Nursing Arts Lab Policy and Procedure Manual August 2010 1 Table of Contents Page Goal 3 Philosophy 3 Lab Objectives 3 General Information 4 Skills Videos 4 Lab conduct/Behavior 5 Clean up 5 Attendance 6 Guidelines for Missed NAL Time 6 NAL Referral Form 7 Appointments 8 Lab Kits 8 Safety Guidelines Infection Control Policy Latex Warning Needle Stick / Injury Security / Emergencies 9 Dress Code 10 Grading Criteria 11 Critical Elements/ MEIHIPPPPP 12 Faculty Return Demonstration Guidelines 13 2nd/3rd Attempt of Skills Return Demonstration Form 14 List of Skills by Course 15 High Fidelity Simulation (SimMan/SimBaby) 16 Video recording Confidentiality 17 17 2 Policy and Procedure Manual Valencia Community College Nursing Arts Lab Goal The goal of the Nursing Arts Lab (NAL) is to provide a safe, life-like environment to learn and practice essential nursing skills, without the risk of harm to actual patients. Once learned, these skills can be taken and utilized in the clinical setting to provide safe, knowledgeable and effective nursing care. Philosophy The NAL uses simulation to prepare students for their clinical experiences. Using scenarios that progress from simple to complex, students get hands-on experience to prepare for clinical practice. The NAL provides an interactive environment where students are encouraged to ask questions and participate in active, hands-on learning. Simulation is used to assess and evaluate the student’s skill acquisition, and eases the transition between lab and clinical practice. Simulation scenarios mimic the clinical setting and help the student develop problem solving and decision making skills. Because of the individuality of each client situation, the student may see minor variations in technique. Students will learn that there are many ways of doing a skill correctly, as long as basic concepts, such as sterility, are maintained. Faculty members may present different methods of performing a skill; however the theory behind the skills are always the same. The NAL staff and Nursing department faculty are available to help students succeed. Students can help ensure their success by coming to the NAL prepared. This will include watching the appropriate videos and reading the content associated with a skill before coming to the NAL. Practicing a skill prior to a check off is essential. Nursing is a profession that requires a great deal of practice to acquire a level of expertise, not only for accuracy and patient safety, but for the comfort and safety of the practitioner as well. Repetition in skill practice is similar to sports, music, etc. where organization and coordination are needed. Objectives During NAL simulations and scenarios, students will: 1. Perform skills safely and within the designated time period. 2. Demonstrate flexibility, efficiency and critical thinking during skill performance. 3. Incorporate the following components into each procedure: Course content Humanistic aspects (comfort, privacy, etc.) Communication with patient Rationale 3 General Information Valencia has two nursing labs, one on West Campus and one on Osceola Campus. See the Valencia website for campus maps and driving directions. Students are allowed to use either lab for practice regardless of course enrollment. See the link on the NAL website for diagrams of the room layout and pictures of the labs on both campuses. The West campus NAL is located on the second floor of the HSB building and has several rooms. Room 224 is a 4 bed practice room with two medium fidelity simulators (Vital Sim) and two low fidelity simulators (mannequins). Students can practice skills and get supervised practice in room 224. Room 225 is a large lab with 4 practice rooms each containing the same equipment as room 224. This room is used by Nursing I and other courses for lab instruction. Room 228 mirrors room 225 and is used primarily by Nursing III. Room 227 is used by Nursing III as a newborn nursery. It is also used by Nursing V for Virtual IV practice. The West campus NAL has various equipment (Hoyer lift, wheelchairs, NIBP monitors, etc) available for student practice. Most rooms have computers for students to watch nursing skill videos and electronic chart access. In addition, Rooms 225 and 228 each have a simulation room, with two high fidelity simulators (SimMan and SimBaby). The Osceola campus NAL is located on the second floor of building 3, Room 3-200. It has 4 practice rooms each with two medium fidelity simulators (Vital Sim) and two low fidelity simulators. There are two nursing stations with computers where students can access patient charts. There is also a study room with a computer where students can watch nursing skill videos. The Osceola campus NAL has various equipment (Hoyer lift, wheelchairs, NIBP monitors, etc) available for student practice. In addition, there is a simulation room, with one high fidelity simulator (SimMan). Virtual IV and SimBaby are not available at Osceola. Both labs provide Instructional Assistants (RN’s) and Learning Assistants (student peers) who are available for tutoring and skill check offs. Lab hours and staff availability are posted on the doors of the lab, as well as on the secure nursing website. The NAL hours are subject to change due to staff availability. Check the secure nursing website under schedules for the current operating hours. Appointments with lab staff can be made thru Accutrack or Accuweb. Instructions for its use are on the NAL website. Students without appointments will be seen if the schedule permits. Skills Videos Nursing I and AVS students purchase a set of Mosby’s Nursing Skills Videos, 3rd edition with their text book. These are the only videos that should be viewed when preparing for skill practice. A set of these videos is avilable at each lab and may be requested from the lab staff to view in the lab. A complete list of the videos is also posted by the computers. 