Table I, Statistical Table - Minnesota Annual Conference

Table I, Membership & Participation
Local Church Report to the Annual Conference
The United Methodist Church
2013-2016 Quadrennium – Revised 10/2013
GCFA Church No. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Employer ID No. ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Pastor _________________________________________
Tables are due in the conference office by February 1!
Church __________________________________________
State: Minnesota County __________________________
Charge __________________________________________
District __________________________________________
Reports for the year ended December 31, ______________
Please enter a number for all Lines. If there is nothing to report on a line, please enter “0”.
Total Professing Members reported at close of last year. This MUST match the number from Line 9
of the current journal. Account for changes to the journal figure on Line 2c or 5c. Errors in last year’s
report must be corrected by charge conference action.
2a. Received this year on Profession of Christian Faith (includes Confirmation classes).
2b. Restored by affirmation (number of persons previously removed by Charge Conference action and
now restored to membership.
2c. Number of members that should have been included in last year’s ending figure but were not.
3. Transferred in from other United Methodist churches.
4. Transferred in from non-United Methodist churches.
5a. Removed by Charge Conference action.
5b. Withdrawn from Professing Membership.
5c. Number of members that were included in last year’s ending figure but should not have been.
6. Transferred out to other United Methodist Churches or Conferences.
7. Transferred out to non-United Methodist churches.
8. Removed by death.
Total Professing Members at close of this year (Sum of Lines 1-4 inclusive minus the sum of Lines 5=9.
8 inclusive). NOTE: This figure is used in the apportionment calculation.
Report for each member the racial/ethnic group with which she or he identifies. Each member should be included in only
one group. Total membership on Lines 9a thru 9g MUST match the total on Line 9.
9a. Asian: Asia, Southeast Asia, or Indian Subcontinent. Includes, but is not limited to, Bangladesh,
Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Philippines,
Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam.
9b. African American/Black: Black African racial groups of Africa, the Caribbean, or North, Central, or
South America who identify themselves as “African American” or “Black”.
9c. Hispanic/Latino: Central American, Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South American, or Spanish
culture or heritage, regardless of race.
9d. Native American: Alaskan Native, American Indian, Eskimo, and/or indigenous peoples of North
America and/or who maintain cultural identification through tribal affiliation or community recognition.
9e. Pacific Islander: Pacific Islands, including Fiji, Guam, Hawaii, Samoa, and Tonga.
9f. White: Europe, the Middle East, North Africa, or the former USSR.
9g. Multi-Racial: Origins and/or heritage in two or more of the other six categories.
Total membership on Lines 9h and 9i MUST match the total on Line 9.
9h. Female
9i. Male
10. Average attendance at ALL worship services held on a weekly basis as the primary opportunity for
worship, including children who participate in all or part of these services.
11a. Number of persons baptized this year (ages 0-12).
11b. Number of persons baptized this year (ages 13 and over).
12. Total Baptized Members who have not become Professing Members (all baptized members of the
congregation who have not taken the vows of Professing Membership). DO NOT INCLUDE persons
who have been removed from Professing Membership, though they remain baptized members.
13. Number of other Constituents (non-members for whom the local church has pastoral responsibilities
such as unbaptized children - ¶230.3, 2008 Discipline). Check the Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
About Tables for a description of Constituents.
14. Total enrolled in confirmation preparation classes this year (all ages). If they were confirmed and
joined, also report on Line 2a.
For Lines 15 through 19 show the number of persons significantly involved in any and all Christian formation groups and
other small group ministries of the church. These are classes and small groups that enhance participant’s knowledge and
experience of the Bible, spiritual life, and Christian nurture such as confirmation classes, church school, accountable
discipleship, mission and ministry, and support groups - ¶256.1, 2008 Discipline. Please count each participant on only ONE
Line. Please DO NOT count UMM (Line 25a), UMW (Line 26a), or ministries accessed by the community (Lines 29 and
15. Number of CHILDREN in all Christian formation groups and other small group ministries:
Generally children refers to ages 0-11. Include any children in this age range serving as leaders.
16. Number of YOUTH in all Christian formation groups and other small group ministries:
Generally youth refers to ages 12-18. Include any youth in this age range serving as leaders.
