Oxandrolone Use After Burn Injury Study Main Research Sample Purpose Design Outcome Measures Results Study Level of Category Evidence Analysis of RNA and changes in protein synthesis in vastus lateralis muscle biopsy. Documented changes in gene expression with oxandrolone compared to placebo and increase muscle protein synthesis. 2 genes were significantly changed in placebo group compared to 21 genes in treatment group. Therapeutic II Significant increase in weight gain Therapeutic after 3 weeks of treatment in group treated with oxandrolone compared to high protein diet group and control group. I Barrow, 200315 To examine gene expression changes with oxandrolone. Randomized prospective. 14 children between 3 and 18 years of age admitted to burn center at least 1 week after burn injury. Average burn size 42%. 7 subjects treated with oxandrolone 0.1mg/kg twice a day and 7 in placebo group. Demling, 199710 To examine weight gain in burn patients treated with oxandrolone. Randomized prospective. Subjects treated with high protein diet or with high protein diet and oxandrolone. Patients were adults Weight gain. admitted to rehab center and had 3050% TBSA burn and determined to be in a recovery (not catabolic) stage. 7 patients treated with oxandrolone and high protein diet; 6 patients treated with high protein diet; and 10 subjects in retrospective control group with a lower protein diet. Demling, 199911 To compare oxandrolone and growth hormone treatment after burn injury. Randomized to oxandrolone or growth hormone treatment group. Prospective. Control group not part of randomization. Control group consisted of patients admitted with major burns that did not meet criteria for use of anabolic agent. Patients with >50% TBSA or >25% TBSA with comorbid factors (>60 years old, malnutrition, adult onset diabetes). 20 treated with growth hormone, 16 with oxandrolone. Treatment started 710 days post-burn. Burn patients that did not meet these inclusion criteria were included in a control group. The control group had smaller burns. Weight loss, Nitrogen loss, and donor site healing days. Weight loss and nitrogen loss was Therapeutic significantly less in anabolic agent groups compared to control group. Donor site healing was completed in fewer days in the anabolic agent groups compared to control. No difference between oxandrolone and growth hormone groups. III Demling, 200012 To examine the effects of oxandrolone in the acute phase of burn injury. Randomized, prospective, double-blinded and placebo controlled. Treated with oxandrolone or placebo. 11 patients treated with oxandrolone, 9 with placebo beginning day 2-3 after burn injury. 4070% TBSA burn injuries. Weight loss, Nitrogen loss, donor graft site healing days. Significantly less weight loss and nitrogen loss in oxandrolone group. Significantly fewer days to heal the donor site in oxandrolone group. I Therapeutic Demling, 200113 To examine the effect of oxandrolone after burn injury and the effect of age. Randomized, prospective. Subjects randomized to nutrition and exercise group or nutrition exercise and oxandrolone group. Patients with 30Weight gain. 55% TBSA burns. Subjects divided into young group (age 18-40) with N=25 and older group (55 years and older) with N=15. Significant weight increase in the oxandrolone group in both age groups. Therapeutic I Demling, 200314 To examine long-term effects of treatment with oxandrolone. Randomized, Prospective. Subjects treated with oxandrolone or placebo during hospitalization 45 subjects admitted Weight loss, lean to rehabilitation body mass center with major burn injuries. Significant increase in weight and Therapeutic lean body mass in oxandrolone group during hospitalization. No significant difference between groups in weight gain at 6 months after stopping oxandrolone, but there was a significant difference in lean body mass at 6 months. I Hart, 200116 To examine effects of treatment with oxandrolone in children with burn injuries. Prospective, cohort study. Subjects treated with oxandrolone and compared to control group. 14 children < 18 years of age with greater than 20% TBSA burns admitted to burn center greater than one week after burn injury. Average days to admission were 28 in control group and 39 days in oxandrolone group. Protein kinetic studies to determine protein balance, rate of protein synthesis in muscle biopsy specimens. Significantly greater muscle protein synthesis in subjects after 5 days of treatment with oxandrolone. Therapeutic II Murphy, 200417 Randomized, Prospective, doubleblinded. Subjects treated with oxandrolone Children <18 years old admitted to hospital with >40% TBSA burns. Resting energy expenditure, lean body mass, bone mineral content and bone mineral density. Significantly greater lean body mass Therapeutic at 6, 9 and 12 months after the burn, and significantly greater bone mineral content at 12 months, and significantly greater bone mineral density at 6, 9, 12 months in group treated with oxandrolone. I Long-term follow-up of children treated with oxandrolone. or placebo from the time of hospital discharge to 1 year after injury. Outcome evaluation at hospital discharge and at 6, 9 and 12 months postburn. Wolf, 200318 To examine the effects of oxandrolone when started early after burn injury. Randomized, Prospective. Subjects treated with oxandrolone or placebo. 32 Children less than 18 years of age with >30% TBSA burn admitted to burn center within 2 weeks of burn injury. 14 treated with oxandrolone and 18 with placebo. Protein balance, Significant improvement in net rate of protein protein balance in oxandrolone synthesis in treated group. muscle biopsy specimens taken one week after the start of treatment. Therapeutic I