CURRICULUM VITAE Professor Oliver Harris HIGHER EDUCATION 1980-83 1984-88 University of Oxford, BA (First), English Language and Literature University of Oxford, D.Phil. APPOINTMENTS HELD 1993-2001 2001-2005 2005- Lecturer in American Literature, American Studies, Keele University Senior Lecturer in American Literature Professor of American Literature PUBLICATIONS Books 2014 Editor. The Soft Machine: the Restored Text, by William Burroughs (New York: Grove / London: Penguin Modern Classics). 272 pp. Introduction IX-LIII. 2014 Editor. The Ticket That Exploded: the Restored Text, by William Burroughs (New York: Grove / London: Penguin Modern Classics). 287 pp. Introduction IX-LV. 2014 Editor. Nova Express: the Restored Text, by William Burroughs (New York: Grove / London: Penguin Modern Classics). 254 pp. Introduction IX-LV. 2010 Editor, Queer: 25th-Anniversary Edition by William S. Burroughs. Penguin. 150 pp. Introduction: IX-XLV. 2009 Co-Editor, with Ian MacFadyen, Naked Lunch@50: Anniversary Essays. Southern Illinois University Press. 283 pp. 2008 Editor, Everything Lost: The Latin American Notebook of William S. Burroughs. Ohio State University Press. 217 pp. Introduction: IX-XXVIII. 2006 Editor, The Yage Letters Redux by William S. Burroughs and Allen Ginsberg. City Lights. 127 pp. Introduction: IX-XLVII. Penguin Classics edition, 2008. 2003 William Burroughs and The Secret of Fascination. Southern Illinois University Press. 287 pp. 2003 Editor, Junky: the definitive text of “Junk” by William S. Burroughs. Penguin. 166 pp. Introduction: IX-XXXIX. Grove Press Edition, 2012. 1993 Editor, The Letters of William S. Burroughs 1945-1959. Viking. 472 pp. Introduction: XV-XL. CV Oliver Harris (February 2015) 1 Articles and Essays 2015 “Gateway Drug,” Introduction to A man Called Burroughs Photographic Exhibition catalogue (London: Aloes Books). 2014 Review Essay, William S. Burroughs: Scientologist! by David Wills, Journal of Beat Studies vol. 3: 123-26. 2014 “‘Problems after a certain point are insoluble’: An Interview with William Burroughs,” Beat Scene 71: 52-55. 2013 Review Essay, Scripting Hitchcock by Walter Raubicheck and Walter Srebnick, The Journal of Screenwriting 4.2 (2013): 43-46. 2012 “Minute Particulars of the Counter-Culture: Time, Life, and the Photopoetics of Allen Ginsberg,” Comparative American Studies 10.1 (March 2012): 3-29. 2010 “William Burroughs” entry in The Encyclopedia of Twentieth-Century Fiction, ed. Patrick O’Donnell (Wiley-Blackwell): 476-78. 2010 “The Beat Hotel / Cut-Up Headquarters,” Fabrikzeitung (Zurich), 264. 2010 “Cutting Up the Corpse,” in Davis Schneiderman et al, The Exquisite Corpse: Chance and Collaboration in Surrealism’s Parlor Game (Lincoln: U of Nebraska P): 82-103. 2009 “The Beginnings of ‘Naked Lunch, an endless novel,’” in Harris and MacFadyen (Eds.) Naked Lunch@50: Anniversary Essays (Southern Illinois UP): 14-25. 2008 “Everything Lost: The Latin American Notebook of William S. Burroughs – The Inside Story,” Beat Scene, 56: 38-45. 2007 “William Burroughs,” entry in Kurt Hemmer (Ed.) The Encyclopaedia of Beat Literature. New York: Facts on File: 31-37. With Rob Johnson, “Queer” (267-70) and ‘Yage Letters’ (355-56). 2006 “Not Burroughs’ Final Fix: Materializing The Yage Letters.” Postmodern Culture 16.3 (January 2006): 8,500 words. 2005 “‘Burroughs is a poet too, really’: the Poetics of Minutes to Go.” Edinburgh Review 114: 24-36. 2005 “William Burroughs,” entry in William Lawlor (Ed.) Beat Culture: Lifestyles, Icons, and Impact (Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2005): 29-43. 2005 “Killing the Killers: Hemingway, Hollywood, and Death,” in David Seed (Ed.) Literature and the Visual Media (Cambridge: D.S. Brewer): 74-95. 