17. Number of YOUNG ADULTS in all Christian formation groups and other small group
ministries: Generally young adult refers to ages 19-30. Include any young adults in this age range
serving as leaders.
18. Number of OTHER ADULTS in all Christian formation groups and other small group
ministries: Generally other adult refers to ages 31 and older. Include any other adults in this age
range serving as leaders.
19. TOTAL number of persons participating in Christian formation groups and other small group
Average weekly attendance (all ages) for all education classes and groups in Sunday Church School.
Number of participants in Vacation Bible School: Number of individual students attending the
church’s VBS, or similar activity, including VBS conducted in cooperation with other churches.
Number of ongoing classes (all ages) for learning in Sunday Church School.
Number of ongoing classes (all ages) for learning other than Sunday Church School.
Number of short-term classes and groups (all ages) for learning that meet for less than all year or
most of a year. Include Disciple Bible Study classes here.
Men’s groups and Women’s groups. NOTE: Monies paid or given to the church and used for program expenses (Line 56),
operating expenses (Line 57), payments on debts (Line 58), buildings and improvements (Line 59), church benevolence budgets
(Lines 43 and 43), or other Line items are included here AND on the appropriate Lines on Table II AND as church income on
Table III (included for the group and for the church).
25a. Membership in United Methodist Men. If you do not have a United Methodist Men’s group, but
have another men’s group, please enter their membership.
25b. Amount paid for local church, community work, or other projects including monies given to or paid
on behalf of the church.
26a. Membership in United Methodist Women. If you do not have a United Methodist Women’s group,
but have another women’s group, please enter their membership.
26b. Amount paid for local church, community work, or other projects including monies given to or paid
on behalf of the church. DO NOT include monies sent to the district or conference UMW Treasurer.
27a. Number of UMVIM teams sent from this local church.
27b. Number of persons from this local church sent out on any UMVIM teams.
Number of persons from this local church engaged in mission including food shelves, mission teams,
disaster response, and/or other mission efforts. Include the people from Line 27b.
Number of persons served by community ministries for daycare and/or education. This includes day care,
tutoring, day camp, preschool/nursery school, mom’s day out, youth lock-ins, language schools, etc.
Number of persons served by community ministries for outreach, justice, and mercy. This includes
revivals, community events, food banks, homeless shelters, legal services, community nurse, prison
ministry, etc.
Pastor’s signature
Revised 10/2013 BJ
Date Treasurer’s / Finance Chair’s signature
Abbr Table II, Church Assets & Expenses
Local Church Report to the Annual Conference
The United Methodist Church
GCFA Church No. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
2013-2016 Quadrennium – Revised 10/2013
Pastor _________________________________________
Tables are due in the conference office by February 1!
Church __________________________________________
State: Minnesota County __________________________
Charge __________________________________________
District __________________________________________
Reports for the year ended December 31, ______________
Please do not report any amount on more than one Line. This report should be a summary of expenses paid by or on
behalf of this church during the year. For multiple charge churches, include only the amounts paid by this church. If
an expense is shared by several churches, include only the amount allocated to this church, not the total amount for all
churches in the charge. Amounts sent to the conference office for apportionments and benevolences (shown on your
year-end statement) are entered for you.
Please enter a number for all Lines. If there is nothing to report on a line, please enter “0”.
All church assets and debts should be listed below.
31. Market value of church-owned land, buildings, and equipment: Estimated market value
(appraisal not required) of all church-owned land, buildings, equipment, parsonages, and parsonage
furnishings used in the ministry of the church and the support of its pastor(s). A residence not used
as a parsonage should be listed on Line 32. Check the Answers to Frequently Asked Questions About
Tables for how to list property held by a multi-church charge.
32. Market value of all other church-owned assets: Estimated market value (appraisal not required)
of all other church-owned real estate and personal property such as cash, stocks, bonds, trusts,
securities, investments belonging to the church, including money raised or donated and being held for
special purposes, and all property and other investments not listed elsewhere.
33. Debt secured by church physical assets: Amount of debt currently held by the church that is
secured by church property and assets, such as mortgages.
34. Other debt: Amount of debt currently held by the church that is not secured by church property and
assets, such as credit cards, lines of credits, and lease-to-purchase agreements.
