the radiology department - the University of Salford

Radiology Welcome Pack
Sister E McKnight October 2014 Version 1
Radiology Welcome Pack
Introduction and Overview……………………………………………………………….3
Key personnel………………………………………………………….............................6
Placement philosophy………………………………………………………………….…7
Shift patterns………………………………………………………………………………..8
Housekeeping arrangements…………………………………………………………….9
Mentoring Arrangements………………………………………………………………....9
Dress Code………………………………………………………………………………….9
Examples of Pathways of care…………………………………………………………10
Spoke Directory and Contact Details…………………………………………………11
Learning Opportunities available……………………………………………………...14
Resources available to support learning…………………………………………….16
Interactive Content………………………………………………………………………17
The Placement Charter………………………………………………………………….42
Sister E McKnight October 2014 Version 1
Radiology Welcome Pack
Introduction and Overview
Welcome to the radiology department. We hope you enjoy your learning experience.
This booklet has been designed to help orientate you to your new environment. All
the staff are dedicated to supporting students and we respect the contribution you
can make to the team during your stay. We hope that your time is enjoyable,
rewarding and challenging. The department offers a learning environment, which
encourages students to ask questions at any time in relation to any aspect of the
placement or patient care. You will remain supernumerary at all times.
About the Department
The Radiology Department is divided into several areas
Radiology One is located on Level 1of The Turnberg Building and contains the
following areas:General X-ray rooms 1-5
Angiography room 6 (Gastro and renal interventions some musculoskeletal
Fluoroscopy rooms 7+ 8 (Gastro diagnostics and interventions)
Mammography (Biopsies)
CT – Neuro (Lung Biopsies)
Gamma Camera
Neuro MRI scanner is across the corridor from Radiology 1in The Irving Building
Radiology Two is located on Level 1of the Ladywell Building and contains the
following areas:General X-ray rooms
Body MRI scanner
Body CT scanner (Biopsies, drainages)
General Ultrasound (Biopsies, drainages)
The Neuro-Angiography suite is located on Level 3 of the Turnberg Building adjacent
to theatres and SAL 3 (Neuro-interventions)
Obstetric and gynaecological ultrasound scans are performed in the Ultrasound suite
in the Brooke Building, Level 1.
A third CT scanner and plain film x-ray room is located in the Emergency Village,
Level 1 of the Hope Building.
Radiology is a very diverse and interesting place to work; changes in methods of
diagnosis and treatment are taking place all the time.
We care for adult clients who require radiological procedures both diagnostic and
therapeutic. We care for out patients and inpatients undergoing procedures including
Sister E McKnight October 2014 Version 1
Radiology Welcome Pack
CT, MRI and Ultrasound scanning. Patients from all specialities require a variety of
imaging techniques in their hospital experience.
The imaging department can offer you a wide variety of experiences in the
management, delivery and evaluation of care to patients requiring investigations and
treatments, plus experience in: Pre and Post procedure care
Monitoring of patients undergoing intervention
Managerial experience
Scrub technique and asepsis
Sedation of patients
Radiation Protection – see appendix 1
Multi disciplinary team working and meetings
Types of Procedures
This is by no means a comprehensive list of procedures.
In patient invasive procedures;  Biopsy
 Drainage
 Stents oesophageal, gastric and rectal
 Gastrostomy
 Nephrostomy
 PICC line insertion
 Coiling of cerebral aneurysm
Out-patient procedures;  Barium meal
 Small bowel enema
 Barium swallow
 Hysterosalpingogram
 Change of Nephrostomy or gastrostomy tube
 Micturating cystogram
Multidisciplinary Team
The Radiology department is a multidisciplinary team with each person within that
team bringing their own special knowledge; do not be afraid to ask questions, we are
all here to help one another to ensure our patients receive the best possible
treatment whilst they are in our care. All student nurses will have the opportunity to
rotate between all the individual departments within Radiology.
Sister E McKnight October 2014 Version 1
Radiology Welcome Pack
Radiology Nursing Staff
Senior Sister
Staff Nurse
Staff Nurse
Staff Nurse
Staff Nurse
Staff Nurse
Assistant Practioner
Health Care Assistant
Health Care Assistant
Clinical Support
Clinical Support
Elaine McKnight
Paula Mitchell-Harper
Elaine Penberthy
Stacey Hull
Le Xu
Helen T-Michael
Michelle Thompson
Jacqui Greenhalgh
Kelly Rees
Emma Power
John Law
Tel No
Gail Beaumont
Useful Contact Numbers
X-ray reception Rad 1
Room 6 / Angio level 1
Angio level 3
Sister E McKnight October 2014 Version 1
Radiology Welcome Pack
Key Personnel
The Placement Educational Lead (PEL) helps the development and maintenance of
an effective learning environment within the placement area.
