Skin Resurfacing for wrinkle or acne scar Laser Skin Resurfacing One of the most recent innovations in anti-aging remedies has been laser skin resurfacing, which improves the appearance of fine lines or wrinkles, scars, and hyper-pigmentation (discolored areas of the skin), primarily around the eyes and mouth. It can also be used to treat large areas of the face. Laser skin resurfacing has gained popularity recently because of its advantages over alternative approaches that may cause discomfort, bleeding, and bruising, all of which mean a longer recovery time. The result of more youthful-looking skin means laser skin resurfacing can be psychologically rejuvenating as well. Laser Skin Resurfacing Vs. Other Skin Treatments For acne scars, a recently developed third-generation Erbium/YAG-CO2 combination laser is very effective, without the side effects of older laser types. In addition, the Fraxel laser was introduced recently for the improvement of acne scars, brown age spots, melasma (patchy or generalized dark or tan areas), fine lines, and large pores; it is proving to be very effective. During your consultation with your doctor, he or she will select the right laser for your particular scar removal procedure. The Laser Skin Resurfacing Procedure Your doctor may perform laser skin resurfacing in the office, an outpatient surgery center, or a hospital. Typically you would receive local anesthesia, while you are sedated but awake; however, you might receive general anesthesia for treatment of deeper layers of the skin. Treatment time ranges from a few minutes to an hour and a half, depending on the amount of resurfacing you need. The doctor moves the laser precisely over the area of skin requiring treatment. Depending on the depth of the wrinkle, scar, or discoloration, the laser may be moved over the area repeatedly. The laser penetrates and removes the number of outer skin layers necessary to uncover the layer not affected by imperfections. Once that layer is exposed, healing can begin to rebuild new skin that looks younger and does not have the imperfections. The procedure may be performed in two or more sessions to penetrate deeper areas, but one procedure is usually enough. Aftercare for Laser Skin Resurfacing You will probably experience some mild swelling and discomfort after laser resurfacing. This can be controlled with ice packs and medications prescribed by your surgeon. There may be a red, crusted appearance for 10 or more days. If a bandage was applied after your procedure, it may be replaced with a fresh one after a day or two. After about a week, your bandage will be removed, and a thin layer of ointment may be applied to your skin. At this stage your surgeon will provide instructions on how to gently wash and care for your healing skin. During this phase of healing, it is very important that you not pick the crusts off the treated area, or scarring may result. Most patients are free of crusts after 10 days, but redness may persist for several weeks. Complications and Risks of Laser Skin Resurfacing Complications in this procedure are rare, but when they occur they may include skin discoloration, burning, or scarring. In rare cases, dormant viruses or infections can be triggered. Laser skin resurfacing does not stop the aging process. Wrinkles, discoloration, and other imperfections can reappear throughout your lifetime. Consult a Qualified Doctor Consult a plastic surgeon and a dermatologist who have extensive experience using a laser. There's a lot to know. For example, acne scars may be best treated with a CO2 laser, while other lasers may be preferred for other types of scars. A variety of lasers are also available for anti-aging skin care, including the Ultra-Pulse, Silk-Touch, and erbium. The intense pulsed light system or IPL, also known as the Spectra-Pulse light system, removes facial veins, brown spots, and benign lesions. Only experienced and knowledgeable doctors will know which laser is most appropriate for each condition and will have received appropriate training on the device. Using a qualified doctor will increase your odds of success and reduce the risk of complications.