The Student Associate Scheme - Information for Students at Cardiff University 20010/11 The Student Associates Scheme (SAS) provides an opportunity for undergraduate and postgraduate students to carry out a 15 day school based taster experience and earn £600 while doing it. The Scheme is aiming to recruit students with A-levels in mathematics, chemistry or physics, particularly those who are studying mathematical, scientific or engineering courses at university. It is good if you have been studying these subjects further at university as either your main subject or in an applied subject like engineering. However, you do not have to have been studying these subjects at university. For example a student taking a history degree, but who has an A-level in mathematics would be able to undertake a mathematics placement. All of the students who join the Scheme will be required to do their placement in the mathematics or science departments of a secondary school. Although the placements will normally be in maths and science, any students hoping to teach in other disciplines will benefit from taking part in the Scheme. Because of the source of the funding, all the placements must all take place in schools in England. This is ideal for students who have homes in England and are likely to return home during the summer vacation. In recent years, students who have homes in Wales have often arranged to stay with a relative or friend who lives in England while they did the placement. In fact last year some Welsh students teamed up with an English friend also doing SAS to make this work, often doing their placements in the same school. The placements normally take place in late June, July, during your university vacation. All placements must be completed before the schools break up for their summer holidays. As part as the Scheme you must complete a short taught course. This consists of two seminars, which will be held in your university, and working through a set of recoded lectures on a CD. The first seminar introduced you to the Scheme and provides a lot of background information. The second seminar concentrates on introducing you to ways to make your subject interesting for pupils and includes a final pre-placement briefing. The preparatory seminars and the online lectures are linked to the QTS standards that must be met to qualify as a teacher. By doing this the Scheme helps to prepare you to meet the requirements of a PGCE course at the end of your degree. The second seminar will be held in Cardiff on Wednesday 16th February. At the first seminar we will be completing your Criminal Record Bureau forms. These have to be done for all people going into schools. In order to do this you will need to provide certain key pieces of information and bring some identification to the meeting with you. Please note the list below carefully. 1. Proof of your term time address. This could be a bank statement, utility bill, credit card bill, phone bill or other document that shows your current address. If in doubt, bring as many documents with you as possible. 2. National Insurance Number. If possible, bring your NI card or a payslip that shows your NI number. 3. Passport. If you have a current passport, I will need to know your passport number. If possible bring it to the seminar with you. 4. Driving Licence. If you have a driving licence, I will need to know your licence number. If possible bring both parts (paper and plastic) to the seminar with you. 5. If you do not have all of the documents above, it may be useful if you can bring your birth certificate to the seminar. The first seminar will take place on Wednesday 24th November at 1400 in Room 1.64 in the Glamorgan Building. You can get more information from our website at: At this website you can complete the online application form. You may wish to wait until after the first seminar to complete the application form. When you do complete the form you must indicate that you are applying for the Welsh Universities Online Course. You might also like to visit the TDA website. The TDA fund the Scheme and provide some details about the Scheme and careers in teaching. The website address is: spx If you have any questions about the Scheme, please direct them to the coordinator who is Dr Ted Graham at the University of Plymouth. He can be contacted by email at or by phone on 01752 586873.