4 Lab Conduct/Behavior The NAL is considered a clinical site. As such, all policies listed in the Nursing Program Student Handbook for clinical responsibilities apply to the lab. All users of the NAL must act in a manner that does not disturb the academic activities occurring in the lab. No lab user shall infringe upon the privacy, rights, privileges, health, or safety of other lab users. The lab instructors’ offices are located within the lab. These spaces are for faculty only. There is no eating or drinking allowed in the lab, with the exception of water in the classroom area only. Students are not allowed to use lab phones. Cell phones and pagers MUST be turned off during all lab experiences. Refer to the Nursing Program Student Handbook. All lab mannequins are to be treated as if they were live patients. Do not sit on the beds; the bed is considered the patient’s private space. Students are only allowed in the patient beds when assuming the role of the patient. Please remove your shoes when doing so. Mannequins are not to be removed from the beds unless it is part of the skill assignment (ex. mechanical lift). These mannequins are very expensive. Please get the assistance of lab staff if you need a mannequin moved. If you need to change parts on a mannequin, please get the assistance of lab staff. Silicone spray is used as mannequin lubricant for skills such as airway suctioning, foley catheter insertion, etc., and should be used sparingly. Do Not allow lubricant to contact the floor as it is extremely slippery. Do Not use any other lubricant other than silicone spray. Please do not use newspaper, Betadine, or ink pens near the mannequins – it will indelibly stain them. Do not use lab equipment for any purpose other than its intended use. Anyone abusing lab equipment will be asked to leave the lab, and may be held responsible for broken or missing equipment. If you notice something is broken, please notify lab staff immediately. If you notice anything that needs restocking (gloves, paper towels, etc) please notify lab staff. Students may be dismissed from the Nursing Program as a result of conduct that is unsafe, unethical, inappropriate, or unprofessional; this includes conduct in the NAL. Refer to the Nursing Program Student Handbook. Clean up The NAL staff is not responsible for cleaning up after students using the lab. Clean up after you practice; leave the lab in as good as or better condition than you found it. Beds should be remade properly and left in the lowest position with side rails up. Pull back the curtains and return the overbed table to the foot of the bed. All lab equipment used should be returned to its proper place. In this way other students may enjoy their lab experience. 5 Attendance Attendance in the lab is part of course credit hours and is mandatory. An attendance sheet will be available for record keeping purposes. It is the responsibility of the student to sign in/out of the lab. Do not sign in for another student - this is unethical and unacceptable behavior. If you are late to class or if you do not sign in, faculty will meet with you to determine the consequences. Missed NAL time must be made up. See Guidelines for Missed NAL Time below. Students are expected to arrive on time for class, simulation, and practice in the NAL. In case of emergency that will require being late or absent from lab, the student must call at least ½ hour prior to the scheduled start time. Calling a classmate to relay a message regarding absence or tardiness is not acceptable. If you will be late or absent for class in the lab, call 407582-1582 for West Campus, or 407-582-4865 for Osceola. Calling in an absence does not excuse the student from making up missed lab time. Students will not enter class (lab) late, but must wait to enter during the first break. Students who show a pattern of tardiness will be counseled by faculty. Students who are habitually late may be removed from the nursing program. Refer to the Nursing Program Student Handbook. Guidelines for Missed NAL Time If a student is absent, late , or fails to sign in for a scheduled NAL class, a lab referral will be made and the student will meet with faculty to discuss plans to make up the hours missed. Students in clinical may also be referred to the lab for extra practice as deemed necessary by clinical instructors. A Nursing Lab Referral form (page 7), with the assignment to be completed, will be filled out by faculty and signed by the student. A copy of this form will be given to the student. The rest of the form is given to the NAL staff and filed in the NAL referral book. The lab referral and assigned make-up time must be done within 2 weeks. Assignments may need to be turned in. Upon completion of the referral, the faculty will be notified by lab staff. Missed lab time must be made up due to state regulations for clinical time and accreditation. 