LESSON PLANS NICOLE - MORNING, SATURDAY 10TH OCTOBER 2009. CENTERING Stage 1 (See Pranayama Module, P4) Sectional breathing (diaphragmatic, intercostal and clavicular breathing) The complete breath / Full Yogic Breath (use of all three sections of lungs in one continuous breath) LIMBERING Hugging the knees (keep chest open) Hands on knees: inhaling pushing knees away, exhaling drawing knees in. Add forehead to knees on exhale (Limitations: neck problems. Instead, imagine drawing head up). Shoulders should be relaxed throughout. Make pedalling movements with feet (legs not moving, only from ankles); ankle rotation WARMING / STRENGTHENING POSES Supta Baddhakonasana (Lying cobbler). Lying down ensures the spine is straight – good for beginners. Supta Vrksasana (Tree Pose Lying down) Sukasana (Tailor pose): sitting with legs bent. Added side stretch Marjariasana (Cat pose) to cow pose. Moving into… Shashankasana (Hare pose). Then moving into… Balasana (Child’s pose) Adho Mukha Svanasana (Dog head down/downward dog) Uttanasana (standing forward bend) Holding onto elbows, arms behind head. This keeps chest open and spine straight (so, is good for beginners. Arms down tends to curve the spine). Always keep a micro bend in the knee for safety of joints and lower back. Tadasana (Mountain pose) There are varieties of this pose. In this one, the outside of feet are parallel so the big toes are not! Feet hip distance apart. Standing is different for women and men. Vrksasana (Tree pose). Position of hips is important – make sure they’re square dandasana (Staff pose) Sitting with legs out straight, legs engaged. Marichiasana (spinal twist). Sitting, one leg in, one out. Make sure the straight leg is forward –it will have a tendency to go to one side. Only twist the spine – not so much the neck. Setu Bandha (bridge pose) weight on shoulders. Heels beneath knees. Back bend: chest opener, inversion. Position of hips is important. Ardha sarvangasana (Half shoulder stand) put your weight onto your hands before onto upper arms and shoulders. RELAXATION Yoga nidra MARIE - MORNING, SUNDAY 11TH OCTOBER. ASANA PRACTICE WORKSHOP: SHOULDERS, ELBOWS, WRISTS CENTERING LIMBERING Lying down, arms at the sides, shoulders back. Palms open, thumbs pointing upwards. Raise arms so that they are perpendicular to the floor. Keep shoulders on the floor. Raise arms overhead until thumbs touch the floor (this will prevent you moving your arms too far – they should be in line with your ears). Often lower back will separate from the floor. To prevent this, when arms are perpendicular to the floor, stretch them away from the floor (out of the sockets) and then move them overhead and touch floor. Only your arms should move, the rest of your body should be still. Standing, link fingers behind back and raise hands. (Preparation for reverser prayer position) WARMING/STRENGTHENING POSES Garudasana (Eagle pose). This stretch is between the shoulder blades and the back of the shoulder joint. Keep shoulder blades open. Arms bent, palms to elbows together in front. Raise left arm slightly: put it over right bicep; back of hands touching each other – you can do it left palm facing your face, right palm facing away – just to get positioning; wrap right hand around so palms are touching; twist arms so hands are perpendicular to your face. Raise arms only a little (not too high or shoulder blades will rotate). gomukhasana (Cow face pose) variation: arms only. Extend arm fully upwards, full inward rotation of extended arm. Bend at elbow. Keep elbow up straight above shoulder. Extend other arm to the side. Rotate it thumb downwards and back as much as possible. Move arm down to behind back before bending. Touch fingers Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward dog) Arms shouldn’t be at too high an angle. Arms and legs are supports. Lift shoulders and pelvis. Don’t arch back. Pashchima Namaskarasana (Reverse Prayer position) parsvottanasana (forward stretch over one leg with reverse prayer) Elbow Stand – very good to stretch the shoulders – to help with headstand (and downward dog if overly using shoulders). Reach upwards with feet and push downwards with arms – this will stretch arms and pull shoulders into correct