Data Selection Form 1. Date of admission to rehabilitation clinic between 1 Jan 2006 and 31 Dec 2006? 2. Stroke victim? A. Patient Details: 1. Age of Stroke Victim: __________ 2. Date of Stroke:___________ 3. Date of Admission to Rehabilitation Clinic:___________ 4. Date of Discharge form Rehabilitation Clinic (If Applicable):____________ B. Gender: Male Female C. Relevant Case History Facts: ___________________________________________________________________ D. Overall Physical Functioning Post-Stroke: a. Good O b. Average O c. Poor O E. Injuries and Operations: a. Confirmed brain injury (CT scan) b. Cranial complications (e.g. CSF leak, infection) c. Associated injuries (e.g. fracture (s)) d. Cranial operations e. Non- cranial operations f. None g. Other: _____________________________________________________________ E. Medication: a. Before Stroke:______________________________________________ b. After Stroke:________________________________________________ F. Severity(1) & Type(2) of Stroke: 1. a. Mild b. Moderate c. Severe 2. a. b. c. d. Cerebral Cerebellar Brainstem Global 2 G. Dysphagia Incidence and Identification: 1. Post- stroke dysphagia: Yes No O O 2. Diagnostic assessment method: a. Bedside evaluation O b. Clinical swallowing assessment O c. Observation during and / or after eating O d. Videofluoroscopic modified barium swallow O e. Videofluoroscopic swallowing study O f. Other: ___________________________________________ 3. Dysphagia diagnostic details: a. Oral preparatory phase problems b. Oral phase problems c. Pharyngeal phase problems d. Oesophageal phase problems 4. Dysphagia Severity & Feeding: a. Able to feed self independently O b. Diet i. Oral ii. Non-oral O O c. Stage of Diet: i. ___________ * I.e. PEG, NGT, Stage 1, 2, 3 or 4; 4 meaning full ward diet. d. Functional Independence & Assessment Measure (FIM/FAM) score (If Applicable): ______ (1 – 7). 5. Oral Sensory Motor Evaluation (OSME): i. Normal Structures ii. Normal Functioning iii. Abnormalities Specific: O _____ _____ ___________ iv. Other: H. Dysphagia Management: 1. Did the patient receive treatment for dysphagia? Yes No 2. Management techniques used in the rehabilitation clinic: a. Speech therapy: 3 i. Monitoring swallowing ii. Dietary modifications (changing food consistency) iii. Swallowing techniques O O O b. Dietician: i. Dietary modifications (change food consistency) ii. Nutritional modifications iii. Counseling O O c. Short-term nasogastric feeding tube (NGT) O d. PEG tube feeding e. Other _________________________________________________ 3. Number of times dysphagia treatment(s) was/were received: v. Every day O vi. Other: _________________ I. Fatality: Incidence and Cause: 1. Did morbidity occur? Yes No 2. Was the cause of morbidity related to the patient’s dysphagia? Yes No 3. Cause of dysphagia-related morbidity: e. Aspiration Pneumonia f. Pneumonia g. Aspiration ` h. Malnutrition i. Dehydration j. Asphyxia k. Lung infection l. Complications due to PEG tube insertion m. Other ______________________________________________ L. Personality/ Behaviour Disturbances Post-Stroke: a) Changes in general b) Depression c) Lack motivation d) Impulsivity e) Aggression f) Loss of temper/ short temper g) Memory loss for accident h) Irritability i) Appetite disturbances j) Sleep disturbances k) Lack of insight l) Lack of confidence m) Inattention/ reduced alertness 4 n) o) p) q) r) s) t) u) Anxiety Emotional withdrawal/ blunted affect Disinhibition Guilt feelings Frustration/ agitation Social isolation No disturbances Other: ____________________ N. Cognition Post-stroke: a) Orientation b) Attention/ concentration c) Motor speed d) Constructional e) Memory a. Incidental memory b. Verbal learning/ short-term memory f) Executive function g) Higher Order Language i. Perceive the main point ii. Inferential skill iii. Reasoning and problem solving iv. Planning O