6 NURSING LAB REFERRAL STUDENT NAME: _______________________________________________________________ DATE OF REFERRAL: _____________________________________________________________ ACTIVITIES TO BE REVIEWED: (Describe errors made and desired outcome behaviors.) ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ DATE REVIEW TO BE COMPLETED: _________________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF REFERRING FACULTY: _________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF STUDENT: __________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ DATE REFERRAL RECEIVED IN LAB: _________________________________________________ COMMENTS OF PRACTICE/REVIEW/EVALUATION BY LAB FACULTY: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF LAB FACULTY / DATE: _________________________________________ 7 Appointments Making appointments with lab staff for remediation or skill check offs is done using Accutrack/Accuweb. On West campus, go to Room 224 and use the computer provided. On Osceola Campus, use the two nursing station computers in the main classroom. Accuweb can also be used with any computer that has internet access. The URL is: Instructions for the use of Accutrack/Accuweb are located in both labs. On West campus, there is a binder with instructions by the computer in Room 224. On Osceola Campus, there are binders with instructions located at both nursing stations. Instructions are also on the NAL website. Do not make appointments for fellow students; this is an individual responsibility. If you will be unable to show up for an appointment that you scheduled in Accutrack/Accuweb, cancel it in the computer as soon as possible. If it is a last minute cancellation, call 407-582-5465 if the appointment is on West campus, or 407-582-4865 if it is on Osceola campus. You may leave a message at either number. Students who fail to show up for scheduled appointments will be considered tardy and referred to the Director of Nursing for mandatory counseling after the second missed appointment. Students may be removed from the nursing program for excessive tardiness. Refer to the Nursing Program Student Handbook. Lab Kits Lab kits are mandatory for every nursing course using the lab. When purchasing your kit, specify the course number to make sure you buy the right kit for the course in which you are enrolled. For example, students in Nursing I would ask for the NUR 1021C kit. If you are repeating a course, you do not need to repurchase an entire new kit. The bookstore will have replacement kits with the supplies you will need. All kits must be purchased from the bookstore. DO NOT use equipment or supplies from work or other sources. The kits sold in the bookstore have the appropriate sizes and materials that will not harm the lab mannequins. All kits look the same; make sure you label everything with your name. The lab is not responsible for lost or missing items. Do not throw anything away, including the wrappers of your supplies you’ll reuse them numerous times for practice and return demonstration. Bring all the necessary equipment and supplies for lab as needed for each skill. The lab does not have extra equipment. If you do not bring what you need, you may lose valuable practice time. Coming unprepared for a skill check off will result in a failure for that skill. Being prepared includes having all equipment and supplies necessary for completion of that skill. Be aware that syringes and needles may be seen by law enforcement as drug paraphernalia. Keep these items at home until needed for lab. When transporting these items, keep them out of sight, and have your student ID so that you can prove you are a nursing student if stopped. 8 Safety Guidelines Infection Control Policy Everything in the NAL is simulated – there are no real body fluids. However, when participating in NAL activities, students will need to be aware of and follow Standard Precautions and Transmission Specific Precautions (droplet, airborne, contact). Everything that comes in contact with the patient’s body fluids is considered contaminated and needs to be handled accordingly. The following are some basic guidelines to follow: Wash hands before and after patient care Use barrier protection (gloves, masks, gowns, etc) Dispose of equipment and other materials appropriately (ex. sharps containers) Latex warning Some lab equipment may contain latex. If a student has a known sensitivity/allergy to latex, please notify faculty immediately. All gloves used in the lab are latex free. Needle stick / injury In the event of a needle stick or other injury in the NAL, please follow these guidelines: Inform faculty immediately; do not try to hide the injury Render first aid as necessary (For serious injury dial 