MEMORANDUM FROM Orrick Public Finance Tax Group DATE February 28, 2008 RE New Reissuance Guidance – IRS Notice 2008-27 A. Overview On February 19, 2008, the Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service (the “IRS”) issued Notice 2008-27, which provides guidance on when tax-exempt tender bonds will be treated as reissued for federal income tax purposes. Notice 2008-27 supplements prior guidance provided by the Treasury Department and the IRS in Notice 88-130. Notice 2008-27 generally is more liberal than Notice 88-130 in allowing issuers to avoid a reissuance. In particular, Notice 200827 clarifies that elimination or modification of credit enhancement in respect of multi-modal taxexempt bonds in an auction rate mode, together with a conversion to another interest rate mode, generally will not give rise to a reissuance unless the credit rating on the bonds changes from investment grade to non-investment grade, or vice versa. Notice 2008-27 may be relied on for actions taken with respect to tax-exempt bonds after November 1, 2007 and until regulations are promulgated on this subject. In addition, issuers may also continue to rely on Notice 88-130 until regulations are issued. If bonds are treated as reissued for federal income tax purposes, the existing bonds are deemed to be retired and new bonds deemed issued. A reissuance requires a retesting of all of the tax requirements of issuing new bonds, and may have a number of significant effects on the bonds, including adjustments to the arbitrage yield, the deemed termination of any associated qualified hedge, and a requirement to make a final rebate payment. Additionally, a new tax certificate will be required, supported by updated tax due diligence, and a new IRS Form 8038 (or 8038-G) must be filed. B. Summary of Notice 2008-27 1. Auction Rate Bonds May Be Qualified Tender Bonds Qualified tender bonds receive special, favorable treatment. Under Notice 2008-27, a change in interest rate mode (e.g., from auction rate to variable rate demand bonds) on a qualified tender bond is not, by itself, treated as a reissuance. Some market participants had been concerned that multi-modal bonds in an auction rate mode could not be treated as OHS West:260388938.6 1-3285 J3S/J3S New Reissuance Guidance – IRS Notice 2008-27 February 28, 2008 Page 2 qualified tender bonds. Notice 2008-27 clarifies that multi-modal bonds in an auction rate mode can be treated as qualified tender bonds. 2. Elimination of Hair-trigger Rule Notice 88-130 provides that qualified tender bonds will be treated as reissued if there is any change in connection with a conversion of interest rate mode from a period between tender dates of greater than one year to one-year or less, or vice versa. Notice 2008-27 does not include this hair-trigger rule. Under Notice 2008-27, one or more changes in connection with a change of interest rate mode that is authorized under the terms of the bonds as originally issued generally will not give rise to a reissuance unless those other changes on their own are deemed to be “significant” modifications. For this purpose, changes to credit enhancement generally will not be considered “significant” so as to trigger a reissuance unless the changes cause the payment expectation on the bonds to shift from investment grade to non-investment grade, or vice versa. 3. Term Not Longer than 40 Years Notice 2008-27 allows qualified tender bonds to have a term of up to 40 years. Notice 88130 requires qualified tender bonds to have a term of not longer than 35 years. 4. Issue Price and Remarketing Price Notice 2008-27, like Notice 88-130, generally applies only to multi-modal bonds remarketed upon conversion at par. One exception to this par remarketing at conversion rule under Notice 2008-27 is that bonds converted to a fixed rate for the remaining term to maturity may be resold at a premium or discount. Notice 2008-27, unlike Notice 88-130, permits qualified tender bonds to be originally issued or remarketed within a mode at prices other than par. 5. Remarketing of the Bonds No Later than 90 Days After Purchase Notice 2008-27 provides that bonds purchased pursuant to their terms, by or for the account of the issuer or a governmental conduit borrower (other than pursuant to a credit enhancement agreement), must be remarketed within 90 days to avoid a reissuance. This rule may also apply to nongovernmental conduit borrowers. This is a relaxation of the requirement under Notice 88-130 that the remarketing must occur within 30 days. 6. Interest Rate Mode Changes Are Not Tested Notice 2008-27 clarifies that any change in interest rate on the bonds directly related to a qualified interest rate mode change, or directly related to a change in credit enhancement, does not need to be separately tested to determine whether the change is a “significant” modification of the bonds. 