The PEL for Radiology is:Elaine McKnight (Senior Sister) –
Telephone Number – 0161 206 0077.
The Practice Education Facilitators (PEF) aim is to support student learning and
assessment whilst on placement.
The PEF for Radiology is:Mike Hollinshead –
Telephone Number – 0161 206 8223
The Link Lecturer is the link between the University and the placement, their role is
to offer advice on any student issues.
The Link Lecturer for Radiology is:Mike Lappin –
Telephone Number – 0161 295 7288
Sister E McKnight October 2014 Version 1
Radiology Welcome Pack
Philosophy of the Radiology Department
A philosophy is a set of principles or beliefs, its ideals and its goals (Clodagh Gray
2004). The staff of the radiology department aim to:
View patients, carers and relatives as individuals who have needs which
require our help
Care for patients, carers and relatives unconditionally recognising and
respecting their individual personal, cultural and religious beliefs
Preserve a patient’s dignity
Protect an individual’s right to confidentiality
Treat with courtesy patients, carers and relatives as we would want our
families to be treated
Support patients, carers and relatives, involving them in decisions about their
treatment and care
Provide a high standard of care informed, were possible, by empirical
Promote health education and health promotion
Provide a work environment which is safe and supportive to students and all
team members
Supervise and teach students, encouraging them to build upon their previous
learning in order to meet the requirements for entry to the professional
Encourage each staff member to contribute in their own unique way to this
Promotes a no blame culture but learn together from our mistakes in order to
Embrace life long learning principles in order to practice with a sound body of
knowledge and competence
Sister E McKnight October 2014 Version 1
Radiology Welcome Pack
Shift Patterns
The routine of the department will be discussed with you when you begin your
placement. We are a friendly team, which believe in supporting each other at all
times, so that the best possible care can be delivered to our patients.
Our normal hours are from 08.00hrs until 18.00hrs Monday to Friday; however these
times may vary to suit the needs of the department.
If you are going to be off for any reason, please ring the department at the earliest
possible time, on 0161 206 2206 or 5091. Please inform the staff when you will next
contact the department or will be returning to work.
The Off Duty is done six weeks in advance and can be found in the blue folder in
Room 6 and Angio Level 3.
Leaving the Department – Under no circumstances should any nurse leave the
department without informing a senior member of staff where they are going, this is
for Health and Safety reasons.
Clinical Governance – As part of the Clinical Governance Initiative the Trust has set
out ‘Protected Time’. This enables the majority of staff to come together every two
months and discuss/present issues of relevance to Radiology. It enables all staff to
keep up to date with topics that they otherwise would not hear about due to the
geographical logistics of Radiology. It also acts as a forum for presentations from
staff members of all sub-departments.
Sister E McKnight October 2014 Version 1
Radiology Welcome Pack
Housekeeping Arrangements
On your first day please come to Radiology 1 reception at 8.30am and you will be
directed to Room 6.
You will be oriented to the department and introduced to the staff. This will be carried
out by one of the nursing team who will be assigned to look after you.
We have very limited locker space so where possible please leave your personal
items at home or keep them on your person.
We have a staff room on Level 3 opposite the Neuro angiography suite where there
is tea and coffee making facilities and fridges to store you lunch. We will give you the
code to the staff room as you are very welcome to use it for your breaks.
We also have tea and coffee making facilities in Room 6, Radiology 1 which you are
also very welcome to use.
Mentoring Arrangements
On your first day you will meet your mentor who will welcome and orientate you to
the department. We are an extremely friendly team so you will be made to feel very
welcome. We all meet in Room 6 at 8.30am for Safety Huddle and Team discussion.
Your mentor will carry out your preliminary assessment, book dates for your initial,
mid-point and final assessments and assist you with identifying the appropriate
learning opportunities available to you. They will also facilitate helping you in meeting
your learning needs.
You will work at least 40% of your time with your mentor and work their shift pattern.
The majority of staff work 08.00-18.00 four days per week and have half an hour for
Dress Code
Please come to work wearing your student uniform which you must wear at all times
except when you are in the angiography department when you will wear theatre blue
scrub suits which are provided in the department as are changing facilities.