911) Call security (West campus ext. 1000, Osceola campus ext. 4000) and fill out required incident form Go to West campus Health Sciences office and fill out the required insurance form for Valencia Security and Emergencies For emergencies in the NAL, please call security and follow the Critical Incident Plan Guidelines located by all lab computers. The number on West Campus is ext. 1000: on Osceola Campus the number is ext. 4000. For life threatening emergencies call 911. Students are NOT allowed to bring children or guests to the lab. This is a liability issue. Anyone who violates this rule will be asked to leave immediately. If you do not comply, security will be called to escort the offending party off campus. There are no exceptions. Refer to the Nursing Program Student Handbook. 9 Dress Code/Hygiene The dress code applies to all students using the lab during class or scheduled appointments for remediation or skill check offs. Refer to the Nursing Program Student Handbook for details. Lab coat Navy blue Valencia polo shirt Khaki pants (no Capri’s, no shorts) Name tag and Valencia student ID Closed toed, closed heel shoes (no sandals, flip flops, heels) Hair pulled back and off collar Minimal make-up or jewelry No perfume/cologne or other strong odors The lab is considered a clinical area. Therefore, if a student is not in proper dress, they will not be allowed to use the lab. Proper dress includes the wearing of the Valencia student ID, which serves as our institutional identification credential. A lab coat over the Community Nursing Uniform is required in the NAL for all Lab Activities, including Peer Return Demonstrations. Students coming to the lab for practice only may wear street clothes (refer to the Nursing Program Student Handbook for what is considered appropriate attire). Wear clothing/shoes which are appropriate for activities; sandals/flip-flops/heels are not supportive or safe for practice. Be aware of your own hygiene status: breath, body odor, foot odor, clean feet. Perfume can cause allergic reaction in classmates/clients/patients. Keep hair and jewelry professional while in the nursing lab; large bracelets, rings and hair in your face are unprofessional, get in the way of lab activities, and compromise patient safety and your own. Practice only means that you have not made an appointment with lab staff. Anyone with an appointment needs to be dressed in community uniform. There are no exceptions. Your name tag is required at all times in the NAL, even if you are just practicing. 10 Faculty Return Demonstration Grading Criteria for Nursing I Pass: The student completed the skill satisfactorily with no more than three prompts. Prompt: The student needed assistance or was Unable to Perform/Not Performed (NP) a step during the skill return demonstration. Fail & Redo: The student needed more than 3 prompts or missed a critical element. Definitions for evaluation criteria of nursing skills return demonstration: Able to Perform / Satisfactory (S) Performs skill accurately without prompts from instructor Criteria of assessment and skill carried out in correct order Demonstrates dexterity Completes skill in set time frame Able to Perform with Assistance / Unsatisfactory (U) Performs skill accurately Requires occasional prompts during performance of task Demonstrates coordination, but uses some unnecessary energy to complete activity Completes skill in reasonable time Criteria of assessment not always completed in correct order but corrected by student Unable to Perform / Not Performed (NP) Performs, but not accurately Requires continuous prompts Demonstrates lack of skill, uncoordinated in majority of behavior Skill completed with considerable delay (or stopped because of delay) Students MUST come prepared for their lab experience. Preparation includes all skill check offs (learning assistant and faculty), as well as skill instruction. Read the textbook, watch the videos, and practice, practice, practice. Students who come to the lab unprepared may be sent out to research and prepare before returning to the lab. All return demonstrations must be performed satisfactorily to pass the course. All lab skills will be done according to the scheduled date listed in the course calendar. If you are not ready to complete the skill on the scheduled day, it will count as a failure. The check-off sheets are your record of completing a skill satisfactorily and are considered required equipment for a skill check off. Please keep them for future reference. If you get nervous when watched, have students and faculty work with you early in the term to help you get over your nervousness. 