A. ALEXOPOULOU 1 CURRICULUM VITAE November 2013 Name: Alexandra Alexopoulou, MD, PhD Current Position: Assistant Professor in Medicine & Hepatology, Athens University Medical School (7/1/2013-today), 2nd Department of Internal Medicine, Hippokration General Hospital, 114 Vas. Sofias, 115 27 Athens, Greece. Tel: +30 2107774742, Fax: +30 2107706871, Born: Athens, Greece. July 20, 1961. Education: First High School of Hilioupolis 1979. University of Athens, Medical School, 1979-1985. University of Athens, Medical Degree, October 1985. Medical Licence: Ministry of Health & Welfare, Athens, Greece (1985) Ph.D. Thesis: Role of anti-islet antibodies in secondary failure of anti-diabetic drugs in type II diabetes mellitus- Excellent (1993). Speciality of Internal Medicine : Athens 15/1/1993 Member of the Royal College of Physicians Medical Training: 1. Dept. of Medicine, Athens Amalia Fleming District Hospital (6/1987-1/1989). 2. 2nd Dept. Department of Internal Medicine, Hippokration General Hospital, (01/1989-09/1992). 3. Research Fellow and Honorary Clinical Fellow, Academic Department of Medicine, St Mary’s Hospital, London, UK (Prof H.C.Thomas 01/10/1993-30/3/1996). A. ALEXOPOULOU 2 Staff positions: 1. Research Fellow in Medicine and Hepatology 1/10/1992-30/9/1993 1. Senior Registrar in Medicine, 2nd Academic Department of Medicine, Hippokration General Hospital of Athens (28/6/1996–18/4/2008). 2. Senior Lecturer in Medicine & Hepatology, 2nd Academic Department of Internal Medicine, Hippokration General Hospital of Athens (18/4/2008-7/1/2013). 3. Assistant Professor in Medicine & Hepatology, 2nd Academic Department of Internal Medicine, Hippokration General Hospital of Athens (7/1/2013- today). Society Memberships: A. Greek 1. Hellenic Association for the Study of Liver –Governing Board Member (2013- today) 2. Society for Medical Studies - Member 3. Athens Medical Society - Member 4. Hellenic Society of Gastroenterology - Member B. International 1. European Association for the Study of Liver (EASL) - Member (1994 - today) Editorial Boards: World Journal of Gastroenterology (2008-2011) Reviewer: 69 manuscript reviews for 14 international journals or 47 manuscript reviews for journals with IF >3 (J Hepatol, J Gastroenterol Hepatol, Liver Intern, Expert Opin Biol Ther) Special Committees Member (2013) of the Research Committee of the Hellenic Association for the Study of the Liver A. ALEXOPOULOU 3 Awards: 1. Scholarships for students from Greek Government, 1981-1985. 2. Scholarship from A. Onassis foundation 1993-1996. 3. Scholarship of Hellenic Association for the Study of Liver, 1995-1996. 4. 3 Awards for Presentations in several Greek Meetings 5. Best Researcher Award from American Association for the Study of the Liver meeting A. ALEXOPOULOU 4 Main Scientific Activities (26/2/2013): Mostly focused on clinical research in hepatology and Internal Medicine Full Publications in International Journals: PubMed: 64, Author -1st: 30, 2nd: 18, Last: 3, Other: 13 (corresponding: 50) Total Impact Factor (IF) (2011): 250 Mean IF (2011) of 171 SCI journals: 4.32 Citations:Scopus 521 H-index: Scopus=13 Full papers in Greek journals: 30 Book chapters: 7 (Greek books: 5, international-english books: 2) Abstract Presentations in Meetings: International=23, Greek=60 Invited lectures in Meetings: Greek=60 A. ALEXOPOULOU 5 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS IN PUBMED JOURNALS *after my name denotes corresponding author 1. S.J. HADZIYANNIS, C. PAPAIOANNOU, A. ALEXOPOULOU. The role of the hepatitis delta virus in acute hepatitis and in chronic liver disease in Greece. Prog Clin Biol Res 1991; 364: 5162. 