Rothienorman Primary School Bulletin Number 4: 28th October 2015 Dear Parents/Carers School Website Our School Website is in the early stages of development. One of our Citizenship Groups, ‘ICT and School Website’, are going to be adding more to it. If you have any comments or suggestions for it we’d love to hear them. Please have a look at it: P1 Induction Feedback Again thank you very much to parents who have provided feedback, a summary is provided below: In general parents felt the school staff were very welcoming, helpful and informative. The general feeling was that mornings for 2 weeks was helpful but many thought that it would have been good for them to line up with older ones during the second week. Learning Packs were considered very useful but they need updated and perhaps used for longer to let children have access to more of them. Taster sessions went well giving pupils a chance to meet others and integrate. Sports Day was generally enjoyed and some felt they would have liked more pre-school races, unfortunately there is not time for more but the nursery do their own. Some would have liked more than one trial lunch in that first fortnight – we can investigate whether this could be possible. The Buddies relationships varied, as it inevitably does, but there was a huge amount of praise for some excellent buddies. There was a suggestion that more could be done before the summer to make connections between their buddies. A P1 Starters book was suggested to provide more details on certain things. Most information is in our School Handbook (which can be found on our website ) or in the P1 induction booklets but we will try to reflect on anything else that could be added. It was mentioned that the Literacy and Numeracy meeting was early in the evening but it is a great way to encourage parents to stay on for our PPG AGM. A tour of the school was suggested for the induction evening. Literacy and Numeracy evening was considered very helpful. Lots for us to think about to improve how we do things next year, thank you! Feedback on Development Plans Thank you for all your feedback regarding our progress last session and what we should focus on this year. There were lots of really useful comments in there which have helped finalise our plans for the year, a summary of your comments are below. There were a lot of positive comments about our focus on British Sign Language (BSL) and how this is progressing in the school. A number of people commented on the Citizenship Groups and how they help to promote responsibility and it was felt important to continue with this and in embedding it into general school life. We do try to change pupils groups from year to year but we also take into account their preferences and that of everyone else, so the make-up of the groups are always a bit of a compromise. It was recognised that we had made progress with behaviour management and that it might be helpful for parents to have more information on positive behaviour management; we will do this later in the session. There was a request for more detail on exactly where children are compared to national expectations, this is part of our annual pupil reports and parents are welcome to contact the teachers to discuss their child’s progress at any time. The pupils’ Personal learning Plans and weekly Learning Logs have been well received and parents enjoy hearing more about what their children have been doing, how they are progressing and their upcoming targets. Concern was expressed regarding our lack of visiting specialist teachers, we do however have very keen core staff who either have expertise or are developing their skills in the areas required. Staff training is key and our staff are very enthusiastic to attend courses to improve their skills as well as speak with or shadow others. We are hoping to get further support through the Youth Music Initiative and Kodaly programme later in the year. There was a lot of praise for our staff and I can certainly echo your thoughts there, I feel we have a great team here at Rothienorman. In general it was felt that we have evaluated where we are accurately and done our best to make good progress. Our Standards and Quality Report 2014-2015 and Improvement Plans 2015-2016 can be viewed on our website Young Musician of the Year Competition The annual Young Musician of the Year Competition was held on the evening of Monday 5 October at Meldrum Academy. All our competitors, Imogen, John, Nathan and Rhiannon played well and enjoyed the experience of playing in front of an audience. It was brilliant that Rothienorman was so well represented and to hear that John won the P4-7 section and that Rhiannon was the Most Promising Young Musician. It was also lovely to hear that our ex-pupil Ruaraidh won the S1-3 section. Well done to everyone. Staff Training Staff have recently taken part in the following training: Positive Behaviour management British Sign Language (BSL) Work Experience We look forward to having Rachel Wood in school next week on work experience. European Day of Languages Families will receive leaflets detailing the Scottish government’s commitment to improve language learning; ‘Developing Literacy through Language learning: A Guide for Parents’ and ‘Inspiring Scotland’s Young people to Embrace Language Learning’ as part of our focus on Modern Languages 1+2. Citizenship Groups Our Library group work with P1-3 pupils on Monday 26th October to read them some Roald Dahl and carry out activities relating to characters from his poems and books. Teachers commented on what a super job they did – well done! Scholastic Book Fair Our final total for money raised to be spent on books is £637. Thank you! Harvest Assembly and Collection Please ensure all donations of non-perishable food items are in school by 3rd November when Mrs. Barbara King from the Aberdeenshire North Foodbank will visit to discuss how foodbanks operate. Further information on: PPG Coffee Morning Our next PPG Coffee morning will take place on Monday 2nd November at 9.15am in the school staff room. PPG Fancy Dress Disco Pupils are all looking forward to our Fancy Dress Disco