Sister E McKnight October 2014 Version 1
Radiology Welcome Pack
Examples of Pathways of Care (Patient Journeys)
The Radiology Department takes patients form across the hospital including all
wards and many departments. We also have a very large number of patients who
attend from home (Out patients). Therefore we can be caring for patients of all ages,
some are very well while others are on a ventilator and are from Intensive Care.
The radiology nurse team is part of a large multidisciplinary team that all work within
the Radiology Department. This team includes radiographers, radiologists and
clerical staff. For any interventional procedure there will always be a radiology nurse,
a radiographer and a radiologist.
We constantly communicate with nurses on the wards on how to prepare their
patients for an interventional radiology procedure, and how to care for that patient
post procedure. We also liaise with medical staff and specialist nurses.
Spoke Directory and Contact Details
Students are encouraged to spend time on spoke placements with the specialist
nurses and other members of the multidisciplinary team to enhance their learning.
This will allow the students to see patients in a different healthcare setting and gain
an insight to the many facets of patient care. The following spoke placements are
available providing a range of learning experiences:
We have divided our placement into 2 rings and a central hub. The central hub being
those rooms and lists that we cover regularly. The 1st ring shows those areas within
radiology that we do not cover regularly but will give our students an opportunity for
multidisciplinary working and the ability to follow a patient experience through
radiology. Many of these areas are where the patients undergo investigation before
they come to us for therapeutic intervention. The outer ring is generally where our
patients come from and go back to such as outpatient clinics and wards.
Sister E McKnight October 2014 Version 1
Radiology Welcome Pack
Spoke placements within radiology
Obstetrics and Gynaecology Ultrasound
Contact: Sharon Crawford 0161 206 5470
Learning outcomes available
Ultrasound imaging of obstetrics and gynaecology patients
Computerised Tomography (CT)
Contact: Mrudula Thaker 0161 206 7689
Learning outcomes available
CT imaging. Biopsies, drainages and aspirations under CT guidance.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Contact: Suzanne Phenna 0161 206 7689/0511
Learning outcomes available
MR imaging. Sedation/GA of patients for scans.
Contact: Catherine Hanna 0161 206 0320
Learning outcomes available
Imaging of patients with suspected breast carcinomas
Gamma Camera
Contact: Wendy Johns 0161 206 4872
Learning outcomes available
Observation of investigations including renogram, bone density scans, skeletal
survey for carcinoma, VQ scans breath tests for helicobacter
Fluoroscopy Room 7/8
Contact: Lisa Lyon 0161 206 5739/4941
Learning outcomes available
Barium meals and swallows. Complex bowel imaging. Micturating cystograms.
ERCPs. Colonic stents.
Sister E McKnight October 2014 Version 1
Radiology Welcome Pack
Spoke Placements outside radiology
Vascular Access Nurse
Contact: Ali Pondor 0161 206 61333
Learning outcomes available
Care of patients with who need renal vascular access
Renal Unit
Contact Janet Dunn
Learning outcomes available
Observing and caring for patients undergoing haemdialysis.
Level 1 Theatres
Contact: Linda Weir 0161 206 5734
Learning outcomes available
Observation of patients having fistula formation, ante grade renal stents and
percutaneous nephrolithotomy
H4 - Urology
Contact: Matron Charlotte Barrett 0161 206 5866
Learning outcomes available
Immediate post care of nephrostomy patients
Endoscopy Unit
Contact: Elaine Dyson 0161 206 1277
Learning outcomes available
Care of patients undergoing Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomies, endoscopic
retrograde chloangio-pancreatography
C1 – Investigation Unit
Contact: 62300
Learning outcomes available
Pre and post care of radiologically inserted gastrostomies
Motor Neurone Disease Specialist Nurse
Contact: Sam Holden-Smith
Learning outcomes available
Care of motor neurone disease patients
Upper Gastrointestinal (GI) Specialist Nurse
Contact: Jenny Stockton
Learning outcomes available
Support of patients with upper GI carcinomas
Colorectal Specialist Nurses
Contact: Amanda Ogden
Learning outcomes available
Support of patients with colorectal carcinomas
Sister E McKnight October 2014 Version 1
Radiology Welcome Pack
Contact: Kirstine Ferrar
Learning outcomes available
Nutritional support of patients with oesophageal stents and RIG’s
Speech therapy
Contact: Laura Davies
Learning outcomes available
Assessment of patients with swallowing difficulties using Videofluroscopy
Neuro - Theatres
Contact: Vicky Gibbons
Learning outcomes available
Clipping of cerebral aneurysm
Subarachnoid Specialist Nurse
Contact: Louise Dulhanty
Learning outcomes available
Care of patient post subarachnoid haemorrhage
Sister E McKnight October 2014 Version 1
Radiology Welcome Pack
Learning opportunities available
The imaging department offers a wide variety of learning opportunities including:
Contribution to the care pathway of a patient requiring imaging intervention.
