Email Update – July 2015 Page 1 RMIT Email Update – July 2015

Email Update – July 2015
Welcome Career Advisers
What’s On Calendar
24 - 26 July
Melbourne Careers Expo
We hope you enjoy the July edition of the Email Update.
This month’s highlights include:
3 August
VTAC Applications Open
9 August
RMIT Open Day
19 August
Trades Tour
Further Info: Student Recruitment
Tel. 03 9925 2555
23 August
RMIT Flight Training Open Day Point Cook
15 September
MBA and Postgrad Expo
30 September
Closing date for VTAC timely applications
Open Day
Extension Studies at RMIT
RMIT’s New Academic Street
Open Day at RMIT
6 October
Closing date for VTAC SEAS applications
6 November
Closing date for VTAC late applications
4 December
Closing date for VTAC very late applications
14 December
VCE results and ATAR released
On Open Day visit the brand new Health Sciences Clinic, across the
road from RMIT Bundoora at University Hill
RMIT Email Update – July 2015
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Program Information
Program Information
VCE Extension Studies: Extend your VCE studies at RMIT
Fashion Industry School Based Apprenticeships
RMIT VCE Extend allows high achieving students to get a
head start at university by offering fully accredited VCE
extension studies.
RMIT Fashion and Textiles have entry programs that can
also be undertaken as School Based Apprenticeships.
In 2016 students can choose from the following subjects:
Computer Science
Environmental Science
Geospatial Science and Surveying
Project Management
VCE Extend subjects are taught at the City campus and are
counted towards students VCE and provide a boost to their
In the Certificate III in Dry Cleaning Operations students
learn, the art of fabric care – including stain removal,
pressing, shop assisting, customer service, money handling,
technology, machine operation – programming and
The Certificate III in Clothing Production enables students to
produce garments, make patterns, perform grading and
cutting, sewing and finishing. This program offers pathways
into fashion, textile design and merchandising for a future
There are no fees or HECS for our VCE extension studies.
Further Info:
Peter Bonnell
RMIT Fashion and Textiles
Tel. 03 9925 9171
For students who live regionally our Science, Computer
Science and Environmental Science offerings are also
available online - making extension studies accessible to all.
What’s Happening ‘On-Campus’
Applications will be accepted from Monday 10 August until
Monday 7 December.
High School Computer Science Tasters
To register your interest before applications open please
visit the RMIT Extentsion Studies page.
In June, students from Keilor Downs Secondary College
enjoyed three days of coding and web development for their
Information and Communications Technology Taster.
Further Info:
Kat Aspinall
Tel. 03 9925 8787
Schools are invited to bring groups of interested students to
take part in an Information and Communications
Technology Taster day
New Program - Bachelor of Engineering (Automotive
Engineering)(Honours)/Bachelor of Industrial Design
Further Info and to register:
Robert Este
The Bachelor of Engineering (Automotive
Engineering)(Honours) and Bachelor Industrial Design
(Honours) is a specialised program that addresses the
ongoing demand for automotive engineers with an industrial
design background.
RMIT is offering this new double degree in response to the
changing landscape of automotive manufacturing.
New Program - Bachelor of Analytics
The Bachelor of Analytics (Honours) provides students with
complementary skills in analytics, tapping into studies in
statistics, operations research, computer science,
information technologies, business, economics, finance and
With exponential growth in available data, the analytics
discipline has emerged as a key field requiring skilled
Not offered in 2016 - Electronic Product Design Engineering
program update
The Bachelor of Engineering (Electronic Product Design)
(Honours) will not be offered in 2016. Students interested in
this area are encouraged to consider the Bachelor of
Engineering (Electronic and Communication Engineering)
(Honours) which covers the same study areas.
RMIT Email Update – July 2015
Students from Keilor Downs taking part in an ITC taster day
Women in Engineering Event
For National Engineering Week, RMIT is hosting a special
event for women considering a career in engineering.
In conversation with guest host Sandy Rea, students will
hear from a range of engineers and gain a real insight into a
what it would be like to be an engineering.
Date: Sunday 9 August–RMIT Open Day
Time: 1pm
Location: Storey Hall, Building 16, Level 7, RMIT University
City Campus
Further Info:
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What’s Happening ‘On-Campus’
What’s Happening ‘On-Campus’
RMIT Flight Training Open Day
RMIT’s New Academic Street Project launches!
Students interested in a career as a pilot are invited to the
RMIT Flight Training Open Day in Point Cook.
The New Academic Street project will transform the heart of
RMIT’s City campus creating laneways, gardens, new
student spaces and better library facilities.
Our experienced flight instructors are on standby to talk
about your career options in aviation.
From careers flying charter flights to jumbos jets, or
teaching others to fly, there are a range of career
opportunities as a professional pilot.
Date: Sunday 23 August 2015
Time: 10am-4pm
Venue: RAAF Williams Base, Point Cook
Cost: Free
Progressively over the next two-and-a-half years the project
will upgrade the lower levels of buildings on Swanston
Street. The enclosed interiors will be replaced by light filled
learning and social spaces.
We aim to create a vibrant campus environment and NAS
will help us on this journey by providing student benefits that
really matter, such as:
Come along to the RMIT Flight Training Open Day in Point Cook
and find out how you can take to the skies!