Lines 35, 36a, 37 thru 42, and 45 refer to apportionments, general church advances, World Service special gifts, conference
advances, Youth Service Fund, special Sunday offerings, higher education, and other benevolences sent to the conference office.
These amounts are shown on your year-end statement and are filled in for you by the conference office.
36b. Amount paid to the District for District askings: Big Waters, River Valley, and Twin Cities
districts do not have a district asking. North Star requests $.60 per member for district expenses.
Southern Prairie requests $1.00 per member.
43. Total amount given directly to United Methodist causes: Monies paid directly (not sent to the
conference office) by the church to conference advances and general church advances.
44. Total amount given to non-United Methodist benevolent and charitable causes: Monies paid
directly (not sent to the conference office) by the local church to local benevolence or community
organizations or to non-United Methodist organizations, such as contributions to the local food shelf.
Monies paid by this church for benefits for pastors appointed to this church. DO NOT include benefits for church staff not
serving as a pastor including pastors appointed to specialized ministries, non-appointed pastors, deacons, diaconal ministers, and
other church staff. DO NOT include any amounts deducted from clergy salaries and paid on their behalf.
46. Amount paid by this church for all direct-billed clergy non-health benefits: This includes the
church’s portion (not the pastor’s portion) of the Clergy Retirement Security Plan (CRSP) and the
Comprehensive Protection Plan (CPP).
47. Health insurance premiums for pastor(s) paid by this church to Minnesota Annual Conference
MAC Plan (via automatic debit or by check) or other health plan.
Lines 48 thru 57 are the expenses used in the apportionment calculation. These are the basic expenses for operating the church.
DO NOT include capital improvements in this section. For multiple charge churches, include only the expenses for this church
(this church’s share of pastor’s base compensation, not the total base compensation, etc.).
48. Pastor’s Base Compensation: Monies raised and paid by this church to the primary (senior)
pastor including any tax-deferred amounts such as IRS Section 403b and/or salary reductions paid to
a “cafeteria plan” (IRS Section 125 plan). DO NOT include housing allowance or any other amounts
listed on Lines below.
49. Associate Pastor’s Base Compensation (For those under Episcopal Appointment): Use the same criteria
as for Pastor’s Base Compensation. If the person is not appointed by the Bishop, include the amount
on Line 55 with Other Staff Compensation and Expenses.
50a. Housing Allowance Paid To/For Senior Pastor: Housing allowance paid in lieu of parsonage
(housing allowance is not included in the apportionment calculation). Include normal expenditures
incurred to maintain the parsonage. DO NOT include payments on parsonage-related debts,
purchase of land, building, remodeling, or major equipment expenses (listed on Line 58 or 59).
50b. Housing Allowance Paid To/For Associate Pastor(s): Use the same criteria as for senior pastor’s
housing allowance. If the person is not appointed by the bishop, include the amount on Line 55 with
Other Staff Compensation and Expenses.
50c. Utilities and Other Housing-Related Allowances Paid To/For Senior Pastor: Includes utilities
allowance paid to the pastor, utilities paid for the pastor, garage rental, service costs allowance (snow
removal, yard work, etc.), and furnishings/appurtenance allowance (IRC 107).
50d. Utilities and Other Housing-Related Allowances Paid To/For Associate Pastor(s): Includes
utilities allowance paid to the pastor, utilities paid for the pastor, garage rental, service costs allowance +50d.
(snow removal, yard work, etc.), and furnishings/appurtenance allowance (IRC 107).
51a. Accountable Reimbursements Paid To/For Senior Pastor: Substantiated reimbursements for
travel expenses, auto expenses including insurance and maintenance, continuing education, books,
publications, and other proper reimbursable items. Accountable reimbursements are recommended
rather than cash allowances.
51b. Accountable Reimbursements Paid To/For Associate Pastor(s): Substantiated reimbursements
for travel expenses, auto expenses including insurance and maintenance, continuing education, books,
publications, and other proper reimbursable items. Accountable reimbursements are recommended
rather than cash allowances.
52a. Other Cash Allowances Paid To/For Senior Pastor: Amounts paid with no substantiation
required, such as a monthly mileage allowance paid without mileage being accounted for.
52b. Other Cash Allowances Paid To/For Associate Pastor(s): Amounts paid with no substantiation
required, such as a monthly mileage allowance paid without mileage being accounted for.