2. SJ. HADZIYANNIS, S. DOURAKIS, C. PAPAIOANNOU, A. ALEXOPOULOU, E. HADZIYANNIS and A. GIOUSTOZI. Changing epidemiology and spreading modalities of Hepatitis Delta Virus infection in Greece. Prog Clin Biolog Research 1993; 382:259-266 3. SJ. HADZIYANNIS, A.S HADZIYANNIS, S. DOURAKIS, A. HORSH, A. ALEXOPOULOU, and G. HESS. Clinical significance of quantitative anti-HBc IgM assay in acute and chronic HBV infection. Hepatogastroenterology 1993; 40: 588-592. 4. SJ. HADZIYANNIS, G. GIANNOULIS, E. HADZIYANNIS, E. KAKLAMANI, A. ALEXOPOULOU, S. DOURAKIS and D. TRICHOPOULOS. Hepatitis C virus infection in Greece and its role in chronic liver disease and hepatocellular carcinoma. J Hepatol 1993; 17 (Suppl. 3): S72-S77. 5. DOURAKIS SP, A. ALEXOPOULOU, S. J. HADZIYANNIS. Fulminant hepatitis after flutamide treatment. J Hepatol 1994; 20: 350-353 6. KARAYIANNIS, A. ALEXOPOULOU, S.J. HADZIYANNIS, M. THURSZ, R. WATTS, S. SEITO, H.C. THOMAS. Fulminant hepatitis associated with hepatitis B virus e antigen negative infection: importance of host factors. Hepatology 1995; 22: 1628-1634. 7. ALEXOPOULOU A, KARAYIANNIS P., HADZIYANNIS S.J., HOU J., PICKERING J., LUO K. and THOMAS H.C. Whole genome analysis of hepatitis B virus from four cases of fulminant hepatitis: Genetic variability and its potential role in disease pathogenicity. J Vir Hepat 1996; 3: 173-181. 8. ALEXOPOULOU A., KARAYIANNIS P., HADZIYANNIS S.J., AIBA N., THOMAS H.C. Emergence and selection of HBV variants in an anti-HΒe positive patient persistently infected with quasi-species. J Hepatol 1997; 26: 748-753. 9. SP DOURAKIS, C. MAVROYANNIS, A. ALEXOPOULOU, S.J. HADZIYANNIS. Prolonged cholestatic jaundice after endoscopic retrograde cholangiography. Hepatogastroenterology 1997; 44: 677-680. A. ALEXOPOULOU 6 10. ALEXOPOULOU A., OWSIANKA A.M., KAFIRI G., DOURAKIS S.P., CARMAN WF, HADZIYANNIS S.J. Core variability does not affect response to interferon alpha in HΒeAg negative chronic hepatitis B. J Hepatol 1998; 29: 345-351. 11. S.P. DOURAKIS, A. ALEXOPOULOU, S.J. HADZIYANNIS. Splenic infarct as a late complication of liver transplantation. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 1998; 10: 805-808. 12. S. HADZIYANNIS, A. ALEXOPOULOU, A. PAPAKONSTANTINOU, K. PETRAKI, E. MANESIS. Interferon treatment with or without oral ganciclovir in HΒeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B: a randomized study. J Vir Hepat 2000; 7: 235-240. 13. ALEXOPOULOU A., MICHAEL A., DOURAKIS S.P. Acute thrombocytopenic purpura in a patient treated with LibraxR. Arch Intern Med 2001; 161: 1778. 14. DOURAKIS SP, SEBASTIANOS V, ALEXOPOULOU A, DEUTCH M. Toxic, epidermal, necrolysis-like reaction associated with docetaxel chemotherapy. J Clin Oncol 2002; 20: 30303032. 15. ALEXOPOULOU A, FOURLAS C, DOURAKIS SP. Hyperkalemia in a patient with diabetes mellitus. Lancet 2002; 359: 628. 16. ALEXOPOULOU A*, DOURAKIS SP, KALOTERAKIS A. Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura in a patient treated with clarithromycin. Eur J Haematol 2002; 69: 191-192. 17. ALEXOPOULOU A, DOURAKIS SP, NOMIKOU E. A case of thrombocytopenic purpura associated with disseminated gastric cancer. Am J Clin Oncol 2002; 25: 632. 