HW-Chapter 9 Naoki Mizukami 9-1. Detention basin with 700ft x 700ft with 4:1 side slope. Top of the berm is at elevation 9 ft. Inflow hydrograph is a triangular shape with a peak discharge of 125 cfs at a time of 8 hr and with a base time of 24 hr. The detention basin is initially empty. Route the inflow hydrograph through the detention basin and determine the peak outflow and stage. Stage-storage relationship is computed as follows z z 0 0 V ( z ) A( z )dz 700 4 z 2dz 8 z 700 3 700 3 24 Stage-outflow relationship is given and summarized along with storage in the table below. Table. Stage-storage-outflow relationships based on given outlet structures and detention basin geometry Z[ft] O[cfs] 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 S[cf] 0 2.1 4.6 6 7.2 8.2 9.1 9.9 36.9 85.5 0 495621 1002571 1520976 2050965 2592667 3146208 3711717 4289323 4879152 2S/dt+O [cfs] 0.0 277.4 561.6 851.0 1146.6 1448.6 1757.0 2072.0 2419.9 2796.1 Table. reservoir routing using storage-indication method T hr I cfs 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 0 15.6 31.3 46.9 62.5 78.1 93.8 109.4 125 117.2 109.4 101.6 93.8 85.9 78.1 70.3 62.5 54.7 46.9 39.1 31.3 23.4 15.6 7.8 0 2S/dt-O cfs 0 15.4 61.3 137.4 243.1 377.6 540.5 732.8 954.2 1181.7 1392.1 1585.8 1762.9 1923.5 2065.3 2171.9 2248.8 2300.5 2331.1 2343.7 2341.2 2325.8 2299.6 2264.2 2221.2 2S/dt+O cfs 0 15.6 62.3 139.5 246.8 383.7 549.5 743.7 967.2 1196.4 1408.3 1603.1 1781.2 1942.6 2087.5 2213.7 2304.7 2366 2402.1 2417.1 2414.1 2395.9 2364.8 2323 2272 O cfs 0 0.1 0.5 1.1 1.9 3 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.4 8.1 8.7 9.2 9.6 11.1 20.9 28 32.7 35.5 36.7 36.5 35 32.6 29.4 25.4 S cf 0.00E+00 2.79E+04 1.11E+05 2.49E+05 4.41E+05 6.85E+05 9.81E+05 1.33E+06 1.73E+06 2.14E+06 2.52E+06 2.87E+06 3.19E+06 3.48E+06 3.74E+06 3.95E+06 4.10E+06 4.20E+06 4.26E+06 4.28E+06 4.28E+06 4.25E+06 4.20E+06 4.13E+06 4.04E+06 Z [ft] ft 0 0.1 0.2 0.5 0.9 1.4 2 2.6 3.4 4.2 4.9 5.5 6.1 6.6 7 7.4 7.7 7.8 7.9 8 8 7.9 7.8 7.7 7.6 HW-Chapter 9 Naoki Mizukami The peak outflow is 36.7 cfs at 19 hr. The maximum storage is 8 ft at 19 hr. 140 120 Q [cfs] 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 20 25 Time [hr] Figure. Inflow and outflow hydrograph 10 9 8 7 Z [ft] 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 5 10 15 Time [hr] Figure. Temporal change in stagee, Z HW-Chapter 9 Naoki Mizukami 9-3. Rout the inflow hydrograph given using Muskingum method with Δt = 2 hr, Δx = 25000 ft, θ = 3.6 hr, X = 0.2. Plot the inflow and outflow hydrographs and determine the percent reduction in the inflow peak as well as the travel time of the peak Paramters 3.6 hr C0 0.2 C1 2 hr C2 25000 ft theta= X= dt= dx= t hr I cfs 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 0.072 0.443 0.485 C0xI2 C1xI1 C2xO1 O2 cfs cfs cfs cfs 100 100.0 500 36.1 44.3 48.5 128.9 1500 108.2 221.6 62.4 392.3 2500 180.4 664.9 190.1 1035.5 5000 360.8 1108.2 501.7 1970.8 11000 793.8 2216.5 954.9 3965.2 22000 1587.6 4876.3 1921.3 8385.2 28000 2020.6 9752.6 4062.9 15836.1 28500 2056.7 12412.4 7673.2 22142.3 26000 1876.3 12634.0 10728.7 25239.0 22000 1587.6 11525.8 12229.2 25342.6 17500 1262.9 9752.6 12279.4 23294.9 14000 1010.3 7757.7 11287.2 20055.3 10000 721.6 6206.2 9717.5 16645.3 7000 505.2 4433.0 8065.3 13003.4 4500 324.7 3103.1 6300.6 9728.5 2500 180.4 1994.8 4713.8 6889.0 1500 108.2 1108.2 3338.0 4554.5 1000 72.2 664.9 2206.8 2943.9 500 36.1 443.3 1426.4 1905.8 100 7.2 221.6 923.4 1152.3 Peak time Peak Q hr cfs Inflow 16 28500 Outflow 20 25342.6 Peak reduction 11.1% travel time of the peak 4.0 HW-Chapter 9 Naoki Mizukami 30000 25000 Q, cfs 20000 Inflow 15000 Outflow 10000 5000 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Time, hr Figure. Inflow and outflow hydrograph 40 45 HW-Chapter 9 Naoki Mizukami Q, cfs 9-16. Using Muskingum-Cunge method to route the inflow hydrograph and river in example 9.6 for S0 = 0.001. 