BA 555 Fall 2006 Simulation @Risk @Risk Quick Start 1. Launch Excel and open a blank worksheet. 2. Load @Risk program: Click on (at the upper left corner) to load @Risk program. If you don’t see the icon, try Tools / Add-Ins and click on Decision Tools Utilities. If you are asked to Enable Macros or Disable Macros, click on Enable Macros. If @Risk is successfully loaded, you should see @Risk Toolbar at the upper left corner. The toolbar looks like Display List of Outputs and Inputs Fit Distributions to Data Report Settings Save @Risk File Open @Risk File Add Output Define Distributions Simulation Settings Start Simulation 3. Prepare the model for simulation Game 1: Game 2: 4. Define Outputs: Move cursor to cell C2 (for Game 1) or B8 (for Game 2) and click on the Add Output icon. This would define cells C2 and B8 as output cells. @Risk program will automatically define Input cells (cells with @Risk functions such as RISKDISCRETE or RISKNORMAL.) 5. Start simulation by clicking the Start Simulation icon. 6. The Simulation Settings icon allows you to change the number of simulation and iterations (the default is one simulation with 100 iterations). The Report Settings icon determines what should be reported (e.g., brief vs. detailed summary statistics). Hsieh, P.-H. 1 BA 555 Fall 2006 Simulation @Risk Commonly Used @Risk Functions * indicates the most commonly used functions and will be discussed in the class. Distribution Function RiskBeta(alpha1,alpha2) beta distribution with shape parameters alpha1 and alpha2 RiskBetaGeneral( alpha1, alpha2,minimum, maximum) beta distribution with defined minimum, maximum and shape parameters alpha1 and alpha2 binomial distribution with n draws and p probability of success on each draw * RiskBinomial(n,p) * Returns RiskChiSq(v) Chi-Square distribution with v degrees of freedom RiskDiscrete({X1,X2,...,Xn}, {p1,p2,...,pn}) discrete distribution with n possible outcomes with the value X and probability weight p for each outcome discrete uniform distribution with n outcomes valued at X1 through Xn RiskDuniform({X1,X2,...Xn}) RiskExpon(beta) exponential distribution with decay constant beta extreme value (or Gumbel) distribution with location parameter a and scale parameter b gamma distribution with shape parameter alpha and scale RiskGamma(alpha,beta) parameter beta general density function for a probability distribution ranging RiskGeneral(minimum,maximum, between minimum and maximum with n (x,p) pairs with value {X1,X2,...,Xn}, {p1,p2,...,pn}) X and probability weight p for each point RiskExtvalue(a,b) RiskGeometric(p) Hsieh, P.-H. geometric distribution with probability p 2 BA 555 Fall 2006 Simulation @Risk RiskHistogrm(minimum,maximum,{p1,p2,...,pn}) histogram distribution with n classes between minimum and maximum with probability weight p for each class hypergeometric distribution with sample size n, D number of RiskHypergeo(n,D,M) items and M population size RiskIntUniform(minimum,maximu uniform distribution which returns integer values only between m) minimum and maximum inverse gaussian (or Wald) distribution with mean mu and RiskInvGauss(mu,lambda) shape parameter lambda logistic distribution with location parameter alpha and scale RiskLogistic(alpha,beta) parameter beta RiskLoglogistic(gamma,beta, log-logistic distribution with location parameter gamma, scale alpha) parameter beta and shape parameter alpha RiskLognorm(mean,standard lognormal distribution with specified mean and standard deviation) deviation negative binomial distribution with s successes and p RiskNegbin(s,p) probability of success on each trial RiskNormal(mean,standard normal distribution with given mean and standard deviation * deviation) * RiskPareto(theta,a) pareto distribution RiskPert(minimum,most likely, maximum) pert distribution with specified minimum, most likely and maximum values RiskPoisson(lambda) poisson distribution * RiskSimtable({X1,X2,...Xn}) RiskStudent(nu) * lists values to be used in each of a series of simulations student's t distribution with nu degrees of freedom RiskTriang(minimum,most likely, triangular distribution with defined minimum, most likely and maximum) maximum values * RiskUniform(minimum, maximum) uniform distribution between minimum and maximum RiskWeibull(alpha,beta) * RiskCorrmat(matrix cell range, position,instance) RiskDepC("ID",coefficient) RiskIndepC("ID") RiskTruncate(minimum, maximum) Hsieh, P.-H. weibull distribution with shape parameter alpha and scale parameter beta Identifies a matrix of rank correlation coefficients and a position in the matrix for the distribution in which the Corrmat function is included. Instance specifies the instance of the matrix at matrix cell range that will be used for correlating this distribution. Identifies dependent variable in correlated sampling pair with rank correlation coefficient and "ID" identifier string Identifies independent distribution in rank correlated sampling pair — "ID" is identifier string Minimum-maximum range allowable for samples drawn for the distribution in which the Truncate function is included 3