on Thursday. Pupils can bring money to school before then if they would like to get a chance to win the Halloween bear. Jack and the Beanstalk M&M Productions were in school on Tuesday 27th October to perform Jack and the Beanstalk. If you have not yet put your donation in to school we would really appreciate it if you can pop it in as soon as possible. Traditional Tales Both our morning and afternoon nursery sessions will join the playgroup in the village hall on Monday 9th November for a Kids Gloves Puppet Show; Traditional Tales. More information to follow. Joint Trip to Fyvie The Rothienorman Playgroup will join our morning group at Fyvie on Tuesday 3rd November. Support for Learning Many of our pupils get support from time to time or on a regular basis from support for learning staff. This may be individual work, small group work or when the support for learning teacher is in class supporting a particular lesson. Our staff work very well as a team and are continually assessing pupils and adjusting their teaching accordingly this means that we are flexible to adapt to need as it arises whether it is an ongoing area that a child is finding difficult, because they missed a particular lesson or for some reason they have just not understood something. Parents are not necessarily informed if a child is working with learning support staff as they are regarded as part of the school team. If however we felt there was something where we needed to speak to parents then we would do this either at parent’s evening when discussing general progress or get in touch with you directly if necessary. Tempest Photography Tempest Photography will be in school on Wednesday 25th November from 9am to take individual and family photographs, class photographs will be taken later in the session. More information to follow. Scottish Schools Football Association Primary School Competitions We will be putting forward a P7 and under team to play at Inverurie on Thursday 5th November and a P6 and under to play at Inverurie on Wednesday 25th November (Tempest photos will be taken before they leave). More information to follow to those involved. Thank you to Brian Cormack for organising and taking our teams. Active Schools Activities Please find attached the information on Active Schools activities for this term. Parking around the School We encourage parents not to use the bottom car park as it is really for staff and the bus. Also it is better if you keep the area around the school clear of traffic, particularly the yellow lines and corners where it is tricky for people to see whether there is any danger. Where possible it is best if you can support your children to walk, cycle or scoot. Otherwise ‘Park and Stride’ works really well as parking elsewhere, for example the village car park, and then walking with your child encourages them in a healthier lifestyle as well as keeping the area around the school as safe as possible. Thank you. Poppies Poppies are for sale in the school entranceway if anyone would like to make a donation. Rotary Club Shoeboxes Please return your filled shoeboxes as soon as possible as they will be collected the week beginning 9th November. If anyone would still like a box then there are still some in the office. Teeth Varnishing Morning session nursery pupils will be getting their teeth varnished on Wednesday 18th November by the school dental team. We are waiting to have a date confirmed for the afternoon children. Dogs in the Playground We are still finding dog excrement in the playground which is not hygienic for pupils to be playing amongst. Can you please help us to ensure that no dogs are brought into the school grounds? Thank you. Nursery Visits to Fyvie Our afternoon sessions visited Fyvie for the first time on Wednesday 28th October and explored the different signs of autumn. Please remember to wrap your child up well (and yourself if you’re coming too!) now that the weather is not so nice. Regards Ms. Julie Symington, Head Teacher. Information for Adverse Weather Closures Telephone Information Line: 0870 054 4999 Rothienorman School Pin Number: 022530 ABERDEENSHIRE WEBSITE TWITTER (The web page is re-set at 4pm every day to be clear for next day’s information) Northsound 1 FM 96.9 Tel. 01224 337000 Northsound 2 MW 1035kHz BBC Radio Scotland FM 92.4-94.7 MW 810kHz Moray Firth Radio FM 97.4 MW 1107kHz North East Community Radio FM 97.1-106.4 Tel. 01467 632878 Waves Radio FM 101.2 Tel. 01779 491012 Original FM 106 Tel. 01224 293800 DATES FOR THE DIARY 2015-2016 Thursday 29th October 2015 Friday 30th October 2015 Monday 2nd November 2015 Thursday 5th November 2015 Monday 9th November 2015 Monday 16th November 2015 Tuesday 17th November 2015 Wednesday 18th November 2015 Friday 20th November 2015 Wednesday 25th November 2015 Wednesday 25th November 2015 Monday 14th December 2015 Tuesday 15th December 2015 Wednesday 16th December 2015 Thursday 17th December 2015 Tuesday 22nd December 2015 Tuesday 22nd December 2015 Friday 18th December 2015 Tuesday 22nd December 2015 Wednesday 6th January 2016 Friday 12th February 2016 Monday 15th February 2016 Tuesday 16th February 2016 Wednesday 17th February 2016 Friday 25th March 2016 Friday 1st April 2016 Monday 18th April 2016 Monday 2nd May 2016 Monday 6th June 2016 Friday 1st July 2016 Fancy Dress Disco (Nursery-P3: 6-7pm, P4-7: 7-8pm) Road Safety Magic Show for P1-3 PPG Coffee Morning, 9.15am P7 and under Scottish FA Competition Kids Gloves Puppet Show for Nursery pupils In-service Day (teachers only) In-service Day (teachers only) Teeth Varnishing for morning Nursery pupils Fluenz vaccinations Tempest photographer; families and individuals P6 and under Scottish FA Competition P1-3 Christmas Show, The Bethlehem Builders, 2.30pm P5,6,7 Christmas Party P1-3 Christmas Show, 2.30pm, 7pm P3,4 Christmas Party Christmas Assembly, 11.00am in school, parents welcome P1,2 Christmas Party Christmas lunch School closes School reopens Holiday (occasional day) Holiday In-service Day (teachers only) In-service Day (teachers only) Holiday (Good Friday) School closes School reopens Holiday Holiday (occasional day) School closes