduate Field Opportunities 2013-14
and community resources. Education is known to be the key in breaking the cycle of poverty and
Social Work students- you are allowed to identify agencies not identified on this list as long as the
following criteria is met:
 There is a person at this agency willing to provide you with weekly supervision and
develop your skill set who has a minimum of a baccalaureate degree from a CSWE*accredited school. [Council on Social Work Education]
 This same person is required to have graduated from their undergraduate program at
least two years and have been working at this same agency for a minimum of one year.
Note: The above requirements are the same requirements for any field instructor interested in
developing undergraduate social work students.
The University of Akron-School of Social Work