Suzie Rayner Respiratory System 11 – Control of breathing during sleep Describe the effect of sleep on blood gases and the pattern of breathing in healthy people [Need to known direction and magnitude of change, not specific numbers] Summary Sleep causes a 3-8mmHg increase in CO2 due to: o Removal of wakefulness drive o Reduction in hypercapnic ventilatory sensitivity o Incomplete ventilatory compensation to increased upper airway resistance Alveolar ventilation has the largest % decrease from awake to REM – due to only using diaphragm and no accessory muscles to breathe during REM Minute ventilation and Tidal volume also have a large % decrease Frequency and Oxygen saturation remain fairly constant Normally 3 systems control breathing – voluntary/behavioural, emotional, reflex/automatic. When asleep, only the reflex/automatic system (from the brainstem) controls breathing. Specifically how sleep effects oxygen and carbon dioxide levels during sleep and the mechanism that lead to these changes. 1 Suzie Rayner 3 6 9 12 15 PaO2 (KPa) CO2 levels increase when asleep This causes breathing to continue as become less sensitive to CO2 when asleep Oxygen saturation decreases very slightly from awake to REM sleep. Describe the apnoeic threshold which, in some people leads to central sleep apnoea. Patients will show a lack of ventilatory drive from the respiratory centres in the medulla → as become less responsive when asleep, there is less activity in muscles which leads to sleep apnoea Patients that breathe using accessory muscles as well as diaphragm have problems breathing during REM as REM: paralysis except for diaphragm and eyelids. Apnoeic threshold: level of CO2 that must be maintained, if the level drops below this threshold then breathing will not be stimulated. Central sleep apnoea: No airflow and No effort. Often affects stroke patients. 2 Suzie Rayner Describe the influences of sleep on the upper airway which, in some people leads to obstructive sleep apnoea. During sleep there is increased pharyngeal resistance, therefore more effort is required to achieve the same amount of ventilation. There is also a reduction in muscle tone when asleep. Obstructive sleep apnoea: Generally occurs in obese people Occurs when the airway at the back of the throat is sucked closed (due to pressure drop during inspiration) when breathing No airflow, but continued effort to breathe (obstructed so control systems are trying to breathe, where as is central the control centres are not receiving signals) Know the other major cardio-respiratory diseases (one cardiac, one respiratory) that are exacerbated by sleep-related changes in the control of breathing; briefly explain why sleep is detrimental to these patients. Congestive heart failure – some patients are very pCO2 sensitive, meaning they often hyperventilate and have a low pCO2, leading to an increased likelihood of sleep-induced central apnoea. Stroke – damage occurred to brainstem (apneustic centre in lower pons), means that input to the medullary inspiratory neurons (Pre-Botzinger C region) from the apneustic centre does not get through → body does not respond to pCO2 dropping, once drops below apnoeic threshold the inspiratory muscles are not stimulated and therefore do not contract → stop breathing. COPD – loss of elastic recoil in lungs, destruction of alveolar walls, therefore generally more resistance to airflow and poorer gas exchange → patients are often hypoxic. As ventilation decreases by 10-15% when asleep, the drop in pO2 can cause problems due to already hypoxic state. Respiratory system 12 – Sensory aspects of respiratory disease 3 Suzie Rayner General: Understand how respiratory symptoms are generated and perceived [Review of Neuro] Discuss the importance of measuring respiratory symptoms are in clinical medicine and clinical research Cough – 3rd most common complaint to GP, 10-38% of resp outpatients complain of cough Chest pain – most common pain which people seek medical attention for (35%) Dyspnea – 6-27% of general population, 3% of A and E visits Important as respiratory symptoms are large proportion of symptoms which people seek healthcare advice for. Outline the clinical causes and the pathophysiological basis of the respiratory symptoms: cough, chest pain and dyspnea. (Dyspnea will be covered in detail in another presentation). SEE FOLLOWING LEARNING OBJECTIVES Cough: Describe the mechanics of a cough with reference to inspiration, expiration and closure of the glottis. Briefly explain how this manoeuvre serves to (i) protect the lungs from inhaled noxious materials and (ii) clear excessive secretions from the lower respiratory tract. 4 Suzie Rayner Crucial defence mechanism protecting lower resp tract from foreign material and excessive mucous secretion Usually secondary to mucociliary clearance but important if mucociliary function is impaired or excess mucous is being produced Expulsive phase of cough produces high velocity airflow which is facilitated by bronchoconstriction and mucous secretion Causes Acute cough (% become chronic) Acute infection : Tracheobronchitis Bronchopneumonia Viral pneumonia Acute-on-chronic bronchitis Bordetella pertussis Chronic infection: Bronchiectasis (5%) Tuberculosis CF Airway diseases: Asthma (25%) Chronic bronchitis (8%) Chronic post-nasal drip Parenchymal disease: Interstitial fibrosis Emphysema Tumours: Bronchogenic carcinoma Alveolar cell carcinoma Benign airway tumour Foreign body Cardiovascular: LV failure Pulmonary infarction Aortic aneurysm Other disease: Reflux oesophagitis (25%) Recurrent aspiration