CREIGHTON SAINT JOSEPH MEDICAL STAFF BYLAWS, POLICIES, RULES AND REGULATIONS MEDICAL RECORDS POLICY I. II. Responsibility for Medical Records: A. The attending practitioner is responsible for a complete and legible medical record on each patient which documents justification for the hospital stay. Illegible signatures must be supplemented by printed name. B. Entries by House Staff and Mid-Levels (as an agent for in and in the name of their supervising/collaborative physician) shall include the history and physical examination, operative reports, orders, progress notes, consultations, and discharge summary. C. Medical student entries on the medical record shall be limited to progress notes. D. Care provided by all caregivers shall be documented as appropriate in the medical record. The Forms Committee will approve all forms used to document this information. Guidelines for documentation will be the responsibility of the department providing service. E. All dictated reports must have: 1. Patient Name 2. Account Number 3. Date of Admission, or date of consultation, or date of operation 4. List of physicians for sending copies 5. Type of report. F. Failure to comply with these regulations may result in suspension of admission privileges after the practitioner has been advised of his delinquency, as outlined in the Policy on Appointment, Reappointment and Clinical Privileges. G. Inappropriate remarks shall not be dictated or written in the medical record. Contents of the Medical Record shall include: A. Identification data. B. Admitting diagnosis. C. Principal diagnosis (1) Secondary diagnosis D. Principal procedure (1) Secondary procedure E. Discharge summary signed and dated by the attending physician F. Discharge order form signed and dated by a physician. G. History and physical signed and dated by the attending physician. H. Operative report(s) (if applicable) signed and dated by the attending surgeon. I. Consultation report(s) (if applicable) signed and dated by the consulting physician. J. Orders signed, dated, and timed. K. Progress notes signed, dated and timed. D:\687299972.doc 1 III. L. Diagnostic and therapeutic orders signed, dated, and timed. M. Diet and/or nutritional support orders signed dated and timed. N. Clinical observations including results of therapy. O. Reports of procedures, tests and their results. P. Autopsy reports to include provisional anatomical diagnoses and completed record (when applicable). Q. American Joint Commission on Cancer staging on newly diagnosed cancer must recorded on the medical record by the managing physician on initial diagnosis. These may be clinical or pathologic, whichever is appropriate. Both are not required. Retreatment staging may be reordered at the discretion of the physician. R. Patient Coding Sheet. S. The current obstetrical record will include a complete prenatal record. The prenatal record shall be a legible copy of the attending practitioner’s office record transferred to the Hospital before admission. History and Physical: A. All patients put to bed, whether inpatient admission or observation shall be required to have a complete history & physical documented on the medical record. B. Time Requirements: A medical history and physical must be completed within 24 hours of admission. C. If the history and physical is completed 30 days prior to the admission, update to the H&P must be documented at the time of admission or prior to surgery/invasive procedure. The update can be “no changes.” The update can be documented in the progress notes or on an H&P form. D. The H&P completed by a practitioner who is not a CUMC Medical Staff member will be accepted as long as it meets the completion and content criteria as outlined in this policy III (c) and (d). The review and updating of that H&P as outlined in section III (c) will constitute the signing of that H&P. E. Content of History and Physical: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) F. Records Permitted in Lieu of Admission History and Physical: (1) G. A comprehensive consultation, which includes a history and physical, may be used in lieu of a history and physical examination. Requirement for History and Physical before Surgery/Invasive Procedure: (1) D:\687299972.doc Chief complaint, admitting diagnosis Present illness Past history (including allergies, current medications and conditions) Relevant family history and social history Review of systems Pertinent Physical Exam Treatment plan (Plan of Care) Impression When the history and physical examination are not recorded before surgery or invasive procedure, the procedure shall be cancelled. 2 H. (2) If the attending physician or surgeon states in writing that such delay would be detrimental to the patient, the procedure can be performed, however, the History and Physical Examination shall be dictated within 24 hours. (3) For “pre-operative patient” one MUST include a statement regarding discussion of risks, benefits, options and potential complications of the procedure, as well as blood transfusion, if applicable. Outpatient/Ambulatory Surgery Documentation: It is the surgeon's ultimate responsibility to assure that an adequate preoperative assessment, appropriate to the planned procedure is completed and documented. Minimum requirements for Outpatient Surgical Pre-Operative Assessments are as follows: A history is required regardless of the type of anesthesia planned and/or given, as well as when no anesthesia is given. The history must at a minimum include documentation of: 1. 2. 3. 