position. Janusirsasana – (seated forward stretch, one leg). Ardha matsyendrasana –(spinal twist - with one leg crossed over the other knee and the foot resting on the floor). NICOLE - MORNING, SATURDAY 7TH NOVEMBER CENTERING Aum Relaxation technique 1 (see booklet) LIMBERING Lying on back, hugging the knees, rocking holding knees. Holding the knees, moving them around in a circle. This is good for the sacrum. (Neck is better protected with the shoulders down). To ensure shoulders are on the floor: stretch the arms up to sky as much as possible. The shoulders will come off the floor. Then put them back onto the floor. Still on the floor - Spinal twist by turning knees to floor. Difficult version starts with the feet off the floor. Keep it connected to the breath. Flowing Setu bandha. Hips up, arms down; arms down, hips up. Supta baddhakonasana. 2 variations: holding ankles and then holding underneath the ankles/heels (arms twisted outwards, i.e. thumbs point up and then away from the body then hold the outsides of the ankles). Rock forward and back and then up to sitting. Limitations: abdomen after c-section, back problems. sukasana and sitting side stretch. (this is limbering for trikonasana) no weight on hands. It’s about expanding up and then bending. WARMING/STRENGTHENING Marjariasana flow – make sure to push abdomen to sacrum for the entire flow (helps with lower back and makes a better stretch in the spine) Mini suryanamaskar: Shashankasana (Hare) – Balasana (child) – vajrasana (thunderbolt) – all 4s Hare – thunderbolt (with arms up) – all 4s You can integrate adho mukha svanasana Adho mukha svanasana. Then walk hands back or feet forward to come up to standing uttanasana with bent knees so chest touches thighs. Then raise the butt to the sky. Eventually the head touches the knees. Modification: hands clasping elbows behind head (ensures straight back). tadasana a.k.a. samastiti (heels not touching) vrksasana - keep hips square. Use thighs to push against foot to keep it up (not bare leg!) Standing side stretch: keep hips square. Leaning against a wall helps this pose Standing twist – with L foot over R then turn to the right. (variation of standing twist marichiasana) Trikonasana – make sure thigh, knee, foot are in a straight line. try to keep the weight on the back leg (Rotating the front thigh OUT helps). Maintain a micro-bend in the knees to prevent cracking (when getting into the pose). bhujangasana – no weight on hands. It’s not about height. Feet and ankles MUST be together. Coming forward, imagine your nose is dipping in ice cream (forward and up). Shoulders back. Hands on the floor with thumbs at the nipple line. Push elbows into ribs – back towards the heels. Lift out of the hips – it’s about expanding Variation: arms to the sides (gives you leverage). Careful: don’t let the neck compress by turning the head up too much. Variation: interlacing the fingers behind the back Variation: hands in front of face on the floor, elbows out to the side (good for beginners. Advance to hands under chest) Variation: up on elbows (i.e. elbows directly under shoulders, forearms on the floor) – can be too high for some people Push back into balasana This is said to be a “counter pose” to cobra. However, it’s about balancing energy, not undoing the pose. The cobra shouldn’t make you feel that you need to do balasana as a physical relief. Setu bandha – variation with feet apart. marichiasana – always do the right leg first. Elbow on outer side PRANAYAMA AND RELAXATION Savasana Sectional breathing Complete breath Quick yoga nidra Up to Sitting, mini prana meditation. NICOLE - MORNING, SUNDAY 8TH NOVEMBER 2009 CENTERING Lying down. Think of your intentions. Why are you here? LIMBERING Knees to chest, rocking. Lift head – make sure neck is free and shoulders are down. This is difficult for people with tight shoulders. Lengthen the neck and then lift the head. Hold the knees and rotate in circles. Supta garudasana – lying eagle. Lots to think about in this pose so good preparation for standing postures later. Bring arms towards ceiling. Shoulders and head off the floor. Can do this standing as a limbering pose but standing is more warming/strengthening. Sputa baddhakonasana: hips and