Team working
Enhancement of your communication skills
Preparation of the clinical environment for the procedures
Assisting with the safe transfer of patients to and from the department
Observing new and innovative practices in diagnostic and therapeutic
Gaining an understanding of the physical and psychological aspects and
needs of patients undergoing procedures. Also including the level of support
required by relatives and significant others.
Development of your IT skills by using electronic patient records. Access to
intranet and Internet with hyperlinks to the student nurse website and student
notice board on the radiology website.
Interpretation of blood results, this will include understanding the relevance of
blood clotting results and the anti coagulation requirements of vascular
Developing an understanding of the most common medicines used in this
Monitoring of patients under conscious sedation.
Learning the importance of using aseptic technique when preparing and
working close to a sterile field
Managing lists that include patients with MRSA and other infectious
Training in radiation awareness and MR safety.
Access to practice placement policies and professional codes.
Access to resource and competency packs for all hub placements.
Access to a range of spoke placements.
Sister E McKnight October 2014 Version 1
Radiology Welcome Pack
There are many opportunities for the Student to assist with the Health education of
the patient.
 Assisting with the after care of radiologically inserted gastrostomy tubes, for
patients, carers and nursing staff.
 Advising new oesophageal stent patients and their carers regarding diet.
 Advising patients with regard to a variety of imaging techniques
Links to useful websites
Sister E McKnight October 2014 Version 1
Radiology Welcome Pack
Staff Profile and Expertise
Senior Sister
Elaine McKnight
Paula Mitchell-Harper
Staff Nurse
Le Xu
Staff Nurse
Elaine Wilkins
Staff Nurse
Helen T-Michael
Staff Nurse
Michelle Thompson
Staff Nurse
Stacey Hull
Assistant Practioner
Jacqueline Greenhalgh
Health Care Assistant
Kelly Green
Health Care Assistant
Emma Power
Support Worker
John Law
Support Worker
Gail Beaumont
Department Management, Gastroenterology, Renal
and Vascular. Practice education lead
Neuro – angiography Male catheterisation lead
Neuro, Renal, vascular and gastro angiography.
Infection control link. Mentor
Neuro – angiography. Male/Female catheterisation
Neuro, Renal, vascular and gastro angiography.
Mentor. ANTT and IV link.
Diabetic link nurse, Female catheterisation.
Neuro, Renal, vascular and gastro angiography.
Neuro – angiography. Female catheterisation
Patient preparation, drainages/biopsies, stock coordinator. Female catheterisation. Dementia link.
Patient preparation, drainages/biopsies,
gastroenterology. Female catheterisation.
Resuscitation link
Portering, Circulating assistant
Portering, Circulating assistant
Mentor Development
All staff require education training updates annually and this will become part of the
development of mentors program along with regular feedback meetings. All mentors
are registered on the database.
Sister E McKnight October 2014 Version 1
Radiology Welcome Pack
Can you label all the parts of the Stomach?
Cardiac Sphincter
Pyloric Sphincter
Pyloric Antrum
Sister E McKnight October 2014 Version 1
Radiology Welcome Pack
Gastrointestinal System – Can you identify all the parts of the GI system?
Sister E McKnight October 2014 Version 1
Radiology Welcome Pack
Can you label all the parts of the kidney?
(Use the labels below)
Sister E McKnight October 2014 Version 1
Radiology Welcome Pack
Can you label the Nephron?
Sister E McKnight October 2014 Version 1
Radiology Welcome Pack
Can you label all the parts of the Urinary System?
