August-5-2013 - Solanco School District

August 5, 2013 Minutes
Board of School Directors
August 5, 2013
The Board of School Directors of Solanco School District met at 7:30 p.m.; on Monday,
August 5, 2013 in the Board room of the Central Administration Office, located at the 121
South Hess Street, Quarryville, Pennsylvania, as advertised.
Mr. Daniel R. Bender, Board President, called the meeting to order and presided.
Monica Miller was present as secretary.
The following Board members responded to roll call: Mr. Chip Roten, Mr. Daniel
Bender, Mr. Craig Chubb, Mr. Steve Risk and Mr. Brian Musser.
The following Board members were absent from roll call: Mr. Leon Ressler, Mr. Justin
Kreider, Mr. Kurt Kreider and Mr. Plechner
The following administrators were present: Dr. Martin Hudacs, Dr. Brian Bliss, Dr.
Timothy Shrom, Mrs. Kay Bandy, Mrs. Diane Boff, Mrs. Sandra Haines, Mr. Paul
Gladfelter, Mr. Brian Booher, Mrs. Christina McLaughlin, Mr. Brian Gallagher, Mrs.
Stephanie Lininger, Mr. Michael DelPriore, Mrs. Sandra Tucker, Mr. Keith Kaufman, Mr.
Bill Lonsinger, Mr. Bob Ross, Mr. Bruce Bennett and Mr. Jason McClune
Mr. Bender led the group in pledging allegiance to the flag.
A moment of silence was
An invitation to speak on agenda items was given by the president with no response.
*At 7:37, Mr. Justin Kreider arrived and took his seat on the Board
General Fund Report – Mr. Risk made a motion, seconded by Mr. Musser to approve
the General Fund Report All voted yes and the motion carried. A copy of the resolution
can be found in the Supplement Book 0805-1207.
Capital Project Fund Report – Mr. Musser made a motion, seconded by Mr. Roten
to approve the Capital Project Fund Report. All voted yes and the motion carried. Copy
of the resolution can be found in the Supplement Book 0805-1208.
The cafeteria report was presented for information only.
Insurance – Mr. Risk made a motion, seconded by Mr. Chubb to approve the Property
Casualty/Auto and Board E & O Insurance. All voted yes and the motion carried. A copy
of the insurance information can be found in the Supplement Book 0805-1209.
Richard J. Caron Foundation and PA Counseling Services – Mr. Risk made a
motion to approve agreements by and between Solanco School District and Richard J.
Caron Foundation as well as PA Counseling Services. Mr. Roten seconded the motion.
All voted yes and the motion carried. A copy of the agreements can be found in the
Supplement Book – 0805-1210.
August 5, 2013 Minutes
Personnel – Mr. Musser made a motion, seconded by Mr. Roten to approve the
following personnel report. All voted yes and the motion carried.
