January 14-18, 2013 District Plan Clay County School District - Literacy Events Ongoing District/School Event Fleming Island High: Quarterly Book Chats, Student Advisory Board, and Book Talks with classes. Teen Read Activities in October; Frequent Reader Card started during Teen Read Week in October, November kick off – Million Page Reading Challenge tallied monthly, Literacy Leadership Team Monthly Meetings. Charles E. Bennett Elementary: Favorite stories announcements – Each day the favorite book or story of a staff member will announced during morning announcements. Classes will decorate classroom doors to share their favorite books – judging on Friday. Clay High School: Year-long promotion of the Florida Teens Read books and students writing book reviews to post online in our Destiny Media Center database. Bulletin boards advertising the week will be placed around campus. Student-created posters will decorate the halls advertising CLW. Oakleaf Junior High: Bulletin boards in hallways will be decorated for Literacy week. School wide book jacket contest. Entries will be due January 10, 2013. Book jackets will be displayed throughout the school. Orange Park Junior High: PSA Contest Keystone Heights Junior/Senior High: Read a book from library, name in drawing for restaurant card. Tynes Elementary: STAR Family Book Club kick off night Parent Involvement Grove Park Elementary: Get Caught Reading- Students will be given tickets when they are caught reading. They will write their name on the tickets and turn them in at lunch. The tickets will be drawn each afternoon for prizes and winners will be announced over the intercom. Fleming Island Elementary/Rideout Elementary: iRead Bulletin Board Challenge (read a poem, read a magazine, read your favorite children’s book to someone and read an article or book related to Black History Month. McRae Elementary/Keystone Heights Elementary: Get Caught Reading---Students will be given tickets when they are caught reading. They will write their name on the tickets and turn them in at lunch. The tickets will be drawn each afternoon for prizes and winners will be announced over the intercom. Lakeside Junior High School: PSA Announcements prior to and during week, Poster Contest, Peer Buddies Read to their Peers. Ridgeview High School: Critical Reading Contest (started last year for Literacy Week) http://rhsbookcritique.weebly.com/ Lake Asbury Junior: Promote the 20 book challenge- each student is challenged to read 20 books in a school year with a 5 book goal for each quarter. This is something that is already in place, but will be emphasized and promoted this week. “I am currently reading….” posters in each teacher’s classroom. Wilkinson Junior: Theme is “Take the Lead, Read!” Teachers display the book they are currently reading on the board for week. Monday, January 14 Coppergate Elementary: Theme is “Take the Lead, Read!” Each grade level will do an author study during week, Mystery Book Clue – Daily – winners eat lunch with administrators, Acts of Literacy” – will be shared, photographed, and displayed throughout the week, Guest readers. Green Cove Springs Junior High: The MMM contest requires that students read 20 minutes over and above their regularly assigned schoolwork. This can be done at any time during the school day. Charles E. Bennett Elementary: “Million Minute Monday” & Surprise Guest Reader. Shadowlawn Elementary: Million Minute Marathon (MMM) Posters around campus generated by students about reading! Staff Book Talks on morning news. Clay High School: The MMM contest will be done during our daily 20 minutes of reading time 4th period. Oakleaf Junior High: Million Minute Marathon, all classes participate through reading block. OLJH Book Club kick off meeting- before school. We will be discussing/coordinating activities for the book Flipped. Middleburg Elementary: Million Minute Marathon “Case of the Bad Stripes” Day-Students can wear stripes as clothing that day. Lakeside Elementary: Million Minute Marathon Orange Park Junior High: Million Minute Marathon, Classic kid’s story or poem read on the news. Oakleaf High School: 20 minutes of reading during Enrichment Period. Swimming Pen Creek Elementary: Read an extra 20 minutes Grove Park Elementary: Read an extra 20 minutes outside of the Literacy Block. Fleming Island Elementary/Rideout Elementary: Million Minute Marathon – RACE… Grade levels will compete to see who can read the most minutes on Monday. Cars with grade level totals will be displayed in the cafeteria. Doctors Inlet Elementary: Each student (and staff member) will read for an