ST. RICHARD'S R.C. PRIMARY SCHOOL HOLIDAY LIST FOR 2014/2015 Autumn Term 2014 Staff In-Service Day Pupils start Nursery pupils staggered intake days Test Week: Y2 & Y6 Test Week: Rec, Yrs 1,3,4 & 5 Parents Evening Mid-Term School closes Pupils re-start Nursery & Reception Concert KS1 Christmas Concert Pupils Christmas Dinner Term Ends First Mass of Christmas 9 am – 4 pm 8.58 am 8.50 am Week beginning Week beginning Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday/Thursday Wednesday Wednesday Friday Wednesday 1st September 2nd September 2nd,4th,9th,11th September 29th September 10th November 23rd October 24th October 3rd November 9th & 11th December 10th December 17th December 19th December 24th December Monday Friday Monday Week beginning Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Saturday 5th January 13th February 23rd February 9th March 25th March 1st April 2nd April 4th April 8.58 am 3.30 pm 8.58 am Monday Monday Throughout May Week beginning Friday Monday Week beginning To be advised Friday Friday Monday Tuesday 13th April 4th May 8.58 am School closed 11th May 22nd May 8th June 15th June 3.30 pm 8.58 am Monday Tuesday Tuesday/Thursday 3.45 pm – 8 pm 3.30 pm 8.58 am 2 pm 2 pm & 6 pm 12 noon 3.30 pm 7 pm Spring Term 2015 Pupils re-start Mid-Term School closes Pupils re-start Test Week: Rec, Yrs 1, 3, 4 & 5 Parents Evening Whole School Benediction Term Ends Easter Vigil Mass 3.45 pm - 8 pm 2.30 pm 3.30 pm 7.30 pm Summer Term 2015 Pupils re-start Bank Holiday SATs (Year 2) SATs (Year 6) Mid-Term School closes Pupils re-start Test Week: Rec, Yrs 1, 3, 4 & 5 Class photographs Reports issued to Parents Term Ends Staff In-Service Day Staff In-Service Day 10th July 17th July 20th July 21st July 3.30 pm 9 am – 4 pm 9 am – 4 pm HOLIDAYS & REQUESTS FOR EXTENDED LEAVE IN TERM TIME WILL NOT BE AUTHORISED 2 inset days to be arranged