4. indication/symptoms for surgical procedure; a list of current medications and dosages; any known allergies, including medication reactions; existing co-morbid conditions, if any. The extent of documentation required in the physical examination is to be reflective of the type of anesthesia planned and/or given according to the following hierarchy. No Anesthesia or topical, local or regional block: (a) (b) (c) assessment of mental status and, an examination specific to the procedure proposed to be performed and comorbid conditions. Vital signs (TPR & BP) IV Sedation (c) a , b and c above and (d) examination of heart and lung by auscultation. (e) ASA Physical Status Classification. General, spinal or epidural anesthesia (e) (f) IV. a, b, and d above and assessment and written statement about the patient's general condition. Progress Notes: A. Pertinent progress notes shall be recorded, timed and dated at the time of observation. B. It is the responsibility of a staff physician or Chief Resident/Fellow to daily countersign the house staff or medical students progress notes, or to indicate his/her involvement in care of a patient with a note of his/her own. The day of discharge may be excluded. 1. Mid-levels as an agent in and in the name of their supervising/collaborative physicians are exempt from this requirement. C. D:\687299972.doc Whenever possible, each of the patient's clinical problems should be clearly identified in the progress notes and correlated with specific orders as well as results of tests. Progress notes shall reflect the response of the patient to treatment. 3 V. Procedures at bedside A. When a procedure is performed at bedside, the physician must assure that a procedure note is entered into the medical record. Minimally, this note must state rationale for procedure, and status of the patient post procedure. This note must be dated, timed and signed. VI. Operative Reports must be dictated on the day of procedure. A. VII. VIII. The individual who is responsible for the patient shall record a preoperative diagnosis prior to surgery. B. All operative reports must contain: 1. Date of operation or procedure 2. Preoperative diagnosis 3. Postoperative diagnosis 4. Operative title/procedures performed 5. Surgeon name 6. Assistant surgeon 7. Anesthesia type 8. Indications and findings 9. Procedures detail (technical description) 10. Laceration/wound – (length and width) 11. Specimens removed 12. Sutures/drains – type of closure (e.g. layered, intermediate closure)_ 13. Estimated blood loss (document replacement if given) 14. Disposition/condition 15. Complications, if any C. The postoperative summary or note shall be written in the medical record by the surgeon immediately following surgery. Consultations: A. All requests for consultations shall be documented in the medical record. B. Consults should include reason for consultation and date of consult. Consult reports shall be signed and dated by the consulting physician. Consults handwritten in the progress notes must be authenticated by the attending physician if he/she did not provide the consult. Orders for Treatment of Patients: A. All orders for treatment of patients shall be in writing. (1) The practitioner's orders must be written clearly, legibly and completely. (2) Orders which are illegible or improperly written shall NOT be carried out until rewritten or understood by the nurses. (3) All orders shall be dated and timed. (4) Staff practitioners may permit appropriately licensed house staff members to write orders and conduct care for their patients under supervision. Granting this privilege to house staff members does not prohibit orders to be written by the attending staff practitioner or without permission of the house staff member. (a) D:\687299972.doc Nonparticipation in this practice by a staff practitioner shall not in itself be the basis for privilege or membership sanctions to be used against the practitioner. 4 (5) Blanket orders for medications and treatments are unacceptable. Medication and treatment orders must be specific. The terms Resume, "Renew", "Repeat" and "Continue Orders" are not acceptable. All medication orders must include the medication name, dosage, frequency, and route of administration. The use of “on call” or ‘prn” with medications shall be qualified in terms of condition or situation for which the medication is prescribed, and time or time interval or maximum dose per time period (e.g. PRN pain, PRN fever). Orders without his component are not considered valid and will not be executed. (6) All previous orders are cancelled when a patient goes to the Operating Room. New orders are required post operatively. (7) Medication orders must be written or reconciled at the time of admission and transfer or discharge. B. IX. Telephone Orders: Only licensed, registered or credentialed personnel may take telephone orders, which relate specifically to their scope of practice. (1) Medical Assistants may call with verbal orders from their physicians for tests. (2) Any professional who receives a telephone order must document the order in the patients medical record. The healthcare professional taking the telephone or verbal order will document “WRBO” for written read back order. C. Preprinted Orders when applicable, shall be completed in detail on the order sheet of the patient's record, dated, signed and timed by the practitioner. All preprinted orders must be approved the Forms Committee. D. All discharge orders for inpatients and observation patients shall be accompanied by orders for discharge medications (or no medication). The discharge medication order shall include name, dosage and frequency of all medications the patient is to take at home. In addition, the discharge order shall include activity limitations, diet and follow-up care instructions. It is mandatory that a discharge form, including reconciliation of medication, be completed. "Same med" or other similar vague orders are not appropriate and shall not be accepted. Reports of Procedures, Tests and Their Results: A. Pertinent reports shall be recorded, dated and timed. B. Preliminary reports will not be placed on the chart with the following exceptions: 1. Echocardiograms preliminary reports. 