(Use the labels below)
1. Adrenal Gland
6. Renal Vein
2. Right Kidney
7. Left Kidney
3. Ureter
8. Abdominal Aorta
4. Urinary Bladder
9. Inferior Vena Cava
5. Renal Artery
11. Urethra
10. Common iliac artery and vein
Sister E McKnight October 2014 Version 1
Radiology Welcome Pack
Quiz for student nurse at the end of placement in Radiology
1. What is the GI tract?
2. What reasons may an individual needs an oesophageal stent?
3. What are the risks and complications relate to RIG(radiologically inserted
4. What is aneurysm? What are the possible contributing factors?
5. What are complications of endovascular coiling?
6. What is a nephrostomy and what’s the common reason it is performed?
Sister E McKnight October 2014 Version 1
Radiology Welcome Pack
7. What is fistular angioplasty and why it is performed?
8. What is IVC filter and why it is inserted ?
9. Why is infection control so important in radiology?
10. What is the medication used in radiology for sedation ,and what are the sideeffects?
Sister E McKnight October 2014 Version 1
Radiology Welcome Pack
1 - Midazolam
Side effects:
Route of administration:
Sister E McKnight October 2014 Version 1
Radiology Welcome Pack
2 –Oxycodone
Side effects:
Route of administration:
Sister E McKnight October 2014 Version 1
Radiology Welcome Pack
3 – Fentanyl
Side effects:
Route of administration:
Sister E McKnight October 2014 Version 1
Radiology Welcome Pack
4 – Gentamycin
Side effects:
Route of administration:
Sister E McKnight October 2014 Version 1
Radiology Welcome Pack
5 – Co-amoxiclav
Side effects:
Route of administration:
Sister E McKnight October 2014 Version 1
Radiology Welcome Pack
6 – Buscopan
Side effects:
Route of administration:
Sister E McKnight October 2014 Version 1
Radiology Welcome Pack
7 – Nimodipine
Side effects:
Route of administration:
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Radiology Welcome Pack
8 – Sodium Amytal
Side effects:
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Radiology Welcome Pack
Route of administration:
9 – Aspirin
Side effects:
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Radiology Welcome Pack
Route of administration:
10 – Warfarin
Side effects:
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Radiology Welcome Pack
Route of administration:
11 – Heparin
Side effects:
Sister E McKnight October 2014 Version 1
Radiology Welcome Pack
Route of administration:
12 – Tinzaparin
Side effects:
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Radiology Welcome Pack
Route of administration:
13 – Lidocaine
Side effects:
Sister E McKnight October 2014 Version 1
Radiology Welcome Pack
Route of administration:
14 – Omnipaque
Side effects:
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Radiology Welcome Pack
Route of administration:
15 – Optiray
Side effects:
Sister E McKnight October 2014 Version 1
Radiology Welcome Pack
Route of administration:
Useful Facts
Controlled drugs (CD‟s) defined in this policy are those substances contained within
Schedules 1 and 2 of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971. The Trust, however, has
extended this term to include other substances that are open to abuse, or are high
risk medicines or „controlled‟ for other reasons. These substances include oral
morphine solution 10mg/5ml, Temazepam, Midazolam, Ketamine, mifepristone and
strong potassium chloride injection/solutions.
Controlled drugs held in the Radiology department, this MUST be requisitioned by
Radiologists, registered nurses working in the radiology department or operating
department practitioners. Registered radiographers may receive and perform daily
balance checks on the stock held but are not allowed to requisition.
Medicines must be stored in the containers in which they are supplied by the
Pharmacy department. They must never be transferred to another container. The
only approved exception is for ampoules of sodium chloride 0.9% and water for
injection (WFI).
The stock balance of CDs entered in the ward or department CD record book against
stocks held in the cupboard MUST be checked every 24 hours as a minimum. This
MUST be carried out by registered nurses, midwives or registered health care
Sister E McKnight October 2014 Version 1
Radiology Welcome Pack
professionals. The details of the check carried out should be recorded with the date
and time of reconciliation and signature of the nurse, midwife or ODP and the
There MUST be two members of staff involved in the administration of a controlled
drug one of whom MUST be a registered general nurse (RGN) or midwife, doctor or
ODP. The second person (the witness) can be an RGN, midwife, doctor, and
pharmacist or registered ODP. In community hospitals an appropriately trained
nursing auxiliary may be appropriate but only where one registered nurse is on duty
and a doctor is unavailable.
Student nurses may be the witness for a qualified nurse but this will depend on
experience and the complexity of the controlled drug that is being administered.
The Five R’s
When administering medication the:
Right patient should get the
Right medication at the
Right time at the
Right dose, by the
Right route
Sister E McKnight October 2014 Version 1
Radiology Welcome Pack
Along with this workbook read the Trust policies for the administration of
This is available on synapse.
