ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY OF GAZA FACULTY OF NURSING Course title: Adult nursing "A" Clinical part Course Number: NURS 2320 {2 Credit hours} Placement: Second semester Coordinator: Dr. Yousef Al-Jeesh, RN., M.S.N, PhD Pre-requisite: Anatomy and physiology, Fundamental of Nursing. Location: Tuesday and Wednesday M 503- M 517 Clinical objectives Al the end of this course the student` will be able to:1- Describe the discharge teaching plan for the patient in focusing on compliance with therapeutic regimen. 2-Developing a complete a nursing care plan for the patient including nursing history, health assessment physical Assessment, nursing diagnosis collaborative problems , goals and expected outcomes. 3- Plan effective care of patients with the following imbalances fluid volum deficit, fluid volume excess, hyponatremia, hypernatremia, hypokalemia, hyperkalemia, respiratory and metabolic acidosis and alkalosis. 4- Identify legal and ethical considerations related to the operative permit and informed consent. 5- Develop a pre-operative teaching plan designed to promote the patient's recovery and to prevent postoperative complications 6- Describe the immediate preoperative preparation of the patient. 7- Describe the immediate postoperative care of patient 8- Use the nursing process as a framework for care of patients with upper and lower respiratory tract problems (acute pharyngitis) tonsillitis, laryngitis, cancer of the larynx, tuberculosis, COPD, respiratory failure, chronic bronchitis, and lung cancer 9- Explain the nursing responsibilities related to the care of patient with water-seal drainage. 10- Describe the patient education and home care considerations for patients, who have had thoracic surgery. 11- Use the nursing process as a framework for care of patients, who are mechanically ventilated. Course outline Topic Using the nursing process as a framework to look after patients with hyponatremia Using the nursing process as a framework to look after patients with hypernatremia Using the nursing process as a framework to look after patients with hypocalcemia Using the nursing process as a framework to look after patients with hypercalcemia Using the nursing process as a framework to look after Pre-operative patients Using the nursing process as a framework to look after Post-operative patients Using the nursing process as a framework to look after cancer patients Using the nursing process as a framework to look after cancer patients Using the nursing process as a framework to look after patients with upper respiratory tract disorder Date 1st week 2nd week 3rd week 4th week 5th week 6th week 7th week 8th week 9th week Tasks Read chapter 6 and hand out Read chapter 6 and hand out Read chapter 14 and hand out Read chapter 13,14 and hand out Read chapter 19,20,21 and hand out Read chapter 19,20,21 and hand out Read chapter 16 Read chapter 22 and hand out Read chapter 23 and hand out 10th week Read chapter 23 and hand out 11th week Read chapter 24 and hand out 12th week Read chapter 24 and 25 and handout Using the nursing process as a framework to look after patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) 13th week Read chapter 24, 25 and handout Using the nursing process as a framework to look after patients with shock and Nursing care for patients with emergency situation 14th week Read chapter 15 and handout 15th week Read chapter 66 and hand out Using the nursing process as a framework to look after patients with upper respiratory tract disorder Using the nursing process as a framework to look after patients with lower respiratory tract disorder Using the nursing process as a framework to look after patients with lower respiratory tract disorder Teaching method: 1- Lectures 3- Demonstration 2- Discussions 4- Role play Instructional resources - LCD - Models - Overhead Projector - Blackboard Reading Materials Text Book: Brunner and Samarth’s Textbook (2012). Medical-Surgical Nursing (12 edition). Lippincott Company, Philadelphia, USA Evaluation criteria 1. Attendance 2. Participation 3. Exams Evaluation criteria Attendance Participation Clinical area Final Exam Total 5% 5% 60% 30% 100%