GUIDANCE EXTERNAL 3 JUNE 2013 UNCLASSIFIED FORMAT AUDIENCE DATE CLASSIFICATION FILE REF: [FILE NO.] ERROR HANDLING GUIDANCE BACKGROUND It has been noted by the Technical Architecture sub-committee that reporting of errors using the suggested approach within schedule 6 documentation, Data and Payment Standards – Error code management would be problematic with the use of the XPATH to locate errors within the locations collection. The sub-committee discussed and agreed on the following approach to report errors using the existing event XML structure: single Event XML aligns with a single XBRL document. standard set of parameters (reflecting context contents) will be reported in the event XML structure enabling contextualisation of errors, rather than using an XPath expression. This allows errors to pass easily through data format translations, and avoids the need for the sender to retain the original XBRL that was sent. an errata (see table below) is required to be published to remediate any errors within the Data and Payment Standards – Error code management. 1. ERROR CODE MANAGEMENT CHANGES Changes to the Data and Payment Standards – Error code management are outlined in the following table: Page 6 7 7 10 15 Suggested revision Notes 3.2 Message Event Items Content Model Long.Description should instead refer to Detailed.Description. 3.4 Locations Content Model Location.Instance.Identifier will contain PartID and MUST be repeated for each occurrence of this element within the Event XML. 3.4 Locations Content Model Location.Path.Text to be changed from MANDATORY to OPTIONAL. The latter is the correct element name as listed in the schema. 3.5 Applying and Interpreting Maximum Severity Codes Under Progressive notes, remove point 6.i. i.e. ‘In this case the Location.Path.Text MUST refer to the context ID … processed component’. Appendix A: Schema Remove minOccurs=“0” attribute from Locations Given that a single Event XML aligns with a single XBRL document, each Location.Instance.Identifier must refer to the same PartID. Given that the XPath may not always be provided, this must be changed to an optional element. Note: the schema has this as optional, so it is only a change to the documentation. Since XPath is optional it means that this sentence is not appropriate and should be removed. Pg. 6 indicates that Locations is mandatory but this not consistent with the schema in Appendix A. Given Page Suggested revision element to make this mandatory. 16 Appendix A: Schema Change Location element from maxOccurs=“unbounded” to maxOccurs=“1” to limit to a single occurrence under Locations. Notes that a Locations element with a Location.Instance.Identifier child is required to determine the PartID, this must be changed to mandatory in the schema. With the move towards specifying location through contextual parameters, there is no need to allow multiple Location elements in the Event XML. 2. DEFINED EVENT XML PARAMETERS Location.Instance.Identifier must refer to the PartID of the original XBRL document and will persist with the same value if multiple errors are reported in the one Event XML. Parameters that MUST be included to support contextualisation of errors include: Contextual parameter structure Value Identifier Scheme ReportPartyTypeDimension TransferringSuperFundAllocatedMemberIDDimension TransferringSuperFundABNDimension TransferringSuperannuationFundUniqueSuperannuati onIdentifierDimension ReceivingSuperFundABNDimension ReceivingSuperannuationFundUniqueSuperannuationI dentifierDimension Description Unique entity identifier (e.g. TFN) Entity identifier scheme Explicit member dimension Transferring fund member ID Transferring fund ABN Transferring fund USI Receiving fund ABN Receiving fund USI 3. EXAMPLE PROCESS TO DETERMINE ERRORS (USING AFOREMENTIONED PARAMETER STRUCTURE) The original XBRL business document being responded to is identified by ConversationId in ebMS message (not shown) plus PartID based on Location.Instance.Identifier. Futher, to determine the location that a particular EventItem refers to, the following approach should be used: 1 If there is no ‘ReportPartyTypeDimension’ parameter (i.e. Parameter.Identifier), then the EventItem is not associated with a particular context type. This may be used to report an event related to the entire message. 