Sister E McKnight October 2014 Version 1
Radiology Welcome Pack
Achieving excellence in learning and
Placement Charter
This Charter demonstrates the Placement’s commitment to provide
a safe and high quality learning environment for all learners to
prepare them for their future roles working collaboratively in multiprofessional teams. The ‘Placement Pledges’ and the ‘Rights,
Roles and Responsibilities of learners’ instil the values embedded
within the NHS Constitution (DH 2013) and Health Education
England’s NHS Education Outcomes Framework (DH 2012).
Placement Pledges
Rights, Roles and Responsibilities of
Ensure all learners are welcomed,
valued and provided with an inclusive,
safe, stimulating and supportive learning
Prepare adequately for the placement,
including contact with the placement in
advance. Disclose any health or learning
needs that may impact on the placement,
or the achievement of learning outcomes.
Promote a healthy and ‘just’ workplace
culture built on openness and
accountability, encouraging all learners
to raise any concerns they may have
about poor practice or ‘risk’, including
unacceptable behaviours and attitudes
they observe at the earliest reasonable
opportunity. Respond appropriately
when concerns are raised.
Raise any serious concerns about poor
practice or ‘risk’, including unacceptable
behaviours and attitudes observed at the
earliest opportunity. Be clear who to
report any concerns to in order to ensure
that high quality, safe care to patients
/service users and carers is delivered by
all staff.
Provide all learners with a named and
appropriately qualified / suitably
prepared mentor / placement educator to
supervise support and assess all
learners during their placement
Actively engage as an independent
learner, discuss learning outcomes with
an identified named mentor / placement
educator, and maximise all available
learning opportunities.
Provide role modelling and leadership in
learning and working, including the
demonstration of core NHS ‘values and
behaviours’ of care and compassion,
equality, respect and dignity, promoting
and fostering those values in others.
Observe effective leadership behaviour of
healthcare workers, and learn the
required NHS ‘values and behaviours’ of
care and compassion, equality, respect
and dignity, promoting and fostering
those values in others.
Facilitate a learner’s development,
Be proactive and willing to learn with,
Sister E McKnight October 2014 Version 1
Radiology Welcome Pack
including respect for diversity of culture
and values around collaborative
planning, prioritisation and delivery of
care, with the learner as an integral part
of the multi-disciplinary team.
from and about other professions, other
learners and with service users and
carers in the placement. Demonstrate
respect for diversity of culture and values,
learning and working as part of the multidisciplinary team.
Facilitate breadth of experience and
inter-professional learning in
placements, structured with the patient,
service user and carer at the centre of
care delivery, e.g. patient care pathways
and commissioning frameworks.
Maximise the opportunity to experience
the delivery of care in a variety of practice
settings, and seek opportunities to learn
with and from patients, service users and
Sister E McKnight October 2014 Version 1
Radiology Welcome Pack
Adopt a flexible approach, utilising
generic models of learner support,
information, guidance, feedback and
assessment across the placement circuit
in order to support the achievement of
placement learning outcomes for all
Ensure effective use of available support,
information and guidance, reflect on all
learning experiences, including feedback
given, and be open and willing to change
and develop on a personal and
professional level.
Offer a learning infrastructure and
resources to meet the needs of all
learners, ensuring that all staff who
supervise learners undertake their
responsibilities with the due care and
diligence expected by their respective
professional and regulatory body and
Comply with placement policies,
guidelines and procedures, and uphold
the standards of conduct, performance
and ethics expected by respective
professional and regulatory bodies and
Respond to feedback from all learners on Evaluate the placement to inform realistic
the quality of the placement experience
improvements, ensuring that informal
to make improvements for all learners.
and formal feedback is provided in an
open and constructive manner.
• ‘Learner’ refers to all health, education and social care students, trainees, hosted
• ‘Placement’ relates to all learning environments / work based learning experiences.
• ‘Mentor’/ ‘placement educator’ relates to all trainers / supervisors / coordinators
appropriately qualified / suitably prepared to support learners.
• ‘Professional and regulatory body and organisation’ relates to standards required to
ensure patient
and public safety, and professional behaviours.
Developed in the North West by healthcare learners, service users, carers, and
health and social care staff from all professions in the North West region.
Health Education North West
Sister E McKnight October 2014 Version 1
Radiology Welcome Pack
Sister E McKnight October 2014 Version 1
Radiology Welcome Pack
Sister E McKnight October 2014 Version 1