ear 1 Parents` lunch - Muxton Primary School

5th October 2015
Dear Parents
We would like to invite you to have lunch with us on Tuesday 20th October. School cook Tara Stanworth and
her team will be preparing:
Chicken Curry with Naan Bread
Pizza with a selection of toppings
Sweet Potato Curry with Naan Bread
followed by Eve’s Pudding and Custard.
The cost of an adult dinner with desert is £3.00 The children will be going into lunch at 12.00. If you would
like to join your child, please send your meal selection with the £3 in an envelope with your child’s name
clearly shown by 9:00 on Wednesday 14th October please. Cheques should be made payable to Muxton
Primary School.
We look forward to sharing our lunchtime experience with you hope you are able to come along.
Yours sincerely,
Year 1 Team
Child’s name……………………………………………………..Class……………….Year 1.
Chicken Curry with Naan Bread
( )
Pizza with a selection of toppings
( )
Sweet Potato Curry with Naan Bread ( )
I would like to order …….meals at £3 per head. I enclose £………cash/cheque (Payable to Muxton Primary School)
Please tick your selection below
Signed ………………………………………Parent/Carer