April 27th

Mrs. Kinsel- Week of April 27th
Reading Workshop
Theme: Nature
Purpose: Students will understand why it is important to know and care about our world.
Standards: RI.2.1 – Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key
details in a text.
RI.2.6 – Identify the main purpose of a text, including what the author wants to answer, explain, or describe.
RI.2.7 – Explain how specific images contribute to and clarify a text.
RL.2.7. – Use information gained from the illustrations and words in a print or digital text to demonstrate understanding of its characters,
setting, or plot.
Resources: HM – Theme 2/Nature Walk – Around the Pond – pages 188-213, HM Leveled Readers, Guided Reading Books. Science –
Unit C, Changes on Earth – Chapter 5, Weather and other Earth Changes – pages C2-C11
HM - Around
the Pond –
pages 188213.
HM - Around
the Pond –
pages 188213.
Grade: 2nd
Focus Lesson
Students will learn key
vocabulary for the
story. They will use
information gained
from the illustrations to
understand the story
and explain how
specific images
contribute to and clarify
the text.
Students will share
answers from their
questionnaires about
the information gained
from the illustrations
and images in the story.
Guided Inst./Reading
Use pages 188 & 189 to
build background and
vocabulary. Explain and
assign Around the Pond
questionnaire. Model
how to read and use the
pictures on a page to find
the answer to question 1.
Students read and complete
Students read independently during
guided reading.
Collect student’s questionnaires for
tomorrows lesson.
Discuss answers from the
first three questions on
the questionnaire under
ELMO asking students to
follow in the story and
explain how the pictures
and images helped them
find the answers.
Numbered Heads
Together – Assign one of
the last six questions to
each group. Have them
work together to agree
upon an answer.
Students read independently during
guided reading.
Mrs. Kinsel- Week of April 27th
Students will check
their comprehension
Read Works after reading.
– What Lives
in a Pond?
HM - Around
the Pond –
pages 188213.
Read Works
– What Lives
in a Pond?
Chapter 5:
Weather and
Other Earth
Changes –
Lesson 3 page C18C23
Grade: 2nd
Students will compare
and contrast the most
important points
presented by two texts
on the same topic.
Teacher will introduce
vocabulary and
students will practice
fluency and
Assign and explain the
Read Works article, ‘What
Lives in a Pond?’ Ask
students to read the
article and answer the
questions making sure to
go back in the text to
reread and find the
correct answers.
Students and teacher will
work together to practice
comparing two texts on
the same topic.
Students read independently during
guided reading.
Discuss the definition of
the vocabulary words,
earthquake, landslide and
volcano as students find
them in the glossary. Ask
students to read pages
C18-C23 and complete
Black Line Master, pages
Students complete BLM pages
independently during guided reading.
Students read independently during
guided reading.
Students read independently during
guided reading.
Mrs. Kinsel- Week of April 27th
Math Lesson
Purpose of this math lesson is to focus on collaboration and independent use of time. Coaching time with Mrs. Nikson every other week will be
used to reflect on next step based on collaboration and independent check for understanding.
Mat B
Grade: 2nd
Lesson 11-3Models for Adding
with Three-Digit
Numbers – pages
Students will use place-value
blocks to add 2 three-digit
numbers with regrouping.
TW: Review adding 2 two-digit
numbers using regrouping. Then
present students with 246 + 371
in vertical form. Ask students if
we will have to regroup ones or
tens. Use place-value blocks to
show students how add and
regroup 2 three-digit numbers.
SW: Practice the concept with
examples on the whiteboard.
Lesson – 11-4 –
Addding ThreeDigit Numbers –
pages 351A – 354B
Students will use paper and
pencil to add 2 three-digit
numbers with regrouping.
TW: Draw a three-digit addition
frame on the front whiteboard
and present students with a story
problem asking the students to
help you fill in the places in the
story and the addition frame.
Then solve the problem together.
SW: Practice the concept asking
students to choose different
places for the work problem as
you present them with 2 threedigit numbers to add for numbers
2 through 6.
TW: Monitor student progress
as they complete Problem
Solving, page 350.
SW: Successful students will
continue with Independent
Practice, page 349, while I assist
students having difficulty in
small group.
Hinge Question: 6. On Friday,
354 people went to the fair. On
Saturday, 551 people went to
the fair. How many people went
to the fair in all?