Drugs: Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) (1%) Chronic – only mentioned in chronic Post-viral (3%) Idiopathic (10%) 5 Suzie Rayner Other cause (3%) Identify the type and location of sensory receptors with the airways indicating how they are stimulated to give rise to cough. Identify the neural pathways which transmit this afferent (sensory) neural information to the brain. Sensory receptors in the airway: Slow adapting irritant receptors (SASR): located in airway smooth muscle myelinated nerve fibres predominantly in trachea and main bronchi mechanoreceptors C-fibre receptors: free nerve endings Larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs Small unmyelinated fibres Chemoreceptors and inflammatory mediators stimulate release neuropeptides inflammatory mediators Rapidly adapting irritant receptors (RASR): Naso-pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi Small myelinated nerve fibred Most numerous on posterior wall of trachea Present at bifurcation of the trachea (carina) and branching points of main airways → less numerous as become more distal (absent beyond bronchioles) Mechano and chemoreceptors, also stimulated by inflammatory mediators Afferent neural pathways for cough (involves rapidly adapting sensory receptors): Stimulation of RASR in respiratory tract Signals via Vagus nerve and superior laryngeal nerve Signal to cough centre and then to cerebral 6 Suzie Rayner Describe in outline which regions in the brain are involved in generating the co-ordinated neural activity that results in the act of cough. Identify the efferent (motor) neural pathways and the main muscle groups which produce cough. Cerebral cortex and medulla are involved in generating the co-ordinated neural activity Main muscle groups involved are the diaphragm, external intercostals, accessory inspiratory muscles, expiratory muscles and glottis. Explain the concept of the sensitised cough reflex in disease as the basis for chronic cough. Plasticity of neural mechanisms Excitability of afferent nerves increased by chemical mediators (prostaglandin E2) Increases the number of receptors and voltage-gated channels (TRPV-1) Neurotransmitter increases (neurokinins) e.g. higher number of TRPV-1 expressed in chronic cough than healthy control → increased sensitivity Irritation in throat or upper chest Cough paroxysms difficult to control Triggered by: Deep breath, laughing, talking, vigorous exercise, smells, smoke, changing temp, lying flat, eating crumbly food. Complications of cough Pneumothorax with subcutaneous emphysema Loss of consciousness Cardiac dysrythmias Headache, pain, depression, incontinence 7 Suzie Rayner Discuss ways of controlling unnecessary cough. Antitussives: drug that suppresses coughing, possibly by reducing the activity of the cough centre in the brain and by depressing respiration. Can be narcotic or non-narcotic Narcotic Non-narcotic Codeine Dextramethorphan Dihydrocodeine (synthetic derivative of morphine) Pholcodeine (causes drowsiness, nausea, constipation, erythema multiforme) Morphine Levopropoxyphene Diamorphine Methadone (causes sedation, constipation, respiratory depression, physical dependance Chest pain: Identify the type and location of sensory receptors with the thoracic cavity that when stimulated give rise to chest pain. Identify the neural pathways which transmit this afferent neural information to the brain. Describe in outline which regions in the brain are involved in the perception of pain. [Image in Learning Objective 7] Chest wall gives sensory input via spinal nerves. Chest pain in respiratory disease Chest wall – muscular, rib fracture Skin – Herpes zoster Pleural pain (pulmonary infarction, pneumonia) Deep seated, poorly-localised Nerve root pain/Intercostal nerve pain 8 Suzie Rayner Referred pain (e.g. shoulder tip from diaphragmatic irritation) Neural pathway: nerves to thalamus and somato-sensory cortex (is it secondary?) Discuss the concept of referred pain in the chest. Describe different typical patterns of chest pain that can help in diagnosing the cause of pain. Visceral pain: Vague Overlap of location and quality of pain Possible difficulty in diagnosis Chronic pain: More complicated that acute pain Depends on poorly defined neural mechanisms within the brain Chest pain and non-respiratory disorders: Musculoskeletal– injured rib/thoracic muscle Cardiovascular – myocardial infarction, dissecting aortic aneurysm Gastrointestinal – gastro-oesophageal reflux Psychiatric – panic disorder Treatment: Treat cause Analgesia for chronic pain to reduce symptoms 9 Suzie Rayner can be severe and refractory Dyspnea: Review the terms used by patients to describe the troublesome symptom of shortness of breath and its measurement. Occurs at low levels of exertion Limits exercise tolerance Unpleasant/frightening → suffocation Poor perception of respiratory symptoms and dyspnoea may be life-threatening Scales Modified Borg scale Clinical dyspnea scale (American Thoracic Society) Grade Description 0 None Not troubled by breathlessness except with strenuous exercise 1 Slight Troubled by shortness of breath when hurrying on the level or walking up a slight hill 2 Moderate Walks slower than people of same age on the level because of breathlessness or has to stop for breath when walking at own pace on the level 3 Severe Stops for breath after walking about 100 yards or after a few minutes on the level 4 Very Severe Too breathless to leave house or breathless when dressing or undressing Rating 0 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Intensity of sensation Nothing at all Very, very