2. Radiology preliminary reports. 3. Autopsy provisional reports X. Discharge Summary A. All patients placed to a bed, whether inpatient admission or observation, shall be required to have a completed discharge summary on the medical record. House staff are expected to complete the discharge summary the day the patient is discharged. However, in anticipation of patient discharge or transfer to another facility, the discharge summary may be dictated within 24 hours of the actual discharge from the facility. If the patient’s hospitalization is extended beyond the expected discharge or there is a change in patient status prior to the patient’s discharge, a discharge addendum will be required. B. Content of Discharge Summary: 1. 2. D:\687299972.doc FINAL DIAGNOSIS which is the condition found to be responsible for the admission. Date of Admission and Discharge 5 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. C. XI. Admitting Diagnosis or Chief complaint History of present illness Significant Findings Hospital Course (include procedures performed, treatment rendered) Complications, if any Discharge instructions (include activity, diet and medications) Condition on Discharge Disposition (if transferred, state level of care the receiving facility will provide, i.e., rehab, acute care, psych, etc.) A discharge summary shall be authenticated by the attending physician. Authentication of Entries in Patient's Medical Record: A. Clinical entries in the patient's record shall be accurately dated and authenticated. Authentication means to establish authorship by written signature, identifiable initials or computer key. 1. XII. Authentication of records post discharge will be accomplished utilizing electronic signature. B. Telephone orders for DNR and Restraints must be authenticated and dated/timed by the licensed physician within 24 hours. Telephone order must be signed, dated and timed with 48 hours. All other orders must be authenticated and dated/timed within 48 hours of patient discharge. C. The history and physical, operative reports, consultations, and discharge summaries must be validated and countersigned by the appropriate staff physician within thirty days of patient discharge. D. The use of a rubber signature stamp is prohibited. E. Electrocardiograms over-reads may be authenticated by the Cardiologist's typed name only. F. If an ordering physician is unable to authenticate his/her verbal order (i.e. ordering physician is off duty), it is acceptable for a covering physician to co-sign the verbal order of the ordering physician. The signature indicates that the covering physician assumes responsibility for his/her colleague’s orders as being complete, accurate and final. Symbols and Abbreviations: A. The use of abbreviations is limited and only standard abbreviations are to be considered when documenting in any written notes or orders in the medical record. B. The use of abbreviations in the medical record mist be viewed within the context of the documentation, as many abbreviations are used for more than one item, e.g. RA for rheumatoid arthritis or right atrium. When a definition of an abbreviation is in doubt, the hospital relies on the following reference for guidance: Medical Abbreviations, Twelfth Edition by Neil M. Davis. C. When referring to items from the Periodic Table of Elements, the standard letter designations are acceptable in the medical record. Additionally, chemical compounds that are most often used may be written in their standard letter designations, e.g. KCl for potassium chloride. D. B. The following abbreviations/dose designations are NOT allowed during medication order process: Abbreviation/Dose Designation D:\687299972.doc Word or Phrase 6 Intended Meaning/ Misinterpretation Correction All Apothecary symbols Examples: dram minim AU AS AS OU OS OD Aurio uterque (each ear) Left ear Right ear Both eyes Left eye Right eye IU International Units U Unit Mistaken for 'IV' intravenously Mistaken as a zero (0) g MS MSO4 MgSO4 microgram Mistaken as 'mg' milligram q.d. or Q.D. XIII. Use metric system Morphine Sulfate Morphine Sulfate Magnesium Sulfate Every day or Once daily q.o.d. or Q.O.D. Every other day qn nightly or at bedtime Zero after decimal point (Trailing zero) 1.0 mg Zero before decimal dose (Leading zero) .5mg symbol for dram misread for “3” ml ou (oculo uterque- each eye) Mistaken for each other Don't use these abbreviation Spell out :Both ears Left ear Right ear Both eyes Left eye Right eye Spell out units Spell out the word unit Use mcg M Confused for one another. Write “morphine sulfate” or “magnesium sulfate” Mistaken as q.i.d., especially if the period after the “q” or the tail of the “q” is misunderstood as an “i.” Misinterpreted as “q.d.” (daily) or “q.i.d. (four times daily) if the “o” is poorly written. Misinterpreted as “qh” (every hour). Write “daily” Do NOT use a trailing zero for doses expressed in whole numbers. One milligram mistaken as ten milligrams when the decimal is not seen ALWAYS use a leading zero before a decimal for doses less than whole number. One-half milligram mistaken as five milligram 1mg Write “every other day” Use “nightly.” 