KHS PUPIL BULLETIN NO. (19) Commencing Wednesday 21st January 2015 A FIRE ALARM TEST IS CARRIED 10.40am – NO ACTION SHOULD BE TAKEN. OUT EVERY FRIDAY AT JOCHIL OF THE WEEK “Who is the one person that arm wrestlers don’t want to meet?” “Neil Armstrong”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CAMPUS LOST PROPERTY Items found – w/c 12th January Bag 1 Bag 2 Light blue / dark blue hoody White shorts Plastic bag with sports kit, with school sports hoody Blue ‘river island’ jumper Black/blue coat in plastic bag Black, ‘V’ neck jumper White sports kit, incl. school sports t-shirt in plastic Purple shorts x3 bag, White/hooded body warmer Black ‘V’ neck jumper Black ‘V’ neck jumper ‘Fotheringhame’ White shorts Light blue hat Sports kit , with a very little pink hat, in plastic bag Hood from a coat. Black/yellow School tie Pair of black gloves Black wool hat Pair of red, fingerless, gloves Very, very small red bobble hat iphone case Red, pom pom Purple wallet White shorts CHEMISTRY STUDY CLASSES Study classes run every week at the following times: Wednesday lunchtime 1.30 onwards – mainly for Higher pupils – Dr Armstrong’s room Thursday lunchtime 1.30 onwards – mainly for Nat 5 pupils – Mrs Forrest’s room Advanced Higher by appointment with Mr Peddie. In addition between now and the prelims there will be an after school class on Wednesday from 15.40 to 16.30 in Dr Armstrong’s room YOUNG CHEF COMPETITION Congratulations to Eilidh Robertson S1 and Aaron Watts (S4) who represented the school at the Regional Heats of the Springboard Young Chef Competition. Eilidh (one of the youngest competitors) won 1st prize and will go onto represent the school at the Scottish final. Eilidh made an amazing Beetroot risotto with sprouts and baked feta, and Mont Blanc Macaroons. Well done. Mrs Cairney MEDIC INSIGHT PROGRAMME Are you interested in a career in medicine? Do you have predicted grades of AAABB with Chemistry and Biology? If you do, then the Medic Insight Programme is a fantastic work experience opportunity for you! Please see posters on house room doors or the school website for further information. Please let Mrs Morran know if you are applying and/or want some support in doing so. Mrs Morran S3 BRONZE DofE Please meet in Mrs Summers’ room on Friday at 2pm for the next afternoon training session. Ensure your EDofE is update. Mrs McKay/Miss Young S3 LANGUAGES WORK All S3 pupils are involved in a ‘Languages Work’ afternoon on Monday 26th January in the hall. All S3 pupils will be in the hall periods 6 and 7. Pupils should go straight to the hall after lunch. Pupils will be registered in the hall. Modern Languages Department SKI TRIP 2015 There will be a short meeting of all pupils going on the ski trip this Thursday (tomorrow) at 1.30 in the PE classroom. Attendance is compulsory! Mrs Page PUPIL COUNCIL A reminder to all pupil councillors that our next meeting will be next week, Wednesday 28th, at TSG time in the usual place. If you haven’t done so already, please collect the minutes from our previous meeting before Christmas from me. Looking forward to seeing you all there, Mr. M GIRLS’ FOOTBALL The Girls Football will be starting up again on Tuesday 27th January for anyone who is interested in going along. If poor weather we will go indoors. Miss Malcolm, PE will be leading the sessions for this term. Victoria Spence, Active Schools Coordinator S1-S3 DANCE AFTER SCHOOL CLUB Dance After School club will be starting back next week on Thursday 29th from 4-5pm in the Dance Studio. Anyone from S1-S3 is welcome to go along. Victoria Spence, Active Schools Coordinator DANCE LEADERFEST There is a celebration event for any pupils who have completed their Dance leader award through YDance. Includes workshops, performances, special guests and awards. These pupils include Demi Moran, Kirsty Stoton, Tiffany Mabbott, Emma Thornton, Holly Greenshields & Iona Stevenson. If any of these pupils are interested in going to the Dance Leaderfest in Edinburgh on Saturday 21st March from 9.30am-8pm please see Victoria Spence on Thursday lunch time in the PE Classroom. Victoria Spence, Active Schools Coordinator SCHOOL SHOW 2015 AUDITIONS!!! DRAMA STUDIO, FRIDAY 23nd JANUARY 1:20 Are you interested in being in a SCHOOL SHOW?? We are holding auditions for a school show which will be performed in the summer term and are looking for pupils of all ages who have an interest in drama and music. Actors, singers and musicians are welcome to come to a first information meeting in the drama studio ON FRIDAY at 1:20 where you can find out more about the show! Not an actor? We are also looking for Crew to work on lighting, set, sound and costume! Come along to the information meeting on Friday. Mrs MacPherson WORLD CHALLENGE – TEAM 1 Team 1 have a meeting tomorrow (Thursday the 22nd) at 1.20pm in Mrs Kemp’s room. Mrs Kemp SILVER DofE SILVERS - Our next meeting is scheduled for Friday 30th January … 1.45pm Mrs Stevenson’s room. DIRECT SILVERS - Remember you need to attend all the Bronze training meetings the next one is this Friday afternoon! Attendance is COMPULSORY. Mrs Morran WORLD CHALLENGE – TEAM 2 Next meeting – Wednesday 28th January 1.20pm Ochil House Room CONCERTO AUDITIONS The Instrumental Music Service will be holding auditions for potential soloists who would like to perform a concerto with one of the central Music Ensembles. Applications need to be returned by Tuesday 24 February 2015. Please see Mr Rosie or your instrumental Music Instructor for more details. Mr Rosie SINGING@KINROSS Come and join our new vocal group on Mondays at 1.25pm in Music Room 1. Sing a variety of songs, make new friends and have fun. All welcome. Mr Rosie BRASS AND PERCUSSION INSTRUCTION There are vacancies for Brass and Percussion lessons, please see Mr Rosie if you are interested. Mr Rosie DEBATING “This House believes that all politicians should have to stand as independent, unaffiliated candidates in elections” Speaking FOR are Jack Watson and Mr. Winter and OPPOSING are Freddie Bull and Nicholas Baughan. This motion is the one Freddie and Nicholas will be debating in the next round of their debating competition, so a good turn out would be appreciated. Mrs. Winter INTERESTED IN A CAREER IN COMPUTER GAMES? London Student Conferences with the Game Masters Exhibition (Edinburgh) proudly presents ‘So you want a career in Computer Games?’ On Wednesday 11th March 2015 @ Augustine United Church, Edinburgh (near National Museum of Scotland) A unique event to combine a visit to the GAME MASTERS Exhibition at the National Museum of Scotland with expert lectures, aimed at school leavers, from leading professionals in the Games Industry. Computer Game Design Specialists will talk to your students about the skill set, knowledge and academic background involved in creating a computer game PLUS students will be able to visit to the Game Masters Exhibition (2 minutes away). There they will be able view and play on games created over the last few decades. We aim to ignite curiosity and bring a measure of reality for students who are considering a career in one of the fastest growing industries in the world. Student Ticket Prices: £23 (includes entry ticket to Game Masters Exhibition) (All Students must be accompanied by a Teacher – Teacher Place per Student Group is Free) Game Masters Exhibition Entry Time Slots Available in the morning or afternoon Expert Lecture Zone: 12-2 p.m To learn more and book your places visit or contact Book now as places are limited!