slight (just noticeable) Very slight Slight Moderate Somewhat severe Severe Very severe Very, very severe Maximal 10 Suzie Rayner Causes Discuss the main important causes of shortness of breath and approach to management Impaired pulmonary function o airflow obstruction (asthma) o restriction of lung mechanics (pulmonary fibrosis) o Extrathoracic pulmonary restriction (pneumothorax) o Neuromuscular weakness (phrenic nerve paralysis) o Gas exchange abnormality (shunt) Impaired cardiovascular function o Myocardial disease o valvular disease o pericardial disease o pulmonary vascular disease o congenital vascular disease Altered central ventilatory drive/perception o systemic/metabolic disease o metabolic acidosis o anaemia o physiological processes (pregnancy, high altitude) o idiopathic hyperventilation Assessment Patients comments Rating scales Exercise testing Questionnaires Treatment Treat cause Treatment of dyspnoea itself is hard, use therapeutic options: Drugs affecting brain (morphine) Lung resection (reduce lung volume) Pulmonary rehabilitation (improve fitness, health, psychological well-being) Respiratory system 13 – Acute Respiratory Medicine Describe the integrated system of cardio- respiratory function for tissue oxygenation 11 Suzie Rayner Efficient integrated cardiorespiratory function is essential to provide sufficient oxygen delivery to tissues Physiological homeostasis is maintained due to oxygen consumption normally being independent of supply. Oxygen delivery is determined by: Adequate oxygen supply from respiratory system – due to minute ventilation and gas exchange Cardiac output Oxygen carrying capacity of the blood – Haemoglobin and oxygen saturating capacity DO2 = Q x C (a-v) Delivery of oxygen = Oxygen content of blood x cardiac output (arterio-venous difference) Q = Hb x SpO2 (a-v) = Oxygen content of blood = Haemoglobin concentration x O2 saturation C = cardiac output = volume of blood pumped out of LV in one minute Clinical relevance of integrated cardiorespiratory function Failure of any one of these processes may lead to insufficient tissue oxygenation Examples Low cardiac output states (heart failure, haemorrhage) Severe anaemia (low Hb) Low SaO2 (hypoxaemia) Also provides strategies for restoring adequate oxygen to tissues o Increase Q – fluid resuscitation, increase heart contractility (INOtrope) or heart rate (CHRONOtrope) 12 Suzie Rayner o Increase Hb – Blood transfusions o Increase O2 supply – via oxygen mask Understand the meaning, classification and causes of ‘respiratory failure’. Respiratory failure: inability of the respiratory apparatus to provide adequate blood oxygenation – due to inadequate ventilation and/or gaseous exchange 13 Suzie Rayner Type 1 PaO2 < 8kPa PaCO2 < 6.5kPa Type 2 PaO2 < 8kPa PaCO2 > 6.5 kPa Clinical patterns Failure Pure ventilatory failure PaCO2 Increased PaO2 Decreased Hypoxaemic failure Same or decreased Decreased Mixed picture Increased Decreased Normo/Hypocapnic Hypoxaemia Severe pneumonia Pulmonary embolism Emphysema Severe early asthma Severe pulmonary oedema Hypercapnic Hypoxaemia COPD Asthma Neuromuscular disease What can cause it Resp centre depression, Neuro/muscular depression, Alveolar hypoventilation PE, early asthma, pneumonia, emphysema, ARDS, pulmonary oedema COPD Appreciate different types of ventilatory support and mechanisms involved in their beneficial effects. Reasons for mechanical ventilation: Inadequate oxygenation – inadequate ventilation, ARF, arrest Inadequate CO2 clearance – respiratory acidosis Inadequate airway maintenance – unconscious, bulbar palsy Electively – post op until normal spontaneous ventilation MECHANISMS: Ventilation and externally applied pressures When tidal volume is inadequate in depth, the lung apparatus may not be providing sufficient O2 or removing sufficient CO2 Providing externally supplied pressure support (PS on diagram), tidal volume is augmented Applying continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), alveoli remain ‘splinted’ open, rather than collapsing down at the end of expiration. 14 Suzie Rayner Oxygen therapy monitoring arterial pressures of O2 and CO2 Delivered flow and inspiratory flow related O2 concentrations Venturi mask/Hudson mask, high flow circuits Positive pressure ventilation (see below to explain how it works) NIPPV – non invasive, facemask IPPV – invasive, endotracheal tube normally Continuously positive airway pressure (CPAP) maintains patency of alveoli at end of expiration (don’t collapse) Useful post surgery: o on patients who have retained secretions due to pain induced shallow breaths and basal atelectasis (part of lung doesn’t expand properly) o can be used in addition to analgesia and physiotherapy Give a definition of ARDS, and understand its pathophysiological mechanisms. Acute respiratory distress syndrome in adults (ARDS): ARDS I Combines 3 features o Refractory hypoxaemia o CXR (chest Xray) – bilateral diffuse infiltrates o Absence of cardiogenic pulmonary oedema PaO2/FiO2 (fractionally inspired oxygen) < 200mmHg (27kPa) Range of severity, mild = acute lung injury (ALI), severe ARDS ARDS II Causes Direct vs indirect (e.g. pneumonia vs acute pancreatitis) 15 Suzie Rayner Pathophysiology – mechanisms of refractory hypoxaemia High permeability pulmonary oedema V/Q mismatch [Loss of HPV, atelectasis (part of lung not expanding)] ARDS III – increased permeability and plasma leak Plasma leak from post capillary venules causes increase in distance between alveoli and capillaries, causing a decrease in diffusion. Vascular reactivity is deregulated which causes