2004 “’Virus X’: Kerouac’s Visions of Burroughs,” in J. Skerl (Ed.) Reconstructing the Beats (New York: St. Martin’s Press): 203-15. CV Oliver Harris (February 2015) 2 2004 “Cutting Up Politics,” in Davis Schneiderman and Philip Walsh (Eds.) Retaking the Universe: William S. Burroughs in the Age of Globalisation (London: Pluto): 175-200. 2003 “Junky at Fifty,” Beat Scene, 43: 36-37. 2003 “Film Noir Fascination: Outside History but Historically So.” Cinema Journal 41.3 (Fall): 3-24. 2002 “Film Noir et la fascination nocturne,” Les Cahiers de CIRCAV 13 (Film Theory Special Issue): 143-68. 2001 “Out of Epistolary Practice: Email from Emerson, Post-Cards to Pynchon,” American Literary History, 13, 1: 158-68. 2000 “Beating the Academy,” College Literature, 27, 1: 195-212. 2000 “Cold War Correspondents: Ginsberg, Kerouac, Cassady and The Political Economy of Beat Letters,” Twentieth Century Literature, 46, 2: 171-92. 1999 “Apocalypse-Burroughs-Cage-Dada-Encounter: A Cut-Up ABCDE,” Burroughs/Cage (Lyme Regis): 9-16. 1999 “‘Can You See A Virus?’ The Queer Cold War of William Burroughs,” Journal of American Studies (Cambridge), 33, 2: 243-66. 1999 “Queer Shoulders, Queer Wheel: Homosexuality and Beat Textual Politics,” in C. Van Minnen et al (Eds) Beat Culture: The 1950s and Beyond (Amsterdam: VU Press): 221-40. 1998 “In hope he is still alive,” in In Memoriam: William Burroughs (Exeter: Stride Publications): 112. 1997 “Naming Names: The Beat Hall of Fame,” OverHere: A European Journal of American Culture (Nottingham), 17, 1: 218-25. 1996 “The Beat Generation” and “William Burroughs,” in The Reader’s Guide to Literature in English (London: Fitzroy Dearbon): 59-60 and 111-12. 1996/97 “It’s no calligraphy for school children,” Connotations: A Journal for Critical Debate (New York/Munster) 6 3: 337-53. 1991 “Cut-Up Closure: The Return to Narrative,” in Jennie Skerl & Robin Lydenberg (Eds) William S. Burroughs At the Front: Critical Reception 1959-1989 (Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP): 251-62. FORTHCOMING PUBLICATIONS Chapters in books “Cutting Up The Century,” in Burroughs Centenary Essays (Indiana UP, 2015). “Burroughs and Postmodernism” in The Cambridge Companion to Beat Studies (CUP, 2016). CV Oliver Harris (February 2015) 3 CONFERENCE/SEMINAR PAPERS 2014 “The Nova Machine Exploded,” “William Burroughs @100 Conference,” International Anthony Burgess Foundation in Manchester (13/12/2014) 2014 Keynote Address, “Shift, Spit, Cut: A Genetic Geography of Naked Lunch” The Third Annual Conference of the European Beat Studies Network, Tangier (17/11/2014) 2014 “Editing The Cut-Up Trilogy,” The New York Public Library (26/4/2014) 2014 Keynote Address, “Cutting Up The Trilogy,” to The William Burroughs Centennial Conference, City University of New York (25/4/2014) 2014 Keynote Address, “A Life-Time Cut-Up,” to “Beyond the Cut-Up: William S. Burroughs and the Image,” The Photographer’s Gallery, London (15/2/14) 2014 Chair, European Beat Studies Panel, British Association of American Studies Conference, Birmingham University (11/4/14) 2014 Keynote Address, “Cutting Up the Century,” to “The Burroughs Century Conference,” Indiana University, Bloomington (7/2/14) 2012 Opening Address to the European Beat Studies Conference, Middelburg, Holland (5/9/12) 2012 Keynote Address, “Working the Hole with William Burroughs: Censorship and The Soft Machine,” to “Underground” Conference, Koc University, Istanbul (8/5/12) 2012 Chair, European Beat Studies Panel, British Association of American Studies Conference, Manchester (13/4/12) 2011 “The Beats / The French / The American Century,” Department of English and Comparative Literature, Columbia University, New York (5/4/11) 2010 “Sawing William Burroughs in Half: the Origins of Naked Lunch,” Temple University, Philadelphia (14/9/10) 2010 “‘Confusion’s Masterpiece’: Re-editing William Burroughs’ First Trilogy,” Book History Colloquium, Columbia