additional 20 minutes, outside of scheduled reading instruction, to help the state reach the “30 Million Minute Marathon Goal.” Argyle Elementary: Introduce Meaning of Literacy- Reading for knowledge, Writing coherently, and Thinking Critically about the written word, and Visual literacy. Introduce Million Minute Marathon. McRae Elementary/Keystone Heights Elementary: Million Minute Monday/Surprise Guest Reader Assembly. W.E. Cherry Elementary: DEAR – Drop Everything and Read for 20 minutes. Tynes Elementary: Robert Munsch Day (highlighting his book Smelly Socks), Wear your crazy socks! Lakeside Junior High School: Million Minute Marathon during Gator Time. Book Drive begins – to build our rotating Classroom Lending Library Collection; books we cannot use will be donated to Quigley House. Clay Hill Elementary: Kickin’ Back With a Good Book on Million Minutes Monday” Wear boots and “kick back” for 20 minutes of reading to celebrate Million Minutes of reading. Coppergate Elementary: Million Minute Marathon, “Crazy about Reading” – students will dress in their craziest outfit Tuesday, January 15 Wilkinson Elementary: “Million Minutes Monday” and all week, “Get Caught Reading” tokens handed out to students who are “caught reading.” Winners announced at the end of each day. Ridgeview High School: Million Minute Marathon through English classes and Little Paws. Start “Caught you Reading” contest. Start Video Book Talks for staff and students – staff and students discuss books. Book Talks air on daily news. Lake Asbury Junior: Million Minute Marathon Wilkinson Junior: Million Minute Marathon – students, teachers, and staff will read silently 20 minutes (Challenge: how many AR points can you earn this week?). Announce Book quote: (this will be a quote from one of the books for summer reading, first class to email correct answer wins treat). Orange Park Elementary/Montclair Elementary: Million Minute Marathon. Green Cove Springs Junior High: School Wide – 4th PeriodBook Swap. Bring in books that you have read and do not want anymore to SWAP with someone else. The trading will take place during your reading time. Any books not claimed will be given to teachers for their classroom libraries. Charles E. Bennett Elementary: Tag Along on Terrific Trips Through Reading” & Book Scavenger Hunt. Students will locate clues to the book from various places throughout the school. Shadowlawn Elementary: Students design bookmarks. Staff Book Talks on morning news. Clay High School: Student book reviews will be spotlighted on our school news program. Oakleaf Junior High: Play booktalks previously recorded by OLJH teachers through our news channel. Play book critiques previously recorded by OLJH students through our news channel. Middleburg Elementary: Progressive Book (One teacher in each grade level will start a book; students in other classes within that grade level will finish the book. Suggest: using groups to develop writing and vote what goes in the actual book or complete multiple books.) “Dr.Seuss” Day-Students can wear Dr. Seuss related items, (Examples: red, white, blue, Thing ½…) Lakeside Elementary: Teacher reads favorite book (or portion of a favorite book) to class. Orange Park Junior High: Dress like your favorite storybook character (pictures taken for news broadcast later in the week), Classic kid’s story or poem read on the news. Oakleaf High School: 20 minutes of reading during Enrichment Period. Grove Park Elementary: Wanted mini posters – Students design a wanted mini poster of their favorite book and place them around campus in the hallways or on the front windows of portables. Fleming Island Elementary/Rideout Elementary: Synonym Garden- each class will fill out 2-3 paint swatches with synonyms for assigned words. Then will submit their swatches to the reading coach so she can “grow” the synonym garden. Will be displayed in the hallway. Doctors Inlet Elementary: Teachers will choose their favorite childhood picture book to do as a read-aloud to their class. Argyle Elementary: Book and a Blanket (back by popular demand!) Everyone will Drop Everything And Read, including ALL staff, faculty, and admin, modeling the importance of reading. The twist is we will head outside to soak up some of this wonderful Florida weather (weather permitting, of course). Students will read for knowledge and enjoyment. They will recognize that adults read for enjoyment, as well. McRae Elementary/Keystone Heights Elementary: Scavenger Hunt/”Dreams Come True Through Reading” Students will locate clues to the book from various places throughout the school and teachers -Wear