Colleen Koveleski, Classroom Aide, Swift Middle School
With the District Since January 2004
Reason: Accepted clerical position at Swift MS
Effective: June 19, 2013
Jodie Erb, Classroom Aide, Solanco High School
With the District Since September 2003
Reason: Accepted clerical position at Quarryville Elementary School
Effective: June 25, 2013
Erica Horning, Grade 4 teacher assigned to Providence Elementary School
With the District Since August 2008
Reason: Personal
Effective: June 23, 2013
Colleen Davis, Personal Care Assistant for specific students
With the District Since August 2010
Reason: To accept different classroom aide position in the District
Effective: August 26, 2013
Courtney Winters, Learning Support Aide, QE
With the District Since 2002
Reason: Accepted position elsewhere
Effective: July 24, 2013
Katie Gerfen, Fitness/Wellness Teacher, Solanco High School
With the District Since August 2011
Reason: Moved from the area
Effective: July 23, 2013
Katie Gerfen, Field Hockey Coach, Solanco High School
With the District Since August 2011
Reason: Moved from the Area
Effective: July 23, 2013
Nanci Caskey, Special Education Classroom Aide, QE
With the District Since 2004
Reason: Accepted position elsewhere
Effective: August 2, 2013
James T. Glackin – Girls’ Basketball Coach position only
Angela Nicholl, 8th Grade English Teacher assigned to Swift Middle School
Salary: TPE, $44,176, Step 1, Bachelor’s Degree, on the 2013-14 Salary Schedule
Replaces: Lindsay Capoferri (who moved to guidance at Solanco High School)
Effective: August 19, 2013
August 5, 2013 Minutes
Mary Ferris, Part-Time (.2) Art Teacher assigned to B-C/Providence
Salary: TPE, $44,176 ( x .2), Step 1, Bachelor’s Degree on the 2013-14 Salary
Replaces: Additional position to cover increased scheduling needs
Effective: August 19, 2013
Jillian Almoney, Family and Consumer Science Middle School Teacher
Salary: LTS, $44,176, Step 1, Bachelor’s Degree on the 2013-14 Salary Schedule
Replaces: Christine Haines
Effective: August 19, 2013
Allison Lane, Elementary Teacher assigned to Gr 4, Providence
Salary: TPE, $44,176, Step 1, Bachelor’s Degree, on the 2013-14 Salary Schedule
Replaces: Erica Horning
Effective: August 19, 2013
Angela Flores, Spanish Teacher assigned to Solanco High School
Salary: TPE, $45,906, Step 2, Bachelor’s + 12, on the 2013-14 Salary Schedule
Replaces: Traci DeGarmo
Effective: August 19, 2013
Zachary Kauffman, P.E./Health Teacher assigned to Swift Middle School
Salary: LTS, $44,176, Step 1, Bachelor’s Degree, on the 2013-14 Salary Schedule
Replaces: John Dolan
Effective: August 19, 2013
Lauren Sangrey, Math Teacher assigned to Solanco High School
Salary: LTS, $44,176, Step 1, Bachelor’s Degree on the 2013-14 Salary Schedule
Replaces: Paul Zechman
Effective: August 19, 2013
Joshua Walker, Ag Teacher assigned to Solanco High School
Salary: LTS, $44,176, Step 1, Bachelor’s Degree on the 2013-14 Salary Schedule
Replaces: Stephanie Balmer
Effective: August 19, 2013
Colleen Koveleski, Guidance Secretary, Swift Middle School
Hourly Rate: $11/hour – 29 hours per week (10 month position)
Replaces: Peg Huber (who replaced Eilene Cochran)
Effective: July 1, 2013
Jodie Erb, Clerical Aide, Quarryville Elementary School
Hourly Rate: $11/hour – 29 hours per week (10 month position)
Replaces: Carol McGhee (who replaced Barbara Blevins)
Effective: August 5, 2013
Dawn Fisher, Title I Classroom Aide assigned to Providence ES
Hourly Rate: $10/hour – 20 hours per week
Replaces: New Position
Effective: August 26, 2013
August 5, 2013 Minutes
Rachel Parisan, Ext Day Kdg Aide assigned to Bart-Colerain ES
Hourly Rate: $10/hour – 20 hours per week
Replaces: New position based on additional need
Effective: August 26, 2013
Ashley Malloy, Special Ed Classroom Aide assigned to Swift MS
Hourly Rate: $10/hour – 20 hours per week
Replaces: Elizabeth Shelly
Effective: August 26, 2013
Cathy Strawser, Special Ed Classroom Aide assigned to Swift MS