University, New York (16/9/10) 2010 “Double-Crossing Hemingway: The Iceberg Aesthetic as Red Herring,” Department of English, University of York (3/3/10) 2009 “The Frisco Kid, He Never Returns: William Burroughs in San Francisco,” San Francisco Art Institute (20/11/09) 2009 Keynote Address, “From Dr Mabuse to Doc Benway: The Myths and Manuscripts of Naked Lunch,” William Burroughs Conference, Columbia University, New York (9/10/09) 2009 Organiser’s Address to Naked Lunch@50 Symposium, University of London Institute in Paris (1/7/09) 2009 “Burroughs and Kerouac on the road to Naked Lunch,” University of Sussex (24/2/09) CV Oliver Harris (February 2015) 4 2008 Plenary Address, “The Holy Shit of Burroughs and Kerouac,” to “The Beats and the Post-Beats,” University of Birmingham (13/12/08) 2008 “The Inside Story on Covers: Confessions of a Burroughs Scholar,” “Uncovering the Scholarly Edition” symposium, Keele (18/6/08) 2008 “Beating Scholarship: On the Unspoken Truth about Editing and Publishing," American Literature Association, San Francisco (5/08) 2007 “Cutting Up the Archive: William Burroughs and the Composite Text,” Annual Symposium on Textual Studies, De Montfort University (25/5/07) 2007 “Cutting Up the Beat Hotel,” British Association of American Studies Annual Conference, University of Leicester (4/07) 2003 Keynote Speaker, “Junky at Fifty,” Columbia University (4/03) 2000 “Film Noir Fascination,” American Culture Association, New Orleans 1998 “Queer Shoulders, Queer Wheel,” Netherlands American Studies Association Conference, Middelburg, Holland 1997 “The Beat Mythology,” North Eastern Modern Languages Association Conference, Philadelphia 1996/97/99 Seminars, Department of English, Université Charles de Gaule, Lille-3 1996 “I-con-oclast,” Department of English, Glasgow University ACADEMIC/CREATIVE EVENTS 2014 Organised the Third Annual Conference of the European Beat Studies Network, Tangier, Morocco (17-19/11/2014) 2014 In Conversation with Barry Miles, The William Burroughs Centennial Conference, City University of New York (25/4/2014) 2014 2012 Reading, St Marks Poetry Project, New York (23/4/2014). Organised the Inaugural Conference of the European Beat Studies Network, The Roosevelt Academy, Middelburg, Holland “A Fifty Year Lunch,” illustrated talk at The Cube Cinema, Bristol Co-organised “Naked Lunch@50” 3-day Symposium and Events. University of London Institute in Paris Co-organised and contributed to “Uncovering the Scholarly Edition” symposium, Keele “A Flash of Vision,” illustrated lecture for the William Burroughs exhibition at the Riflemaker Gallery, London Co-organised and contributed to “A Chance Encounter: William Burroughs / John Cage” a multi-media academic/creative event, Keele Organised readings at Keele by David Meltzer and Jack Hirschman Organised readings at Keele by Ron Sukenick and Robert Creeley Organised The William Burroughs Symposium, Keele 2009 2009 2008 2005 1998 1997 1995 1994 CV Oliver Harris (February 2015) 5 CONSULTANCIES AND MEDIA 2014 2014 2014 2014 2013 2012 2012 2009 2006 2006 2005 2003 2000 1999 1997 1998 Interview in Huffington Post Maroc (22/11/2014) Interview for Burroughs 100 Official Website (6/11/2014) The Guardian Newspaper, Live Webchat (25/2/2014) BBC Radio 4: Burroughs at 100: Contributed interviews Paul Bowles: The Cage Door is Always Open (documentary film by Daniel Young): Contributed interviews BBC Radio 4, “The Beat Hotel”: Interviewed for broadcast Beat Hotel (documentary film by Alan Govenar): Contributed interviews Agence-France-Presse: Interviewed about Naked Lunch anniversary Reforma (Mexico City): Interviewed about Burroughs and the Beats New York Times (3/1/2006): Interviewed about NYPL literary archives BBC Radio 3: Discussion of collage in the arts on “The Verb” Beat Scene magazine (issue 43): Interview Beat (starring Courtney Love): Research consultant Times Higher Educational Supplement (1401): Interview Radio National (Australia): William Burroughs obituary interview BBC Radio Stoke: Interviewed on the Burroughs/Cage Symposium GRANTS RECEIVED FOR RESEARCH (last ten years) 2009 2007 2004 3 British Academy, Small Grant (£1,750) British Academy, Small Grant (£5,609) AHRB, 4-month Research Leave Scheme Award (£15,000) MEMBERSHIP OF PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS American Literature Association Beat Studies Association Society of Cinema Studies Popular Culture Association British Association of American Studies European Beat Studies Network (founding President) REFEREEING AND REVIEWS Refereed for: Twentieth Century Literature, Mosaic, Cinema Journal, and College Literature, Tijdschrift voor Tijdschriftstudies (Magazine for Magazine Studies), Modernism / Modernity, The Journal of Beat Studies, Palgrave, Continuum, Vanderbilt University Press, Routledge, Southern Illinois University Press, Dartmouth College Press. CV Oliver Harris (February 2015) 6 Reviewed for: Journal of American Studies, Journal of Beat Studies, The New Statesman, PN Review, Harpers & Queen, The Journal of Screenwriting, SCOPE: An On-Line Journal of Film Studies. Journal Service: Member of the Editorial Board for The Journal of Beat Studies PhD SUPERVISION 20142010-2014 2006-2011 2007-2011 2003-2010 1998-2002 1995-1998 1994–1998 Eleanor Boothroyd, Dial M for Motion-Picture: Investigating Movement in Alfred Hitchcock’s Films Tomasz Stompor, Precise Intersection Points: Literature/Collage (co-mentoring) Freie Universität, Berlin Maja Aanum, Ghetto Culture and the Commodity Imperative: the case of Master P (part-time). Jon Weinel, Altered States of Consciousness as an Adaptive Principle for Composing Electroacoustic Music (co-supervision) Alberto D’Elia, The Noir Passage between Europe and America (cosupervision, part-time) Mark Forshaw, Outer Space, Inner Space, Cyber Space: The Shifting Ontological Spaces of William Burroughs, J.G. Ballard, and William Gibson John Watters, The Magical Universe of William S. Burroughs. (Joint Award with Lille-III, France) Jim Hall, The Failure of the Individual in Tom Wolfe’s Bonfire of the Vanities PhD EXTERNAL EXAMINATION 2013 2012 2010 2007 2006 2001 2000 1996 Thom Robinson, University of Sheffield, Bound to the Past: Nostalgia in the Work of William S. Burroughs Chad Weiner, Universiteit Gent, The Green Ghost: An Ecocritical Study of Selected Texts by William Burroughs Joanna Harrop, Queen Mary, London University, The Yagé Aesthetic of William Burroughs: The Publication and Development of his Work, 1953-1965 Barbara Pitter, Kings College, London, Fruit Rat: A Consideration of Gender and Sexuality in the Work of William S. Burroughs Catherine Nash, University of Nottingham, Technology in the Work of Jack Kerouac and William S. Burroughs Brendon Nicholls, University of Essex, Languages of the Body and the Body of Language: A Comparative Study of Two Beat writers. Jamie Russell, London University, Bodies of Light: Homosexuality, Masculinity, and Ascesis in the Novels of William S. Burroughs. James Drever, University of Wales, William Burroughs and the American Frontier. CV Oliver Harris (February 2015) 7 EXTERNAL EXAMINING 2003-06 2005-07 BA Film and American Culture, University College, Winchester BA Film Studies, University College, Winchester TEACHING Undergraduate Courses designed and taught at Keele University (last 5 years) The Unreliable Truth: Studies in 20th Century English & American Literatures AMS-10023 Starting Out: An Introduction to American Literature (1820-1990) AMS-10025 New York, New York: An Introduction to American Culture AMS-10024 (lectures only) Transatlantic Gothic: Studies in 19th Century English & American Literatures AMS-10027 (lectures