chest open. Preparation for trikonasana. WARMING/STRENGTHENING Setu bandha. Flowing. With arms. To get chest open, push lower back (as will be pos. in bridge) into the floor and clasp elbows, raise arms above head (not raising hips this time) Marjariasana flow : Table – cat –cow sequence Baby suryanamaskar: Shashankasana – Hare balasana – child vajrasana – thunderbolt table Adho mukha svanasana: from table, lift knees slightly. Lean back onto heels (almost) and then lift up butt to sky. This is good for stretching the shoulders. For a tougher version start in hare position and go up. Uttanasana Tadasana Vrksasana Uttanasana Trikonasana – keep knee out. Keep micro-bend in the knee = no cracking Parsvottanasana – can go from trikonasana into this and then into parivrtta trikonasana. However, you won’t be able to do this with feet 3-4 feet apart as it’s too difficult. Bhujangasana salabhasana (locust) see Iyengar’s – very hard! Setu bandha – modifications : on foam block; holding ribs Ardha Sarvangasana Half shoulder stand – roll in. use momentum to get up sarvangasana – Shoulder stand – modification: roll in. Or, start with legs straight, engage abdomen, go up with legs straight and adjust arms. Shoulder stand is a complete posture. Can do it on its own. Try to close your eyes. It’s not for beginners. Good re. nerves, tension, stomach problems. Halasana Savasana Marichiasana RELAXATION Yoga Nidra NICOLE - MORNING, SATURDAY 5TH DECEMBER CENTERING Lie on the floor. Pay attention to the body. Sore parts. Think of your intentions/future (this may be too much for some people) People don’t necessarily come to yoga for the spiritual aspect but usually for physical reasons. Aum: give people the option to mmmm along. Make sure the tongue is touching the palette as the vibrations massage the pituitary gland. LIMBERING Lying down. Interlacing the hands behind the thighs and pulling the knees Pawanmuktasana movements: head and shoulder stay on the floor. Bring up one leg 30˚, 60˚, 90˚ and lower leg slowly (more advanced) Supreme pigeon – lying on the back. This is a hip opener. Right foot on left knee. Raise thighs. Straighten left leg (this intensifies the pose) and hold up for 5 breaths. Repeat on other side Rock left-right Rock back-forward up to sitting Baddhakonasana To help improve the pose: work the ankles to the floor. Open the soles of the feet to you. Keep the chest and the back straight. Sukasana (easy cross-legged). Heels must be further away from you – at the level of the knees. Helps to get into lotus pose. Side stretch in sukasana. Raise one arm. Extending it, lean to the other side. Repeat 3 times each side. Sitting twist (in sukasana): left hand on r knee, r hand behind. Easier version: r hand on r knee, l hand behind. WARMING / STRENGTHENING POSES Back to all fours. Marjariasana – variation: r leg and l arm raised. Keep hips level. Repeat other side. Extended balasana: with arms extended, heels touching the butt. Tail bone curled down (in hare, it’s straight) Adho Mukha Svanasana Uttanasana: chest touching thighs Vrksasana: variation: hands on hips, L heel at 90˚ angle to R foot, resting heel on R foot but with no weight. Hands to Namaste. Heel on calf, raise hands up. Repeat other side. Can do this against the wall Trikonasana Parsvottanasana. Preparation first : hands behind back interlinked, legs together and bent, lean forward. Then, reverse prayer before doing parsvottanasana n Parivrtta trikonasana: heels not in line with this on. R foot 90˚, left foot turned in slightly but stepped out. Left hand on hip, R arm extend up and then down R side of foot. All fours – side plank (variation of trikonasana) with bottom knee on the floor Bhujangasana Setu Bandha Sarvangasana – full posture. Also on the wall: Lie on back with bum as close to wall as possible. Put legs straight against the wall. Bend knees, feet on the wall, weight onto hands (under hips), push off the wall to straighten up to shoulder stand. Dandasana – also extended (arms up) Janusirsasana – seated forward bend over 1 leg. Arms up to build up strength. Tiny twist to the straight leg as sternum should be over the thigh. Paschimottanasana (seated forward bend over both legs) Marichiasana – spinal twist. 