Concept of frequency in continious time and discrete time signals

1 – ‫גיליון תרגילים מספר‬
Concept of frequency in continious time and discrete time signals
1.stored in the memory of a digital signal processor is one cycle of the sinusoidal
 2n
X n   
 
 N
Where   2q N , where q and N are integers.
(a). Determine how this table of values can be used to obtain values of
harmonically related sinusoids having the same phase.
(b). Determine how this table can be used to obtain sinusoids of the same
frequency but different phase.
Sampling of analog signals
1. Consider the analog signal x a t   3 cos 100t
(a) Determine the minimum sampling rate required to avoid aliasing.
(b) Suppose that the signal is sampled at the rate Fs=200Hz.what is the
discrete time signal obtained after sampling?
(c) Suppose that the signal is sampled at the rate Fs=75Hz.what is the
discrete time signal obtained after sampling?
(d) What is the frequncy 0< F < Fs/2 of a sinusoid that yields samples
identical to those obtained in part (c)?
2.Concider the analog signal
x a t   3 cos 50t  10 sin 300t  cos 100t
What is the Nyquist rate for this signal?
3. Consider the analog signal
x a t   3 cos 2000t  5 sin 6000t  10 cos 12,000t
(a). What is the Nyquist rate for this signal?
(b). Assume now that we sample this signal using a sampling rate Fs=5000
samples/s.what is the discrete time signal obtained after sampling?
(c ). What is the analog signal y a (t) we can reconstruct from the samples if we
use ideal interpolation?
2 – ‫גיליון תרגילים מספר‬
Discrete time signals and systems
Simple manipulations of discrete time signals
1. A signal xn  is graphically illustrated in Fig..a. Show a graphical
representation of the signals xn  3 and xn  2.
2. Show the graphical representation of the signal x (-n) and x (-n+2), where x (n)
is the signal illustrated in Fig.a.
3 – ‫גיליון תרגילים מספר‬
Input-output description of systems.
1.Determine the response of the following systems to the input signal
| n |,3  n  3
xn   
0, otherwise
(a). yn  xn
(b). yn  xn  1
(c). yn  xn  1
(d). y n   xn  1  xn   xn  1
(e). yn  max xn  1, xn, xn  1
(f). y n    K   xk   xn   xn  1  xn  2  .....
2. Determine if the systems described by the following input-output equations
are linear or nonlinear.
 
(a) yn  nxn
(b) yn  x n 2
(d) yn  Axn  B
(e) yn  e X n 
(c) yn   x 2 n 
3. Determine if the systems described by the following input- output equations
are causal or noncausal.
(a) yn  xn  xn  1
(b) y n    K   xk 
(c) yn  axn
(d) yn  xn  3xn  4
(e) yn  x n 2
 
(f) yn  x2n
(g) yn  x n
4. Determine the output y (n) of a relaxed linear time invariant
system with
Impulse response
hn  a n un , | a |<1
When the input is a unit step sequence, that is x (n)= u (n).
4 – ‫גיליון תרגילים מספר‬
Properties of convolution and the interconnection of LTI systems
1. Determine the impulse response for the cascade of two linear time
invariant systems having impulse responses
h1 n     u n  and h2 n     u n  .
2. Determine the particular solution of the difference equation
y n  
y n  1  y n  2   xn 
When the forcing function xn  2 n ,n  0 and zero elsewhere.
Table: General form of the particular solution for several types of input signals
Input signal xn 
particular solution y P n
KM n
K 0 n M  K 1 n M 1  ...  K M
An n M
A n K 0 n M  K 1 n M 1  ...  K M
 A cos  0 n
 A sin  0 n 
K1 cos  0 n  K 2 sin  0 n
Crosscorrelation and Autocorrelation sequences
1. Determine the crosscorrelation sequence rXY l  of the sequences
x (n)={…..0,0,2,-1,3,7,1,2,-3,0,0,…..}
y (n)={…..0,0,1,-1,2,-2,4,1,-2,5,0,0…..}
 n , n  0
2. Determine the z-transform of the signal xn    n un   
0, n  0
0,  0
3. Determine the transform of the signal xn    n u  n  1  
  , n  1
4. Determine the z-transform of the signal xn   n un  b n u  n  1 .
5 – ‫גיליון תרגילים מספר‬
Properties of the z transform
1. Determine the z-transform and the ROC of the signal
    
