PMEA District 1 Junior & Senior High Festivals

PMEA District 1 Junior & Senior High Festivals
Check all that apply:
Senior High (Grades 10, 11, 12)
Junior High (Grades 7, 8, 9)
Honors Choir (9-12)
Festival Name
Festival Location & Date
Instrument/Voice Part (Include I or II)
School Name
Student’s Name (please print legibly)
Student Street Address
Student’s City/State
Height (choral only)
Zip Code
Do you study privately?
Home Phone
School Director’s Name
YES: Instrument/Voice:
How many years?
Participation in other PMEA Festivals and school/community music groups?
We, the undersigned (below), have read and agree to abide by all PMEA District One policies on the reverse side. The
Parent/Guardian grants permission for their son or daughter to participate in PMEA District, Region or State events and will
not hold PMEA or its members responsible for any unforeseen accident, illness or loss of property during or in transit to/from
the above festival. The School Principal certifies that the above student is academically eligible to participate in a festival
and is of good character. The Director certifies that the above student is a member in good standing in the school’s
performing organization.
Director’s Signature and Date
Principal’s Signature and Date
Student Applicant’s Signature and Date
Parent/Guardian’s Signature and Date
Director’s Evaluation Form (students do not write below)
Ranking on Director’s Form:
Level of Student Achievement (please check)
Very Good
Additional Remarks Helpful to Selection Committee:
rev. 8/15
Revised by the PMEA District 1 Executive Board, August 2008
I. Directors who fail to send a photocopy of their current MENC/PMEA membership card with the student
and director applications forfeit the right to have their students considered for the festival!
II. Directors are reminded that they are only guaranteed one student participant in District festivals (as long
as they are currently a PMEA member in good standing, follow the festival regulations, and submit their
applications and registration fees within the host's deadlines). No guarantee can be made to the number
or ranking of students accepted or parts that are selected. Directors are encouraged to submit many
student applications and a variety of instrumental/vocal types.
III. The sponsoring director is required to accompany students attending PMEA [elementary and] middle
school fest/ival events. In the case of an emergency or other exceptional circumstance, the sponsoring
director will contact the District C/I Chair for permission to send a substitute. This substitute must be a
PMEA member.
IV. Students must participate in the COMPLETE festival program—all meetings, musical rehearsals,
performances, auditions, social activities, meals, etc.—commencing with registration and concluding with
the final concert, only allowing for the following exceptions: 1) illness (must have a doctor’s excuse), 2)
death-in-the-family, 3) pre-approved “once-in-a-lifetime” events for a maximum of four hours, or 4)
participants in the Bands of America, Grand National Championship Festival in Indianapolis. The
student’s parent or director must in person notify the host the moment the student leaves any activity of
the festival. Any absence must be excused in advance by the PMEA District President. Students must
perform all musical compositions selected for the concert. State and local PMEA policy dictates that, in
order for a student to be excused from any part of the festival due to illness, the absence “must be
verified in writing by a physician within five days of the festival.”
V. Students are not permitted to drive to or from a PMEA SHS Honors, District, Region, All-State or JHS
VI. Students are advised that absolutely NO SMOKING or ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES will be permitted
during the festival. Possession of any contraband substance, smoking in the building or on school
grounds, tardiness or unexcused absence from any activity of the music festival, displays of disrespect,
uncooperative attitude, NOT knowing the music, or any other behavior which may be detrimental to the
success of the festival or safety of the students, staff or PMEA members, will be cause for immediate
dismissal at any time. Students who are sent home for any disciplinary infraction of a PMEA policy or
host school rule will become ineligible to participate in future PMEA festival for the remainder of the
school year.
VII. SENIOR HIGH FESTIVALS: All students will audition for festival seating and/or future festival
participation. Failure to audition by any student will result in immediate expulsion from the festival!
VIII. ALL SENIOR HIGH FESTIVALS, JHS BAND and JHS ORCHESTRA: All directors must be available to
serve as judges and/or accompanists for student auditions at all SHS festivals, Honors and JHS
Orchestra. Attendance to the Director's Meeting is required. If director (or a qualified substitute who
is a current PMEA member) is absent from auditions at a SHS District event, his/her students will be
seated in the chairs which they earned, but they will be ineligible for the subsequent regional festival. In
emergency situations, the District President may excuse a director from participating in auditions.
Students selected to participate in JHS Orchestra and JHS Band East must be accompanied by their
instrumental director/instructor who is a current PMEA member.
IX. Students who apply for any PMEA festival must provide their own personal medical insurance (e.g. Blue
Cross, school plan, or other carrier) and instrument (loss or accidental damage) insurance.
X. It is illegal to record (audio or video) PMEA-sponsored concerts!
XI. Wind, brass and percussion players will be selected for District SHS Orchestra on the basis of Honors
Band auditions. Additional applications for SHS Orchestra will be considered.
XII. A student must participate in his/her own school organization in order to be eligible to participate
in District, Honors, Regional, State, All-Eastern and National events (band for band, chorus for
chorus, orchestra for orchestra). The only exception shall be if his/her high school lacks said
rev. 8/15