only) Hooray for Hollywood? Approaches to American Film AMS-20060 Alfred Hitchcock’s America AMS-20061 Post-war Counter/Culture: Texts of the ‘50s and ‘60s AMS-30020 Film Noir: The Dark Side of America AMS-30037 High Culture: Drink, Drugs, and the American Dream AMS-30038 Graduate Courses designed and taught at Keele University (last 10 years) Method in the Madness: Texts and Contexts of The Beat Generation Film Noir: Death and Desire Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Hitchcock (But Were Afraid to Ask Lacan) Methods in Cultural Analysis Teaching Nominations: 2006, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015: Keele University’s Award for Excellence in Learning and Teaching Invited Teaching outside Keele University (last 5 years) Staffordshire University (March 2015) Wesleyan University, Connecticut (April 2011) School of Visual Arts, New York (September 2010) CV Oliver Harris (February 2015) 8 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICE (last 5 years) 2014 External Assessor for National Endowment of the Humanities Fellowship 2013 External Tenure Reviewer for Professorship at Lake Forrest College (Chicago). 2012 External Award Reviewer for The Leverhulme Trust (Visiting Professorships). 2012 External Review for The Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman Center for Scholars and Writers, New York Public Library. 2012 External Reviewer for University Professorship at Illinois State University (Normal). 2011 External Reviewer for Chancellor’s Research Professorship at University of New Orleans. 2011 External Tenure Reviewer for University of Richmond (Virginia). 2010 Reviewer for the National Endowment of the Humanities Fellowship. 2010 External Tenure Reviewer for State University of New York (New Paltz). 2009 External Award Reviewer for The Leverhulme Trust (Early Career Fellowships). UNIVERSITY SERVICE Major School Roles and Responsibilities Programme Director, American Studies, Single and Dual Hons, English & American Literatures, Single Hons, English Single and Dual Hons, English and Creative Writing Single Hons (2015) First Year Tutor, American Studies and English & American Literatures (2010—) Admissions Tutor, American Studies and in English & American Literatures (2010—) Programme Director, American Studies, Single and Dual Hons. (2006-10) Programme Director, English & American Literatures, Single Hons. (2003-10) Examinations Secretary, American Studies, English & American Literatures (2009-10) Study Abroad Officer, American Studies, English & American Literatures (2009—) Institutional Co-ordinator for the North American Exchange Programme (2007—) Webmaster for American Studies (2012-14) Director, MA in American Literature and Culture (1994-98) Director of Undergraduate Studies (1997-2000, 2005-06) IT and Study Skills Tutor (1996-98) Chair / Member, Learning and Teaching Committee (1999-2010) CV Oliver Harris (February 2015) 9 Careers Liaison Officer (1997-99) Library Liaison Officer (1994-96) Chair/Member, Staff-Student Liaison Committee (1995—) Chair, Post-graduate Staff-Student Liaison Committee (1997-98) Member, Departmental Management Group (1994-2000) Member, David Bruce Centre Committee (1994-98; 2006-10) Major University Roles and Responsibilities Member of Court (2003—) Member, Humanities Working Group (Finance Committee) (2010—) Member of Learning and Teaching Committee (1999-2001) Chair, Humanities Learning and Teaching sub-committee (1999-2000) Chair, Humanities Course Development Committee (1997-2000) Chair/Member, Library Users Group (1999-2005) Member, Staff Student Liaison Committee (1999-2005) Chair and Founder, Director of Undergraduate Studies Forum (1998-2000) Member, “Review of Student Support” working party (1999) Member, “Continuation Audit” focus group (1999) CV Oliver Harris (February 2015) 10