2 types: easy: arm under thigh, harder: elbow on knee RELAXATION Yoga nidra: max 5 mins, easily accessible for everyone. Normally yoga nidra is 15mins. NICOLE - MORNING, SATURDAY 16TH JANUARY 2010 CENTERING Aum in Sukasana At the end of the aum, the tongue should go to the roof of the mouth and the mind to the third eye. The vibrations stimulate the pituitary(?) gland. Savasana with Sectional breathing Complete yogic breath Arms rotate out on the inhale, rotate in on the exhale. Then add legs (like in the handout) LIMBERING Right knee to chest, then left knee. Not holding knees, then holding knees Supta Kapotasana (supreme pigeon) Supta Baddhakonasana Extended Sukasana Sukasana with side stretch with the breath x 3 Parivrtta Sukasana (i.e. spinal twist) Baddhakonasana Baby Suryanamaskar: marjariasana flow – not too much rocking. Keep hands under shoulders. The main point is to bring the chest between the forearms Shashankasana Extended Vajrasana – it can be hard for beginners to get into this straight from Shashankasana and then from here into table. If so, put the arms down in between. Table Adho Mukha Svanasana (this is an inversion) tips: strong legs – weight will eventually go into the legs. The arms have to be long and strong. The chest wants to go to the thighs. At the beginning, the knees are bent and the seat to the heels and then up. This helps if not warmed up. Lunge with knee on the floor (if off the floor it’s hard on the hips and for alignment). Tip: keep the torso back from the hip – not going forward onto the hip. Tadasana Vrksasana Utkatasana – don’t bring the knees over the toes. Keep the tailbone tucked under. NO bending from the hips. Then, to gain more depth into the posture, bend the hips. Uttanasana (counterpose to Vrksasana and Utkatasana) Trikonasana Virabhadrasana I – it’s all about the position of the knees. Rotate the upper thigh. It’s a back arch. Virabhadrasana II – knee must stay in alignment with the ankle Bhujangasana – a cobra has 1 tail (i.e. keep feet together) and no shoulders (shoulders back). Variation: with hands alongside the body pointing back, palms on floor. Buttocks shouldn’t be tightened. For more height, gluteus minimus works Variation: with hands under forehead and elbows out to the sides. Setu bandha : feet close to seat (unless problems with knees) as it’s a better backbend. Interlacing the hands behind the back gets more weight onto the shoulders. Engage the legs Headstand (preparation only). Hare pose. Then head on the floor. Hands touching the feet, seat into the air. Ardha Sarvangasana - it’s best to do this after the headstand – not before. Sarvangasana Introduction to Halasana (i.e. feet not touching floor) Dandasana Marichiasana III – sitting bones have to be grounded for safety. Otherwise there is not stability Sukasana & Sectional Breathing and then Complete Breath Relaxation no 2. MARIE - AFTERNOON, SUNDAY 17TH JANUARY 2010 LIMBERING Pawanmuktasana (you can separate out different parts of the pawanmuktasana movements and use some one week, others the next week, etc.) Extended Sukasana Sukasana with arms behind back Sukasana with side-stretch (one hand on floor keeping a lift in the ribs on that side) Sukasana with simple back arch (hands behind bum on the floor. Use arm support to lift the chest) Sukasana with forward bend (over crossed legs). Helps the position of the pelvis and the rotation of the leg. Sukasana with Spinal twist Vajrasana Shashankasana Marjariasana and variations WARMING / STRENGTHENING Adho Mukha Svanasana Tadasana Vrksasana OR Garudasana OR Dancer Standing Sideways stretch (feet apart) Standing twist Utkatasana Trikonasana Virabhadrasana Bhujangasana OR Setu Bandha OR Salabhasana Setu Bandha OR Salabhasana OR Bhujangasana Janusirsasana OR Intro to Janusirsasana Ardha Matsyendrasana (seated twist – one leg straight on floor, other leg crossed over it with foot on floor) Ardha Sarvangasana PRANAYAMA RELAXATION PADDY - AFTERNOON, SUNDAY 14TH MARCH 2010 CENTERING Nadi sadhana Nadi shodhana Lying down LIMBERING Spinal rolls – side to side. Knees to the right, head to the left and reverse Spinal rocks – back and forth (promotes circulation along the spine) Spinal rotation supta: right foot on opposite knee