Pajamas to go along with the theme “Dreams Come True Through Reading”. Swimming Pen Creek Elementary: Author Visit (K-3) W.E. Cherry Elementary: Decorate your door scavenger hunt: each classroom decorates their door to match a book – grades 3 – 6 (3 & 4 are paired up; 5& 6th are paired up – classroom who wins the most gets a book or something); Grades K-2 – Amy/Angie Read Aloud. Tynes Elementary: Norman Bridwell Day Wear red to show your love for Clifford the Big Red Dog! Lakeside Junior High School: Book Drive Continues, Book Talks on News Clay Hill Elementary: “Reading Rocks/Wear Crazy Socks” Wear crazy socks and enter the contest to design your own original cover for a favorite book. Wilkinson Junior: Announce: “How many books are in the library?”, “Sock it To Reading Day” – Wear crazy socks. Wednesday, January 16 Ridgeview High School: Teacher Book Chats to start every class. No more than 3-5 minutes. Continue Video Book Talks for staff and students, Start airing Book Talks on daily news. Lake Asbury Junior: Bookmark/Poster contest through LA classes. Each class will choose a winner which will compete against other winners for a prize. Theme will be “Take the Lead and Read”. Recognize students who have achieved their 2nd Quarter goal for the 20 book challenge. Reading Buddies with elementary classes from LAE. Orange Park Elementary/Montclair Elementary: Interview student about their favorite book and show the clip on the morning news. Coppergate Elementary: “Be a Good Sport and Read” – wear favorite team shirt. Green Cove Springs Junior High: AR Pizza Party – If you have read and taken enough AR tests then you will be eligible. This occurs once every quarter. So be ready! Charles E. Bennett Elementary: : “Super Hero Readers Day” & Fathers Take the Lead and Read, Dress up as favorite Super Hero, Fathers Take the Lead and Read to their child’s class. Shadowlawn Elementary: Student Book Talks by morning news crew. Design a poster about your favorite book! Clay High School: A video segment entitled “What Are You Reading?” interviewing teachers, staff, and students will air on our school news program. Oakleaf High School: 20 minutes of reading during Enrichment Period. Oakleaf Junior High: Play booktalks previously recorded by OLJH teachers through our news channel. Play book critiques previously recorded by OLJH students through our news channel. Middleburg Elementary: Work on the Wagon Day-Students work within the classroom on what they will bring to the parade. Classrooms will decide on a book, create a wagon for the parade, other suggestions include banners, character dress ups…. “Fancy Nancy” Day-Students can dress as a Fancy Nancy representation. Lakeside Elementary: Assistant Principal will read a book to be broadcast following the school news. Cove of book will be hidden. Students will then create a cover and title for the book. Orange Park Junior High: Bookmark poster contest through LA classes. Each class will choose a winner which will compete against other winners for a prize. Theme will be “Take the Lead and Read”, classic kid’s story or poem read on the news. Grove Park Elementary: Reading Rocks… Wear Funky Socks! & share your favorite book door decorating contest. Students will decorate the classroom doors with pictures from their favorite book titles. Fleming Island Elementary/Rideout Elementary: Book Buddies- Classes will pair up for some reading partner fun. Doctors Inlet Elementary: Students will design a bookmark of their favorite book. Argyle Elementary: Guest readers surprise classrooms (coordinating teacher spouses and family). Students will practice small audience manners and speaking/listening skills. McRae Elementary/Keystone Heights Elementary: Share Your Favorite Book Door Decoration Contest/Reading Rocks Wear Funky Socks -Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners. Staff and students wear your favorite funky socks. Swimming Pen Creek Elementary: Fast and the Furriest Fun Run during Resource- Teachers will have an “Informational Text Tasting”. W.E. Cherry Elementary: “Fakebook” – students create a facebook for their favorite character and/or author on a poster and display in windows and/or library…top one from each grade will be chosen to win a book. Tynes Elementary: Jane O’Connor Day (known for Fancy Nancy), Come dressed “fancy” by showing off your tiara, jewels, crown, bow tie, etc.! Lakeside Junior High School: Book Drive Continues, Book Talks on News Clay Hill Elementary: “Don’t Get the Blues, Follow the Reading Clues” Wear blue and use clues to identify mystery books for a book contest. Visit