Thursday October 9th, 2008

Hilltopper Alumni Council Meeting Minutes
Wednesday February 4th, 2009 – South Pier Inn – 5:30 p.m.
Present: Steve Nys ’98; LaVeryn McKeever ’47; Judith McKeever ’78; Frank Befera ’84;
Kristina Fryberger D’Allaird ’86; Michelle Buria ’89; Carol Newman Barnstorf ’55;
Branden Robinson ’03; Tony Rubin ’96; Shannon Hoffman (Dir. Of Annual Fund);
Adam Tehle (Dir. Of Alumni Relations) ; Bob Sherman (Dir. of Advancement and
External Relations).
Special welcome to Steve Nys ’98 and Bob Sherman Director of Advancement/External
Relations at Marshall School.
A. Steve Nys ’98 started at Marshall School in the seventh grade. He continued his
Marshall education and graduated from Marshall School in 1998. Next, Steve
attended Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, MN where he majored in Theater
and graduated in 2002. Last, Steve received his J.D. from William Mitchell in the
spring of 2008. Steve currently is an attorney in Duluth, MN.
B. Director of Advancement/External Relations Robert Sherman Jr.
a. Background:
Bob Sherman has had a distinguished career in both the private and
nonprofit sectors. After deciding to start a new career in nonprofit
leadership, Bob joined Character Education Partnership in Washington,
DC as CEO where he was also a member of CEP’s board of directors.
In 2007, Bob and Linda returned to Minnesota where Bob became the
first Dean of the School of Business and Technology at The College of
St. Scholastica in Duluth. Bob received his undergraduate degree with
honors in political science from Southern Methodist University in 1974
where he was a member of the Southwest Conference champion
swimming team. He received his law degree from The University of
Texas at Austin in 1977, and was a member of the editorial staff of the
Texas International Law Journal. His recreational activities include
winter camping, sea kayaking and dog mushing.
b. Advancement Vision:
“Thus far it has been a delight to be a part of, and work with, the
Marshall team. People are so charged up…this is going to be a lot of
fun. We need to focus on a few areas and get things done! We really
want your input. Let us know what works for you and then let’s create
that two-way street. Over the next several weeks we wan to get in touch
with you and figure out what gets the Marshall alumni and parents
excited. We will distinguish Marshall from competition. Let’s help make
Marshall distinctive”.
C. Update from Committee Chairs
a. Networking (Frank)
i. Great attendance at Topper Thursdays. Kristina commented on
attendance; “Why is it moving forward now?”
ii. Still looking for topics that would be of interest to attendees as well as
interesting topics for dynamic speakers.
iii. Call 3 bring 1 to topper events.
iv. Could we invite parents? The group came to agreement that it would
be beneficial, but the alumni must establish and enrich our network
first. “Let’s build it and be proud to share it”.
v. Sarah Horner from DNT to take pictures and publicize it?
vi. Possibility that we have a panel of speakers for certain topics. It may
be helpful in finding speakers, because they feel comfortable in a
b. On Campus (Adam)
i. Topper Tunnels for state recipients including Music Listening team.
ii. Dance line, Nordic Skiing, Downhill Skiing, (individuals and/or
teams) going to state.
c. Alumni Relations(Kristina)
i. Care Packages are coming up. No help needed.
D. Talk about retention and new members for council
a. Find an exciting model for recruitment and retention intended for Alumni
b. Also, guidelines for terms served, involvement, engagement, etc.
c. 2/3 members from the alumni council to work on parameters. (Steve?)
d. Report in hand to be approved at next alumni council meeting.
E. Annual Fund (Shannon)
a. The Marshall School Auction is May 1st, 2009.
b. There are Alumni Tables available with a discounted price for younger
c. Auction stewardship; Alumni council to call to say THANK YOU to auction
donors. Date TBD.
d. At the bottom of emails sent from Alumni Office, attach “emails are brought
to you by…(organization of our choice) to THANK donors in another way.
e. Possibility of adding a secret silent auction to appeal to young alums.
f. Possibility of bidding on a Marshall/Cathedral Class picture.
