April 28, 2014 Minutes
The Board of School Directors of Solanco School District met at 7:30 p.m.; on Monday,
April 28, 2014 in the Board room of the Central Administration Office, located at the 121
South Hess Street, Quarryville, Pennsylvania, as advertised.
Mr. Daniel R. Bender, Board President, called the meeting to order and presided. Dr.
Brian Bliss was present to take minutes.
The following Board members responded to roll call: Mr. Roten, Mr. Justin Kreider, Mr.
Musser, Mr. Kurt Kreider, Mr. Ressler, Mr. Chubb, Mr. Risk and Mr. Bender
The following Board members were absent from roll call: Mr. Plechner
The following administrators were present: Dr. Martin Hudacs, Dr. Brian Bliss, Dr.
Timothy Shrom, Mrs. Kay Bandy, Mr. Brian Booher, Mrs. Diane Boff, Mrs. Sandra
Haines, Mr. Paul Gladfelter, Mrs. Christina McLaughlin, Mr. John Dolan, Mr. Brian
Gallagher, Mrs. Stephanie Lininger, Mrs. Sandra Tucker, Mr. Keith Kaufman, Mr. Bruce
Bennett and Mr. Jason McClune
Mr. Bender led the group in pledging allegiance to the flag. A moment of silence was observed.
An invitation to speak on agenda items was given by the president with no response.
Attendance Task Force - Mrs. Christina McLaughlin, Mr. Michael DelPriore and Mrs.
Kay Bandy presented the Truancy Prevention Plan which will be voted upon at the May
19, 2014 Board Meeting.
FFA - Mr. Kalupson presented changes in the FFA program.
Student Achievements - The Board recognized students for their achievements in categories such as art, music, sports, academics, etc.
Approval of Board Minutes - A motion was made by Mr. Roten and seconded by Mr.
Risk to approve the board meeting minutes from March 17 and April 7 as well as the
Executive Session on March 26.. All voted yes and the motion carried. A copy of the minutes can be found in Supplement Book 0428-1296.
General Fund Report – Mr. Risk made a motion, seconded by Mr. Musser to approve
General Fund Report. All voted yes and the motion carried. A copy of the report can be found in the Supplement Book 0428-1297.
Capital Project Fund Report – Mr. Risk made a motion, seconded by Mr. Roten to approve Capital Project Fund Report. All voted yes and the motion carried. A copy of the report can be found in the Supplement Book 0428-1298.
Cafeteria Report – The cafeteria report was presented for information only. A copy of the report can be found in the Supplement Book 0428-1299.
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April 28, 2014 Minutes
Student Activity Reports - Mr. Risk made a motion, seconded by Mr. Roten to approve the Student Activities Report. All voted yes and the motion carried. A copy of the report can be found in the Supplement Book 0428-1300.
2014-2015 Budget - Mr. Roten made a motion, seconded by Mr. Ressler to approve the resolution approving the proposed final budget for Solanco School District 2014-2015.
All voted yes and the motion carried.
Surplus and Obsolete Equipment - Mr. Risk made a motion, seconded by Mr. Roten to advertise the surplus and obsolete equipment. All voted yes and the motion carried. A copy of the list can be found in the Supplement Book 0428-1301.
Floor Tile Abatement - Mr. Kurt Kreider made a motion; Mr. Roten seconded the motion to approve the quotes for floor tile abatement at Quarryville Elementary School.
All voted yes and the motion carried. A copy of the quote can be found in the
Supplement Book 0428-1302.
Solanco SD Special Education Plan - Mr. Risk made a motion to approve the
Solanco School District Special Education Plan. Mr. Roten second the motion and all voted yes. The motion carried.
Roof Bids - Mr. Kurt Kreider made a motion, seconded by Mr. Musser to approve the roofing bid. All voted yes and the motion carried. A copy of the bid can be found in the
Supplement Book 0428-1303.
Major Purchase GF and CR Summer - Mr. Musser made a motion, seconded by Mr.
Risk to approve the list of major purchases as recommended. All voted yes and the motion carried. A copy of the list can be found in the Supplement Book 0428-1304.
PP&L Rebate Program - Mr. Kurt Kreider made a motion. Mr. Musser second the motion to approve the utilization of the PPL Rebate program. All voted yes and the motion carried. A copy of the information can be found in the Supplement Book 0428-
Personnel – Mr. Roten made a motion, seconded by Mr. Plechner to approve the following personnel report. All voted yes and the motion carried.
