Colorectal (Word, 319KB)


Colorectal Dataset



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Surname: ............................... Forenames: ............................ Date of Birth: ..........................

Sex: ....................................... Case ID: ................................. Hospital: .................................

Pathologist: ............................ Surgeon: ................................

Instructions: If completing form by hand, fill in blank spaces & circle required text as appropriate. If completing form online, fill in blank spaces & delete non-required text as appropriate. Optional data fields are denoted with ¢ , all other data fields are required.

Specimen type: Total colectomy / Right hemicolectomy / Left hemicolectomy / Sigmoid colectomy /

Anterior resection / Abdominoperineal excision / Other (specify) ………………………………………....


Site of tumour: ……………………………..........

Maximum tumour diameter: ……………...... mm

Distance of tumour to nearer cut end .…....... mm

Tumour perforation (pT4): Yes / No

If yes, perforation is: serosal / retro / infra peritoneal

For rectal tumours, relation of tumour to peritoneal reflection: Above / Astride / Below

Plane of surgical excision: Mesorectal fascia / Intramesorectal / Muscularis propria

For abdominoperineal resection specimens: Distance of tumour from dentate line: .......................... mm



Type : Adenocarcinoma: Yes / No If No, specify type: .............................................

Differentiation by predominant area: Well / Moderate / Poor

Local Invasion: No carcinoma identified (pT0):

Submucosa (pT1):

Yes / No

Yes / No

Muscularis propria (pT2):

Beyond muscularis propria (pT3):

Perforates visceral peritoneum (pT4a) :

Directly invades other organs or structures (pT4b):

Maximum distance of spread beyond muscularis propria: ……………………......................... mm

Neoadjuvant therapy given: Yes / No

If Yes, circle as appropriate: No residual tumour cells, mucus lakes only (TRG 1)

Minimal residual tumour/fibrosis outgrows tumour (TRG 2)

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

No marked regression/tumour outgrows fibrosis (TRG 3)

Tumour involvement of margins:

Doughnuts: Yes / No / Not Applicable Margin (cut end): Yes / No / Not Applicable

Non-peritonealised ‘circumferential’ margin: Yes / No / Not Applicable

Histological measurement from tumour to non-peritonealised margin: ............................ mm

Colorectal Dataset



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Metastatic spread:

No of lymph nodes present: ..................................

No of involved lymph nodes: Metastasis in 1 regional LN (N1a):

Metastasis in 2-3 regional LNs (N1b):

Distant metastases:

Tumour deposit(s), i.e., satellites, in the subserosa, or in non-peritonealized pericolic or perirectal soft tissue without lymph node metastasis (N1c):

Metastasis in 4-6 regional LNs (N2a):

Metastasis in 7 or more regional LNs: (N2b)

Extramural venous invasion:

No distant metastases:

Microscopically confirmed metastases confined to one organ


Microscopically confirmed metastases in more than one organ or the peritoneum (M1b):

Background abnormalities: Yes / No

If yes: No of Adenomas: ...........................................

Type of Adenoma(circle appropriate):

Familial adenomatous polyposis / Ulcerative colitis/ Crohn’s disease / Diverticulosis / Synchronous carcinoma(s) (complete a separate form for each cancer) / Other: ...............................................................

Pathological Staging:

Complete resection at all surgical margins: Yes (R0) / No (R1 or R2)

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

UICC, TNM Classification 7 th Edition: pT …….. N …….. M …….. (

Delete pM if unknown )

(y for neoadjuvant cases)

Dukes Stage: ......................................................

Signature: ……………... Date: ............................... SNOMED codes: T ............... M .................

Colorectal Dataset



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Surname: ............................... Forenames: ............................ Date of Birth: ..........................

Sex: ....................................... Case ID: ................................. Hospital: .................................

Pathologist: ............................ Surgeon: ................................

Instructions: If completing form by hand, fill in blank spaces & circle required text as appropriate. If completing form online, fill in blank spaces & delete non-required text as appropriate. Optional data fields are denoted with ¢ , all other data fields are required.

Specimen type:

Polypectomy /Endoscopic mucosal resection /Transanal endoscopic microsurgical(TEM) excision / Other

Comments: ....................................................................................................................................................


Site of Tumour: …………………………….......... Maximum tumour diameter(if known): …....... mm



Type : Adenocarcinoma: Yes / No

Differentiation: Well to Moderate / Poor

Local Invasion:

If No, specify type: .............................................

No carcinoma identified (pT0):

Submucosa (pT1):

Yes / No

Yes / No

Muscularis propria (pT2):

Beyond muscularis propria (pT3):

Perforates visceral peritoneum (pT4a) :

Directly invades other organs or structures (pT4b):

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

For pT1 tumours, Maximum thickness of invasive tumour from muscularis mucosa ......................... mm

Haggitt level (polypoid tumours): 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 Kikuchi level (for sessile/flat tumours): sm1 / sm2 / sm3

Lymphatic or vascular invasion: None / Possible / Definite

Background adenoma: Yes / No

Margins (circle as appropriate): Not involved / Involved by adenoma only / Deep margin involved by carcinoma / Peripheral margin involved by carcinoma

Histological measurement from carcinoma to nearest deep excision margin: ........................................ mm

Pathological Staging:

Complete resection at all surgical margins:

UICC, TNM Classification 7 th Edition: pT …….. N …….. M …….. ( Delete pM if unknown )

(y for neoadjuvant cases)

Signature: ……………... Date: ............................... SNOMED codes: T ............... M .................

Colorectal Dataset



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Handling and Cut-up Guidelines:

Please refer to Royal College of Pathologists Dataset for Colorectal Cancer (2 nd

Edition) for assistance in completing the above dataset. This document presents recommendations on specimen handling, notes on macroscopic and microscopic assessment, pathological staging and reporting. The Faculty Colorectal Cancer review group has advised the use of the 7 th


TNM; therefore the current dataset has been updated to reflect these changes.



Royal College of Pathologists Dataset for Colorectal Cancer (2 nd

Edition) September



TNM Classification of Malignant Tumours, 7 th

Edition 2010

3 AJCC Cancer Staging Manual, 7 th

edition. Springer, 2010.