Scholarship Information
Scholarships available: Bachelor of Applied Science
(Medical Radiations)
A new media precinct opening onto the corner of
Franklin and Swanston Street including TV studios and
the latest broadcast and real-time communication
The Swanston Library transformation, which doubles
the library’s capacity and provides more than 2,000
study spaces
Four levels of new study spaces spectacular rooftop
A new Student Hall that will co-locate key student
services in one location providing better and more
timely service to students
Multiple casual collaboration spaces with 1,000 extra
seats and new food options.
There will be laneways connecting Bowen and Swanston
Streets, glass roofed arcades and rooftop green spaces. We
will create more space in which students can relax and
study while enjoying their campus life.
Further Info:
The Department of Health (Victoria) is offering five
scholarships of $10,000 for nuclear medicine students
studying the Bachelor of Applied Science (Medical
For information regarding eligibility and deadlines visit the
RMIT website.
Further Info:
RMIT Medical Sciences
Tel. 03 9925 7075
The New Academic Street project will transform the heart of
RMIT’s City campus
From left: Nasat Mattar, Daniel Notting, Florence Pannaccio and
Lisa Nguyen each received a Nuclear Medicine Scholarship and
are now in their second year of Nuclear Medicine at RMIT
RMIT Email Update – July 2015
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What’s Happening ‘Off-Campus’
Short Courses
Nuclear medicine workplace visits
Short Courses in Media and Communication
Designed for students interested in finding out more about
the role nuclear medicine technologists play in the
investigation, diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of
RMIT Media and Communication are offering a range of
short course suitable for Career Advisers and teaching staff.
In this full day tour, students will visit nuclear medicine
departments that support the Bachelor of Applied Science
(Medical Radiations) program.
Tour details
St Vincents Hospital
Date: Thursday 24 and Friday 25 September 2015
Time: 10-12pm
Austin Hospital
Date: Thursday 24 and Friday 25 September 2015
Time: 2 - 4pm
Further Info and to register:
Click here for information on St Vincents Hospital visits
Click here for information on Austin Hospital visits
National Science Week
National Science week celebrates science and technology
across the country between 15 – 22 August.
RMIT is proud to support two public Melbourne events,
inviting you to look at science from a different perspective.
Market of the Mind
Boggle your brain with amazing science at
Market of the Mind
Date: Friday 14 August
Time: 5 - 9pm
Location: Queensbridge Square
1 Queensbridge Street
Southbank, Melbourne
Clear Writing for Effective Communication
Comedy Writing
Writing for the Web
Website design
Build a Website with Adobe Muse
Further Info:
RMIT Short and Single Courses
Tel. 03 9925 8111
Spring School Holidays - Short Courses for Students
RMIT is offering a range of short course in the Spring school
holidays suitable for Year 10 – 12 students.
Music, Sound, Lighting and Production
Ableton Live (Music Software program)
Audio Production - Studio Recording for the Music Industry
Production Lighting for Live Events
Food Photography
Folio Preparation in Photography
Further Info:
RMIT Short and Single Courses
Tel. 03 9925 8111
Energized Fashion Runway
RMIT will be hosting an Energized Fashion Runway
featuring wearable technologies and e-textiles.
Date: Saturday 22 August
Time: 5 - 9pm
Location: RMIT Storey Hall, 336 Swanston Street
RMIT Live Production Students Rock at Bakehouse Studios
RMIT Live Production students are preparing for their
annual industry-based production event.
Learn a new skill with RMIT Media and Communication Short
The event, held at Bakehouse Studios in Richmond, will
give students a wealth of practical experience in setting up
and operating lighting and vision equipment to record a total
of eighteen live bands.
The Certificate IV in Live Production and Technical Services
is an ideal continuation of study for students who have
completed VET in schools Music Industry or Technical
Production. An ATAR score is not required and selection is
by interview.
Interested applicants are encouraged to attend the RMIT
Open Day on Sunday 9 August to get a greater insight into
the program.
Further Info:
RMIT Media and Communications
Tel. 03 9925 4815
RMIT Email Update – July 2015
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RMIT Alumni Success
RMIT IT students create highly successful mobile app
A final-year project by two RMIT information technology
students, Henry Bezuidenhout and Michael MacRae, has
developed into a highly successful app with over half a
million downloads.
The First Time Pregnancy App, was developed to help
reassure expectant mothers about their baby’s development
through the pre-natal period.
The app was made available to the public via the Google
Playstore at the end of their final semester and its success
has led to the start of a new business.
RMIT Student Recruitment Team
Mark Scherian
Student Recruitment
Kate Tangas
Student Recruitment
Melissa Robinson
Student Recruitment
Laura Currie
Student Recruitment
Cody Moore
Student Recruitment
Rachel Yeung
Marketing and Recruitment
Further Info:
Student Recruitment
Tel. 03 9925 2555
Helpful Websites
RMIT Career Adviser page
RMIT University -
What’s on at RMIT -
RMIT programs -
Dora Drakopoulos testing the First Time Pregnancy app with RMIT
developers Henry Bezuidenhout (left) and Michael MacRae
Campus maps -
RMIT postgraduate options -
RMIT Village (accommodation) -
RMIT publications -
Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure the information contained in
this publication is accurate and current at the date of printing. RMIT University
Provider Code: 00122A
RMIT Email Update – July 2015
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