11 Critical Elements Guide for Patient Safety The critical elements identified with each skill must be accomplished in order to pass the skill evaluation. * All critical elements before and after the skill must be performed or a skills failure results. Skills in which you do not demonstrate mastery must be practiced until the level of mastery, as identified in the critical elements, is achieved. The following actions are to be done prior to each procedure: *1 Check medical record and physician’s order *2 Gather supplies *3 Identify self to client *4 Hand hygiene/use standard precautions *5 Identify client using at least two identifiers *6 Check for allergies *7 Adherence to the 10 Rights for medication administration (client, drug, dose, time, route, + assessment, documentation, education, evaluation, refusal) *8 “Pause for the Cause” *9 Provide client privacy *10 Assess pain/ client comfort/readiness for procedure *11 Explain procedure to client *12 Positioning of client and caregiver for safety *13 All sterile/clean procedures must be free from contamination. After completion of each procedure, the following actions are to be done: *1. Ensure client comfort and safety *2. Remove used items using standard precautions/perform hand hygiene 3. Assess clients’ response and understanding of procedure *4. Complete and document appropriate teaching *These actions will be part of the required critical elements of each skill evaluation. MEIHIPPPPP After the procedure, before leaving the room: M edical record review E quipment, gather I ntroduce self H and hygiene I dentify patient and allergies P ause for the cause P rivacy, provide P ain, assess P rocedure, explain P osition, accordingly Bed in low position Siderails up Call light Comfort Hand hygiene Document 12 FACULTY RETURN DEMONSTRATION GUIDELINES 1. Students must demonstrate satisfactory performance of all nursing skills to pass the course. Reasons for failure of a skill include more than three prompts, non-completion of a critical element, being unprepared (this includes not having essential supplies or equipment, or all necessary paperwork), or refusal to complete the skill on the scheduled day. 2. A student who has an unsatisfactory return demonstration of a nursing skill will require a 2nd attempt. After the first unsuccessful attempt, the faculty will fill out a 2nd/3rd Attempt of Skills form (page 14) and give it to the student. This form must be brought by the student for each step in the remediation process. The student must remediate by practicing the skill. After practice, an appointment must be made with a Learning Assistant or NAL instructor for a supervised observation of the skill demonstration to determine if the student is ready for the second attempt. The supervised observation cannot be the same day as the day of the unsuccessful attempt. 3. The student will make an appointment with a lab instructor or faculty member for the second attempt at demonstrating the skill. Only after a learning assistant or NAL instructor makes the determination that the student is ready can a second attempt be scheduled. 4. Should a 3rd attempt be necessary, repeat steps #2 and #3. The 3rd attempt will be evaluated by two full time tenured faculty. Failure of the skill on the 3rd attempt will result in failure of the course. 5. A student who is required to redo any four faculty return demos during the course will be considered unsuccessful in Nursing I and will receive a failing grade. Inability to perform any return demonstration of nursing skills on the scheduled date will result in failure of the skill and a 2nd attempt will be required. Skills must proceed according to the calendar and must be completed on due date. No succeeding return demonstration of skills will proceed if the skill that was failed builds onto the next skill (examples: sterile field/gloving-wound dressing change or PO medication administration-Subcutaneous injections). 13 STUDENT'S 2nd/3rd Attempt of Skills Return Demonstration Evaluated by Faculty Skill: Campus: Student Name: Faculty Name: Student Signature: Faculty Signature: Date: SECOND ATTEMPT: Please complete the following steps You MUST have this form for observation and 2nd attempt return demonstration 1. Make an appointment for supervised observation by either a Learning Assistant (LA) or NAL staff – the LA or NAL staff will evaluate your readiness for your 2nd attempt. Ready for 2nd Attempt? _______ Comments__________________________________________________________ Signature of Observer: _____________________________________________ Date: _______________________ 2. Practice 3. Make an appointment with NAL staff for your 2nd attempt. PASS FAIL Comments: _______________________________________________________________ Signature of Faculty: ______________ _________________________________ Date: _____________________ Signature of Student :________________________________________________ Date: _____________________ Third attempt: please complete the following steps As per the Nursing Handbook and Syllabus, the 3rd attempt must be completed successfully to pass Nursing I. You MUST have this form for observation and 3rd attempt return demonstration. 