College of Humanities & Social Science

College of Humanities & Social Science
Minutes of the
Undergraduate Recruitment and Admissions Committee
Thursday 30th November 2006
2.00pm, Room G1, 55 George Square
Present: Dr J Ansall, Mrs C Bannister, Miss L Culp, Mrs O Gorie, Dr C Jedrej (Convener), Dr L Kendall, Ms J
McCulloch, Mrs J Rennie Ms J Thacker
Apologies: Ms A Baker, Ms L Brannan, Dr L Collins, Dr A Crozier
1. Minutes of the Last Meeting (Tuesday 26th September 2006)
i MIS/WP Database
LK reported that testing has been undertaken on the new admissions scoring entry system and
database for reporting and all appears to be working. Previous reports had been based on
applicants however since all Admissions Reports are based on applications it was agreed that future
scoring reports would be by applications. Part 2 of admissions report will now be based on 20042006 application data to provide some trend analysis showing changes since the implementation of
the admissions policy
ii Ethnic minority students
An erratum from the minutes of the last meeting: change from ethnic minority students to minority
ethnic students
2. Matters Arising
i Introductions
The chair welcomed Lee Culp, new Admissions Officer in the Visiting Undergraduate Office, to the
ii Annual Admissions Report Part One
The Chair reported that the Report was presented to College P & R committee. There was an
extremely positive response to the report and congratulations made to the Undergraduate
Admissions Office for its work. A thank you also to the UG Admissions Office for information stalls
at Open Days. Attention was drawn to the fact that of the 31000 applications made there were
only 11 appeals and 2 complaints; an endorsement of the well-founded decisions made by
Admissions Officers.
iii Offer making in School of Education
LK reported that the School of Education have been consulted on variable offer making and they
have agreed that as from now offers will be made according to published entry requirements; this
will be fed back to other staff within the school.
3. Report from RASC
CJ reported that CSCE School of Informatics wish to increase their entry requirement to
AAB at A Level as indicative statistics have shown that A Level students cope less well than their
Higher @ BBBB counterparts and in addition raised entry requirements may reduce the number of
those applicants who decline an offer. This considered change was approved by RASC due to the
College of Humanities & Social Science
College Recruitment & Admissions Committee
appointment of a dedicated admissions liaison officer within the school. The issue of parity of BBB
at A Level versus BBBB at Higher has been raised elsewhere. See item 4
At the RASC meeting the Director of SRA tabled, Student Recruitment and Admissions: a
discussion paper to inform the strategic vision, [previously circulated to CRAC committee
members]. Liz Lister, of SRA, wishes feedback as this document it to be the basis of the College
Recruitment Forum. The committee discussed CHSS representation on this forum and agreed to
ensure adequate representation from the Admissions Office rather than from Schools.
LK fed back information regarding the pilot UNITEST study which was presented to RASC
and is available on Cambridge Assessment website. Edinburgh University was the only Scottish
institution in the pilot. The first group of respondents was too small so new undergraduates are to
be recruited for a second survey. Small number of respondents showed that Unitest has some
potential. Some students with poor GCSEs performed well to suggest the test could be a useful
measure of potential. Concerns discussed included cost of the test, especially if more that one
test is to be used and candidates where English was their second language performed less well
suggestive of a cultural and social aspect to the test that would need to be addressed. An
important statistic will be that which looks at how test performance relates to first year
undergraduate achievement.
Admissions Policy Review group update
CJ reported that the last meeting of the review group looked at feedback from the
Admissions Officer Forum. Main concerns were the understanding of the admissions policy by
others, the points given for locality and the lack of reportage of first generation applicants. LK
reported that UCAS applications from 2008 will ask for this latter information consideration for first
generation applicants in the selection will continue for the next admissions cycle.
The review group has discussed the lack parity of BBB at A Level and BBBB at Higher.
The entry was set in 2002/3 when there was thought to be parity however it was suggested that
this may no longer be the case. Only 5% of students with Highers achieve BBBB and yet
significantly more achieve BBB at A Level. It was agreed that for the 2009 Prospectus careful
consideration will need to be give to entry requirements so that there is no disadvantage to any
particular application group. It is recommended that there should be careful statistical research in
order to consider a change in the minimum entry requirements.