loss of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction → intrapulmonary microvascular shunt (some blood being circulated without being oxygenated) Dead space ventilation in other areas Understand the meaning of ‘refractory hypoxemia’ in relation to ARDS. Refractory hypoxaemia: Presence of low PaO2 despite increasing the oxygen supply. Implies there is more to hypoxaemia than a simple diffusion problem Not specific to one disease Suggests need to consider other ways to improve blood/tissue oxygenation Result of V/Q mismatch. Explain the terms: Ventilation-perfusion mismatch, Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction, Dead space ventilation, Microvascular shunt Ventilation-perfusion mismatch (V/Q mismatch): air supply and blood supply to areas of the lung do not correlate i.e. good blood supply, but lung not expanding sufficiently would cause mismatch. Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV): Vasoconstriction in response to low oxygen levels. Reduces perfusion in the area of inadequate oxygenation. Microvascular shunt: when blood is not ‘diverted’ by HPV. Area of lung has good blood supply but poor oxygen supply, therefore blood is not being oxygenated and is returning to heart deoxygenated. Dead space ventilation: occurs following loss of HPV. Area of lung has good oxygen supply but poor blood supply, so oxygen is not being used. Describe the principals of managing respiratory failure in ARDS. ARDS I Treat underlying cause Low tidal volume ventilation 16 Suzie Rayner PEEP (positive end expiratory pressure) – maintain patency of reopened ‘collapsed’ alveoli, prevent ventilator induced lung injury ARDS II Reduce V/Q mismatch Prone positioning – blood/ventilation redistribution, improve chest wall compliance Inhaled pulmonary vasodilators – selective pulmonary vasodilation. improves blood flow to areas of ventilated lung, reducing dead space ventilation Appreciate that Sepsis and ARDS are linked by a panendothelial insult. Activation of the endothelial and vascular smooth muscle cells causes acute inflammation, release of inflammatory mediators Blood borne spread of mediators to remote organ/tissues Causes endothelial activation Sequential organ dysfunction and multiple organ failure. Respiratory system 14 – Blood gases in health and disease Oxygen delivery to the body tissues. Relationship of oxygen delivery to tissues and oxygen consumption. The development of tissue hypoxia when delivery fails to meet demand with onset of anaerobic metabolism (lactic acid production) Oxygen consumed is only 3/10 of the oxygen delivered to the tissues. [Note R.Q. = respiratory quotient, ratio of CO2 produced to O2 consumed] [If hypoxia occurs, lactic acid can accumulate in the brain and cannot cross the blood brain barrier, therefore causing a drop in pH. If hypoxia is reversed, the lactic acid is metabolised.] 17 Suzie Rayner Haemoglobin and blood gas transport. Coupled O2 and CO2 transport occurs within the red blood cell. Summary of diagram: Transport of Carbon Dioxide: CO2 is taken into the cell and has 2 routes it can take Route 1: CO2 + H2O → H2CO3 → HCO3- + H+ From this, HCO3- is removed from the cell (Cl- moves into cell in exchange) and H+ is used to release oxygen from haemoglobin by replacing O2 [Hb-O2 → Hb-H+] Route 2: CO2 replaces O2 by binding with haemoglobin, forming carbaminoHb, allowing O2 to move into the tissue Haemoglobin: Molecular weight 64,500 Made up of 2α and 2β chains Each chain has a haem molecule comprised of a porphyrin and a ferrous ion (Fe2+) 1 molecule can bind to 4 oxygen molecules In deoxyhaemoglobin, tight electrostatic bonds between the globin chains are present, with the haem molecule placed in places with low oxygen affinity. Increased surround oxygen tension causes small increase in uptake of oxygen by Hb. After 1 oxygen has binded to the molecule, the alteration in the configuration of the Hb molecule allows more oxygen to bind easily, steep increase in oxygen content for small rise in oxygen tension (pO2) [leads to sigmoid curve] Other factors that influence binding of O2 to haem group are: pH, PCO2, temperature, concentration of 2-3diphosphoglycerate. 18 Suzie Rayner Definition and causes of hypoxaemia. Hypoxia: lack of oxygen Hypoxaemia (Hypoxic hypoxia): Arterial PO2 <10.7kPa (80mmHg)[normal PO2 = 13.3kPa] Arterial O2 saturation <93% Arterial O2 content reduced Causes of hypoxaemia: Alveolar hypoventilation Impaired gas exchange with the lung High altitude (reduced barometric pressure) Other causes of hypoxaemia occur when the arterial PO2, saturation and content are normal: Anaemia hypoxia (lack of Hb to carry oxygen) Stagnant hypoxia Histotoxic hypoxia Compensatory mechanisms to deal with hypoxia (rapidly increase oxygen levels): Alveolar hyperventilation Increased cardiac output Improved pulmonary perfusion Changes in regional blood flow (i.e. not to gut to digest food) Polycythaemia (increase in packed cell volume in the blood) Anaerobic metabolism The relationships between content and gas tension in blood for oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) i.e. the O2 and CO2 dissociation curves. Factors affecting these curves with particular reference to oxygen uptake in the lung and the downloading of oxygen in the tissues. [N.B. ---- line is Hb with high affinity to O2, solid line is low affinity] 19 Suzie Rayner Oxygen dissociation curve: Defined as the readiness with which Hb takes up O2 with changes in O2 tension At same oxygen tension, Hb with high affinity will have higher content of oxygen than blood with low affinity [Obvious] Shifting