Appendix Figure 1. Age-specific annual female breast cancer incidence(red)/mortality(blue) in Hong Kong, and fitted values (lines) from the age-period-cohort model. Gray lines represent the 95% credible intervals around the respective projected incidence/mortality for 2011 to 2025. Appendix Figure 2. Mean parity number (1960-2011), and median childbearing age for first birth in Hong Kong (1971-2011). Appendix Figure 3. Estimated 1-(M/I) ratio based on the age-period-cohort models for breast cancer mortality and incidence, 1976-2025. 1 Appendix Table 1. Jointpoint analysis of breast cancer incidence and mortality rates, ages 20 or above, 1976-2010, Hong Kong Trend 1 Incidence Mortality Years 1976-1993 1976-1993 Trend 2 sAPC 1.24* 0.35* Years 1993-2010 1993-2010 sAPC 2.14* -0.39* OAPC 1.69* -0.02* sAPC = segmented annual percent change OAPC = overall annual percent change * Statistically significant, p-value < 0.05 2 Appendix 1 Data sources We obtained age-specific breast cancer incidence, death data and mid-year population figures for the years 1976-2010 from the HK Cancer Registry, the Death Registry and the Census and Statistics Department, respectively. The Hong Kong Cancer Registry, an accredited member of the International Association of Cancer Registries, is a population-based registry covering the entire HK resident population (6.86 million people in mid 2010). Information on newly diagnosed cases is collected from both the private and public service sectors (mainly through departments of clinical and radiation oncology and histopathology), from the Hong Kong Death Registry which is a population-based registry covering all registered deaths for the Hong Kong population, and from voluntary notification by medical practitioners. The completeness and quality of data from both the Hong Kong Cancer Registry and the Hong Kong Death Registry has been reported to be good, with over 95% coverage for most cancers.30 Bayesian age-period-cohort model We modeled breast cancer incidence and mortality using age-period-cohort APC models3,4,7, which decomposes incidence and mortality rates over time by the three determinants. This method enabled us to estimate the relative contributions of age of diagnosis/death, period of diagnosis/death and birth cohort effects on the disease risk and mortality. In the models, we restricted our interpretation on the second order change (i.e., inflection point), due to inherent identification problem3,4,7. The identifiability problem was one of the practical issues in estimation in the APC models because of the inter-dependency of three effects. For instance, year of birth cohort was derived from age at diagnosis/death and period at diagnosis/death. In the Bayesian APC model, we specified the second-order Gaussian autoregressive priors in which the initial expected value of each effect was based on an extrapolation from its two previous predecessors. Based on the fitted model, we projected future incidence/mortality in three 5-year periods up to 2025. We estimated the model parameters using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulations with five concurrent chains starting at different initial values since comparison of multiple chains enabled us to discern convergence. We used the criteria R-hat to monitor convergence.31 On the basis of the values of R-hat, we discarded the first 5,000 samples as a burn-in period, and then took a further 20,000 samples from the posterior distributions. The parameter estimates and the derived rates were summarized in terms of posterior means and 95% credible intervals. The model goodness-of-fit was measured by the posterior mean deviance D.32 To compare models, the deviance information 3 criterion (DIC) was estimated so as to adjust the posterior mean deviance with the number of parameters in the model. A smaller DIC implies a better fit. All analyses were implemented using Joinpoint 4.0.1, R version 3.1.0 and WinBUGS version 1.4. 4