18. ALEXOPOULOU Α, DOURAKIS SP, LOUKA O, MARINAKI O, KALMANTIS T. Hairy cell leukemia and Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome. Leukemia 2003; 17: 655-6. 19. ALEXOPOULOU A, DEUTSCH M, AGELETOPOULOU J, DELLADETSIMA J, MARINOS E, KAPRANOS N, DOURAKIS SP. A fatal case of postinfantile giant cell hepatitis in a patient with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2003; 47: 1125-8 . 20. ALEXOPOULOU A*, DEUTSCH M, DOURAKIS SP. Acute neutrοphilic meningitis treated successfully with corticosteroids. South Med J 2003; 96: 912-3.. 21. DOURAKIS SP, ALEXOPOULOU A*, PAPAGEORGIOU C, KALOTERAKIS A, HADZIYANNIS SJ. Acute chest syndrome in sickle cell trait. Two case reports in persons of Mediterranean origin and review of the literature. Eur J Intern Med 2004; 15: 248-250. 22. ALEXOPOULOU Α, ANDRIANAKOS A, DOURAKIS SP. Intestinal pseudo-obstruction and ureterohydronephrosis as the presenting manifestations of relapse in a lupus patient. Lupus 2004;13: 954-956 A. ALEXOPOULOU 7 23. ALEXANDRA ALEXOPOULOU, SAFFIE JAMMEH, GERASIMOS BALTAYIANNIS, SPYROS P. DOURAKIS, PETER KARAYIANNIS. Hepatitis B surface antigen variant with multiple mutations in the ‘a’ determinant in an agammaglobulinemic patient. J Clin Microbiol. 2004;42: 2861-5. 24. ALEXOPOULOU A, DOURAKIS SP Genetic heterogeneity of hepatitis viruses and its clinical significance. Curr Drug Targets Inflamm Allergy 2005; 4: 47-55. 25. ALEXOPOULOU Α*, DOURAKIS SP, GEORGOUSI KK, ARCHIMANDRITIS AJ. Intracerebral hematoma following intracerebral administration of methotrexate in a patient with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Am J Hematol 2005; 78; 159-160. 26. ALEXOPOULOU A*, PAPANIKOLOPOULOS K, THANOS L, DOURAKIS SP. Aneurysmal dilatation of the portal vein: a rare cause of portal hypertension. Scand J Gastroenterol 2005; 40: 233-235. 27. ALEXOPOULOU A*, DOURAKIS SP, APOSTOLOPOULOU, KANDYLI A, PANTELIDAKI H, ARCHIMANDRITIS AJ. Light chain multiple myeloma in a patient with long-standing rheumatoid arthritis. Clin Rheumatol 2005; 24: 669-70. 28. ALEXOPOULOU Α*, DOURAKIS P, STAMOULIS ND, VASSILOPOULOS D, ARCHIMANDRITIS AJ. Post-streptococcal reactive arthritis with thoracic spine involvement in an adult. J Rheumatol 2005;32:2002-5. 29. ALEXOPOULOU A*, MANTZOUKIS D, BROUNTZOS E, DOURAKIS SP. Budd-Chiari syndrome after in-vitro fertilisation in a patient with latent thrombophilia. J Gastroentrol 2005; 40: 1001-2. 30. DOURAKIS SP, ALEXOPOULOU A, STAMOULIS N, FOUTRIS A, PANDELIDAKI H, ARCHIMANDRITIS A. Acute Epstein-Barr virus infection in two elderly individuals. Age & Ageing 2006; 95: 196-8. 31. SOULTATI AS, DOURAKIS SP, ALEXOPOULOU A, DEUTSCH M, BASILIEVA L, ARCHIMANDRITIS AJ. Predicting utility of a model for end stage liver disease in alcoholic liver disease. World J Gastroenterol 2006;12: 4020-5. 32. ALEXOPOULOU A*, THEODOROU M, DOURAKIS SP, KARAYIANNIS P, SAGKANA E, PAPANIKOLOPOULOS K, ARCHIMANDRITIS AJ. Hepatitis B virus reactivation in patients receiving chemotherapy for malignancies: role of precore stop-codon and basic core promoter mutations. J Vir Hepat 2006; 13:591-6. A. ALEXOPOULOU 8 33. GIANNARIS M, DOURAKIS SP, ALEXOPOULOU A*, ARCHIMANDRITIS AJ. Markedly elevated CA 19-9 in the pus and the serum of a patient with pyogenic liver abscess. J Clin Gastroenterol 2006;40:657. 