TW: Monitor student progress
as they complete Problem
Solving, page 354.
SW: Successful students will
continue with Independent
Practice, page 353, while I assist
students having difficulty in
small group. Hinge Question: 7.
There are 349 people on a boat.
255 people are on another boat.
How many people are on both
Mrs. Kinsel- Week of April 27th
Lesson – 11-5 –
Subtracting Threeblocks
Digit numbers –
pages 355A-358B
number cards
Mat B
Grade: 2nd
Students will explore
different strategies to
subtract three-digit
TW: Follow the engage part of
the lesson and then pose the
problem. Ask students if they
used estimation or mental math
to in their reasoning.
SW: Use place-value blocks to
solve problems you give them on
their worksheet workmat.
Lesson–11-6 –
Mental Math: Ways
to Find Missing
Parts – pages 359A362B
Students will be given a
quantity and one of its parts,
and then will find the
missing part by counting on
or counting back.
TW: Review counting on and
back by tens and hundreds. Then
use a part-part-whole mat to ask
students to find missing parts.
SW: Will practice the concept
with problems you present.
Lesson-11-7 –
Models for
Subtracting with
Numbers – pages
Students will use models to
TW: Model how to use placesubtract three-digit numbers value blocks to subtract two 3with regrouping.
digit numbers.
SW: Practice subtracting two 3digit numbers using place-value
TW: Monitor student progress
as they complete Problem
Solving, page 358.
SW: Successful students will
continue with Independent
Practice, page 357, while I assist
students having difficulty in
small group. Hinge Question:
10. Tia and her friends collect
cans to raise money for school.
During the week they collected
569 cans. On Saturday, they
collected some more cans. Now
they have 731 cans. How many
cans did Tia and her friends
collect on Saturday?
TW: Monitor student progress
as they complete Problem
Solving, page 362.
SW: Successful students will
continue with Independent
Practice, page 613, while I assist
students having difficulty in
small group. Hinge Question: 9.
Mrs. Hatcher has 260 flowers in
her store. She wants 520
flowers in all. How many more
flowers does she need?
TW: Monitor student progress
as they complete Problem
Solving, page 366.
SW: Successful students will
continue with Independent
Practice, page 365, while I assist
students having difficulty in
small group. Hinge Question: 6.
Mrs. Kinsel- Week of April 27th
Jeff has 517 baseball cards. He
has 263 football cards. How
many more baseball cards that
football cards does he have?
Focus Lesson
Students prepare for End-of-Unit
Informational writing assessment
Revisit the topic list that students came
up with earlier for informational writing
ideas. Have them choose one for a
practice writing assessment.
Students continue to work on
their rough drafts of their practice
informational writing
Today students look at what they have
written so far. They will continue
working on structure and development
(see rubric) and focus on details that will
go in the middle (the meat) of the writing.
(Early Dismissal)
Guided Instruction & Collaborative
Place the student checklist for 2nd grade
on the ELMO and go over the
expectations for STRUCTURE and
DEVELOPMENT clearly, giving example
from the teacher’s manual. Students wo
Show students the expectations for the
with a partner to discuss how they will
end-of-unit writing assessment from the
begin their writing and how they will end
Pathways book. Read aloud as students it.
follow along.
Students get with their partners from
yesterday and reread what they have
written so far. Today they will discuss
how they can put lots of details and
examples in their writing.
Grade: 2nd
Students continue to work on
Today students focus on Revision and
their rough drafts of their practice conventions.
informational writing
Go over the last part of the student
checklist—Conventions. They will look
--- --------------------
Meet with partners to share ideas about
how to make their writing pieces more
interesting and clear. They will read eac
other’s writing again, this time focusing o
Mrs. Kinsel- Week of April 27th
at adding interesting words, and making
their writing clear with correct spelling,
punctuation, and capitalization.
Today we will look at student
writing samples for evidence that
they have used what they have
learned in their informational
writing pieces.
Explain to students that today we will
share their writing with the class on the
ELMO. We will use the student checklist
for informational writing to see how well
we used the tips that we learned
throughout the unit.
Also explain that next week, the students
will write an informational piece that will
count as their end-of-unit
assessment…AND they will do it all in 45
minutes. So it is important that they
realize how important it is to use what
they have learned in their writing so they
can carry that learning over into their
Grade: 2nd
conventions and “juicy” words.