Example Key Principles from Secondary Schools

Example Key Principles from Secondary Schools
Example 1
To provide solutions that do not compromise the future projected growth of pupil
To build on good practice within the Environment Centre by:- extending opportunities for teaching and learning in the grounds.
- engaging teaching staff in this process.
- sharing resources with local schools and colleges in relation to
the14-19 curriculum.
To improve separation of pupils and vehicles by consolidating parking away from pupil
Improve access to all parts of the site for all pupils.
To ensure that the focus of daytime access is to the college frontage wherever possible.
Strengthen main pupil route ways within and around the site.
Provide secure cycle storage.
To improve boundaries and separation from public space.
To reduce daytime access from Portsmouth Way.
Provide a secure inner space to support daytime supervision and site management.
To provide appropriate, secure bin and minibus storage.
To recover the heart of the school for pupil use and ensure that the outdoor spaces:- provide a range of positive experiences for all pupils
- encourage pupils to socialise and mix across age and ability
- provide opportunities for eating outdoors within a
comfortable, appropriate environment
To develop flexible arrangements which meet the daytime needs of pupils whilst also
responding to the needs of community use both in the daytime and out of hours.
Consolidate Community use within one part of the site in the long term
To upgrade and enhance the outdoor environment in order to provide an attractive and
comfortable landscape setting and make a positive contribution to the neighbourhood.
To increase the biodiversity of the site through management of existing resources and
provision of appropriate teaching and learning resources.
Example Key Principles from Secondary Schools
Example 2
To develop access arrangements to enable pupils cycling or walking to avoid xxxx Road
To encourage cycling and walking by provision of suitable resources and access routes
To reduce vehicle entrance and exit points onto ------------Road by consolidating staff parking.
To develop a layout that provides car free walkways for pupils and a clear distinction between
vehicle parking and spaces for pupil use and enjoyment
To provide a range of well designed outdoor spaces for pupils and the
community to enjoy throughout the year. Including spaces which
- encourage pupils to socialise and mix across age and ability
- allow pupils to eat outdoors
To retain and improve outdoor sports resources that provide maximum value to
both the college and the community and which are not available elsewhere locally
To develop a general outdoor teaching space for gathering pupils in the heart of
the college away from other teaching rooms
To retain, develop and manage outdoor resources in a way which supports the
Colleges status as an ECO School
To extend the potential of Historic site feature as a point of reference for
teaching and learning
To develop a prominent main entrance to the site which provides a welcome to
all site users, gives the campus a clear identity and reflects positive messages.
To reduce the negativity surrounding marginal environmental resources by
considering more central locations linked to other habitats such as the woodland
To consolidate environmental resources to create greater cohesion between
these areas and enrich biodiversity of the site
To increase the use and potential of the attractive spaces surrounding South Block
To protect the Historic feature of the site
Example Key Principles from Secondary Schools
Example 3
Access and circulation
to improve separation between pedestrians, bicycles, vehicles for safety
reasons, particularly in view of the fact that the County Visual
Impairment Unit is located on the school site.
to improve disabled access
to maintain access for taxis for special educational needs pupils
to explore options for staff parking
to improve signage around the site
Break and lunchtimes
to provide opportunities for an inclusive range of positive experiences
for everyone from active/physical to quiet/passive/reflective
to maintain ease of supervision
Safety and security
to maintain pupil and adult safety at all times
to maintain security of the premises
Educational use
to increase opportunities for educational use of the grounds in order to
contribute to raising standards of achievement
Community use
to maximise opportunities for sharing resources and contributing to the
aspirations of the wider community
to work in partnership with other local agencies e.g. HCC and EBC
to ’surround children with things that are noble’ Tim Brighouse
to provide a positive image and welcome for visitors and community
to provide sustainable and sensitive planting to enhance the site and its
to improve facilities for waste collection and recycling
April 2009