and presentation by local author, Sally Tucker, author of “Leo and Apollo - Am I a Bully?” Ridgeview High School: Pre-K Read aloud of Hot Rod Hamster at 9:30. Continue “Caught you Reading” contest. Continue Video Book Talks for staff and students. Continue airing Book Talks on daily news. Orange Park Elementary/Montclair Elementary: Buddy Reading between grade levels. Wilkinson Junior: Announce: “How many books are in the library?”, “Sock it To Reading Day” – Wear crazy socks Thursday, January 17 Lake Asbury Junior: Bookmark/Poster contest through LA classes. Each class will choose a winner which will compete against other winners for a prize. Theme will be “Take the Lead and Read”. Recognize students who have achieved their 2nd Quarter goal for the 20 book challenge. Reading Buddies with elementary classes from LAE. Coppergate Elementary: “Curl up with a Good Book” – students will wear PJ’s, Individual Grade Levels will host Progressive Reading and Writing Day. Green Cove Springs Junior High: Fireside Stories Administration will read part of their favorite story/excerpt/poem to be played during reading times. Charles E. Bennett Elementary: “Reading (and Science) Rocks Wear Funky Socks” & Take the Lead and Read Buddy Day . Older students Take the Lead and Read to younger students (pair up classes). Allow younger students to also read to older students if time (teacher pairs decide). Staff and students wear your favorite funky socks. Shadowlawn Elementary: Principal & Assistant Principal read a favorite poem on the news. Clay High School: After school, our first meeting of our new Faculty/Student Book Club will take place. Oakleaf Junior High: Play booktalks previously recorded by OLJH teachers through our news channel. Play book critiques previously recorded by OLJH students through our news channel. Middleburg Elementary: Author Sally Tucker coming in for presentation “How I Become a Pirate” Day-Students will dress as a pirate. Lakeside Elementary: Book (from Wednesday) is revealed. All students will write the title of their favorite book on a link and “Favorite Book” chains will be on display in the cafeteria. Orange Park Junior High: Classic kid’s story or poem read on the news. Oakleaf High School: 20 minutes of reading during Enrichment Period. Grove Park Elementary: Dress up as favorite Super Hero. Older students “Take the Lead & Read” to younger students. Younger students will also be given an opportunity to read to the older students as paired up classes. Fleming Island Elementary/Rideout Elementary: iRead Thursday- Students will play reading games online from a preselected list of credible sites and or play reading games during center time in groups. Doctors Inlet Elementary: Students and teachers will ‘perform’ humorous poems in their reading class. Argyle Elementary: Reader’s theater performancesStudents practice fluency and visual literacy, developing gestures, intonation, expressions and actions appropriate to the meaning of the text in order to convey comprehension. McRae Elementary/Keystone Heights Elementary: Teachers Choice Reading Activity (can be group or individual effort) and Dress up Day-Super Hero Readers (dress up as your favorite Super Hero) -The chosen activity must last for at least 20 minutes and follow the theme “Take the Lead and Read!”. Swimming Pen Creek Elementary: Pierre the Penguin activities with all resource groups (Read 1st Day) Tynes Elementary: Matt Christopher Day (known for a variety of sports books). Wear your favorite team colors! Lakeside Junior High School: Judging for Poster Contest sponsored by Book Club, Language Arts and Art classes – Students will vote during their Language Arts classes. Clay Hill Elementary: “Reading Around the Neighborhood” Communities in Schools will come in to read in various classrooms. Students can dress up as their favorite community workers. W.E. Cherry Elementary: Character Dress up day – Students/Teachers dress up as their favorite book character. Ridgeview High School: Continue “Caught you Reading” contest. Continue Video Book Talks for staff and students. Continue airing Book Talks on daily news. Lake Asbury Junior: Bookmark/Poster contest through LA classes. Each class will choose a winner which will compete against other winners for a prize. Theme will be “Take the Lead and Read”. Recognize students who have achieved their 2nd Quarter goal for the 20 book challenge. Reading Buddies with elementary classes from LAE. Wilkinson Junior: Announce Book quote: “Be a Good Sport and Read!” – Favorite team shirt. Orange Park Elementary/Montclair Elementary: Students