53. Ordained Deacon(s) Compensation: Use the same criteria as for Lines 48 thru 52.
54. Diaconal Minister(s) Compensation: use the same criteria as for Lines 48 thru 52.
55. Other Staff Compensation and Expenses: Use the same criteria as for lines 48 thru 52. This
includes pastors not under Episcopal Appointment and all lay employees of the church such as
Administrative Assistant, Custodian, Choir Director, Musician, Christian Education Director, Nursery
Attendant, Accountant, Treasurer, pulpit supply, non-appointed pastor, etc.
56. Current Expenses for PROGRAM: Includes worship expenses, Sunday school, adult education,
confirmation classes, Christmas programs, Easter programs, other special programs, etc. (¶252.1-2,
¶253, 2008 Discipline). For Vacation Bible School and other programs with registration fees, include
net expenses (expenses less revenue). Include contributions from UMW and other groups as
registration fees for these expenses.
57. Other Current Expenses for OPERATIONS: Includes church utilities, insurance policies, phones,
Internet connection, e-mail, copier contracts, worker’s compensation, basic office supplies, cleaning
supplies, routine maintenance, piano tuning, etc. No matter who pays for these expenses, they are still
church expenses! DO NOT include capital improvements (Lines 58 and 59).
Loans, mortgages, capital improvements, and other major expenses.
58. Principal and Interest Paid on Indebtedness: Amounts paid on loans, mortgages, etc. DO
NOT include principal and interest on money borrowed and repaid within the current fiscal year.
These monies should be reported on the Lines corresponding to the purpose for which the money
was borrowed.
59. Amounts paid on Buildings and Improvements: Amounts paid from contributions for capital
improvements, not from loans. This includes new property and buildings, major purchases of new
equipment or furnishings, major renovations, and parsonage expenses. Any outstanding indebtedness
should be included on Line 33 or 34. Amounts contributed but not yet paid out should be included
on Line 32.
60. Total expenses (sum of Lines 36b through 59)
Pastor’s signature
Revised 10/2013 BJ
Date Treasurer’s / Finance Chair’s signature
Table III, Church Income
Local Church Report to the Annual Conference
The United Methodist Church
2013-2016 Quadrennium – Revised 10/2013
GCFA Church No. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Pastor _________________________________________
Tables are due in the conference office by February 1!
Church __________________________________________
State: Minnesota County __________________________
Charge __________________________________________
Reports for the year ended December 31, ______________
District __________________________________________
Read the instructions for individual Lines carefully before filling in any amounts. Please do not report any amount on
more than one Line. This report should be a summary of income received by this church during the year.
Please enter a number for all Lines. If there is nothing to report on a line, please enter “0”.
Number of Households Giving to the Local Church
61. Number of Pledges and Identified Givers. The number of families or individuals recorded by
name as contributors for the year in support of the annual budget/spending plan and benevolence
budget for Lines 35 through 59 of Table II.
Annual Budget/Spending Plan Funding Sources (the funding for Lines 35 through 59 of Table II expenditures): These funds are
used exclusively in support of the annual budget/spending plan. DO NOT include funds raised for capital improvements or acquisitions
outside of the regular operating budget (reported on Line 63 below), directed benevolence giving (reported on Line 63d below), funds
received from connectional sources (such as the annual conference) or institutional sources and grants outside of the local church (reported
on Line 64 below).
62a. Amount Received Through Pledges. This year’s receipts of funds received toward the
payment of pledges, estimates of giving, or other commitments establishing a level of giving
toward the annual operating budget of the church (for example, a member’s payments toward +62a.
an annual pledge). If you do not keep track of pledged amounts or do not have pledges,
enter receipts on Line 62b.
62b. Amount Received from Non-pledging, yet Identified Givers. This year’s receipts from
identifiable individuals who have not pledged or provided an estimate of giving in support of the
annual operating budget (for example, personal check from a member who did not submit a
pledge card in response to the church’s stewardship campaign). If you do not keep track of
pledged amounts or do not have pledges, enter receipts here.
62c. Amount Received from Unidentified Givers. This year’s receipts from unidentifiable
individuals used in support of the annual operating budget (for example, loose currency or
coins placed in the Sunday morning offering plate). If you do not keep track of this amount
separately, include it on Line 62b.
