Wakefield Music Parents Association

Wakefield Music Department
April 07-10, 2011 – New York, New York
April 7-10, 2011, the Wakefield Band, Orchestra and Chorus will travel to a music
competition festival in New York, New York and compete against other high
school groups from around the country. In addition to the festival, students will
experience the cultural opportunities of New York, including the Ellis Island, a
Broadway Show, Ground Zero, and various tour locations. Each student is
responsible for the cost of their trip and will be given opportunities to raise funds
to cover their own costs through a variety of school and community fundraisers.
The New York trip will cost $575 per participant. The cost includes bus
transportation to, from and in New York, hotel, some meals, Festival fees, and Ellis
Island and Theatre expenses.
Parents – please volunteer to chaperone by filling in the registration form.
Payment Schedule for $575 – checks payable to WMPA:
November 15, 2010: $190
December 18, 2010: $190
January 27, 2011: $195 (Minus fundraising efforts)
For more information or to volunteer contact: WHS Music Department: 703-2286682: Gene Pohl, Orchestra, gene_pohl@apsva.us; Denny d’Alelio, Band,
denny_dalelio@apsva.us; Nadim Nader, Chorus, nadim_nader@apsva.us ;
Kimberly Anderson-Felga, Trip Coordinator, Kimberly.Anderson-Felga@hilton.com
Please return this portion with payment.
STUDENT NAME: _________________________________ DATE________________
Check # _________________ Amount _________Circle one: Band/Orchestra/Chorus
PARENT NAME: ___________ ____________ _____________
PARENT EMAIL: ___________ _________________________
My student participated in Tag Day:
I am interested in being a chaperone: YES
I understand that by signing this agreement, that I am committing to send my
student on the trip to New York and am responsible for the full cost of the trip.
After December 15, only a portion of your payments can be refunded and after
January 27, there will be no refunds
PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE:________________________________________ DATE: _______