xn  3 2 n  4 3 n un .
2. Determine the z-transform of the signals
(a). xn  cos  0 nun
(b). xn  sin  0 nun
1,0  n  N  1
3.Determine the transform of the signal xn   
0, elsewhere
4. Determine the autocorrelation sequence of the signal xn  a n un,1  a  1 .
1. Determine the pole zero plot for the signal xn  a n un , a >0
2. Determine the pole zero plot for the signal
 n ,0  n  M  1
x (n)= 
0, elsewhere
where a  0
3. Determine the z transform and the signal that corresponds to the
Pole zero plot of the following Fig.
6 – ‫גיליון תרגילים מספר‬
1. Evaluate the inverse z transform of X z  
, | z || a | using the
1  az 1
complex inversion integral.
The inverse z transform by four series expansion
1.Determine the inverse z- transform of X z  
1  0.5z
 0.5 z  2
, when
(a) ROC: |z|>1
(b) ROC: |z|<0.5
2. Determine the inverse z transform of X z   log 1  az 1 , | z || a | .
3. Determine the partial fraction expansion of X  z  
1  z 1
1  z 1  0.5 z  2
4. Determine the partial fraction expansion of X z  
1  z 1  z 
1 2
Pole zero cancellations
1.Determine the unit sample response of the system characterized by the
difference equation
y (n)  2.5 y (n  1)  y (n  2)  x(n)  5 x(n  1)  6 x(n  2) .
2. Determine the response of the system y (n) 
to the input signal x (n)=  n    n  1 .
y (n  1)  y (n  2)  x(n)
7 – ‫גיליון תרגילים מספר‬
Multiple order poles and stability
1. Determine the step response of the casual system described by the difference
y (n)  y (n  1)  x(n) .
The Schur Cohn stability test
1.Determine if the system having the system function H( z )=
Is stable.
7 1 1  2
z  z
8 – ‫גיליון תרגילים מספר‬
Frequency analysis of discrete time signals and systems
The Fourier series of discrete time periodic signals
1.Determine the spectra of the signals
(a) x ( n )= cos 2n
(b) x ( n )= cos
(c) x ( n ) is periodic with period N=4 and x(n) = 1,1,0,0,
Energy density spectrum of a periodic signals
1. Determine the Fourier transform of the following signals.
(a) 1 n  un
(b)  2 n    1 u n 
(c)  3 n  cos  0 nun
by evaluating their z transforms on the unit circle.
The sampling theorem revisited
1. Consider the continuous time signal  a t   e  |t | , A>0
whose spectrum is given by  a F  
  2F 
Determine the spectrum of the sampled signal x (n)   a nT 
Symmetry properties of the Fourier transform
1. Determine and sketch  R   , 1   , |   | and   for the
transform   
, -1 < a <1.
1  ae  j
 A, M  n  M
2. Determine the fourier transform of the signal n   
0, elsewhere
9 – ‫גיליון תרגילים מספר‬
Fourier transform theorems and properties
1. Determine the fourier transform of the signal x(n)  a |n| , -1< a <1.
2. By use of x(n)  x1 (n)  x 2 (n) 
X ( )  X 1 ( ) X 2 ( ) , determine the
convolution of the sequences x1 (n)  x2 (n)  1,1,1
Relationships between the system function and the frequency response
1. Determine |   | 2 for the system
y (n)  0.1y (n  1)  0.2 y (n  2)  x(n)  x(n  1)
Computation of the frequency response function
1.Evaluate the frequency response of the system described by the system function
 z  
z  0.8
1  0.8z
2. Determine the causal inverse of the FIR system with impulse response
hn   n   n  1
Minimum phase, Maximum phase, and mixed phase systems
1. Determine the zeros for the following FIR systems and indicate
whether the
System is minimum phase, maximum phase, or mixed phase.
 1 z   6  z 1  z 2
