Long Yoga Routine extended_flowing_yoga_routine

Extended Flowing Yoga Routine
Mountain Pose
Strong tall Posture: feet, ankles, knees, waist, shoulders, neck
Breathing: inhaling through the nose, exhaling through mouth
Bend knees, drop glutes as if sitting in a chair
Lifting arms parallel to the floor, elbows slightly bent
Shift weight to heals allows knees to align with ankles
Balance Chair
From chair pose, come up on balls of feet & sit a bit lower
Find a focal point and just breath
Relaxing shoulders back & down
Engage core to support lower back
Stacking knees over ankles
Mountain Pose
Balance on one foot
Bring opposite foot onto your ankle, calf or inner thigh, avoid the knee
Raise arms overhead and look up
Imagine you foot is the tree trunk and arms are branches
Reaching Mountain Pose:
Reaching our arms towards the sky, we inhale through our nose
Relaxing our arms down towards the earth, we exhale through our mouth
Inhaling and reaching
Exhaling and realaxing
Focusing on posture, lowering our shoulders, firmly planting our feet into the
Swan Dive…down
Hinging at our hips, keeping our back strait, allowing our body bend towards the
Mountain Pose
Warrior I
Step Left foot back aligning heals into warrior I
Bend Right knee stacking it over ankle
Toes pointed slightly forward
Squaring our hips & shoulders towards front of mat
Raising our arms to the sky
Warrior II
From Warrior I, keeping our heels aligned, we open our hips and shoulders to the
long edge of our mat.
Lowering our arms parallel to the floor
Reaching out in opposite directions through our fingers
Keeping our front knees bent and our hips level, looking over your front hand
Straighten front leg
Reach forward and then lower hand to shin or ankle
Lift back arm to the sky opening our chest
Find a comfortable place for your neck (look up towards outstretched hand)
Establish strong base & engage core
Mountain Pose
Warrior III
From mountain pose, Reach arms overhead or out to side
Extend one leg back & hinge from hips to lower torso
Parallel to floor
Slight bend in standing knee
Mountain Pose
Swan Dive, stepping both feet back into…
Downward Facing Dog
Pressing our weight forward into our finger pads and sinking our heels toward the
Maintaining a neutral spine
Moving out of downward facing dog into the forward plank, we stack our
shoulders over our wrists spreading fingers wide, pressing back through our heels,
engaging our core
Side Plank
Inhale reaching arm to sky
Opening torso to side of mat
Wrist under shoulders
Roll to the edges of your feet
Lifting waist
Side Plank
Pushing forward with your toes, hugging rib cage with our elbows, lowering our
chests, keeping abdominals strong and hips stationary
Relaxing our body onto the floor we raise our chest up with hands at rib cage,
focusing on lengthening of the body
Upward Facing Dog
Placing tops of feet on the floor and straightening our arms, we pull our chest up
and forward, keeping our lower back long and our abdominals strong
Downward Facing Dog
Child’s Pose
Sitting back on our feet, leaning forward stretching our arms out resting our
forehead on the mat
With our shoulders over our wrists and hips over our knees, round our back
towards the sky
Lower back and lift chin
Child’s Pose
Opposite Arm Leg reach (Spinal Balance)
From our knees, extend one arm and opposite leg parallel to the floor, creating a
straight line with our arm torso and leg
Child’s Pose
Lying on belly reaching arms forward, engaging abdominals and glutes as we lift
our upper and lower body off the ground
Arms at sides, palms facing down, engaging our abdominals and glutes as we lift
our upper and lower body of the ground
Bow (Cradle)
Lying on our bellies we grab our ankles with our hands, lifting our chest and legs
to the sky, pull ankles back against hands, with our feet flexed, as if straightening
our legs
Relax Down, relax head to right
Bow (Cradle)
Relax Down head to left
Gently roll to back side
Knees to chest
Dead Bug
1. From knees to chest hold hamstrings & draw knees toward floor
2. Lift soles of feet toward sky
3. Grab big toes towards floor while bringing elbows out to the side, keeping
ankles stacked over knees
Knees to side for back stretch (supine spinal twist)
Use abdominals to bring legs over head
Support low back with hands as you slowly straighten legs and place toes on floor
Shoulder Stand
From plow bend knees and support back with hands
Lift legs straight to the sky
Don’t move head or neck
Final relaxation