the dissociation curve to the left increase O2 affinity, right decreases In hypoxia oxygen loading is decreased due to decreased PO2. Loading is increased by hyperventilation. Bohr Effect: When PCO2 decreases, pH increases - oxygen dissociation curve shifts left [same other way round] Carbon Dioxide dissociation curve: Conversion in the lung deoxyhaemoglobin to oxyhaemoglobin → released CO2. The rise in PCO2 enhances movement of CO2 from pulmonary capillaries to alveolus. Haldane Effect: In tissue, the conversion of oxyhaemoglobin to deoxyhaemoglobin enables the blood to carry CO2 at a lower PCO2, thus enhancing movement from tissue to blood. Factors affecting oxygen affinity: Decreasing (shift to right) Fall in pH, rise in PCO2, temperature Anaemia Pregnancy Increase in 2,3-biphosphoglycerate Increasing (shift to left) Rise in pH, fall in PCO2, temperature Store blood Fetal blood Decrease in 2,3-biphosphoglycreate Exercise: Increase in tissue PCO2, fall in pH. Reduces oxygen affinity Increases oxygen release Leads to reduction in O2 uptake in the lung and fall in PaO2. However, offset by increased ventilation [Carbon monoxide has affinity for Hb 250x higher than O2. CO causes oxygen dissociation curve to shift left] Definition of respiratory failure and effect on arterial gas tensions. Respiratory failure: [See previous lectures notes] Respiratory apparatus’s function is as a gas exchange system maintaing the gas tensions of carbon dioxide and oxygen. This is dependent on alveolar ventilation and gas exchange within the lung Respiratory failure occurs when 1 or both of these mechanisms fail 20 Suzie Rayner Failure boundaries: PaO2 < 8kPa (60mmHg), PaCO2 > 6.7kPa (50mmHg) 3 classifications of respiratory failure: A. Ventilatory failure (Type II): Low PaO2, high PaCO2 Alveolar hypoventilation Causes: impairment of respiratory ‘bellows’- interference with central respiratory controller or its connection with respiratory muscles, drugs, head injury, stroke, tumour, poliomyelitis B. Hypoxaemic failure (Type I): Low PaO2, normal/low PaCO2. Disturbance of ventilation to perfusion relationships Overall alveolar ventilation remains normal Causes: Asthma, emphysema, pneumonia, pulmonary fibrosis, pulmonary oedema C. Combined hypoxaemic and ventilatory failure Low PaO2, high PaCO2 Features of both types are mixed Both alveolar hypoventilation and V/Q mismatch Develops in patients who have suffered hypoxaemic failure for some years and patients with bronchitis and emphysema – may lead to cor pulmonale. The relationship between CO2 tension (PCO2) and arterial oxygen tension (PO2) within the lung. The effect on the relationship of changes in alveolar ventilation and ventilation / perfusion relationships within the lung 21 Suzie Rayner There is a reciprocal relationship between PCO2 and PO2 within the lung – shown by the oblique continuous line on the above diagram. Addition of PCO2 and PO2 will give the same value at any point on the line – approximately 16kPa This rule is useful in identifying between Type I and II respiratory failure. Type I - PCO2 = 3.5kPa, PO2 = 8.0 kPa Type II - PCO2 = 10kPa, PO2 = 7.5kPa Ventilation perfusion mismatch Low PaO2, but fairly normal PaCO2 As the gradient between CO2 in venous and arterial is low, the rise in CO2 due to poor gas exchange due to under-ventilated alveoli CO2 is returned to normal by compensatory mechanisms due to virtually linear dissociation curve O2 cannot be returned to normal by compensatory mechanisms due to the sigmoid shape of the dissociation curve Areas of the lung with normal V/Q ratio are nearly fully saturating blood with O2. Therefore, even increasing ventilation will have very little or no effect on the saturation and so O2 content will remain constant. CO2 dissociation curve (see above right): N is the content of blood leaving a normal lung. In diseased lungs there are areas with low V/Q and areas with high. The resulting PCO2 is only slightly raised (within normal range) as high areas compensate for low. This is achieved due to CO2 dissociation curve being nearly linear and a rise in PCO2 stimulates chemoreceptors leading to an increase of ventilation in high V/Q areas. Oxygen dissociation curve (above left): 22 Suzie Rayner Doesn’t balance out in the same way that CO2 does as sigmoid curve rather than a straight line. Respiratory system – Hands on Blood gases in Health and Disease Describe the qualitative changes in arterial blood pH. PCO2 and Base Excess in the following acid-base disturbances: (i) Acute respiratory acidosis, (ii) Acute respiratory alkalosis For (i) and (ii) above, describe the qualitative changes in arterial blood pH, PCO2 and Base Excess following renal compensation. Describe the qualitative changes in arterial blood pH. PCO2 and Base Excess in the following acid-base disturbances: (i) Metabolic acidosis with respiratory compensation, (ii) Metabolic alkalosis with respiratory compensation Describe the qualitative changes in arterial blood pH. PCO2, Base Excess and PO2 in a patient with (i) Type I respiratory failure (ii) Type II respiratory failure, in each case after full renal compensation. Normal range of values: Hb pH PCO2 PO2 Base Excess 13.3 – 17.7 g/dl 7.37 – 7.45 units 4.7 – 6.4 kPa (35-48mmHg) > 10.7 kPa (80mmHg) -2 - +2 mmol/l Summary table of all acid-base disturbances Acid-Base Disturbance pH Acute respiratory acidosis Low Acute respiratory alkalosis High Respiratory acidosis with renal Low compensation Respiratory alkalosis with renal High compensation Metabolic acidosis with respiratory Low compensation Metabolic alkalosis with