2 If there is a ‘ReportPartyTypeDimension’ parameter, then the Event Item is associated with that specific context type. For rollovers, the Parameter.Text values may be: a MessageSender (for message sender context) b MessageReceiver (for message receiver context) c TransferringFund (for fund payment context) d SuperFundMember (for member rollover context) 2 3 The remaining parameters identify a specific context and are required for a SuperFundMember context, but are optional for other contexts where there is only a single occurrence. The parameters include: a Identifier; b Scheme; c TransferringSuperFundAllocatedMemberIDDimension; d TransferringSuperFundABNDimension; e TransferringSuperannuationFundUniqueSuperannuationIdentifierDimension (optional); f ReceivingSuperFundABNDimension; and g ReceivingSuperannuationFundUniqueSuperannuationIdentifierDimension (optional). 4 Other parameters may be relevant for specific events (e.g. ‘elementname’ to advise the missing element name). Suggested additional parameter names to ensure consistency across funds may be added in the future; however this document does not include such suggestions. All senders of Event XML must use the values as listed above exactly (case-sensitive) when generating parameters for EventItems. This will allow recipients to use the parameters to automatically link the response to items within the original message they have sent. The following is an example event XML message that demonstrates the use of EventItems with an XML message. 3 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <tns:Event xmlns:tns=""> <tns:MaximumSeverity.Code>Error</tns:MaximumSeverity.Code> <tns:EventItems> <tns:EventItem> <tns:Error.Code>SUPER.GEN.GEN.4</tns:Error.Code> <tns:Severity.Code>Error</tns:Severity.Code> <tns:Short.Description>Mandatory Data Element Not Supplied</tns:Short.Description> <tns:Detailed.Description>{elementname} is mandatory and MUST be provided.</tns:Detailed.Description> <tns:Parameters> <tns:Parameter> <tns:Parameter.Identifier>Identifier</tns:Parameter.Identifier> <tns:Parameter.Text>123456789</tns:Parameter.Text> </tns:Parameter> <tns:Parameter> <tns:Parameter.Identifier>Scheme</tns:Parameter.Identifier> <tns:Parameter.Text></tns:Parameter.Text> </tns:Parameter> <tns:Parameter> <tns:Parameter.Identifier>ReportPartyTypeDimension</tns:Parameter.Identifier> <tns:Parameter.Text> SuperFundMember</tns:Parameter.Text> </tns:Parameter> <tns:Parameter> <tns:Parameter.Identifier>TransferringSuperFundAllocatedMemberIDDimension</tns:Parameter.Identifier> <tns:Parameter.Text>123123123</tns:Parameter.Text> </tns:Parameter> <tns:Parameter> <tns:Parameter.Identifier>TransferringSuperFundABNDimension</tns:Parameter.Identifier> <tns:Parameter.Text>11100472571</tns:Parameter.Text> </tns:Parameter> <tns:Parameter> <tns:Parameter.Identifier>TransferringSuperannuationFundUniqueSuperannuationIdentifierDimension</tns:Parameter.Identifier> <tns:Parameter.Text>11100472571001</tns:Parameter.Text> </tns:Parameter> <tns:Parameter> <tns:Parameter.Identifier>ReceivingSuperFundABNDimension</tns:Parameter.Identifier> <tns:Parameter.Text>76003920474</tns:Parameter.Text> </tns:Parameter> <tns:Parameter> <tns:Parameter.Identifier>ReceivingSuperannuationFundUniqueSuperannuationIdentifierDimension</tns:Parameter.Identifier> <tns:Parameter.Text>76003920474001</tns:Parameter.Text> </tns:Parameter> <tns:Parameter> <tns:Parameter.Identifier>elementname</tns:Parameter.Identifier> <tns:Parameter.Text>PersonDemographicDetails.Sex.Code</tns:Parameter.Text> </tns:Parameter> </tns:Parameters> <tns:Locations> <tns:Location> <tns:Location.Instance.Identifier>68304e14-81bd-4a32-9195-1a4b8cd22046</tns:Location.Instance.Identifier> </tns:Location> </tns:Locations> </tns:EventItem> Figure 1: Example event XML Initiate rollover missing element </tns:EventItems> </tns:Event> 4