1. Make an appointment to review the areas needed for improvement with NAL staff or Faculty ONLY (No LA’s) Ready for 3rd Attempt? _______ Comments_________________________________________________________ Signature of Observer: ____________________________________________ Date: _____________________ 2. Practice 3. For your 3rd attempt, you will be required to perform your demo with (2) tenured faculty. Please email Mrs. Stone via Web CT to make an appointment. PASS FAIL Comments: _______________________________________________________________ Prompts: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Faculty: ____________________ Signature of Faculty: __________________ Date: ______________ Signature of Student:____________________________________________________ ___ Date: ______________ 14 List of Skills by Course Nursing I Faculty check offs Learning Asst. check offs Hand washing / isolation equipment Sterile technique (sterile field / sterile gloving) Vital signs / CardioVascularNeuro assessment Wound assessment / dressing change GU assessment / female foley catheterization Oral medication administration Nursing II Faculty check offs Learning Asst. check offs Simple trach suctioning and care Subcutaneous injections Intramuscular injections / demo of IM sites Nursing III Bed bath making an occupied bed Restraints /safety devices Ambulation Transfer w mechanical device Elastic stockings Male foley catheterization condom catheter Incentive spirometer Topical medications ostomy care Enemas DC IV Faculty simulated experiences that reinforce these skills Newborn length, weight, head and chest circumference Infant holds, carries, wraps; safety restraints Cord care, diapering, weighing diapers, bulb syringe use Urine bag application; throat culture Infant NG insertion, enteral meds/feedings, trach suctioning Pediatric medication administration (PO, IM, mummy wrap) Spike, prime, time IV, IVPB Nursing IV Faculty check offs Invasive dressing change Complex trach suctioning and care (in clinical, at bedside) AVS All skills for Nursing I, II, III, and IV Nursing V Virtual IV IV stick (w Instructional Asst.) 15 High Fidelity Simulation (SimMan/SimBaby) Simulation in nursing education does not replace the need for students to learn in clinical practice but complements other teaching and learning approaches in preparing student nurses for their role in practice. High fidelity simulation such as SimMan/SimBaby provides students with an environment conducive to focusing on critical thinking, clinical reasoning, and clinical judgment skills as well as acquiring new knowledge. Simulation in nursing education offers many advantages, including: Realistic patient situations can be reproduced with all variables controlled No threat to patient safety; ethical concerns are minimized Active hands-on learning can occur Specific and unique patient simulations can be created Errors can be corrected and discussed immediately Consistent and comparable experiences can occur for all students Maximal amount of learning time Experimentation and creativity are allowed and encouraged Self evaluation is promoted Feedback can be elicited Decision making can be promoted safely Students will be oriented to simulation theory prior to running a scenario. If the student is not comfortable, learning will not take place and scenario objectives may not be met. All scenarios are prepared by faculty using NLN guidelines. Students participating in NAL scenarios will be evaluated on their general patient assessment techniques and adherence to all critical elements. The faculty will provide debriefing and feedback immediately after the scenario. Debriefing is a reflective critical thinking analysis and communication tool for participants of the simulation exercise. The debriefing assessment provides an intensive post conference and active evaluative process driven by peers and instructor, focusing on positive aspects, and allowing for major learning experience. Students will self analyze their performance and use critical thinking during the reflection process. Sample questions would be: Explain the rationale behind the actions Was it appropriate? Safe? What would you do different if you were to perform the simulation over? What, if any, obstacles did you encounter? 16 Video recording Experiences in the high fidelity simulation rooms may be recorded. Recordings are for educational purposes and debriefing opportunities with the appropriate faculty, staff, and students. The confidentiality agreement signed by students protects privacy and discourages inappropriate discussion of the video contents or the student’s performance in the simulation scenario. Any viewing or publication outside of the classroom is unacceptable and unethical and may result in the dismissal from the nursing program. Photography, videotaping, and/or audio recording is not allowed in the lab without faculty permission. Students and faculty should conduct themselves professionally as they would in any clinical setting since all interactions can be recorded. Confidentiality All simulation scenarios and practice sessions involving students and/or recordings are considered confidential. Discussion of scenarios or information is considered a violation of the NAL privacy policy. All students are required to sign a confidentiality statement before going to clinical. This confidentiality statement also applies to students using the lab. Students are not to discuss their lab experiences or scenarios outside of the appropriate classroom context. Students will be reminded throughout the course of confidentiality issues. Students are expected to uphold all requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA). 17