5000 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0 2 Time, hr 4 6 8 Figure. Inflow hydrograph Average Q to compute normal depth, y0. Q 500 * 7 (4500 500 ) * 6 / 2 1T 2500 cfs Q(t )dt T 0 7 Using average Q, find average velocity, flow area with manning’s equation 5 3 1 1 Kn A Kn y 0 b m y 0 3 2 2 Q S S 0 0 2 n 23 n P b 2 y0 1 m 2 3 5 y 0 100 2 y 0 3 5 1.49 2500 0.025 100 2 y 0 1 2 2 2 3 0.001 1 2 Solving for y0, y0 = 4.65 ft, 2500 = 4.91 ft/s 4.65 (100 2 4.65) So wave celerity is calculated 5 5 c k V 4.91 8.19 3 3 V Q/A Δt = 0.5 hr is chosen so that 5 discretized points are in rising part of inflow hydrograph 1 2 x ck t Q BS 0 ck 1 2500 8.19 0.5 60 60 8659 ft 118.6 0.001 8.19 2 So select Δx = 6000 ft Compute Courant number, Cn as t 0.5 60 60 Cn ck 8.19 2.46 x 6000 HW-Chapter 9 Naoki Mizukami One more parameter, Muskingum weighting parameter, X is computed as 1 Q 1 2500 1 X 1 0.29 2 BS 0 ck x 2 118.6 0.001 8.19 6000 Using parameters, X and Cn, M-C coefficients are computed as 0.5C n X 0.5 2.46 0.29 0.488 1 X 0.5C n 1 0.29 0.5 2.46 0.5C n X 0.5 2.46 0.29 C1 0.785 1 X 0.5C n 1 0.29 0.5 2.46 1 0.5C n X 1 0.5 2.46 0.29 C2 0.274 1 X 0.5C n 1 0.29 0.5 2.46 C0 Outflow is computed using the Muskingum routing equations written by Qi j 11 C 0 Qi j 1 C1 Qi j C 2 Qi j 1 where the Q i j refers to the flow rate at space j and time i. The result of routing is as follows Table. Muskingum-Cunge routing with constant parameter. t hr 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 x= 6000 I C0xI2 C1xI1 C2xO1 cfs cfs cfs cfs 500 1500 732.7 392.6 -136.8 2500 1221.2 1177.7 -270.5 3500 1709.7 1962.9 -582.5 4500 2198.2 2748.1 -845.6 4000 1954.0 3533.2 -1122.2 3500 1709.7 3140.7 -1194.5 3000 1465.5 2748.1 -1000.5 2500 1221.2 2355.5 -879.3 2000 977.0 1962.9 -738.2 1500 732.7 1570.3 -602.5 1000 488.5 1177.7 -465.4 500 244.2 785.2 -328.6 500 244.2 392.6 -191.8 500 244.2 392.6 -121.8 500 244.2 392.6 -140.9 x= 1200 O C0xI2 C1xI1 C2xO1 cfs cfs cfs cfs 500 988.5 482.9 392.6 -136.8 2128.5 1039.7 776.1 -202.1 3090.2 1509.5 1671.2 -441.6 4100.6 2003.1 2426.3 -749.6 4365.0 2132.3 3219.7 -1007.0 3655.9 1785.9 3427.3 -1189.0 3213.1 1569.6 2870.5 -1101.2 2697.4 1317.7 2522.8 -913.7 2201.7 1075.5 2117.9 -800.9 1700.6 830.7 1728.7 -654.7 1200.9 586.6 1335.2 -521.2 700.8 342.3 942.9 -383.3 445.1 217.4 550.2 -246.8 515.0 251.6 349.4 -142.5 495.9 242.2 404.4 -125.5 x=1800 O C0xI2 C1xI1 C2xO1 cfs cfs cfs cfs 500 738.6 360.8 392.6 -136.8 1613.7 788.3 579.9 -168.7 2739.1 1338.0 1267.1 -328.3 3679.8 1797.6 2150.7 -623.1 4345.0 2122.5 2889.3 -910.0 4024.1 1965.7 3411.5 -1122.5 3338.8 1631.0 3159.6 -1164.3 2926.8 1429.7 2621.5 -992.3 2392.5 1168.7 2298.0 -837.1 1904.7 930.4 1878.5 -719.6 1400.6 684.2 1495.5 -571.8 901.9 440.6 1099.7 -440.0 520.8 254.4 708.2 -301.1 458.5 224.0 408.9 -181.0 521.2 254.6 360.0 -123.7 O cfs 500 616.6 1199.5 2276.8 3325.2 4101.8 4254.8 3626.2 3058.9 2629.7 2089.3 1607.9 1100.3 661.5 451.9 490.9 HW-Chapter 9 Naoki Mizukami 5000 4500 4000 Q, cfs 3500 Inflow x=6000ft x=1200ft x=1800ft 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0 2 4 6 8 Time, hr Figure. Inflow and outflow hydrographs from Muskingum-Cunge routing. HW-Chapter 9 Naoki Mizukami 9-18. Write the code for