Create Data Source on Stored Procedure in BIRT Author:mwu Keywords BIRT, Stored Procedure , JDBC, Data Source , Cursor , Input parameter, Output Parameter Version Control Version Date Description of Changes Draft 1 Jun 10 2008 First draft You can get the Chinese version from: -1- Table of Contents 1. Introduction............................................................................................................................................. 3 2. Return type of Stored Procedure .......................................................................................................... 3 3. Syntax of Calling Stored Procedure ..................................................................................................... 4 4. Create Stored Procedure Data Source ................................................................................................. 4 5. Calling Stored Procedure ...................................................................................................................... 5 1. Calling Stored Procedure returning a single result set ................................................................... 6 2. Calling stored procedure containing input/output parameters ........................................................ 7 3. Calling Stored Procedure contains RETURN value ........................................................................ 9 4. Calling Stored Procedure containing CURSOR .............................................................................. 9 5. Calling Stored Procedure returning multiple result sets ................................................................ 11 6. References and Resources ................................................................................................................. 14 -2- 1. Introduction Both Stored Procedure and Function are collections of SQL.Generally , Stored Procedure is a group of Transact-SQL statements compiled into a single execution plan, it could call some function to get value. Indeed ,we can take the Stored Procedure on as a Function without return value, but Function is a method calling with value returned. Due to the different support of Stored Procedure in Different relation database and different type of returning value , user need a common access the to Stored Procedure. BIRT provide an easy way to achieve this from stored procedure, which makes it easier to customize report design for user. This document only deals with how to create a data source on stored procedures in BIRT 2.3.0. 2. Return type of Stored Procedure Stored Procedure returns value in 5 ways: 1. Single Result Set A single result set for each ‘Select’ statement contained in the stored procedure or any other stored procedures called by the stored procedure. The result set could be generated from a temp table, a permanent table or a local variable. 2. Output Parameter Output parameter is a parameter declared with output value, whose return data could be Integer or String value etc. 3. RETURN Codes This is a special value for the stored procedure to indicate the status of stored procedure. It is always an Integer value. -3- 4. Cursor The cursor we mentioned here is Global Cursor. It can be referenced outside the stored procedure. Some DBMS do not support CURSOR, and also JDBC does not support this feature in its API. But the most popular DBMS, like Oracle, Postgre SQL and DB2 support this return type. BIRT also allows user to access this return type. 5. Multiple Result Set This return type is a mixed type of above 4 types. The combination type could be Output Parameter and Single Result Set, or Output Parameter and Cursor type etc. The result set could be achieved by its name or index. 3. Syntax of Calling Stored Procedure JDBC allows user to call a stored procedure by a standard way. There are 2 calling method, one is calling with return value, another is calling without return value {?= call <procedure-name>[<arg1>,<arg2>, ...]} {call <procedure-name>[<arg1>,<arg2>, ...]} In BIRT,the access to Stored Procedure follows JDBC3.0 standard。The syntax above is applicable to BIRT. Here ,<arg1>… could use the place holder(?) or default value as its input value。 