CJ reported that a third focus group of students will meet soon
CJ reported that rates of attainment would be a useful statistic to be considered by the
Admissions Review group. There are long term studies in other institutions on WP activities that
may be helpful. It was however difficult to get access to such information.
Interim report of the review group will be published in March 2007
2007 Home/EU Targets
LK confirmed that targets figures now agreed by schools and these were circulated to the
committee. In summary there is a slight reduction in the BA and Divinity targets, increase in
Health, Law and LLC and some changes within schools.
LK reported there was yet another rise in applications. December’s snapshot report will
be circulated shortly.
Action LK
GCSE/SG language other than English entry requirement
College of Humanities & Social Science
College Recruitment & Admissions Committee
LK reported that GCSE language no longer compulsory in English schools for last 3 years and the
affect of this is now being seen in a rise in applications to CHSS who do not meet the basic
language entry requirement. Similarly the language requirement in Scottish schools has also been
abolished. The committee discussed whether or not the College should keep the language
requirement. CB stated that there should be a standard requirement across the whole college and
not just for certain degrees. Conclusion: the committee recommended keeping the language
requirement. It was agreed that is important for our graduates as well as allowing current
students to take advantage of the breadth of study options available in years one and two. It was
also agreed that there should be increased publicity about the requirement and a statement about
leniency for those students with dyslexia or at a school where no GCSE language is offered.
LEAPS candidates will still be required to obtain a Standard Grade language
Admissions to School of Law
CJ and OG reported on their meeting with the School of Law. There is concern within the School
that a number of students have to carry work over from 1st year to 2 nd year due to unsuccessful
completion of work and this makes for an extremely tough second year. One solution is to raise the
entry requirements. This is a difficult issue and further research will need to be undertaken before a
change is presented to RASC. OG is to meet with Kathleen Hood to ensure the WP perspective is
maintained. Evidence suggests that lower grade students cope as well as others and there is a
feeling the WP will be ensured even if entry grades are increased. OG and CJ will report back to the
Action OG and CJ
PQA Delivery Partnership
LK reported that the UCAS Delivery Partnership Steering Group first report had been published and
has been circulated to committee members. The report summarizes how PQA will be implemented.
LK was concerned that there is little Scottish representation on the Steering Group. One
recommendation is already implemented; AS Unit Grade information will be available at the point of
application. From 2008 applicants will have their choices reduced from 6 to 5.
Other areas of concern from the report are
1. Feedback to students – it was felt that this was well undertaken by CHSS Admissions
2. Removal of predicted grades – the A Level release date is likely to be brought forward to nearer
the SQA release date and this will help
3. More emphasis on UCAS entry profiles. CHSS now has many of them in place but the web
development team have reported that a survey on student use of the web has shown that UCAS is
well down the list as being a useful source of information for them
LK recommends all committee members to assimilate and consider the report
Action: all
JA reported that the new DOS arrangements are still ongoing with a primary focus on
induction of new students so that there is an integrated approach with DOSs, EUSA etc.
JR reported that David Murray, the new FE Liaison Officer, is focusing on induction of new
students to link in with DOS changes. He is also looking at a new link with FE students for them to
enter BEd PE and Sport Science with A Level Sport and Higher English.
JR reported a meeting with Mike Anderson on Equality and Diversity [ED]. ED Coordinators are to be issued with new job descriptions and these are to be linked with the role of the
Head of Colleges and Schools so there is compliance with the new strictly defined ED laws. There is
much challenging work ahead to ensure that University Policy Statements and publications comply.
JR will report to the P & R committee on the new roles of co-coordinators and Heads of Schools
Action JR
College of Humanities & Social Science
College Recruitment & Admissions Committee
JR reported that the Erasmus exchanges last year had more incoming than outgoing
students. There are now 3 years of statistics that can be used to scrutinize numbers and improve
the two way flow and focus on problem areas
Action JR
Date of Next Meeting
2pm on Thursday 22nd February 2007 in Room G1, 55 George Square
College of Humanities & Social Science
College Recruitment & Admissions Committee