Hourly Rate: $10/hr – 29 hours per week
Replaces: Pam Whisman
Effective: August 26, 2013
Angeline Stowe, Special Ed Classroom Aide assigned to Swift MS
Hourly Rate: $10/hour – 29 hours per week
Replaces: Colleen Koveleski
Effective: August 26, 2013
Deborah Taylor, Special Ed Classroom Aide assigned to G.A. Smith MS
Hourly Rate: $10/hour – 29 hours per week
Replaces: Michele Shoemaker
Effective: August 26, 2013
Colleen Davis, Special Ed Classroom Aide assigned to G.A. Smith MS
Hourly Rate: Current rate (former personal care assistant) – 29 hours per week
Replaces: Caroline Herr
Effective: August 26, 2013
Kathleen Northern, Title I Classroom Aide assigned to G.A. Smith MS
Hourly Rate: $10/hour – 20 hours per week
Replaces: Open Position
Effective: August 26, 2013
Jessica Keller, Title I Classroom Aide assigned to G.A. Smith MS
Hourly Rate: $10/hour – 20 hours per week
Replaces: Open Position
Effective: August 26, 2013
Michele Schwerin, Classroom Aide assigned to G.A. Smith MS
Hourly Rate: $10/hour – 29 hours per week
Replaces: New Position
Effective: August 26, 2013
Brooke Wagner, Special Ed Classroom Aide assigned to Swift MS
Hourly Rate: $10/hour – 29 hours per week
Replaces: New Position
Effective: August 26, 2013
August 5, 2013 Minutes
Tammy Buchheister, Special Ed Classroom Aide assigned to Clermont ES
Hourly Rate: $10/hour – 29 hours per week
Replaces: Alice Dydo
Effective: August 26, 2013
Christine Sheldon, Personal Care Assistant assigned to Clermont ES
Hourly Rate: $10/hour – 29 hours per week
Replaces: Student IEP Requirement
Effective: August 26, 2013
Lauren Sturgill, Title I Classroom Aide assigned to Clermont ES
Hourly Rate: $10/hour – 29 hours per week
Replaces: Sandra Walbert
Effective: August 26, 2013
Linda Probst, Title I Classroom Aide assigned to Clermont ES
Hourly Rate: $10/hour - 20 hours per week
Replaces: New Position
Effective: August 26, 2013
Additions to the Substitute List
Scot Groff – Custodian
Donita Swayne – Classroom Aide, Clerical
Extra-Curricular Employment
Leslie McRobbie – Class of 2017 Advisor Erin Byrnes and Chris Rachor –Class of
2016 Co-Advisors
Assignment/Hour Change
Laura Greenleaf, Current Health Room Aide assigned to Bart-Colerain
Elementary School, changing from 28 hours per week to 29 hours per week
Theresa Quinn, Bus and Classroom Aide assigned to Quarryville Elementary
School changing to Personal Care Assistant (29 hours per week) assigned to
Clermont Elementary School
Leave Request
Linda Day, High School foreign language teacher, requesting medical leave to
start at the beginning of the 2013-14 school year until approximately 01/02/14.
Allyson Weitzel, Clermont Grade 3 teacher, requesting 12 week FMLA leave to
begin approximately December 18, 2013 and ending approximately March 29,
Paul Zechman, High School Math Teacher, requesting a medical leave for the first
semester of the 2013-2014 school year.
August 5, 2013 Minutes
Visiting Students from Germany – Mr. Musser made a motion, seconded by Mr.
Roten to allow students visiting from Germany to attend classes at Solanco High School.
All voted yes and the motion carried. A copy of the request can be found in the
Supplement Book 0805-1211.
Sunday Building Use - Mr. Risk made a motion, seconded by Mr. Roten to approve
the use of Solanco High School on January 12, 2014 by the Wrestling Association and
December 15, 2013 as a weather make up day for the Southern Lancaster County
Community Choirs. All voted yes and the motion carried. A copy of the request can be
found in the Supplement Book 0805-1212.
Excuse Absent Board Members – Mr. Risk made a motion, second by Mr. Musser to
approve the absence of Board members Mr. Plechner, Mr. Kurt Kreider and Mr. Ressler.
All voted yes and the motion carried.
Adjournment – At 7:50 p.m. on motion by Mr. Roten, seconded by Mr. Risk and
unanimous agreement by all, the Board meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Monica M. Miller, Board Secretary