Unit Council Member Role Description

Unit Council Member
The Council provides a way for citizens to participate in planning, delivering,
and evaluating Extension educational programs. Through the Council,
people can express their views, opinions, and concerns regarding
programming and operation of the local Extension Unit.
Success Criteria:
Success will be determined by discussion between the Unit Leader and the
Council member based upon issues such as regular attendance at meetings,
benefits of being on the Council from the perspective of the member,
perceived accomplishments, etc. Specific indicators of success might
• Identification of at least one underserved “target” audience per year
• Assisting with needs assessment in at least one of the four core program
areas each year
• Attending at least 1-3 Extension sponsored programs as a representative
from the Unit Council
Time Required:
The term of office is for two years. In individual may serve two terms (four
consecutive years) and be eligible for reappointment after the lapse of one
year. Unit Council meetings will be held every other month and will last for
approximately two hours. Committee meetings may take place on the
months other than those that the Council is meeting. Committee meeting time
commitments will not exceed five hours per month.
Council members work with the Extension Office staff and other volunteers
to plan and carry out educational programming, secure financial resources,
and recruit volunteers. They serve as a liaison between the public and
Extension. With guidance from the Unit Leader, some important functions a
Council member might perform include:
• Assist in setting program/audience priorities
• Provide for involvement of local people in the development of programs
that help people in targeted groups achieve their objectives
• Help with program delivery and program evaluation
• Recruit possible resources – financial and human
• Serve as a formal liaison between the public and Extension
• Help determine number and type of committees needed to develop and
deliver Extension education in the local Unit
Target Dates:
Extension Council members are nominated and appointed during the summer
months (June-July) with commitment beginning in the Unit on September 1.
Months that the Council will be meeting include: September, November,
January, March, May, and July (if needed).
Resources Available:
Extension Council minutes from previous meetings
Extension Council Guide (navy blue, three ring notebook)
Extension staff
Training Opportunities: Extension has offered a one-day training for new Council members at the
regional level for the last several years. In addition to the regional training,
training at the unit level might include information in the areas of:
• Program Planning
• Needs Assessment
• Evaluation
• Group Dynamics
• Meeting Operations
Reports to:
Extension Unit Leader
For Questions Contact Extension Unit Leader
Date: 02/03