 2 z   1  z 1  6 z 2
 3 z   1 
5 1 3  2
z  z
 4 z   1  z 1  z  2
10 – ‫גיליון תרגילים מספר‬
The discrete fourier transform (DFT)
1,0  n  L  1
1. A finite duration sequence of length L is given as x(n)  
0, otherwise
Determine the N point DFT of this sequence for N  L.
The DFT as a linear transformation
1. Complete the DFT of the four point sequence x(n)  (0 1 2 3 ).
Multiplication of two DFTs and circular convolution
1. Perform the circular convolution of the following two sequences:
x1 (n)  2,1,2,1
x1 (n)  1,2,3,4
2. By means of the DFT and IDFT determine the sequence x3 (n)
Corresponding to the circular convolution of the sequences x1 (n) and x 2 (n)
given in the previous problem.
Linear filtering methods based on the DFT
Use of the DFT in linear filtering
1. By means of the DFT and IDFT, determine the response of the FIR filter
with impulse response
hn  1,2,3
to the input sequence
x(n)  1,2,2,1
2. Determine the sequence y (n) that results from the use of four point DFTs in
the previous problem.
11 – ‫גיליון תרגילים מספר‬
Efficient computation of the DFT: fast Fourier transform algorithem
Quantization effects in the computation of the DFT
 X2 22b
1. Use 2  2 to determine the number of bits required to compute the DFT
q N
of a 1024 point sequence with a SNR of 30dB.
Quantization errors in FFT algorithm.
2. Determine the number of bits required to compute an FFT of 1024 point with
an SNR of 30 dB when the scaling is distributed as described above.
12 – ‫גיליון תרגילים מספר‬
Design of digital filters
General considerations
Casuality and its implications
1. Consider a stable LTI system with real and even impulse response h(n).
Determine H   if  R   
1  a cos 
1  2a cos   a 2
| a |<1.
Design of linear Phase FIR Filters by frequency sampling method
1. Determine the coefficients of a linear phase FIR filter of length M=15
which has a symmetric unit sample response and a frequency response that
Satisfies the conditions
1, k  0,1,2,3
 2k  
r 
  0.4, k  4 .
 15  
0, k  5,6,7
2. Determine the coefficients of a linear phase FIR filter of length M=32
which has a symmetric unit sample response and a frequency response that
1, k  0,1,2,3,4,5
 2 k  a   
Satisfies the condition  r 
  1 , k  6
 
0, k  7,8,....15
where 1 =0.3789795 for a =0 and 1 =0.3570496 for a =0.5.
13 – ‫גיליון תרגילים מספר‬
Design of IIR filters from analog filters
IIR filter design by approximation of derivatives
1.Convert the analog bandpass filter with system function
 a s  
s  0.12  9
into a digital IIR filter by use of the backward difference for the derivative.
IIR filter design by impulse invariance
1.Convert the analog bandpass filter in the previous problem into a digital IIR
filter by use of the mapping s  z  z 1 
2. Convert the analog filter with system function  a s  
s  0.1
s  0.12  9
into a digital IIR filter by means of the impulse invariance method.
IIR filter design by the Bilinear transformation
1. Convert the analog filter with system function  a 
s  0.1
s  0.12  16
into a digital IIR filter by means of the bilinear transformation.
The digital filter is to have a resonant frequency of  r = .
2. Design a single pole lowpass digital filter with a -3 dB bandwidth of
0.2  , using the bilinear transformation applied to the analog filter
s  
s  c
Where  c is the –3 dB bandwidth of the analog filter.