and over to the side, head turned to the right. Table pose Shashankasana Marjariasana WARMING Table pose with twist: bring left hand over beside r. Knees together, raise right hand to behind back. Then raise r hand to ceiling and look up to it. Repeat other side. Preparation for virabhadrasana 1: kneeling, bring one foot to the front, place hands on hips, then hands behind head, then hands straight up above head. Repeat other side. Adho mukha svanasana Suryanamaskar X 6 1. with bhujangasana X 2 2. with urdhva mukha svanasana X 2 3. with squat at the beginning and end & virabhadrasana 1; X 2 Tadasana: close eyes, connect with breath for a moment. Awareness of how body feels (you can do this before suryanamaskar and again afterwards to compare how it feels afterwards) Simple standing backbend Half handstand (inversion) – builds strength in the arms/upper body Setu bandha (supported under lower back with an upright block) Salabhasana (in 3s) Danurasana (bow) Cobra Camel Sarvangasana (supported with 5 blocks and a blanket) PRANAYAMA Introducing breathing for beginners. Use: - breath awareness sectional breathing full yogic breath nadi sadhana & nadi shodhana NICOLE - 10TH APRIL 2010 CENTERING Aum X 3 in Sukasana Savasana – scan your body for discomfort Sectional breathing Complete breath LIMBERING In Savasana: Rolling into a ball (foetal position) and then expanding (tensing then releasing) WARMING Suryanamaskar STRENGTHENING Natarajasana (Dancer) Trikonasana Parsvottanasana Parivrtta Trikonasana Virabhadrasana II Virabhadrasana I Ardha chandrasana (Half moon) Adho Mukha Svanasana Dolphin pose Introduction to headstand - sirsasana Gomukhasana Setu bandha Sarvangasana Halasana Matsyasana (fish) Paschimottanasana Marichiasana II variation (leg on own side, arm forward between legs and arms around back) RELAXATION Yoga nidra NICOLE - 11TH APRIL 2010 CENTERING 3 aums in sukasana Nadi sadhana (i.e. like nadi sodhana but without hands!) Complete breath LIMBERING Leg work: lifting one leg 1 inch, then other Bend knee, foot on floor, lift opposite leg; both legs. Leg lift, 30˚, 60˚, 90˚ Legs bent at 90˚ to body; twist to left, then right. Leg raises – supported with belt. Then to the side. WARMING Suryanamaskar Natarajasana Warrior II Parsvackonasana – 2 versions (one with arm on knee, one with hand on floor) Ardha chandrasana Gomukhasana Intro to sirsasana Sirsasana (against a wall) Sarvangasana (at the wall) Halasana Matsyasana Paschimottanasana Marichiasana I RELAXATION Yoga Nidra NICOLE - 17TH APRIL 2010 CENTERING Sukasana: Simple relaxation technique no. 2 Aum rounds (each person begins one round) LIMBERING Suryanamaskar WARMING/STRENGTHENING Tadasana Intro to natarajasana Virabhadrasana II Parsvackonasana Gomukhasana Intro to Sirsasana Sirsasana (against a wall) Ustrasana Setu Bandha Urdhva danurasana = chakrasana Ardha sarvangasana Sarvangasana Halasana Matsyasana Janusirsasana OR paschimottanasana Marichiasana I NICOLE – MORNING, SATURDAY 8TH MAY 2010 CENTERING Savasana: sectional breathing & complete breath LIMBERING Savasana; R knee to chest and raise head on exhale. Repeat other side. Both knees to chest, head raised on exhale. Up to sitting Virasana – Ujjayi Breath WARMING Suryanamaskar Natarajasana Parsvottanasana Parivrtta trikonasana CALMING Introduction to sirsasana Balasana Ustrasana Locust Danurasana (Bow) Setu bandha Ardha Sarvangasana Sarvangasana halasana Paripurna Navasana Dandasana Paschimottanasana Marichiasana I NICOLE – MORNING, SUNDAY 9TH MAY 2010 CENTERING - 3 Aums Sectional breathing Complete breath Kapalbhati breath Bhastrika breath LIMBERING - All 4s Shashankasana & look up. Balasana Extended Virasana/vajrasana flow with breath. With foam block between hands Ardha mukha svanasana Uttanasana Extended tadasana flow with breath X 3 WARMING - Suryanamaskar Natarajasana Virabhadrasana II Ardha chandrasana (with brick for hand support) Parivrtta trikonasana Intro to sirsasana Supported Sirsasana (against a wall) Balasana Full virasana – supported on blocks (1-2 under bum; 1-4 under torso) Simhasana (Lion pose) Purvottanasana (Reverse plank) Paripurna Navasana Ardha sarvangasana Sarvangasana Halasana Savasana – 3 breaths Matsyasana Janusirsasana Marichiasana III