respiratory High compensation Acid-Base disturbance Type I respiratory failure (hypoxaemia respiratory failure) with FULL renal pH Normal PCO2 Normal pCO2 High Low High Base Excess Normal Normal High Low Low Low Low High High PO2 Low (V/Q mismatch) Base Excess Normal 23 Suzie Rayner compensation Type II respiratory failure (ventilatory respiratory failure) with FULL renal compensation Normal High (due to Low inadequate alveolar ventilation) Normal Comment on the mechanism whereby metabolic changes in acid-base status lead to alteration in ventilation and hence respiratory compensation. HCO3- levels in the blood affect acid-base status. These can be affected by: Gaseous – rise and fall with CO2 level Metabolic o HCO3- level falls when metabolic acids are buffered in blood (bicarbonate is formed) o Regenerated in kidney, win conjunction with excretion of hydrogen ions o HCO3- level will rise if sodium bicarbonate is administered orally/intravenously. Renal - HCO3- rises when acid excretion by kidneys increases (excretion hydrogen ions) and falls when there is a reduction in acid excretion CO2 transport The equilibriums in the CO2 transport will be affected by the amount of H+ present (i.e. the pH) Example: If the H+ level increases, the equilibrium will shift to left, and so less carbon dioxide will be taken in (buffered). This will cause ventilation rate to increase to remove CO2 as fast as possible Elevated hydrogen ion concentration associated with metabolic acidosis reflexly stimulates ventilation and lower PaCO2 24 Suzie Rayner Respiratory system 15 – Lung Infection To learn about the healthy lungs defences against infection. We are continually exposed to infectious agents during breathing, but the healthy lung is sterile from the first bronchial division. Lungs have multilayered defence mechanisms against infection as they are constantly exposed to potentially infectious agents: Mechanical: Mucociliary clearance, URT filtration, cough, surfactant, epithelial barrier Local: BALT, sIgA, lysozyme, transferrin, antiproteinases, alveolar macrophage Systemic: Polymorphonuclear leucocytes, complement, immunoglobulins Mucociliary clearance [mentioned in detail in previous lecture]: 200 cilia per cell, intact epithelium with tight junctions sealing gaps between cells Cilia beat within periciliary fluid, mucus floats on top of periciliary fluid. Coordinated ciliary beating with curved backstroke so that mucus only moves 1 direction 14 beats per second ATPase in the dynein arms provide energy for microtubules to slide up and down each other, causing ciliary movement. To understand how the host defences can be compromised; congenital or acquired. Three examples: primary ciliary dyskinesia, viral infection, cigarette smoking. 25 Suzie Rayner Broadly speaking, infections can either occur in airway (bronchitis) or alveoli (pneumonia). When infection occurs, either the pathogens overcome the lung defences or the defences are weakened in some way, allowing the pathogen in. Weakened host defences are either: Primary – hereditary – Primary ciliary dyskinesia, CF Secondary – acquired – Smoking, Viral infection Hereditary: Primary ciliary dyskinesia: Rare, thought to be autosomal recessive with incomplete penetrance. Ultrastructural abnormalities in the cilia causing their movement to be inhibited or disordered. Most common abnormality is the absence of one or both dynein arms (other abnormalities are in microtubules or radial spokes) Cilia beating is disorientated Impaired ciliary function in all sites present in body (nose, paranasal sinuses, middle ear, Eustachian tube, bronchi to bronchioles and spermatozoa tail) → causes bronchiectasis, chronic sinusitis, middle ear disease, male infertility Kartagener’s syndrome – primary ciliary dyskinesia with bronchiectasis, dextrocardia (heart is mirror of what it would normally be i.e. on right) and chronic sinusitis present. Diagnose abnormal cilia by nasal brushing or nitrous oxide. Acquired: Cigarettes: disturb mucociliary clearance (destroy cilia, more mucus produced, stickier mucus) causes long standing weakened defences Viruses: also disturb mucociliary clearance (watery mucus, destroy cilia, more mucus produced, break up epithelium and kill epithelial cells) causes temporarily weakened defences Respiratory infections should raise suspicion of disordered defences when: Acute, overwhelming Recurrent-acute, slow to resolve (with or without antibiotics) Daily purulent sputum only temporarily responding to antibiotics Bacterial pathogens of the lung fall into two groups: Virulent species that cause pneumonia (streptococcus pneumoniae) 26 Suzie Rayner Less virulent species which cause bronchitis – equipped to chronically infect airway when host defences have been compromised (unencapsulated Haemophilus influenzae) Bacteria methods of avoidance: They either produce factors which impair defences or hide from the defences Impairs mucociliary clearance Enzymes break down local immunoglobulins Exoproducts impair neutrophil, macrophage, lymphocytes Adheres to epithelia Surface heterogeneity Endocytosis Haemophilus influenzae: Commonest cause of airway infection ¼ of smokers have this bacteria infecting their airway Fimbriae reach out and anchor the bacteria to epithelial cells → therefore not cleared by mucociliary action Bacterial infection stimulates more mucus production and bacteria bind to mucus. To understand the differences in pathogenesis between acute and chronic lung infections. Two examples: pneumococcal lobar pneumonia and bronchiectasis. Pneumonia: Infection of the alveoli Much more serious