Minutes 08.26.15 ()

Minutes of the
Arts and Sciences Chairs and Directors Meeting
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Ellis 113
1:00-3:00 p.m.
Attending: C. Asleson, L.Bauer, J. Bender, S.Bergmeier, B.Carlson, R.Colvin,
H.Duschinski, J.Dyer, T.Eisworth, R.Frank, J. Grant, J.Gilliom, S.Gradin, L.Hatch,
D.Ingram, K.Jellison, D.López, C.Mattley, B.McCarthy, R.Muhammad, W.Owens,
B.Partyka, A.Ritchie, B. Shambora, C.Thompson, M.Vis, J.White, M.White
1. Information items
a. New faculty orientation program & faculty learning communities
- The CAS New Faculty Orientation was held 8/18/15--- approximately 15 new
faculty attended
-As a follow-up to the new faculty orientation the College is offering a Southeastern
Ohio field trip on Saturday, 9/19. The trip will be presented by Tim Anderson and
Geoff Buckley. Registration is first come first serve basis – however, the plan is to
roll out the field trip to additional guests in the future. Watch for upcoming emails.
-CAS Promotion Dossier Workshop --- Approximately 23 Group I and II faculty
who are preparing for promotion and/or tenure attended a promotion and tenure
workshops 8/17, 8/19, and 8/21. The workshop will be offered every fall.
-Annual DARS advising workshop for new faculty (contact Asleson for additional
information asleson@ohio.edu.)
-New this year – The Dean’s office will be offering a monthly new faculty
professional development opportunity for new faculty presented by Frank, Hatch,
and McCarthy. This will be an extension of the CAS new faculty orientation and
will include discussions regarding teaching, networking, research and service.
-CAS Faculty Learning Communities – the college is sponsoring five this year
Declining by Degrees: Faculty Learning Community on Social Media, E
mail, and Notetaking
Global Education and Diverse Classrooms II: Developing Resources to
Support -Multilingual Students and Their Teachers
Mapping New Worlds of Interdisciplinary Enquiry
Professional Development of Graduate Teaching Assistants: Developing
Resources for TAs
The Flipped Classroom Using Team-Based Learning (TBL)
If you are interested in proposing a learning community for 2015-16 please contact
Laurie Hatch hatchl@ohio.edu for the application form. The deadline for
applications for CAS Faculty Learning Communities to be offer in 2016-2017 is
April 15, 2016.
-CAS Faculty Development Award
Fall Cycle: December 1 - April 30 - Deadline for Submission 10/9/15
For additional information please see
b. Staffing plan approval update
To date the staffing plan for 2015 has not been approved by the Provost’s Office.
The Provost has requesting additional information and clarification.
Addendum: Following the meeting, official provost approval of the CAS
staffing plan was given.
c. Workload documents
The majority of updated work load policies have been received by McCarthy. Edited
copies will be returned identifying any concerns or the need for clarification. The
second round of edits should be done by the end of fall. As documents are
completed there will be a BOX folder containing all departmental workload policies
that will be accessible by all Department Chairs. Access to other departmental
policies will allow for comparison and strengthening of departmental documents.
AQIP site visit
The AQIP site visit is scheduled for 11/2 -11/4/15. Site visitors have not identified
what groups and individuals they will be meeting with. Please continue to forward
revised student learning assessment plans to Hatch. Updated documents will be
posted on the College website. Plans with no changes will be moved to the new page
on the website per notification to Hatch. College of Arts & Sciences Departments
has a 100% response rate.
Capital Improvement Plan update
There have been multiple planning level meetings over the summer updating the
current capital improvement plan. Major projects remain in the plan with
adjustments to timing/cost based on direct cost calculations. The updated plan will be
presented at the October Board of Trustees meeting for consideration/approval.
f. Operating budgets for FY16 (3-9s)
The delay in finalizing state budgets and raises has influenced the projection of carry
forward funds. Departments should expect the same enhancement amounts to
departmental budgets (3-9s) as were received last year. As carry forward funds are
identified /finalized it is possible that additional funds could be available.
g. Websites update
Thank you to those folks that are submitting announcements/updates directly into the
Forum website. The Psychology website was hacked this summer and had to be
rebuilt. The process of updating websites continues with multiple Departments
being ready for proofing within the week and the remaining sites following.
2. Discussion items
a. Retreat follow-up
As a follow-up to the Fall Retreat Chairs/Directors are asked to highlight something
they are doing or considering in departments to stimulate thinking /ideas regarding
improving quality, increasing revenue, and enhancing efficiency. As part of the
follow-up, Frank will be meeting with other Deans to discuss collaboration between
Colleges. Gilliom noted that nearly $1,000,000 in additional revenue was earned by
the Colleges through its work with e-campus. Additional opportunities of this kind
will need to be pursued in the future so we can increase revenue.
Additional note:
All faculty and staff are encouraged to attend the CAS Fall Gala on Tuesday, 9/8.
Departmental offices are permitted to close during the event.