Mary Troutner, Building Secretary assigned to Providence Elementary School
With the District Since December 2001
Reason: Retirement
Effective: June 20, 2014
Carol Shaubach, Elementary Music Teacher currently on maternity leave
With the District Since August 1993
Reason: Personal
Effective: End of the 2013-2014 School Year
Deborah Taylor, Special Education Classroom Aide assigned to GA Smith MS
With the District Since August 2013
Reason: Accepted position elsewhere
Effective: May 6, 2014
Christina Krassenstein, Special Ed Classroom Aide assigned to Clermont ES
With the District Since March 11, 2014
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April 28, 2014 Minutes
Reason: Personal
Effective: April 11, 2014
Michelle Sankus, Online Instructional Aide assigned to Solanco High School
With the District Since September 2013
Reason: Personal
Effective: April 24, 2014
Wilfredo Malave, Bus Aide
With the District Since September 2013
Reason: Found full-time employment
Effective: May 2, 2014
Jill Almoney (Formerly LTS), MS Family and Consumer Science Teacher
Annual Salary: $44,676, Step 1 with a Bachelor’s degree, TPE, on the 2014-15
Solanco Salary Schedule
Replaces: Christine Haines
Effective: 2014-2015 School Year
Kevin Childs (Formerly LTS), STEM Teacher assigned to the middle schools
Annual Salary: $44,676, Step 1 with a Bachelor’s degree, TPE, on the 2014-15
Solanco Salary Schedule
Replaces: John Kaiser
Effective: 2014-2015 School Year
Ashlee Kreider (Formerly LTS), 2nd Grade Teacher assigned to Providence ES
Annual Salary: $44,676, Step 1 with a Bachelor’s degree, TPE, on the 2014-15
Solanco Salary Schedule
Replaces: Sylvia Montani
Effective: 2014-2015 School Year
Kayla Zeller, District Speech-Language Pathologist
Annual Salary: $48,575, Step 2 with a Master’s degree, TPE, on the 2014-15
Solanco Salary Schedule
Replaces: Marcia Meikrantz
Effective: 2014-2015 School Year
Anthony Cox, Physical Education Teacher assigned to Solanco High School
Annual Salary: $52,376, Step 8 with a Bachelor’s Degree, TPE on the 2014-15
Solanco Salary Schedule
Replaces: Mike Lane (who is now at Swift Middle School)
Effective: 2014-2015 School Year
Additions to the Substitute List:
Stanley Devonshire – Custodian
Lou Ann Jensen – Lunchroom Monitor, Cafeteria, Classroom Aide
Barbara Hazell – Health room Aide
Denise Ringenary – Health room Aide
Steve McCauley – Custodian
Leave Requests
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April 28, 2014 Minutes
Sabbatical Request – Lisa Tome, Special Education teacher assigned to Swift
Middle School, is requesting the first semester of the 2014-15 school year for an educational sabbatical leave.
Family Leave – Regina Fleager, Grade 4 teacher assigned to Clermont
Elementary School, is requesting a 2-year family leave to begin approximately
September 18, 2014.
High School Summer School Employment (June 25-August 6)
Linda Day, Amber Friel, Brenda Lloyd, Steve McTaggart, Dawn Kreider,
Stephanie Jones, Zach Zimmerman and Angela Flores
Teachers are compensated according to the number of students registered for each course
Change of Positions
Brooke Cox, Current Special Education Teacher assigned to Solanco High School
Moving to IEP Consultant (replaces Linda Overley)
Current Salary plus five additional days
Effective: July 1, 2014
John Dolan, Current Dean of Students assigned to Swift Middle School
Moving to Assistant Principal assigned to Swift Middle School
Salary: $68,000
Effective: July 1, 2014
Stephanie Leister, Current Teacher on Assignment
Moving to Instructional Technology Coach
Current Salary plus 10 additional days
Effective: July 1, 2014
Increased Schedule
Mary Ferris (Elementary Art) and Morgan Erb (Elementary Phys Ed) currently .2 positions will increase to .4 positions for the 2014-2015 school year
Request to Return Early from Maternity Leave
Melissa Tucker, Art Teacher assigned to Swift Middle School is requesting to return early from her request 2 year family leave. She will return at the beginning of the 2014-2015 school year.
For information purposes Only:
Change of Assignments
Stephanie Wood, Current English Teacher assigned to GA Smith Middle School
Moving to 7th Grade LEAD Teacher at Swift Middle School (replaces Tawn
Battiste) Current Salary Effective: 2014-2015 School Year
Mike Lane, Current Physical Education Teacher assigned to Solanco High School
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April 28, 2014 Minutes
Moving to Phys Ed Teacher assigned to Swift MS (replaces John Dolan)
Current Salary
Effective: 2014-2015 School Year
Nicole Klahold, Current Special Education Teacher assigned to Providence ES
Moving to Grade 5 Classroom Teacher assigned to Providence Elementary School
(additional grade 5 classroom required)
Current Salary
Effective: 2014-2015 School Year
Christine Richards, Current Special Education Teacher assigned to Solanco High
Moving to Family and Consumer Science Teacher assigned to Solanco High
School (replaces Pat Konon)
Current Salary
Effective: 2014-2015 School Year
Graduation Candidates - A motion was made by Mr. Kurt Kreider and seconded by
Mr. Roten to approve the list of 2014 graduation candidates. All voted yes and the motion carried. A copy of the list can be found in the Supplement Book 0428-1306.
The monthly curriculum reports were reviewed and are available in the
Supplement Book 0428-1307.
End of Year Dates - The following dates were approved when Mr. Risk made a motion and Mr. Roten seconded the motion. All voted yes.
May 14 – Solanco Scholars
May 28 – Senior Awards
June 2 – Senior Trip (Already Board Approved)
June 8 – Baccalaureate
June 11 – Graduation
Policy - Mr. Risk made a motion, seconded by Mr. Roten to approve the final reading of policy 707. All voted yes and the motion carried. A copy of the policy can be found in the
Supplement Book 0428-1308.
Dates to Remember:
April 29, 2014 – Drugs 101, 6:30 p.m., Solanco High School
May 5, 2014 – Agenda Meeting, 7:30 p.m.
May 9, 2014 – School IS IN SESSION (Weather Make Up Day)
May 19, 2014 – General Business Meeting, 7:30 p.m.
May 26, 2014 – Schools Closed (Memorial Day)
Absent Board Members - Mr. Kurt Kreider made a motion, seconded by Mr. Musser to excuse the absence of Mr. Paul Plechner All voted yes and the motion carried.
Adjournment – At 9:18 p.m. on motion by Mr. Musser, seconded by Mr. Kurt Kreider, and unanimous agreement by all, the Board meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Monica M. Miller, Board Secretary
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