that airway infection 5% of those admitted to hospital with pneumonia die. Streptococcus pneumoniae is most common cause – produces toxin canned pneumolysin which makes holes in cell membranes killing the cell. Clinical features: Cough, Sputum, dyspnoea, Pleural Pain, Headache More severe than symptoms of bronchitis Bronchiectasis: Dilated airways in which structural proteins have been damaged Mucus is poorly cleared- pools in dilated airways, ciliated cells are lost, mucus is less elastic. Chronic productive cough Daily physiotherapy to remove phlegm Airways plugged with mucus Bacteria that adhere to the mucus attract neutrophils from the bloodstream into the bronchial lumen by chemotactic products and host cell mediators. Inflammatory response fails to eradicate infection once it is established in patients with bronchiectasis due to impaired host cell defence and high bacterial number 27 Suzie Rayner Causes of bronchiectasis: Congenital Damage (infection) Something wrong with body’s ability to fight infection Excessive inflammation Clinical features: Cough, sputum, SOB, fatigue, recurrent infection Chronic infection: Chronic inflammation causes more damage to lung Normally protease/anti-protease balance works – phagocytes engulfing bacteria ‘spill’ protease enzyme which is normally inside cell to kill bacteria. Antiproteases in the mucus normally neutralize this. In chronic infection, so much protease is ‘spilled’ that the anti-proteases are overwhelmed and cannot neutralize it. Proteases damage epithelium and elastin Respiratory system 16 – Lung Mechanics Explain what is meant by elastic recoil. Elasticity: property of matter that causes it to return to its resting shape after deformation by an external force. Tissues of lung are chest are elastic as removing external force causes the tissues to recoil to resting position. Elastic recoil = change in pressure/unit of volume change (reciprocal of compliance) When a spring is EASY to distend When a spring is HARD to distend Elastic resistance LOW HIGH Compliance HIGH LOW 28 Suzie Rayner Opening thorax causes separation of visceral and parietal pleura (there is normally a small amount of fluid in pleural cavity allowing the two layers of pleura to slide over each other. The tendency for the lung to recoil away from the chest wall can be measured as the pleural pressure. Define compliance. Compliance: the expression of pressure-volume characteristics of the respiratory apparatus (chest wall and/or lungs) Compliance = unit of volume change/change in pressure Gradient of pressure-volume curve High compliance: large change in volume for given change in pressure Noncompliant: Larger pressure required to achieve same volume Explain how pulmonary versus chest wall compliances can vary in various respiratory diseases. Lung condition Healthy lungs Emphysema (loss of elastic recoil) Pulmonary fibrosis (increased elastic recoil) [N.B. lowest number – most elastic recoil] Compliance 0.2 l/cm H20 0.4 l/cm H20 0.1 l/cm H20 To measure pleural pressure: Insert a needle (direct) Measure pressure in a thin walled balloon introduced to middle third of the oesophagus (indirect) [N.B. can be used to measure pleural pressure as oesophagus has thin walls with little tone and lies between lungs and chest wall] Relationships between lungs and chest wall at different lung volumes: Functional residual capacity (FRC) is determined by the balancing of opposing elastic forces in the lung and chest wall At FRC Above FRC Forces are equal but pulling in opposite directions RP is 0 (atmospheric) Force of lung tending to empty > force of chest wall tending to fill it 29 Suzie Rayner Below FRC RP is positive Pull of chest in inspiratory direction > pull of lungs in expiratory direction RP is negative Explain the concept of surface tension and the Law of Laplace. Hysteresis: for any given pressure, the volume during deflation is greater than in inflation. Surface tension: manifestation of attracting forces between molecules measured in dynes/cm (force/length) may be lowered by certain substances when placed in liquid (exert lesser force for other molecules) - surfactant Law of LaPlace: P = 2T/r [P = pressure, T = surface tension, R = radius of alveolus] Lungs recoil inward away from chest wall due to: Connective tissues in the lung (elastin and collagen) Surface tension generated at the air-liquid interface in the alveoli Elastic recoil of lungs comes from: Half from elastic properties of the lungs 30 Suzie Rayner Half from their structure - alveoli Smaller alveoli have to work harder to expand due to larger pressure. Explain how pulmonary surfactant affects lung volume and airway patency. Factors which stabilize the lungs: Surfactant: o forms late in gestation (25 weeks) o can be assessed in amniotic fluid o Glucocorticoids stimulate Type II cells to produce surfactant o Respiratory distress syndrome results from inadequate amount of surfactant Interdependence of lung units: o Adjacent alveoli share a common wall, therefore tendency of one alveoli or lung unit to collapse is opposed by support of surrounding units Pulmonary surfactant: In lungs of all air-breathing vertebrates Formed in type II alveolar cells (stores surfactant in osmiophilic lamellar bodies and secretes contents into alveolar lumen) Phospholipids and specific apoproteins Can markedly decrease the surface tension of air-liquid interface Surfactant is necessary to keep surface tension constant throughout ventilation cycle (without it, surface tension would increase with inspiratory expansion and reduce with expiration) Describe the relationship