Two-Factor Analysis of Variance Using MINITAB EXAMPLE An experiment was performed to determine the effects of four different pesticides on the yield of fruit from three different varieties of a citrus tree. Eight different trees were chosen from each variety and the four different pesticides were applied randomly such that two trees of each variety were exposed to the same pesticide. The data is given as follows: Variety 1 2 3 1 49, 39 (44) 55, 41 (48) 66, 68 (67) Pesticide 2 3 50, 55 43, 38 (52.5) (40.5) 67, 58 53, 42 (62.5) (47.5) 85, 92 69, 62 (88.5) (65.5) 4 53, 48 (50.5) 85, 73 (79) 85, 99 (92) INPUTTING DATA: VARIETY 1 1 1 PESTICIDE 1 1 2 YIELD 49 39 50 . . . . . . 3 3 4 4 85 99 Assessing the reasonableness of the normality assumption COMMANDS IN MINITAB: STAT > ANOVA > TWO-WAY > GRAPHS > NORMAL PLOT OF RESIDUALS Normal Probability Plot (response is yield) 99 95 90 Percent 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 5 1 -10 -5 0 Residual 5 10 Assessing the reasonableness of the equal variance assumption COMMANDS IN MINITAB: STAT > ANOVA > TWO-WAY > GRAPHS > RESIDUALS vs fits Versus Fits (response is yield) 8 6 Residual 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 40 50 60 70 Fitted Value 80 90 Perform Two-Factor Analysis of Variance COMMANDS IN MINITAB: STAT > ANOVA > Two-Way > Row factor VARIETY Column factor PESTICIDE Response YIELD OUTPUT: Two-way Analysis of Variance Analysis of Variance for YIELD Source DF SS MS VARIETY 2 3996.1 1998.0 PESTICID 3 2227.5 742.5 Interaction 6 456.9 76.2 Error 12 507.5 42.3 Total 23 7188.0 F 47.24 17.56 1.80 P 0.000 (H0: 1=2=3) 0.000 (H0: 1=2=3=4) 0.182 (H0: The two factors do not interact) Construct Profile Plot COMMANDS IN MINITAB: STAT > ANOVA > INTERACTIONS PLOT > RESPONSES YIELD FACTORS VARIETY PESTICIDE Interaction Plot - Data Means for YIELD VARIETY 1 2 3 90 Mean 80 70 60 50 40 1 2 3 PESTCIDE 4 Perform Multiple Comparisons COMMANDS IN MINITAB: STAT > ANOVA > General Linear Model > RESPONSES> YIELD MODEL > VARIETY PESTICIDE VARIETY*PESTICIDE COMPARISONS > Pairwise comparisons > Terms > VARIETY PESTICIDE General Linear Model Source VARIETY PESTICID VARIETY*PESTICID Error Total DF 2 3 6 12 23 Seq SS 3996.08 2227.46 456.92 507.50 7187.96 Adj SS 3996.08 2227.46 456.92 507.50 Adj MS 1998.04 742.49 76.15 42.29 F 47.24 17.56 1.80 P 0.000 0.000 0.182 Tukey 95.0% Simultaneous Confidence Intervals Response Variable YIELD All Pairwise Comparisons among Levels of VARIETY VARIETY = 1 subtracted from: VARIETY 2 3 Lower 3.707 22.707 Center 12.37 31.37 Upper 21.04 40.04 -------+---------+---------+--------(-------*--------) (-------*--------) -------+---------+---------+--------10 20 30 Upper 27.67 -------+---------+---------+--------(--------*--------) -------+---------+---------+--------10 20 30 VARIETY = 2 subtracted from: VARIETY 3 Lower 10.33 Center 19.00 Tukey 95.0% Simultaneous Confidence Intervals Response Variable YIELD All Pairwise Comparisons among Levels of PESTICID PESTICID = 1 subtracted from: PESTICID 2 3 4 Lower 3.68 -12.98 9.68 Center 14.833 -1.833 20.833 Upper 25.984 9.317 31.984 ----+---------+---------+---------+-(----*-----) (----*-----) (----*-----) ----+---------+---------+---------+--20 0 20 40 Upper -5.516 17.151 ----+---------+---------+---------+-(-----*----) (-----*-----) ----+---------+---------+---------+--20 0 20 40 Upper 33.82 ----+---------+---------+---------+-(----*-----) ----+---------+---------+---------+--20 0 20 40 PESTICID = 2 subtracted from: PESTICID 3 4 Lower -27.82 -5.15 Center -16.67 6.00 PESTICID = 3 subtracted from: PESTICID 4 Lower 11.52 Center 22.67