4. Create Stored Procedure Data Source Firstly, we should create a JDBC data source to indicate which DBMS we prefer to use, and then provide the call statement to execute the stored procedure. The step to create a Stored Procedure data source is: 1. Create a JDBC Data Source 2. Choose SQL Stored Procedure type as Data Set Type 3. Input the query statement to call a stored procedure -4- As shown below: 5. Calling Stored Procedure In this chapter, we will give the example to show how to call the Stored Procedure with different return values. Note: Stored Procedures are supported by most DBMS, but there is a fair amount of variation in their syntax and capabilities. For this reason, Example 1, 2, 3 is intended to be run on Sybase database. The stored procedure uses the table ‘Customers’ which records all information of customers as its target table. Since Cursor type is unsupported in Sybase, for all cursor related case, we use Oracle as our sample database; it will use ‘OFFICES’ and ‘CUSTOMERS’ tables in this database. -5- 1. Calling Stored Procedure returning a single result set Case 1:In Sybase DBMS, using the following SQL statement to create a stored procedure named get_All_Customers: CREATE PROCEDURE get_All_Customers AS SELECT * FROM Customers GO This Stored Procedure tries to get all records from ‘Customers’ table. In BIRT, The Stored Procedure is called as: Statement: { call get_All_Customers () } Then the result set as following: -6- 2. Calling stored procedure containing input/output parameters In stored procedure, user could input the parameter value to get the expected result set. For example, with ’Customers’ table, select the Customer’s name and phone number information base on specified user ID. Here, @id is input parameter, the @name and @phone is defined as output parameters. The Stored Procedure is defined as following: -7- CREATE PROCEDURE get_Cursotermer_ByID (@id int, @name varchar(50) output,@phone varchar(50) output) AS SELECT @name=customerName,@phone=phone FROM Curstomers WHERE customerNumber =@id GO Statement:{ call get_Cursotermer_ByID (?,?,?)} In ‘Parameters’ tab,BIRT will generate all available parameters in the table list. User could input the default value for the input parameter, and then switch to ‘Preview Output Parameters’ tab, then he will get result set. In some case, due to -8- the jdbc driver implementation or some connection interior problem, the parameter cannot be listed automatically in the table list; user could input his parameter manually, it will also take effect. 3. Calling Stored Procedure contains RETURN value Still using the same stored procedure in 2 section,we can get its RETURN value in a similar way. Statement:{ ?=call dbo.get_Cursotermer_ByID (?,?,?) }, The difference with 2 section is, in ‘parameter’ tab, there is an added “:@RETURN_VALUE” parameter. Generally, if user wants to call Function, he can use the RETUREN value to get the value of function. 4. Calling Stored Procedure containing CURSOR Not all DBMS support CURSOR type. Here we take Oracle DBMS as an example. In ORACLE, the statement we create a Stored Procedure like following, it will get all result set from ‘OFFICES’ table: -9- CREATE OR REPLACE PAGKAGE TESTPACKAGE AS TYPE TEST_CURSOR IS REF CURSOR; END TESTPACKAGE; CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE TESTLIN2 ( TEST_CUSROR OUT TESTPACKAGE.TEST_CURSOR) AS BEGIN OPEN TEST_CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM OFFICES; END TESTLIN2 In JDBC3.0 standard, there is no cursor type in its return type. So, we handle this special type as java.sql.Types.Others. We can called this Stored Procedure as following: Statement:{ CALL TESTLIN2(?) } - 10 - 5. Calling Stored Procedure returning multiple result sets We will give a detailed example to show how to calling a Stored Procedure contains both output parameter and multiple result sets. The Stored Procedure’s CREATE statement is: - 11 - CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE TESTMULTIPLE ( P_CUSTOMERNUMBER IN NUMBER, P_CUSTOMERCURSOR1 OUT SYS_REFCURSOR, P_CUSTOMERCURSOR2 OUT SYS_REFCURSOR, P_CUSTOMERNAME OUT VARCHAR2, P_COUNTRY OUT VARCHAR2 ) AS BEGIN OPEN P_CUSTOMERCURSOR1 FOR SELECT * FROM CUSTOMERS WHERE CUSTOMERNUMBER>P_CUSTOMERNUMBER; SELECT COUNTRY INTO P_COUNTRY FROM CUSTOMERS WHERE CUSTOMERNUMBER=P_CUSTOMERNUMBER; OPEN P_CUSTOMERCURSOR2 FOR SELECT * FROM CUSTOMERS; SELECT CUSTOMERNAME INTO P_CUSTOMERNAME FROM CUSTOMERS WHERE CUSTOMERNUMBER=P_CUSTOMERNUMBER; END; Statement:{ CALL TESTMULTIPLE(?,?,?,?,?) } The step to call this procedure is like following: - 12 - Currently, BIRT2.3.0 doesn’t support achieving multiple result sets at the same time. But it is allowed user get the different result set based on the ‘Settings’ preference, user just need to specify result set name/index as its search key, then he will get the corresponding result set. - 13 - 6. References and Resources BIRT Official BIRT Exchange JDBC 3.0 documentation: - 14 -