62d. Amount Received from Interest and Dividends. Funds allocated toward the annual
operating budget earned through interest on deposits or dividends from stocks (for example,
interest on reserve funds invested in money market accounts) used to support the annual church +62d.
budget. DO NOT include interest from capital campaign funds (Line 63a) or memorials /
endowments / bequests (Line 63b).
62e. Amount Received from Sale of Church Assets. Funds allocated toward the annual
operating budget from the sale of church-owned assets (for example, the sale of discarded
church furniture). DO NOT include funds allocated for building campaigns or capital
improvements (Line 63a).
62f. Amount Received through Building Use Fees, Contributions, and Rentals. Funds
allocated toward the annual operating budget from building use fees (for example, fees
collected from weddings for building use), related contributions (for example, donations from a
group which uses a church room without rent) and rentals (for example, parsonage or parking lot
62g. Amount Received through Fundraisers and Other Sources. Funds received in support of
the annual operating budget from special fundraisers (for example, net receipts from a
pancake breakfast used to support the annual budget) and any other sources. Also include the
value of items purchased on behalf of the church (such as kitchen supplies purchased by the
UMW). The corresponding expense should be listed on Table II.
Total of Lines 62a through 62g.
Received for Capital Campaigns and Other Designated Special Projects: Income for those funds that are designated exclusively for
capital campaigns, benevolences, and other special projects. DO NOT include funds reported on Line 62 above.
63a. Capital Campaign. This year’s receipts from capital campaigns (for example, receipts from a
building renovation capital campaign) and this year’s interest from previous campaign balances.
63b. Memorials/Endowments/Bequests. This year’s receipts from memorials, endowments, and
bequests. Include this year’s interest or dividends from investments or deposits (for example,
interest from endowment funds retained in endowment accounts). Include funds from
liquidation of assets, but do not include values of donated stocks or physical property (listed on
Table II, Line 31 or 32). Do not include the appreciation or depreciation of assets. This is cash
in hand only.
63c. Other Sources and Projects. This year’s receipts from other sources in support of capital
campaigns and special projects (for example, sale of church-owned land held as deposits for
future use).
63d. Amount received for Special Sundays, General Advance Specials, World Service Specials,
Conference Advance Specials, and other forms of directed benevolent giving. This year’s
receipts for benevolent causes whether they have been sent on or not.
Total of Line 63a through 63d.
Funding Sources from District(s), Annual Conference(s), Jurisdictional Conference(s), General Church and/or other institutional
sources outside the local church. This is income received from United Methodist connectional sources or institutions outside of the local
church for any purpose. DO NOT include amounts reported on Lines 62a through 62g.
64a. Equitable Compensation Funds received by Church or Pastor. This year’s equitable
compensation funds received by church or pastor. DO NOT include this amount with pastor’s
salary paid on Line 48, 49, 53, 54, or 55.
64b. Advance Special, Apportioned, and Connectional Funds received by Church. Advance
special funds (for example, advance special funds for ethnic minority churches or nursery
schools) or apportioned funds received by church (for example, pastor salary support from
annual conference funds beyond equitable compensation funds).
64c. Other. Funds received from other sources (for example, grants received from a foundation in
support of the church food bank).
Total of Lines 64a through 64c.
Total Income from All Funding Sources
Total Income from All Funding Sources. Add Lines 62, 63, and 64 from Table III.
Pastor’s signature
Date Treasurer’s / Finance Chair’s signature
Would you like a copy of the church’s Table I, II, & III history? If you circle or bold “Yes”, we will mail the
history to you. This will allow you to easily compare year-to-year figures.
Additional information requested – please include amounts even if reported elsewhere on Table I, II or III.
The Minnesota United Methodist Foundation requests this information to help them establish a benchmark for
measuring the future success and effectiveness of its Planned Giving education, consultation, and resource program.
This data will be used for informational purposes only.
A. Number and total dollar value of special gifts such as bequests, gifts from estates,
trusts, or gift annuities received this year from members and friends of the church.
B. Number and total dollar value of Gifts of Stock received this year from members and
friends of the church.
C. Number and total dollar value of other non-cash gifts (real estate, land, art, collections,
etc.) received this year from members and friends of the church.
Revised 10/2013 BJ
Dollar Value