between alveolar and atmospheric gas pressures, airway resistance and airflow. [READ AND CHECK UNDERSTANDING] 31 Suzie Rayner Getting air into the lungs relies on the change in intrathoracic pressure. Increasing the size of the thorax, inspiratory muscles lower the intratoracic pressure (relative to atmospheric pressure) causing air to flow into airways. Once Vmax has been reached, the resistance to airflow must rise in direct proportion to the driving pressure. The rise in airflow resistance occurring at each lung volume is due to the dynamic compression of the airways Pressure in airway drops from the alveolar pressure to the atmospheric pressure at the mouth. Equal pressure point = point at which intramural and extramural pressure are equal. Flow limitation occurs at ‘choke points’ along the airway – likely to form where the transmural pressure becomes negative. As lung volume decreases airways narrow, resistance increases and the flowlimiting site moves peripherally Thus in late forced expiration, flow in increasingly determined by the properties of the small peripheral airways Transpulmonary pressure = pressure in alveolus – pleural pressure [Pressure difference between alveoli and pleural space] Main factor leading to a positive transpulmonary pressure is high lung static recoil pressure (volume) as this contributes to a greater pressure within the airspaces relative to pleural pressure. Pressure in the alveolus = elastic recoil pressure of lungs + pleural pressure When dynamic compression occurs, the maximum driving force becomes Alveolar pressure – intrapleural pressure (determined by the volume and compliance of the lung) Points on Dynamic compression During forced expiration, pleural pressure can exceed airway pressure – favouring airway compression 32 Suzie Rayner Increased pleural pressure results in greater airway compression with no change in airflow Compression starts at the equal pressure point in the cartilage-free airways within the lung In disease, the weakened airways can collapse, trapping air behind the blockade [Lip pursing moves the EPP to the mouth providing psychological relief to the patient – therefore symptom of lung disease] Describe the factors that affect airway resistance centrally and peripherally. Lung Volume As lung volume increases, airway resistance decreases Airway calibre Flow depends on resistance from airway and driving pressure Airway generation Regional airway resistance deceases as a function of airway generation Highest resistance is at generation 4 – medium bronchi of short length and frequent branching in highly non-laminar air flow with extreme turbulence. Airflow profile Tube radius is deciding factor in resistance to flow Laminar (air flows in straight lines) – small airways Transitional (branching) Turbulent (air flow isn’t in straight lines) – occurs in large airways (diameter >2mm) [As lower density gases will reduce Reynolds number they may be used in case of airway obstruction] Phase of respiration Resistance is less in inspiration than expiration Vagal and sympathetic tone Cholinergic blockade β-2 receptor stimulation β-blockade Respiratory gases Hypocapnia – abnormally low concentration of CO2 in the blood Hypercapnia – abnormally high concentration of CO2 in the blood 33 Suzie Rayner Name the two major components that contribute to the work of breathing and explain how each may be altered in disease states. Flow-resistive work o In asthma, elastic energy stored during inspiration is not enough to produce airflow during expiration – expiratory muscles must do extra work Elastic resistance o In pulmonary fibrosis, work required to overcome flow resistance is little altered, much more work is required to overcome high elastic resistance of the ‘stiff’ lungs Describe the relationship between mechanical work and oxygen cost of breathing in normals and patients with respiratory insufficiency. In diseases, small increases in ventilation are associated with marked increases in oxygen consumption – oxygen cost of breathing is higher in disease than health. Respiratory system 17 – Altitude and acclimatization Mostly a repeat of lecture 14 Bohr Effect: In lung, PCO2 reduced, pH rises, oxygen dissociation curve moves left → affinity increased and oxygen loading enhanced In tissues, PCO2 increases, pH falls, oxygen dissociation curve moves right → affinity decreased, unloading of oxygen enhanced When living at high altitude (hypoxia), oxygen loading is impaired due to low PO2. Increased loading by: Hyperventilation → increasing PO2 and reducing PCO2 (increasing oxygen affinity) 34 Suzie Rayner Haldane Effect: Conversion in the lung of deoxyhaemoglobin to oxyhaemoglobin shifts the curve to the right, reducing affinity of Hb for CO2. In tissues, conversion of oxyhaemoglobin to deoxyhaemoglobin shifts curve left, increasing affinity for CO2. Respiratory response to a fall in barometric pressure (high altitude) Primary need is to ensure adequate oxygen uptake Alveolar ventilation increases, giving increased PaO2 and decreased PaCO2. Rise in pH puts a brake on the respiratory response to hypoxaemia Over the next few days, renal compensation for alkalaemia leads to return of normal pH, removing the inhibition of breathing. Oxygen affinity returns to same level as at sea level due to: Correction of the alkalaemia by renal compensation increased production of 2-3, deoxyhaemoglobin bisphosphoglycerate 2-3, bisphosphoglycerate binds to deoxyhaemoglobin in the tissues leading to it’s increased production via bisphosphoglycerate synthase and hence the accumulation in the red cells. 35