34.ALEXOPOULOU Α*, KOSKINAS J, DEUTSCH M, DELLADETSIMA J, KOUNTOURAS D, DOURAKIS SP. Acute liver failure as the initial manifestation of hepatic infiltration by a solid tumor; report of 5 cases and review of the literature. Tumori 2006;92(4):354-7. 35. DOURAKIS SP, ALEXOPOULOU A*, METALLINOS G, THANOS L, ARCHIMANDRITIS AJ. Pubic osteomyelitis due to Klebsiella pneumoniae in a patient with diabetes mellitus. Am J Med Sci 2006;331:322-4. 36. DOURAKIS SP, TSOCHATZIS E, ALEXOPOULOU A, ARCHIMANDRITIS AJ. Pylephlebitis complicating silent diverticulitis. Lancet 2006;368:422. 37. ALEXOPOULOU A*, DOURAKIS SP, PANDELIDAKI H, ARCHIMANDRITIS AJ, KARAYIANNIS P. Detection of a hepatitis B surface antigen variant emerging in a patient with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia treated with fludarabine. J Med Virol 2006;78:1043-6. 38. DOURAKIS SP, COKKINOS DD, SOULTATI AS, ALEXOPOULOU A, NEZI V, ARCHIMANDRITIS AJ. A case of liver sarcoidosis mimicking cirrhosis. Clin Imaging 2007;31:47-9. 39. SOULTATI AS, DOURAKIS SP, ALEXOPOULOU A, DEUTSCH M, ARCHIMANDRITIS AJ. Simultaneous development of diabetic ketoacidosis and Hashitoxicosis in a patient treated with pegylated interferon-alpha for chronic hepatitis C. World J Gastroenterol 2007;13:1292-4. 40. DOURAKIS SP, SARAMADOU R, ALEXOPOULOU A*, KAFIRI G, DEUTSCH M, KOSKINAS J, ARCHIMANDRITIS AJ. Hepatic granulomas: a 6-year experience in a single 41. SOULTATI AS, DOURAKIS SP, ASVESTI K, NEZI V, ALEXOPOULOU A, ARCHIMANDRITIS AJ. Autoimmune blistering disease in a patient with Graves disease and vitiligo. Am J Med Sci 2007 333:309-12. 42. DOURAKIS SP, ALEXOPOULOU A*, GEORGOUSI KK, DELLADETSIMA JK, TOLIS G, ARCHIMANDRITIS AJ. Glucagonoma syndrome: survival 21 years with concurrent liver metastases. Am J Med Sci 2007;334:225-7. 43. ALEXOPOULOU A*, DOURAKIS SP, ZOVOILIS C, AGAPITOS E, ANDROULAKIS A, FILIOTOU A, ARCHIMANDRITIS AJ. Dilated cardiomyopathy during the course of hemolytic uremic syndrome. Int J Hematol. 2007;86:333-6. A. ALEXOPOULOU 9 44. DOURAKIS S, SAMBATAKOU H, TSIACHRIS D, KITTOU N, ALEXOPOULOU A, ARCHIMANDRITIS A. A 70-year-old stock-breeder with tricuspid valve and defibrillator lead brucella endocarditis. Int J Cardiol 2008;126:e47-9. 45. KATSAOUNIS P, ALEXOPOULOU A*, DOURAKIS SP, SMYRNIDIS A, MARINOS L, FILIOTOU A, ARCHIMANDRITIS AJ. An extranodal NK/T cell lymphoma, nasal type, with specific immunophenotypic and genotypic features. Int J Hematol. 2008;88:202-5. 46. ALEXOPOULOU A*, SOULTATI A, DOURAKIS SP, VASILIEVA L, ARCHIMANDRITIS AJ. Cholangiocarcinoma: a 7-year experience at a single center in Greece. World J Gastroenterol. 2008;14:6213-7. 47. ALEXOPOULOU A*, DOURAKIS SP, MANTZOUKIS D, PITSARIOTIS T, KANDYLI A, DEUTSCH M, ARCHIMANDRITIS AJ. Adverse drug reactions as a cause of hospital admissions: a 6-month experience in a single center in Greece. Eur J Intern Med. 2008;19:50510. 48. ALEXOPOULOU A, BALTAYIANNIS G, EROGLU C, NASTOS T, DOURAKIS SP, ARCHIMANDRITIS AJ, KARAYIANNIS P. Core mutations in patients with acute episodes of chronic HBV infection are associated with the emergence of new immune recognition sites and the development of high IgM anti-HBc index values. J Med Virol 2009;81:34-41. 49. ALEXOPOULOU A*, KOSKINAS J, SOULTATI A, KATSAOUNIS P, KILIDIREAS K, PAPAGEORGIOU C, ANTONIOU C, KATSAMBAS A, ARCHIMANDRITIS A. Acute bilateral phrenic neuropathy following treatment with adalimumab. Clin Rheumatol. 2009; 28: 1337-40. 