Muskingum-Cunge routing using the 4 point variable parameter method and apply it to Example 9.6. Matlab Code %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %Muskingum-Cunge with variable coefficient method %Coefficients X, and ck (wave celerity) are dynamic in time and space due to %varying Q, resulting in variable C0, C1, and C2. % % brief description of 4 point variable parameter method %the 4 point method computes an average Q using inflow and outflow at the first step and next step and %use the average Q to estimate M-C parameters. This computation is performed every time outflow at the %next time step is computed. Since outflow at the next time step is unknown, three point Q are used for %first guess for average Q. Iteration is necessary to make average Q converged at a certain error %tolerance. % % clear all close all %Reading inflow hydrograph data1 = load('inhydro18.dat'); t = data1(:,1) % time [hr] Q(:,1) = data1(:,2) %inflow [cfs] dt = (t(2)-t(1))*60*60;% time interval [hr] %River geometry L = 18000; %river reach length [ft] S0 = 0.0005; %bed slope [ft/ft] b = 100; %bottom width [ft] m = 2; %side slope n = 0.025; %manning n %some constant Kh = 1.49; %manning equation %define routing reach length, dx [ft] dx = 9000; %compute distance x where hydrographs are computed x(1) = 0; %begining of river reach for i = 2:L/dx+1 x(i) = x(i-1)+dx; end %initial condition at x for j = 1:length(x) Q(1,j) = Q(1,1); end %compute Muskingum-Cunge routing %go thru all time steps and spatial step HW-Chapter 9 Naoki Mizukami for i = 2:length(t) for j = 2:length(x) %initial guess for Q using three points (inflow at 1st time step and 2nd time step %and outflow at 1st time step. Qave = (Q(i-1,j-1)+Q(i,j-1)+Q(i-1,j))/3; %iteration till 4 point average Q are converged at 0.1 of error tolerance while 1 %Define manning equation func = @(y) Kh/n*(y*(b+2*y))^(5/3)/(b+2*y*sqrt(1+m^2))^(2/3)*sqrt(S0)-Qave; %compute depth, y0, based on manning equation. use bisect method with 0.01 error tolerance y0 = fbisect(func,0,10,0.01); %compute flow area, A, velocity, V, and wave celerity, ck, top width, TOP, given depth y0 A = y0*(b+2*y0); V= Qave/A; ck = 5/3*V; TOP = b+2*m*y0; %Compute coefficients for Muskingum-Cunge equation X = 0.5*(1-Qave/TOP/S0/ck/dx); Cn = ck*dt/dx; C0=(0.5*Cn-X)/(1-X+0.5*Cn); C1=(0.5*Cn+X)/(1-X+0.5*Cn); C2=(1-0.5*Cn-X)/(1-X+0.5*Cn); %Compute outflow at next time step Q(i,j)=C0*Q(i,j-1)+C1*Q(i-1,j-1)+C2*Q(i-1,j); %Take average of 4 points Qave1=(Q(i-1,j-1)+Q(i,j-1)+Q(i-1,j)+Q(i,j))/4; %If difference between current 4 point average and previous one is less than 0.1 %leave iteration loop, otherwise use new average to compute new estimate of %outflow at next time step if abs(Qave-Qave1)< 0.1; break; end Qave = Qave1; end end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% end of code HW-Chapter 9 Naoki Mizukami Results (applied this code to example 9.6) Table. Muskingum-Cunge routing (inflow and routed hydrograph at x =9000 and x = 18000) T [hr] x= 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 Q [cfs] 0 x= 9000 x=18000 500.0 500.0 500.0 1500.0 596.3 501.5 2500.0 1587.4 692.1 3500.0 2724.1 1749.2 4500.0 3823.2 2998.9 4000.0 4220.2 3898.0 3500.0 3816.4 4018.9 3000.0 3338.8 3643.4 2500.0 2860.2 3190.6 2000.0 2379.8 2728.1 1500.0 1913.9 2278.8 1000.0 1454.8 1839.0 500.0 1016.2 1419.9 500.0 626.7 1036.5 500.0 533.4 715.2 500.0 509.0 579.0 5000 infow x=9000 ft x=18000 ft 4500 4000 3500 Q [cfs] 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0 1 2 3 4 Time [hr] 5 Figure. Inflow and outflow hydrographs 6 7 8