illustrate and summarized about their favorite book. Coppergate Elementary: “Be a Bookworm and Wear Green” Students will make a human bookworm, Resources class will go to the Library for story. Friday, January 18 Green Cove Springs Junior High: 4th Period Door Decorating Contest – judged today. Theme: Take the Lead and Read! (Same as last year) Decorate your door to encourage students to read. Last year Mrs. Bleau won! See if you can beat her this year. Book Trailers may be played during 4th period reading times. Charles E. Bennett Elementary: Hats Off to Reading” & Share Your Favorite Book Door Decorating Contest Classrooms Door Decoration Judging. Shadowlawn Elementary: Vocabulary Hat Day – Everyone decorate a hat illustrating your favorite vocabulary word! Staff Book Talks on morning news Clay High School: Prize drawing for students who have read 8 of the Florida Teens Read books. Prize drawing for students who have written book reviews and submitted online Destiny reviews. Oakleaf Junior High: Announce book jacket poster contest winners. Play booktalks previously recorded by OLJH teachers through our news channel. Play book critiques previously recorded by OLJH students through our news channel. Middleburg Elementary: Character day-Students will dress as their class’s favorite book characters. Character Parade in the bus loop. Additional Activities to be completed independently: Posters (Favorite books, genres, Venn-Diagrams…) Make vocabulary hats and/or necklaces Poetry doors Lakeside Elementary: Buddy read for 20 minutes. Orange Park Junior High: Bookmark winners will be announced, highlights from the week featured on the news PSA entries featured on news or during last hour. Oakleaf High School: 20 minutes of reading during Enrichment Period. Grove Park Elementary: Grade levels are given a “Free Choice Friday” to be creative on their grade levels and celebrate reading by doing fun classroom activities. Fleming Island Elementary/Rideout Elementary: The Seuss Is Loose! Faculty will wear Dr. Seuss Hats and take a silly faculty picture. Focus Question: How can reading take you places? Students will have the book Oh the Places You’ll Go to them on the morning announcements and will follow up with a writing and discussion in their classroom pertaining to the focus question. Or Faculty Dress Up Day- Guess Who? The teachers will dress up as their favorite children’s book character. Students will try and figure out who they are dressed up as. Focus Question- Why are some people and characters more memorable than others? If you were a character in a book, what would make you memorable? Doctors Inlet Elementary: Pre-K through 2nd grade will bring in a “buddy” (stuffed animal) to partner read to. 3rd grade through 6th grade will partner read with their classmates. Ridgeview High School: Finalize “Caught you Reading” contest with drawing, continue Video Book Talks for staff and students, continue airing Book Talks on daily news. Argyle Elementary: K-3rd grade assembly-Local children’s author Sally A. Tucker will read her book Am I a Bully? 4th-5th grade assembly-Local Youth/Teen author (and AES teacher) Page Sohl will read an excerpt from her book Fluidity. Students will practice large audience manners and listening skills. Higher grades may bring paper/pencil for notes. (See Tuesday’s activity), Classes write and decorate book reviews from guest authors’ readings (to be displayed in café, some sent to authors), Students will practice writing skills by thinking critically about authors’ readings and responding to literature by creating an opinion piece (book review) McRae Elementary/Keystone Heights Elementary: Flip ‘Em Friday/Hats off to Reading -Teachers switch classes within the grade level to read a book of their choice to the students. -Students and teachers get to wear hats for the day. Swimming Pen Creek Elementary: Pierre the Penguin activities with all resource groups. W.E. Cherry Elementary: Jr. High students to read to the classrooms. Tynes Elementary: We love reading day!! Dress up as your favorite story book character!! Lakeside Junior High School: Dress as your favorite literary character, Final Day of Book Drive, Announce Poster Contest Winners. Clay Hill Elementary: “Take the Lead and Read” Older students will read to younger students. Lake Asbury Junior: Recognize Winners of Bookmark/Poster Contest. Wilkinson Junior: Announce top AR point earners for the week. “Hats off to a Good Book Day” – Wear hat Announce Book quote: Coppergate Elementary: “Superheroes Read Too” – (Bring favorite superhero book or dress as favorite superhero).