7. Exchanges of Bonds Might Avoid a Reissuance In an example in Notice 2008-27, an issuer with a credit rating of A issued bonds which OHS West:260388938.6 1-3285 J3S/J3S New Reissuance Guidance – IRS Notice 2008-27 February 28, 2008 Page 3 were enhanced by AAA-rated bond insurance. The bond insurer was later downgraded. The example explains that no reissuance would occur if the issuer were to issue new bonds with new CUSIP numbers, not backed by any bond insurance, and if the issuer were to actually exchange these new un-enhanced bonds for the outstanding insured bonds. The example goes on to provide that the analysis would be the same if (1) the outstanding bonds were acquired by an intermediary purchaser who is not an agent or otherwise related to the issuer, (2) the issuer exchanged its new bonds for the bonds held by the intermediary purchaser, followed by (3) the intermediary purchaser's sale of the new bonds to different bondholders. Government officials have indicated that this example was not intended to suggest that the only permissible changes in an exchange context are changes in insurance; rather, any changes must simply be tested for “significance.” Note, however, that this example requires an “actual exchange” of new bonds for outstanding bonds—a traditional refunding (new bonds issued for cash which is used to retire outstanding bonds) is not covered by this example. 8. Temporary Relief for Waivers of Maximum Interest Rates on Auction Rate Bonds Notice 2008-27 provides temporary relief for certain waivers of maximum interest rates on auction rate bonds. Without this relief, any waiver of a maximum interest rate would generally be treated as a “significant” modification and a reissuance if the waiver results in more than a 0.25% change in interest rate. Notice 2008-27 provides that a waiver of a maximum interest rate on auction rate bonds will be disregarded to the extent that both the agreement to waive and the effective period of the waiver are between November 1, 2007 and July 1, 2008. 9. Special Rule for Modification of Qualified Hedges Under generally applicable federal income tax rules, hedges are treated as terminated if they are significantly modified. Solely for arbitrage yield restriction purposes, Notice 2008-27 allows minor modifications to be made to a hedge without giving rise to a deemed termination. It provides that modification of a qualified hedge will not result in a deemed termination of the hedge for this purpose if (1) as of the date of the modification, the modification is not reasonably expected to change the yield on the hedged bonds over the remaining term of the bonds by more than 0.25%, and (2) the yield on the hedged bonds is adjusted to take into account the payments and receipts on the qualified hedge, as modified. For example, if multi-modal tax-exempt bonds are changed to a new interest rate mode, minor modifications can be made to a qualified hedge associated with the bonds in order to make it a better match to the new interest rate mode without giving rise to a deemed termination of the hedge. OHS West:260388938.6 1-3285 J3S/J3S New Reissuance Guidance – IRS Notice 2008-27 February 28, 2008 Page 4 C. Orrick Public Finance Tax Group This summary of the changes in law under Notice 2008-27 is designed to inform the reader, in a general manner, of the substance of the Notice. Anyone with questions on the Notice is urged to contact one of the members of our Public Finance Tax Group listed below: Chas Cardall (415) 773-5449 Scott Schickli (503) 937-7599 Richard Chirls (212) 506-5250 Andrea Ball (212) 506-5089 Dean Criddle (415) 773-5783 Michael Larsen (202) 339-8406 Ed Oswald (202) 339-8438 Richard Moore (415) 773-5938 Larry Sobel (213) 612-2421 John Stanley (415) 773-5713 George Wolf (415) 773-5988 Winnie Tsien (213) 612-2336 Circular 230 Disclaimer: To insure compliance with requirements imposed by the IRS, please note that any tax advice contained in this memorandum was not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of avoiding tax-related penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer. OHS West:260388938.6 1-3285 J3S/J3S