0.5mg Release of Medical Records: A. Records may be removed from the Hospital's jurisdiction and safekeeping only in accordance with a court order, subpoena or statute. All records are the property of the Hospital and shall not otherwise be taken away without permission of the Chief Executive Officer or Hospital Compliance Officer. B. Unauthorized removal of records from the Hospital is grounds for suspension of the D:\687299972.doc 7 practitioner for a period to be determined by the Medical Policy Board. XIV. Alteration of Records: A single line shall be drawn through each line of inaccurate material making certain that it is still legible. All deletions shall be marked "error", dated and initialed. A correction shall be entered in chronological order making sure to indicate which entry the correction is replacing. In any questionable situations, corrected notations shall be witnessed by a colleague. XV. Removal of Material from Records: A. Absolutely nothing shall be removed from the Medical Record except when preliminary reports are replaced with final reports. XVI. Incomplete Medical Records: A. Medical Staff members will be suspended for failure to complete medical records within the designated time. House staff will lose vacation days for failure to complete medical records within the designated time. Every two weeks warning letters will be sent to physicians as a reminder that they need to correct these deficiencies. If the records remain incomplete for seven days after notice the suspension sequence is activated. The practitioner’s CUMC identification badge will be suspended along with the practitioner’s privilege to utilize the parking garage and medical staff lounge/dining room. B. Failure to complete medical records for a second week will result in continued suspension of a practitioner’s CUMC identification badge and will be expanded to include clinical privileges and rights to admit or schedule patients for surgery, or to provide any other professional services. C. Failure to complete records for a third week will result in continued suspension of a practitioner’s CUMC identification badge and clinical privileges and right to admit or schedule patients for surgery, or to provide any other professional services. The Vice President of Medical Affairs will be notified of the practitioner’s continued suspension. (1) Delinquent records for house staff members will be re-assigned to the attending physician for completion. Once the records has been referred to the attending physician for completion it will not be reassigned to the responsible house staff members. A letter will be sent to the house staff member’s Program Director outlining their failure to complete their medical record responsibilities. Medical records left incomplete by a house staff member due to illness, leave of absence or successful completion of the program will be referred to the attending physician for completion, but will not be reported to the Program Director. D. Failure to complete these records four weeks after the date ot suspension shall be deemed a voluntary resignation of the practitioner's Medical Staff membership. A practitioner whose clinical privileges are automatically suspended, or who have resigned Medical Staff membership for failure to complete medical records, shall not be entitled to procedural rights as set forth in the Policy on Appointment, Reappointment or Clinical Privileges. E. Special Circumstance: D:\687299972.doc (1) Practitioners/mid-levels who are ill will not be placed on the overdue list if the Health Information Department is notified. (2) Practitioners/mid-levels who are on vacation or out-of-town will not be placed on the overdue list if the Health Information Department is notified advance. The clock for record completion restarts when the physician returns. (3) House staff on rotation at other facilities will be expected to complete all record 8 deficiencies on schedule. (4) When the Senior Vice President for Medical Affairs determines that extenuating circumstances exist, a practitioner/s/mid-level’s records may be signed by his partner or other members of his professional corporation. E. Filing incomplete medical records (1) After 90 days from initial suspension, medical records which have not been completed by the responsible Medical Staff members will be filed incomplete. This will be done with the approval of the appropriate Department Chairperson. A notation of the incomplete records will be made in the patient’s records and the practitioner’s Medical Staff credentials file. Completion of these records will be required prior to re-instatement of Medical Staff privileges. XVII. Video Tapes/Images: All non-diagnostic videotapes/images made for educational or research purposes are the property of the Medical Staff member performing the procedure. The Medical Staff member is responsible for the storage, retrieval and retention of the videotapes/images in accordance with applicable State law. REVIEWED AND APPROVED: June 23, 1980 First Revision: October 19, 1981 Second Revision: December 20, 1982 Third Revision: March 26, 1985 Fourth Revision: April 7, 1986 Fifth Revision: April 27, 1987 Sixth Revision: November 23, 1987 Seventh Revision: January 12, 1990 Eighth Revision: June 14, 1991 Ninth Revision: August 26, 1991 Tenth Revision: May 25, 1993 Eleventh Revision: November 14, 1993 Twelfth Revision: June 27, 1995 Thirteenth Revision: September 16, 1997 Fourteenth Revision: April 21, 1998 REVISED: Fifteenth Revision: March 21, 2000 Sixteenth Revision: May 20, 2001 Seventeenth Revision: May 15, 2003 Eighteenth Revision: August 19, 2003 Nineteenth Revision: December 17, 2003 Twentieth Revision: August 18, 2004 Twenty-first Revision: December 14, 2005 Twenty-second Revision: March 22. 2006 Twenty-third Revision: March 25, 2007 Twenty-fourth Revision: November 28, 2007 Twenty-fifth Revision: March 19, 2008 Twenty-sixth Revision: June 25, 2008 Twenty-seventh Revision: September 28, 2008 Medical Executive Committee March 3, 2009 Date President Governing Board March 25, 2009 Date CEO D:\687299972.doc 9