Page 1 - Earlswood Vets

Siobhan Menzies
Associate Veterinary Surgeon
Siobhan Menzies qualified from the Royal
(Dick) Veterinary College in 1990. She
returned to Northern Ireland and after two
years in mixed practice spent the next ten
years in small animal practice. During this
time she studied homeopathy with Glasgow
and Bristol homeopathic hospitals and the
Homeopathic Professionals Teaching Group
and completed the canine physical
rehabilitation course (CPRC) with the
University of Tennessee. She trained in
physiotherapy at the Royal Veterinary College
and in acupuncture with the Association of
British Veterinary Acupuncturists. She has
served as a council member for ABV A.
Siobhan has spoken at the ABVA spring
meeting and provided CPD for the BSAVA NI.
www. earlswoodvets. corn
In 2002 she established HolisticPet to offer
acupuncture, physiotherapy, low intensity
light therapy (laser) and homeopathy to pet
owners and as a referral service for
practitioners. Siobhan focuses on pain
management, has established acupuncture
as an effective treatment for small animals
and physical rehabilitation as a routine
postoperative procedure. In 2009 Earlswood
Rehabilitation Unit was opened with
Northern Ireland's first underwater treadmill
providing advanced hydrotherapy. In
collaboration with the University of Ulster,
Siobhan can now offer photodynamic
therapy for superficial cancers in small
animals. A clinical research program on the
use of photodynamic and sonodynamic
therapy for deeper non-responsive tumours
is also currently being developed.