F. Alumni Strategic Plan (Adam/Bob)
a. “Creating a Two-Way street between Hilltopper Alumni Office and Hilltopper
b. The purposes of Marshall School’s Alumni Strategic Plan are (1) to
differentiate Marshall’s Alumni Office, its resources, and its members, from
others; (2) provide a clear and measurable set of expected outcomes for
alumni and the Alumni Office; (3) engage alumni more meaningfully in
Marshall School; including academics, co-curricular activities, advancement
and other important work; (4) create effective ways for alumni to interact with
each other.
c. Historically, alumni offices have functioned as ‘one way streets.’ However,
some important questions are: “How can Marshall School’s Alumni Office
serve its alumni? How do we more closely align the actions of our office to
what our alumni want and what Marshall School needs? Our intention is to
create a ‘two way street’ where the needs of Marshall School and its alumni
are both served well.
d. Consequently, the Marshall School Alumni Relations Office proposes to
engage various Marshall School stakeholders in a strategic planning process
that accomplishes the proposed expected outcomes below.
e. Looking for Alumni Council support in achieving the expected goals and open
the lines of communication to the “Two-Way” street.
G. Alumni Communication
a. How much is enough and when is it too much?
i. Should emails be sent for state qualifiers: individual and team
ii. The answer was a definite YES to wanting to send emails, however;
we need to segment the population who receives the emails.
iii. The issue is the email database in Hilltopper Alumni Office is limited.
iv. Idea placed before council to call 10 people each, (60 people) and
update Hilltopper Alumni on happenings and offerings.
v. Get every alumni to do something to create opportunity to connect
with yet another alumni.
vi. Put together small focus group within council to review a template of
an existing communication plan and edit to fit Hilltopper needs.
vii. Report in hand to be approved at next alumni council meeting.
viii. Create Top Ten list you can do as an alumni to enhance alumni
H. Calendar of Upcoming Events
a. Topper Thursday February 5th, 2009 Blackwoods 5:30.
b. Reunion!!! July 17th and 18th, 2009. Save the date!
I. Misc.
c. Website
i. The Public side of the Alumni Portal is to be unveiled Friday February
6th, 2009.
ii. Includes Alumni Council Page, Class Notes Section, Class Agents,
Giving, Etc.
iii. Second phase of the private side of the Alumni Portal including
Business and Alumni Directory to be unveiled by late spring.
d. Hilltopper
i. Look for alumni to profile in next Hilltopper publication.
ii. Also, look to share this content with website.
e. Travel
i. Barb and Bob are going to be heading to Jupiter, FL; Chicago, IL;
Twin Cities, MN; Boston, MA; New York, NY.
ii. If you know of Alumni or significant friend of the School, please
contact advancement team.
f. Monthly Meetings!!!
i. We will move to monthly meeting during interim as Alumni Strategic
Plan is in process.
ii. Next meeting will be Monday March 16th, 2009.
iii. Council has asked that tasks be assigned to members.
iv. Council members will provide job descriptions to provide information
as to what they might be good at, and how those things they are good
at, can match up with the tasks to be completed.
B. Tasks to be completed:
After consultation with Council President Buria, these are the tasks she sees fit for
a. Provide job descriptions including information as to their skill set and
preferential tasks. – All
b. Research topics and dynamic speakers for T.T. events. Have next 3 months
ready by council meeting – Frank
c. Call 3 Alumni and bring 1 to T.T.- All
d. Freshman Care Packages – Stuffing, Mailing, Etc. – Kristina
e. Research and present for council approval recruitment and retention
guidelines for terms served, involvement, engagement, etc.. -Steve
f. Coordinate Marshall Auction stewardship night; Alumni council to call to say
THANK YOU to auction donors. – Branden
g. Research tag lines for the bottom of correspondence coming from Hilltopper
Alumni Office, i.e. “emails are brought to you by. – Frank
h. Coordinate focus group within council to create communication plan and edit
to fit Hilltopper needs. – Michelle
i. Create Top Ten list you can do as an alumni to enhance alumni relations. –All
(each have one to bring to next meeting)
j. Research and find 3 Alumni to profile in next Hilltopper publication. Present
to council to choose by next meeting. – Kristina/LaVeryn /Judy
k. Next meeting will be Monday March 16th, 2009. – All