TABLE 1 Evolution of the moisture content (g/ 100g muscle)* in chilled salmon muscle previously treated under different conditions** Chilling Time (days) 0 6 10 15 20 C 72.40 b (0.97) y 73.36 b (1.22) 71.97 b (1.05) z 69.68 a (0.34) 68.85 a (0.53) Previous Treatment T-1 T-2 72.27 b 71.64 ab (0.51) (2.07) z 71.25 b yz 72.66 b (0.74) (0.75) 71.40 b 71.20 ab (1.67) (2.71) y 71.43 b yz 70.40 a (0.25) (1.04) 69.46 a 69.11 a (0.81) (1.71) T-3 72.64 bc (1.76) yz 72.33 c (0.66) 71.41 bc (0.78) y 71.22 b (0.05) 69.40 a (1.13) * Mean values of three (n=3) independent determinations are expressed. Standard deviations are indicated in brackets. For each chilling time, mean values preceded by different letters (z, y) denote significant (p<0.05) differences among treatments. For each treatment, mean values followed by different letters (a, b, c) denote significant (p<0.05) differences as a result of chilling time. No letters are included in cases of no significant (p>0.05) differences. ** Treatment abbreviations: Control (C), 135 MPa for 30 s (T-1), 170 MPa for 30 s (T2) and 200 MPa for 30 s (T-3). TABLE 2 Evolution of the lipid content (g/ 100g muscle)* in chilled salmon muscle previously treated under different conditions** Chilling Time (days) 0 6 10 15 20 C 4.74 ab (1.27) 3.46 a (1.45) 6.07 b (0.80) 6.92 b (1.78) 6.84 b (1.97) Previous Treatment T-1 T-2 4.28 a 4.94 ab (0.34) (1.73) 5.07 ab 4.34 a (1.55) (0.72) 5.52 b 5.57 ab (0.73) (1.60) 5.89 b 5.65 ab (0.84) (0.98) 5.54 b 6.47 b (0.87) (0.94) T-3 4.69 a (0.81) 4.89 ab (0.54) 6.30 c (0.75) 6.15 bc (0.93) 5.63 abc (0.90) * Mean values of three (n=3) independent determinations are expressed. Standard deviations are indicated in brackets. No significant (p>0.05) differences were obtained as a result of the previous treatment. For each treatment, mean values followed by different letters (a, b, c) denote significant (p<0.05) differences as a result of chilling time. ** Treatment abbreviations as expressed in Table 1. TABLE 3 Evolution of the free fatty acid (FFA) content (mg FFA/ 100g muscle)* in chilled salmon muscle previously treated under different conditions** Chilling Time (days) 0 6 10 15 20 C z 36.50 a (5.69) z 47.40 a (9.00) z 80.12 b (13.05) yz 148.78 c (43.94) y 328.85 d (52.65) Previous Treatment T-1 T-2 yz 44.51 a y 49.89 a (2.57) (1.23) yz 60.33 b y 71.61 b (10.80) (4.99) x 145.73 c y 114.19 c (11.87) (10.30) y 220.46 d y 189.07 d (56.93) (16.20) y 337.24 e y 333.51 e (52.40) (17.17) T-3 yz 43.62 a (7.50) y 66.02 b (7.09) y 108.36 c (10.08) z 125.99 d (2.82) z 244.33 e (13.73) * Mean values of three (n=3) independent determinations are expressed. Standard deviations are indicated in brackets. For each chilling time, mean values preceded by different letters (z, y, x) denote significant (p<0.05) differences among treatments. For each treatment, mean values followed by different letters (a-e) denote significant (p<0.05) differences as a result of chilling time. ** Treatment abbreviations as expressed in Table 1.