50. SOULTATI A, ALEXOPOULOU A*, DOURAKIS SP, DIMOPOULOU H, KATSAOUNIS P, COKKINOS D, ARCHIMANDRITIS AJ. The burden of incidental findings in clinical practice in a tertiary care center. Eur J Intern Med. 2010; 21: 123-6. 51. KANELLOPOULOU T, ALEXOPOULOU A*, TANOULI MI, TINIAKOS D, GIANNOPOULOS D, KOSKINAS J, ARCHIMANDRITIS AJ. Primary hepatic actinomycosis. Am J Med Sci 2010;339:362-5. 52. KANELLOPOULOU T, ALEXOPOULOU A*, TINIAKOS D, KOSKINAS J, ARCHIMANDRITIS AJ. Primary hepatic actinomycosis mimicking metastatic liver tumor. J Clin Gastroenterol 2010;44:458-9. 53. KANELLOPOULOU T, ALEXOPOULOU A*, THEODOSSIADES G, KOSKINAS J, ARCHIMANDRITIS AJ. Pylephlebitis: an overview of non-cirrhotic cases and factors related to outcome. Scand J Infect Dis. 2010;42:804-11. A. ALEXOPOULOU 10 54. TZAMOURANIS DG, ALEXOPOULOU A, DOURAKIS SP, STERGIOU GS. Relationship of 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure and heart rate with markers of hepatic function in cirrhotic patients. BMC Gastroenterol. 2010; 10:143. 55. PAPAGEORGIOU MV, ALEXOPOULOU A*, KONTOPIDOU F, FILIOTOU A, KOSKINAS J, PECTASIDES D. Concomitant diagnosis of myeloproliferative neoplasm and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in a patient with portal vein thrombosis. Anticancer Res. 2011;31:1467-9. 56. KANELLOPOULOU T, ALEXOPOULOU A, KOSKINAS J. JAK2V617F mutation is ubiquitously present in splanchnic vein thrombosis accompanying myeloproliferative syndromes. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2011; 33:1382-3. 57. POURIKI S, ALEXOPOULOU A*, CHRYSOCHOOU C, RAFTOPOULOS L, PAPATHEODORIDIS G, STEFANADIS C, PECTASIDES D. Left ventricle enlargement and increased systolic velocity in the mitral valve are indirect markers of the hepatopulmonary syndrome. Liver Int. 2011;31:1388-94. 58. VASILIEVA L, ALEXOPOULOU A*, PAPADHIMITRIOU SI, ROMANOS A, XYNOPOULOS D, DOURAKIS SP. Total bilirubin is a good discriminator between benign and malignant biliary strictures. HPB (Oxford). 2012;14:71. 59. ALEXOPOULOU A*, PAPATHEODORIDIS G, POURIKI S, CHRYSOHOOU C, RAFTOPOULOS L, STEFANADIS C, PECTASIDES D. Diastolic myocardial dysfunction does not affect survival in patients with cirrhosis. Transpl Int. 2012 Nov;25(11):1174-81. 60. NEZI V, DEUTSCH M, GAZOULI M, ALEXOPOULOU A, PAPARRIGOPOULOS T, LIAPPAS IA, DOURAKIS SP. Polymorphisms of the CD14 Genes are Associated with Susceptibility to Alcoholic Liver Disease in Greek Patients. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2013;37:24451. 61. ALEXOPOULOU A, PAPATHEODORIDIS, G.V. Current progress in the treatment of chronic hepatitis C. World J Gastroenterol 2012;18:6060-9. 62. ALEXOPOULOU A*, PAPADOPOULOS N, ELIOPOULOS DG, ALEXAKI A, TSIRIGA A, TOUTOUZA M, PECTASIDES D. Increasing frequency of gram-positive cocci and gramnegative multidrug-resistant bacteria in spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. Liver Int.2013 Aug;33(7):975-81. 63. KANELLOPOULOU T, ALEXOPOULOU A*. Bevacizumab in the treatment of hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia. Expert Opin Biol Ther. 2013 Sep;13(9):1315-23. 64. VASILIEVA LE, PAPADHIMITRIOU SI, ALEXOPOULOU A, PAVLIDIS D, KOSTOPOULOS I,GEORGIAKAKI M, XINOPOULOS D, ROMANOS A, DOURAKIS SP. An A. ALEXOPOULOU 11 extended fluorescence in situ hybridization approach for the cytogenetic study of cholangiocarcinoma on endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography brushing cytology preparations. Hum Pathol. 2013 Oct;44(10):2173-9.